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CMP compositions selective for oxide and nitride with high removal rate and low defectivity 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-021/3063
  • H01L-021/306
  • C09K-003/14
  • H01L-021/3105
  • C09G-001/02
출원번호 US-0799680 (2013-03-13)
등록번호 US-8916061 (2014-12-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Reiss, Brian
  • Willhoff, Michael
  • Mateja, Daniel
출원인 / 주소
  • Cabot Microelectronics Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Omholt, Thomas E
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 27


The invention relates to a chemical-mechanical polishing composition comprising a ceria abrasive, cations of one or more lanthanide metals, one or more nonionic polymers, water, and optionally one or more additives. The invention further relates to a method of chemically-mechanically polishing a sub


1. A chemical-mechanical polishing composition comprising: (a) a ceria abrasive,(b) cations of one or more lanthanide metals,(c) one or more nonionic polymers selected from the group consisting of alkylene oxide, containing polymers, acrylamide polymers, and mixtures thereof,(d) one or more phosphin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (27)

  1. Birang Manoocher ; Pyatigorsky Grigory, Apparatus and method for in-situ monitoring of chemical mechanical polishing operations.
  2. Haruki Nojo JP; Sumit Pandey ; Jeremy Stephens ; Ravikumar Ramachandran, Ceria slurry solution for improved defect control of silicon dioxide chemical-mechanical polishing.
  3. Braconnier,Jean Jacques, Cerium phosphate and/or lanthanum sol preparation method and use for polishing.
  4. Neville Matthew (Champaign IL) Fluck David J. (Pesotum IL) Hung Cheng-Hung (Champaign IL) Lucarelli Michael A. (Mattoon IL) Scherber Debra L. (Orangevale CA), Chemical mechanical polishing slurry for metal layers.
  5. Birang Manoocher ; Gleason Allan ; Guthrie William L., Forming a transparent window in a polishing pad for a chemical mechanical polishing apparatus.
  6. Lustig Naftali E. (Croton-on-Hudson NY) Saenger Katherine L. (Ossining NY) Tong Ho-Ming (Yorktown Heights NY), In-situ endpoint detection and process monitoring method and apparatus for chemical-mechanical polishing.
  7. Tang Wallace T. Y., In-situ real-time monitoring technique and apparatus for endpoint detection of thin films during chemical/mechanical po.
  8. Sandhu Gurtej S. (Boise) Doan Trung T. (Boise ID), Method for controlling a semiconductor (CMP) process by measuring a surface temperature and developing a thermal image o.
  9. Cho, Jun-Yeon; Choi, Sang-Soon; Cho, Seung-Beom, Method for preparing cerium carbonate and cerium oxide.
  10. Nho, Jun-Seok; Oh, Myoung-Hwan; Cho, Seung-Beom; Kim, Jong-Pil; Kim, Jang-Yul, Method for preparing cerium oxide powder using organic solvent and CMP slurry comprising the same.
  11. Bruxvoort Wesley J. ; Culler Scott R. ; Ho Kwok-Lun ; Kaisaki David A. ; Kessel Carl R. ; Klun Thomas P. ; Kranz Heather K. ; Messner Robert P. ; Webb Richard J. ; Williams Julia P., Method of modifying an exposed surface of a semiconductor wafer.
  12. Holzapfel Paul ; Schlueter James ; Karlsrud Chris ; Lin Warren, Methods and apparatus for detecting removal of thin film layers during planarization.
  13. Gundu M. Sabde, Planarizing solutions, planarizing machines, and methods for mechanical and/or chemical-mechanical planarization of microelectronic substrate assemblies.
  14. Hiyama Hirokuni,JPX ; Wada Yutaka,JPX, Polishing apparatus including thickness or flatness detector.
  15. Takeuchi Yoshiaki (Ehime JPX) Yamamoto Koji (Ehime JPX) Umezaki Hiroshi (Ehime JPX), Polishing composition for metallic material.
  16. Moriyama Shigeo (Tama JPX) Kawamura Yoshio (Kokubunji JPX) Homma Yoshio (Hinode-machi JPX) Kusukawa Kikuo (Fujino-machi JPX) Furusawa Takeshi (Hachioji JPX), Polishing method.
  17. Katakabe Ichiro (Kanagawa-ken JPX) Miyashita Naoto (Kanagawa-ken JPX) Akiyama Tatsuo (Tokyo JPX), Polishing method and apparatus for detecting a polishing end point of a semiconductor wafer.
  18. Anjur Sriram P. ; Downing William C., Polishing pad for a semiconductor substrate.
  19. Sevilla Roland K. ; Kaufman Frank B. ; Anjur Sriram P., Polishing pad for a semiconductor substrate.
  20. Cook Lee M. (Steelville PA) Roberts John V. H. (Newark DE) Jenkins Charles W. (Newark DE) Pillai Raj R. (Newark DE), Polishing pads and methods for their use.
  21. Sevilla Roland K. ; Kaufman Frank B. ; Anjur Sriram P., Polishing pads for a semiconductor substrate.
  22. Anthony, Olivier; Gerardin, Corine; Cadena, Nathalie; Labeau, Marie-Pierre, Preparation of particles by hydrolysis of a metal cation in the presence of a polymer.
  23. Chhabra, Vishal; Fitzsimmons, John A.; Khojasteh, Mahmoud; Muncy, Jennifer, Process for cleaning semiconductor devices and/or tooling during manufacturing thereof.
  24. Park, Young-rae; Kim, Jung-yup; Yoon, Bo-un; Kim, Kwang-bok; Boo, Jae-phil; Lee, Jong-won; Hah, Sang-rok; Kim, Kyung-hyun; Hong, Chang-ki, Slurry for chemical mechanical polishing process and method of manufacturing semiconductor device using the same.
  25. Srinivasan, Ramanathan; Babu, Suryadevara V.; America, William G.; Her, Yie-Shein, Slurry for chemical mechanical polishing silicon dioxide.
  26. Sandhu Gurtej S. (Boise ID) Doan Trung Tri (Boise ID), System for real-time control of semiconductor wafer polishing including optical monitoring.
  27. Sandhu Gurtej S. ; Doan Trung Tri, System for real-time control of semiconductor wafer polishing including optical montoring.
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