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[미국특허] Turbine blade closure system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B23K-031/02
출원번호 US-0255894 (2002-09-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kottilingam, Srikanth Chandrudu
  • Ditzel, Peter J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 16


A turbine blade closure system composed of a closure member capable of being friction welded in an aperture in a hollow-cast turbine blade to prevent the escape of cooling fluids from an internal cavity in the turbine blade. In one embodiment, the aperture is formed in the turbine blade during the m


1. A hollow-cast turbine blade, comprising:a turbine blade body formed by an outer wall comprising an outer surface and an inner surface, said body including an internal cavity defined by the inner surface of the outer wall; the outer wall of the body defining at least one aperture extending from th

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16)

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  2. Thomas Wayne M. (Haverhill GB2) Nicholas Edward D. (Haverhill GB2) Jones Stephen B. (Stapleford GB2) Lilley Roger H. (Comberton GBX) Dawes Christopher J. (Sawston GBX) Dolby Richard E. (Burwell GBX), Friction forming.
  3. Coletta Edmond R. ; Cantrell Mark A., Friction pull plug welding: dual chamfered plate hole.
  4. Edmond R. Coletta ; Mark A. Cantrell, Friction pull plug welding: top hat plug design.
  5. Berry Thomas F. (Greenhills OH) Rajala Ronald G. (Loveland OH) Mullins Harold L. (Hebron KY), Friction welded metallic turbomachinery blade element.
  6. Thomas Wayne M. (Haverhill GBX) Nicholas Edward D. (Haverhill GBX) Needham James C. (Saffron Walden GBX) Murch Michael G. (Herts GBX) Temple-Smith Peter (Cambridge GBX) Dawes Christopher J. (Cambs GB, Friction welding.
  7. Fix ; Jr. John William, Friction welding drill and fuse fitting apparatus.
  8. Yagi ; Yutaka, Frictional welding method.
  9. Beeck Alexander,DEX ; Kreis Erhard,CHX ; El-Nashar Ibrahim,CHX ; Von Arx Beat,CHX, Hollow-cast component.
  10. Beeck, Alexander; Kreis, Erhard; El-Nashar, Ibrahim; Von Arx, Beat, Hollow-cast component.
  11. Patrick Martin Sedillo, Method and apparatus for closing holes in superalloy gas turbine blades.
  12. Michael A. Taras, Jr. ; Stephen M. Sabol, Method for closing core printout holes in superalloy gas turbine blades.
  13. Paul Leonard Dupree ; Melvin Robert Jackson, Method for repairing superalloy castings using a metallurgically bonded tapered plug.
  14. William C. Anderson ; Dewey D. Dunkman ; Gerald R. Geverdt ; Ronald D. Stapperfenne, Method for repositioning or repairing holes.
  15. Corderman, Reed Roeder; Huang, Shyh-Chin; Raber, Thomas Robert; Lipkin, Don Mark; White, Raymond Alan; Young, Sidney Perham; Jackson, Melvin Robert; Schilke, Peter William, System and method for repairing cast articles.
  16. Fraser Michael J. (Droitwich GBX), Turbine blade repair.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9)

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  2. Stiehler, Frank; Borufka, Hans Peter; Prokopczuk, Patrick, Gas turbine blade for a turbomachine.
  3. Bruck, Gerald J.; Stotler, Timothy V.; Johnson, Wendell L., Inertia friction weld of superalloy with enhanced post weld heat treatment.
  4. Carrier, Charles William, Method for manufacturing aircraft engine cases with bosses.
  5. Larose, Joël; Plante, Ghislain, Multi-cast turbine airfoils and method for making same.
  6. Cui, Yan; Mukira, Gitahi Charles; Kottilingam, Srikanth Chandrudu, Process of closing an opening in a component.
  7. Wojciechowski, Marek; Żarnik, Marciej Jan, Steam turbine bucket tenon restoration through solid state bonding process.
  8. Krause, Gregory Thomas, System and method for sealing vacuum in hollow fan blades.
  9. Govern,Christine; Kelly,Thomas Joseph; Sabato,Joseph Giancarlo, Weld closure of through-holes in a nickel-base superalloy hollow airfoil.

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