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Metallocene ligands, metallocene compounds and metallocene catalysts, their synthesis and their use for the polymerization of olefins 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08F-004/52
  • C08F-004/00
  • C08F-004/76
출원번호 US-0828814 (2004-04-21)
등록번호 US-7285608 (2007-10-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Schottek,Joerg
  • Paczkowski,Nicola Stefanie
  • Winter,Andreas
  • Sell,Thorsten
출원인 / 주소
  • Novolen Technology Holdings C.V.
대리인 / 주소
    Dilworth & Barrese, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 16


A catalyst system includes a metallocene compound having the formula R9 L1 L2 M1 R1 R2 wherein R9 is a bridge between ligands L1 and L2 and M1 is a metal of Group IVB of the Periodic Table such as titanium, zirconium and hafnium and R1 and R2 can be hydrogen or aliphatic or aromatic groups. Bridge R


What is claimed is: 1. A composition comprising a mixture of racemic and meso isomers of metallocene compounds having the formula: description="In-line Formulae" end="lead"R9L1L2 M1R1R2 (formula 1a)description="In-line Formulae" end="tail" where L1 and L2 are identical or different ligands and

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16)

  1. Rohrmann Jrgen (Liederbach DEX) Antberg Martin (Hofheim am Taunus DEX), Bisindenyl derivative, and a process for the preparation thereof.
  2. Winter Andreas (Kelkheim DEX) Dolle Volker (Kelkheim DEX) Rohrmann Jurgen (Neufahrn DEX) Spaleck Walter (Liederbach DEX), Compound useful for the preparation of a 1-olefin polymer.
  3. Kuber Frank,DEX ; Bachmann Bernd,DEX ; Spaleck Walter,DEX ; Winter Andreas,DEX ; Rohrmann Jurgen,DEX, Metallocenes containing aryl-substituted indenyl derivatives as ligands, process for their preparation, and their use as.
  4. Winter Andreas,DEX ; Zenk Roland,DEX ; Fraaije Volker,DEX ; Kuber Frank,DEX, Metallocenes containing partially hydrogenated p-ligands.
  5. Thiele Karl Heinz,DEX ; Schliessburg Christine,DEX ; Ernst Eberhard,ATX ; Reussner Jens,ATX ; Bildstein Benno,ATX ; Denifl Peter,ATX, Metallocenes with silyl-substituted bridges and their use for olefin polymerization.
  6. Andreas Winter DE; Carsten Bingel DE; Volker Fraaije DE; Frank Kueber DE, Method for producing metallocenes.
  7. Rix, Francis C.; Burkhardt, Terry J.; Li, Robert T.; Haygood, Jr., William T., Method of preparing group 14 bridged biscyclopentadienyl ligands.
  8. Turner Howard W. (Webster TX), New polymerization catalyst.
  9. Fischer David,DEX ; Langhauser Franz,DEX ; Kerth Jurgen,DEX ; Schweier Gunther,DEX ; Brintzinger Hans-Herbert,CHX ; Schmidt Katrin,DEX, Process for converting the achiral meso form of an ansa-metallocene complex into the chiral racemic form.
  10. Fischer David,DEX ; Langhauser Franz,DEX ; Sturmer Rainer,DEX ; Kerth Jurgen,DEX ; Schweier Gunther,DEX ; Brintzinger Hans-Herbert,CHX ; Schmidt Katrin,DEX, Process for converting the achiral meso form or the racemate of an ansa-metallocene complex or mixtures thereof into on.
  11. Ewen John A., Process for polymerization of olefins with silicon bridged metallocene catalyst systems.
  12. Lisowsky Richard (Kamen DEX), Process for preparing bridged stereorigid metallocenes.
  13. Gillis Daniel J. ; Karpeles Richard, Process for producing polyolefin elastomer employing a metallocene catalyst.
  14. Winter Andreas (Glashtten DEX) Antberg Martin (Hofheim am Taunus DEX) Spaleck Walter (Liederbach DEX) Rohrmann Jrgen (Liederbach DEX) Dolle Volker (Kelkheim DEX), Process for the preparation of a high molecular weight olefin polymer.
  15. Yamazaki Hiroshi,JPX ; Nakano Masato,JPX ; Mitani Seiki,JPX ; Saito Jun,JPX ; Harada Masato,JPX ; Koyama Mina,JPX, Processes for the preparation of metallocene complexes.
  16. Welborn ; Jr. Howard C. (Houston TX), Silicon-bridged transition metal compounds.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Holtcamp, Matthew W.; Bedoya, Matthew S.; Ye, Xuan; Sanders, David F.; Day, Gregory S.; Mattler, Sarah J., Production of polyolefins with internal unsaturation structures using a metallocene catalyst system.
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