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Strained silicon MOSFET having improved carrier mobility, strained silicon CMOS device, and methods of their formation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-021425
  • H01L-021265
  • H01L-021336
출원번호 US-0684727 (2003-10-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Xiang, Qi
출원인 / 주소
  • Advanced Micro Devices
대리인 / 주소
    Foley &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 5


The mobility enhancement of a strained silicon layer is augmented through incorporation of carbon into a strained silicon lattice to which strain is also imparted by an underlying silicon germanium layer. The presence of the relatively small carbon atoms effectively increases the spacing within the


1. A method of fabricating a metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET), comprising:providing a substrate comprising a layer of strained silicon grown on a layer of silicon germanium, and shallow trench isolations defining active regions of the substrate for formation of respective M

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Fitzgerald, Eugene A., Buried channel strained silicon FET using a supply layer created through ion implantation.
  2. Park Heemyong ; Mocuta Anda C. ; Rausch Werner, CMOS device structures and method of making same.
  3. Yu, Bin; Wristers, Derick J., Low temperature solid-phase epitaxy fabrication process for MOS devices built on strained semiconductor substrate.
  4. Yee-Chia Yeo ; Fu-Liang Yang TW; Chenming Hu TW, Method of forming a transistor with a strained channel.
  5. Helmut Puchner, Silicon carbide CMOS channel.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Zollner,Stefan; Dhandapani,Veeraraghavan; Grudowski,Paul A.; Spencer,Gregory S., Anneal of epitaxial layer in a semiconductor device.
  2. Grebs, Thomas E., Charge balance semiconductor devices with increased mobility structures.
  3. Anderson, Brent A.; Nowak, Edward J., Localized implant into active region for enhanced stress.
  4. Anderson, Brent A.; Nowak, Edward J., Localized implant into active region for enhanced stress.
  5. Sathaiya, Dhanyakumar Mahaveer; Yang, Kai-Chieh; Wu, Wei-Hao; Goto, Ken-Ichi; Wu, Zhiqiang; Sun, Yuan-Chen, MOSFET with selective dopant deactivation underneath gate.
  6. Sathaiya, Dhanyakumar Mahaveer; Yang, Kai-Chieh; Wu, Wei-Hao; Goto, Ken-Ichi; Wu, Zhiqiang; Sun, Yuan-Chen, MOSFET with selective dopant deactivation underneath gate.
  7. Chen, Yi-Wei; Tsai, Teng-Chun; Huang, Chien-Chung; Chen, Jei-Ming; Hsiao, Tsai-Fu, Method for manufacturing CMOS transistor.
  8. Luo, Zhijiong; Chong, Yung Fu; Zhu, Huilong, Method of manufacturing a semiconductor structure.
  9. Koester, Steven J., Method of reducing dislocation-induced leakage in a strained-layer field-effect transistor by implanting blocking impurity into the strained-layer.
  10. Taylor, Mitchell C.; Felch, Susan B., Methods for forming NMOS EPI layers.
  11. Thirupapuliyur, Sunderraj; Nouri, Faran; Cho, Yonah, NMOS transistor devices and methods for fabricating same.
  12. Thirupapuliyur, Sunderraj; Nouri, Faran; Cho, Yonah, NMOS transistor devices and methods for fabricating same.
  13. Javorka, Peter; Kronholz, Stephan, Reduced threshold voltage-width dependency and reduced surface topography in transistors comprising high-k metal gate electrode structures by a late carbon incorporation.
  14. Scheiper, Thilo; Hoentschel, Jan; Langdon, Steven, Reduced threshold voltage-width dependency in transistors comprising high-K metal gate electrode structures.
  15. Lee, Byung-Hak; Shin, Yu-Gyun; Lee, Sang-Woo; Lee, Sun-Ghil; Kim, Jin-Bum; Lee, Joon-Gon, Semiconductor device and method of fabricating the same.
  16. Xiang, Qi; Lin, Ming Ren; Ngo, Minh V.; Paton, Eric N.; Wang, Haihong, Strained silicon MOSFET having reduced leakage and method of its formation.
  17. Hoentschel, Jan; Wei, Andy; Kammler, Thorsten; Raab, Michael, Technique for forming recessed strained drain/source regions in NMOS and PMOS transistors.
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