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Switched capacitor DAC 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H03M-001/66
  • H03M-003/00
  • G06F-007/64
  • G06F-007/60
  • G06G-007/18
  • G06G-007/00
  • G06G-007/19
출원번호 US-0140951 (2005-06-01)
우선권정보 GB-0507862.1(2005-04-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Frith,Peter
출원인 / 주소
  • Wolfson Microelectronics plc
대리인 / 주소
    Dickstein Shapiro LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 29


The present invention relates to digital to analog converters, and especially but not exclusively to switched capacitor digital to analog converters (DACs) for digital audio signals. The present invention provides a switched capacitor DAC for converting a digital signal and comprising a feedback cap


The invention claimed is: 1. A switched capacitor DAC for converting a digital signal and comprising: a feedback capacitor coupled between an input and an output of an operational amplifier; a charging capacitor and a switching arrangement arranged during a charging period to couple a first side of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (29)

  1. Kalb Arthur J., Accurate charge-dividing digital-to-analog converter.
  2. Kelley, Stephen H.; Ulmer, Richard W., Capacitive DAC to filter interface circuit.
  3. Lynn Lapoe E. ; Ferguson ; Jr. Paul F. ; Lee Hae-Seung, Capacitor-based digital-to-analog converter with continuous time output.
  4. Kapral, Christopher W., Charge redistribution integratable D/A convertor.
  5. Koch, Rudolf, Circuit arrangement and method for reducing an alignment error in a Σ-Δ modulator.
  6. Krone Andrew W., Coarse/fine switching on digital-to-analog conversion output.
  7. Guangming Yin ; Bo Zhang, Code independent charge transfer scheme for switched-capacitor digital-to-analog converter.
  8. Dingwall Andrew Gordon Francis, Column driver with switched-capacitor D/A converter.
  9. Boutaud Frederic (Houston TX) Carbou Pierre (Venice FRX) Correia Paul (Antibes FRX), Digital-analog conversion system including a digital modulator having several quantification levels, associated with a d.
  10. Frith, Peter J.; Pennock, John L., Digital-to-analogue converter circuits.
  11. Pennock, John L., Digital-to-analogue converter circuits.
  12. Watson Minh V. ; Lu Crist Y., Dual-stage switched-capacitor DAC with scrambled MSB's.
  13. Felice Bonardi IT; Marco Angelici IT, Efficient switched capacitor integrator.
  14. Vincelette Scott (Glenmoore PA) Ferguson ; Jr. Paul F. (Dracut MA) Adams Robert W. (Acton MA), Error reduction in switched capacitor digital-to-analog converter systems by balanced sampling.
  15. Ju Peicheng ; Nagaraj Krishnaswamy, Five-level switched-capacitor DAC, method of operation thereof and sigma-delta converter employing the same.
  16. McLeod, Scott C.; Bashar, Aniruddha, Highly accurate switched capacitor DAC.
  17. Powell Scott R. (Carlsbad CA) Mellissinos Anthony G. (Encinitas CA), Low noise switched capacitor digital-to-analog converter.
  18. Jeng, Ming-Fure, Method and apparatus for digital-to-analog signal conversion.
  19. Ferguson, Jr., Paul F.; Haurie, Xavier S.; Temes, Gabor C., Method and apparatus for use in switched capacitor systems.
  20. Rhode Jason Powell ; Srinivasan Vishnu Shankar ; Gaalaas Eric Clay ; Gaboriau Johann Guy, Reference voltage circuitry for use in switched-capacitor applications.
  21. Plisch, Marjorie R.; Melanson, John L., Signal processing system with baseband noise modulation chopper circuit timing to reduce noise.
  22. Willis, John, Switch capacitor circuit and applications thereof.
  23. Huynh, Phuong T., Switched capacitor amplifier with high throughput architecture.
  24. Haigh David G. (London GB2) Singh Bhajan (Birmingham GB2), Switched capacitor switching.
  25. Abe Katsumi,JPX, Switched capacitor type D/A converter and display driver.
  26. Abe Katsumi,JPX, Switched capacitor type digital-analog converter which generates an analog driving signal from a digital signal by activation of a capacitor.
  27. Lapoe Lynn ; Samuel W. Sheng ; Chih-Jen Hung, Switched-capacitor DAC/continuous-time reconstruction filter interface circuit.
  28. McCartney Damien (Limerick IEX), Switched-capacitor one-bit digital-to-analog converter with low sensitivity to op-amp offset voltage.
  29. Zomorrodi Mehrdad (Culver City CA), Two-step switched-capacitor digital to analog converter.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20)

  1. Quiquempoix, Vincent, 4N+1 level capacitive DAC using N capacitors.
  2. Wu,Zhong Yuan; Choi,Yoon Kyung, Bit-adjacency capacitor-switched DAC, method, driver and display device.
  3. Wu,Li Te, Capacitor-based digital-to-analog converter for low voltage applications.
  4. Cical, Ionut C.; Jennings, John K., Circuits for and methods of implementing a charge/discharge switch in an integrated circuit.
  5. Lu, Ying-Ta; Lin, Chi-Hsien; Liao, Hsien-Yuan; Chen, Ho-Hsiang; Yeh, Tzu-Jin, Concentric capacitor structure.
  6. Lu, Ying-Ta; Lin, Chi-Hsien; Liao, Hsien-Yuan; Chen, Ho-Hsiang; Yeh, Tzu-Jin, Concentric capacitor structure.
  7. Dura, Renaud; Carreira, Joao P.; Fievet, Sebastien, Cyclic digital to analog converter.
  8. Wu, Zhong yuan; Choi, Yoon kyung, Cyclic digital to analog converter in pipeline structure.
  9. Worley, James L.; Alwardi, Milad, DAC with sub-DACs and related methods.
  10. Quinn, Simon Kenneth; Howlett, Andrew James, Digital to analog converter circuits and methods of operation thereof.
  11. Petrov, Dmitry, Low-noise sampled voltage regulator.
  12. Leonardo, Vincenzo, Method for offset compensation of a switched-capacitor amplifier and switched capacitor amplifier arrangement.
  13. Oh, Sechang; Jung, Wanyeong; Blaauw, David Theodore; Sylvester, Dennis Michael, Multi-dimensional array of impedance elements.
  14. Hurwitz, Jonathan Ephraim David; Collins, Steven, Radio frequency circuit.
  15. Hurwitz, Jonathan Ephraim David; Collins, Steven, Radio frequency circuit.
  16. Yoichi,Koji, Switched capacitor circuit type digital/analog converter capable of suppressing change of setting error.
  17. Chen, Chih-Wei; Lin, Lai-Ching, Switched capacitor digital-to-analog converter.
  18. Yen, Hsiao-Tsung; Lu, Ying-Ta; Chen, Ho-Hsiang; Jou, Chewn-Pu, Switched capacitor structure.
  19. Nakamura, Kei, Switched capacitor type D/A converter.
  20. Stoutjesdijk, Remco M., Switched-capacitor circuit.
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