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[미국특허] Method of replacing damaged aerofoil 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B23P-006/00
출원번호 US-0127099 (2005-05-12)
등록번호 US8006380 (2011-08-15)
우선권정보 GB-2004-412775.9(2004-06-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rawson, Martin
  • Webster, Andrew T
출원인 / 주소
  • Rolls-Royce plc
대리인 / 주소
    Manelli Selter PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 27


A method of replacing a damaged blade (12A) of an integrally bladed rotor assembly (10) including a disc (14) and a plurality of blades (12) extending outwardly from the disc (14) includes the steps of; removing the damaged blade (12A) to leave a blade stub (16) projecting from the disc (14); deposi


We claim: 1. A method of replacing a damaged blade of an integrally bladed rotor assembly including a disc and a plurality of blades extending outwardly from the disc, the method including the steps of:removing the damaged blade to leave a blade stub projecting from the disc;depositing a body of mat

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (27)

  1. Patsfall Ralph E. (Cincinnati OH), Apparatus for bonding an article projection.
  2. Meier, Reinhold, Blade and rotor for a gas turbine and method for linking blade parts.
  3. Hellemann, Leslie McLean; English, Christopher Lee; Borne, Bruce Leonard; Glover, Ronald Clarence, Blisk weld repair.
  4. Powers,John Matthew, Braze repair of shroud block seal teeth in a gas turbine engine.
  5. Vickers Thomas E. (Mesa AZ) Sanger James A. (Prescott AZ), Compressor or turbine blade manufacture.
  6. Li,Jian; Guymon,Stephen L., Disbond resistant composite joint and method of forming.
  7. Coolidge Kenneth D. (Hobe Sound FL), Fabrication of repair method for an integrally bladed rotor.
  8. Walker Raymond M. (Port St. Lucie FL) Achor Donald P. (Stuart FL) Baumgarten Robert W. (Lake Park FL) Bogard Ralph B. (North Palm Beach FL), Fabrication or repair technique for integrally bladed rotor assembly.
  9. David William Crall ; John Robert Kelley ; Ian Francis Prentice ; Gregory Scott McNulty ; Michael De Wayne Toye, Fluted blisk.
  10. DeMichael Thomas (Indiantown FL) Seeley Philip G. (Jupiter FL), Integrally bladed rotor fabrication or repair.
  11. Stone Kevin H,GBX ; Pearce Nigel P,GBX, Method and apparatus for building up a workpiece by deposit welding.
  12. D. Sangeeta ; Howard John Farr, Method for applying coatings on substrates.
  13. Baumgarten Robert W. ; Coolidge Kenneth D., Method for attaching a rotor blade to an integrally bladed rotor.
  14. Patsfall Ralph E. (Cincinnati OH), Method for bonding an article projection.
  15. Beers Russell A. (West Palm Beach FL) Noetzel Allan A. (Palm Beach Gardens FL), Method for depositing a variable thickness aluminide coating on aircraft turbine blades.
  16. Pepe John (11671 Rabaul Dr. Cypress CA 90630), Method for repair of steam turbine blades.
  17. Reinhold Meier DE; Wilfried Schutte DE; Mario Schmidt DE; Karel Mazac DE, Method for repairing and producing integrally bladed rotors for a turbine or turbo engine.
  18. Brownell John B,GBX ; Gillbanks Peter J,GBX ; Hawkins Richard J,GBX ; Throssell Jonathan P,GBX ; Wilson James R,GBX, Method for the manufacture or repair of a blisk by linear friction welding.
  19. Moracz Donald J. (Garfield Heights OH) Shipley Roch J. (Mentor OH), Method of making hollow articles.
  20. Lundgren,Jan, Method of manufacturing a stator component.
  21. Brainch Gulcharan S. ; Danowski Michael J. ; Wustman Roger D. ; Clarke Jonathan P., Partially coated airfoil and method for making.
  22. Schmidt Werner (Niederroth DEX) Jahn Franz (Sigmertshausen DEX), Process for creating a support means for a component part to be reworked and/or repaired and a welding device obtained a.
  23. Trask Richard D. ; Goetschius Susan H. ; Hilton Stephen A., Process for linear friction welding.
  24. Collot AndreC. F. (Mennecy FRX) Ferte Jean-Pierre (Corbeil Essonnes FRX) Jolly Roger (Cesson FRX), Process for welding two blade parts.
  25. Meier Reinhold (Dorfen DEX), Repair method for lengthening turbine blades.
  26. Nolan John Francis ; Gustafson Thomas Eugene ; Grubish David John, Single position turbine rotor repair method.
  27. Martin Jack R. (Bedford MA), Turbine nozzle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Zhu, Leping, Arrangement for the repair of the blades of BLISK drums by means of laser deposition welding.
  2. Chin, Herbert A.; Schaefer, Robert P.; Privitzer, Eberhardt; Lin, Wangen; Bunting, Billie W.; Moor, James J.; Nevins, Jr., Vincent; Haynes, Andrew L.; Czeladko, Greg; Raczewski, Kenneth T., Consumable collar for linear friction welding of blade replacement for damaged integrally bladed rotors.
  3. Johnston, Bill Damon; Goller, George Albert; Sayers, Colwyn, Crack resistant member and tower.
  4. Johnston, Bill Damon; Goller, George Albert; Sayers, Colwyn, Crack-resistant member, a method of preventing crack propagation, and a method of assembling a tower.
  5. Fulayter, Roy David; Rivers, Jonathan Michael, Gas turbine engine blade and disk.
  6. Mottin, Jean-Baptiste; Vassault, Marc Jacky, Method for friction welding a blade onto a turbine engine rotor disc; corresponding integral blade disc.
  7. Rose, William M., Method for repairing an airfoil.
  8. Andrews, Ian J.; Rugg, David; Wallis, Michael J., Method of making and joining an aerofoil and root.
  9. Chin, Herbert A.; Schaefer, Robert P.; Privitzer, Eberhardt; Lin, Wangen; Bunting, Billie W.; Moor, James J.; Nevins, Vincent; Haynes, Andrew L.; Czeladko, Greg; Raczewski, Kenneth T., Repair of integrally bladed rotors.
  10. Segletes, David Scott; Seth, Brij B.; Kottilingam, Srikanth C.; Ditzel, Peter Jon, Repair of nickel-based alloy turbine disk.
  11. Wojciechowski, Marek; Żarnik, Marciej Jan, Steam turbine bucket tenon restoration through solid state bonding process.
  12. Moor, James J.; Chin, Herbert A.; Czeladko, Greg; Danko, Gene A.; Haynes, Andrew L.; Lin, Wangen; Nevins, Vincent; Schaefer, Robert P.; Privitzer, Eberhardt, Support collar geometry for linear friction welding.
  13. Heck, David P.; Strahm, Loren J., Unitized assembly including substructure element integral with fiber metal laminate.

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