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Compositions for chemical mechanical planarization of tantalum and tantalum nitride 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C09G-001/02
  • C09G-001/04
  • C09K-013/00
  • C09K-013/04
  • C09K-013/06
출원번호 US-0965233 (2001-09-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Small, Robert J.
  • Peterson, Maria
  • Truong, Tuan
  • Carter, Melvin Keith
  • Yao, Lily
출원인 / 주소
  • EKC Technology, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Parsons Hsue & de Runtz LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 32


The present invention relates to compositions for the chemical mechanical planarization ("CMP") of barrier/adhesion layers, particularly Ta/TaN barrier/adhesion layers as occur in the manufacture of integrated circuits. CMP compositions comprise an aqueous solution of oxidizer and colloidal silica a


The present invention relates to compositions for the chemical mechanical planarization ("CMP") of barrier/adhesion layers, particularly Ta/TaN barrier/adhesion layers as occur in the manufacture of integrated circuits. CMP compositions comprise an aqueous solution of oxidizer and colloidal silica a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (32)

  1. Watts David ; Bajaj Rajeev ; Das Sanjit ; Farkas Janos ; Dang Chelsea ; Freeman Melissa ; Saravia Jaime A. ; Gomez Jason ; Cook Lance B., Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) slurry for copper and method of use in integrated circuit manufacture.
  2. Small Robert J. ; McGhee Laurence,GBX ; Maloney David J. ; Peterson Maria L., Chemical mechanical polishing composition and process.
  3. Neville Matthew (Champaign IL) Fluck David J. (Pesotum IL) Hung Cheng-Hung (Champaign IL) Lucarelli Michael A. (Mattoon IL) Scherber Debra L. (Orangevale CA), Chemical mechanical polishing slurry for metal layers.
  4. Scherber Debra L. ; Kaufman Vlasta Brusic ; Kistler Rodney C. ; Mueller Brian L. ; Streinz Christopher C., Chemical mechanical polishing slurry for metal layers and films.
  5. Kaufman Vlasta Brusic ; Kistler Rodney C., Chemical mechanical polishing slurry useful for copper substrates.
  6. Kaufman Vlasta Brusic ; Kistler Rodney C. ; Wang Shumin, Chemical mechanical polishing slurry useful for copper/tantalum substrate.
  7. Avanzino Steven C. ; Erb Darrell M. ; Schonauer Diana M. ; Yang Kai, Chemically removable Cu CMP slurry abrasive.
  8. Jia Kang, Colloidal silica slurry for NiP plated disk polishing.
  9. Fang Mingming ; Mueller Brian L. ; Dirksen James A., Composition and method for planarizing surfaces.
  10. Carpio Ronald A., Copper chemical mechanical polishing slurry utilizing a chromate oxidant.
  11. Sherman Peter G. (Suite 400 ; 1130 E. Third St. Charlotte NC 28204-2660), Dry granular composition for, and method of, polishing ferrous components.
  12. Roberts John V. H. (Newark DE), Method and composition for polishing metal surfaces.
  13. Zhou Mei Sheng,SGX ; Chu Ron-Fu,SGX, Method and slurry composition for chemical-mechanical polish (CMP) planarizing of copper containing conductor layers.
  14. Zhou Mei Sheng,SGX ; Ron-Fu Chu,SGX, Method for chemical-mechanical polish (CMP) planarizing of cooper containing conductor layers.
  15. Arcilesi Donald A. (Mt. Clemens MI) Doty Warren R. (Los Alamos NM), Method for treating polymeric substrates prior to plating employing accelerating composition containing an alkyl amine.
  16. Yu Chris C. (Boise ID) Doan Trung T. (Boise ID), Method of chemical mechanical polishing predominantly copper containing metal layers in semiconductor processing.
  17. Obeng Yaw Samuel, Method of polishing.
  18. Mingming Fang, Method of polishing a memory or rigid disk with an ammonia-and/or halide-containing composition.
  19. Farkas Janos (Austin TX) Jairath Rahul (Austin TX) Stell Matt (Folsom CA) Tzeng Sing-Mo (Austin TX), Method of using additives with silica-based slurries to enhance selectivity in metal CMP.
  20. Kwon Chul-soon,KRX, Methods of fabricating copper interconnects for integrated circuits.
  21. Nelson, Norvell J., Nickel etching process and solution.
  22. Isao Ota JP; Tohru Nishimura JP; Yoshitane Watanabe JP; Yoshiyuki Kashima JP; Kiyomi Ema JP; Yutaka Ohmori JP, Polishing composition.
  23. Kodama Hitoshi (Aichi-ken JPX) Iwasa Shoji (Aichi-ken JPX), Polishing composition.
  24. Kondo Seiichi,JPX ; Homma Yoshio,JPX ; Sakuma Noriyuki,JPX ; Takeda Kenichi,JPX ; Hinode Kenji,JPX, Polishing method.
  25. Liu Lei ; Kwok Doris, Polishing slurry.
  26. Small Robert J., Post clean treatment.
  27. Small Robert J., Post clean treatment composition comprising an organic acid and hydroxylamine.
  28. Osborg Hans (80 Longview Road Port Washington NY 11050), Process for preparing hydrazines.
  29. Sharifian Hossein (Austin TX) Tanner Alan R. (Austin TX), Process for reducing the acid content of hydroxylamine salt solutions and for preparing hydroxylamines from hydroxylamin.
  30. Gardner Mark I. ; Hause Fred N., Semiconductor fabrication employing copper plug formation within a contact area.
  31. Cadien Kenneth C. (Portland OR) Feller Daniel A. (Portland OR), Slurries for chemical mechanical polishing.
  32. Yu Chris C. (Boise ID) Doan Trung T. (Boise ID), Slurries for chemical mechanically polishing copper containing metal layers.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. Liu,Zhendong, Corrosion-resistant barrier polishing solution.
  2. Morimoto, Tamotsu; Miyazawa, Hideaki; Fusen, Masahiro; Kanda, Koichi; Nakagama, Susumu, Electroconductive laminate, and electromagnetic wave shielding film and protective plate for plasma display.
  3. Nowling, Gregory; Foster, John, Low temperature etching of silicon nitride structures using phosphoric acid solutions.
  4. Duong, Anh; Ryan, Errol Todd, Method to etch Cu/Ta/TaN selectively using dilute aqueous HF/H2SO4 solution.
  5. Duong, Anh; Ryan, Errol Todd, Method to etch Cu/Ta/TaN selectively using dilute aqueous HF/HCI solution.
  6. Briggs, Benjamin D.; Huang, Elbert E.; Patlolla, Raghuveer R.; Peethala, Cornelius B.; Rath, David L.; Shobha, Hosadurga, Selective and non-selective barrier layer wet removal.
  7. Briggs, Benjamin D.; Huang, Elbert E.; Patlolla, Raghuveer R.; Peethala, Cornelius B.; Rath, David L.; Shobha, Hosadurga, Selective and non-selective barrier layer wet removal.
  8. Briggs, Benjamin D.; Huang, Elbert E.; Patlolla, Raghuveer R.; Peethala, Cornelius B.; Rath, David L.; Shobha, Hosadurga, Selective and non-selective barrier layer wet removal.
  9. Duong, Anh; Ryan, Errol Todd, Selective etching of copper and copper-barrier materials by an aqueous base solution with fluoride addition.
  10. Ferranti,Steven A., Slurry composition and method for polishing organic polymer-based ophthalmic substrates.
  11. Ferranti,Steven A., Slurry composition and method for polishing organic polymer-based ophthalmic substrates.
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