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[미국특허] Force compensated comb drive 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01C-019/00
출원번호 US-0076649 (2005-03-10)
등록번호 US-7302848 (2007-12-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kourepenis,Anthony S.
  • Weinberg,Marc S.
  • Elliott,Richard
  • Daley,Steven
출원인 / 주소
  • The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Iandiorio & Teska
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 25


A force compensated comb drive for a microelectromechanical system includes a MEMS mechanism for providing an output signal representative of a physical quantity; a comb drive for actuating the MEMS mechanism; a comb drive circuit for providing a drive signal to the comb drive for developing a prede


What is claimed is: 1. A force compensated comb device for microelectromechanical system (MEMS) comprising: a MEMS mechanism for providing an output signal representative of a physical quantity; a comb drive for actuating said MEMS mechanism; a comb drive circuit for providing a drive signal to sai

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (25)

  1. Ward Paul A. ; Kourepenis Anthony S., Beat frequency motor position detection scheme for tuning fork gyroscope and other sensors.
  2. Bernstein Jonathan J. (Medfield MA) Weinberg Marc S. (Needham MA), Comb drive micromechanical tuning fork gyro.
  3. Bernstein Jonathan J. ; Weinberg Marc S., Comb-drive micromechanical tuning fork gyroscope with piezoelectric readout.
  4. Seshia Ashwin A. ; Howe Roger T., Dual-mass micromachined vibratory rate gyroscope.
  5. Weinberg, Marc S.; Kumar, Kaplesh; King, A. Thomas, Dynamically balanced microelectromechanical devices.
  6. Ward Paul (Waltham MA), Electronics for Coriolis force and other sensors.
  7. Weinberg Marc S. ; Pinson John C., Guard bands which control out-of-plane sensitivities in tuning fork gyroscopes and other sensors.
  8. Watson, William S., High Q angular rate sensing gyroscope.
  9. Platt, William P., Increasing the dynamic range of a MEMS gyroscope.
  10. Greiff Paul, Low thermal strain flexure support for a micromechanical device.
  11. Ahmed Mansoor ; Jalloul Louay ; Rohani Kamyar, Method and system for generating a power control command in a wireless communication system.
  12. Borenstein, Jeffrey T., Method for microfabricating structures using silicon-on-insulator material.
  13. Sawyer, William David, Method of anodically bonding a multilayer device with a free mass.
  14. Cho Steve T. (Newport Beach CA), Method of making a micromechanical silicon-on-glass tuning fork gyroscope.
  15. Weinberg Marc S. ; Bernstein Jonathan J. ; Kirkos Gregory A. ; Lee Tommy W. ; Petrovich Anthony, Microfabricated tuning fork gyroscope and associated three-axis inertial measurement system to sense out-of-plane rotation.
  16. Clark William A., Micromachined Z-axis vibratory rate gyroscope.
  17. Clark William A. ; Juneau Thor ; Howe Roger T., Micromachined vibratory rate gyroscope.
  18. Greiff Paul (Wayland MA) Boxenhorn Burton (Brookline MA), Micromechanical tuning fork angular rate sensor.
  19. Greiff Paul (Wayland MA) Boxenhorn Burton (Chestnut Hill MA), Micromechanical tuning fork angular rate sensor.
  20. Platt, William, Passive temperature compensation technique for MEMS devices.
  21. Weinberg Marc S. (Needham MA) Petrovich Anthony (Tewksbury MA), Quartz resonant gyroscope or quartz resonant tuning fork gyroscope.
  22. Greiff Paul (Wayland MA), Semiconductor chip transducer.
  23. Ward Paul A. ; Hildebrant Eric M. ; Niles Lance C. ; Weinberg Marc S. ; Kourepenis Anthony S., Split electrode to minimize charge transients, motor amplitude mismatch errors, and sensitivity to vertical translation.
  24. Weinberg Marc S. ; St. Michel Nathan A. ; Nokes David S. ; Borenstein Jeffrey T., Temperature compensated oscillating accelerometer with force multiplier.
  25. Ljung Per, Vibratory angular rate sensor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Anac, Ozan; Huang, Xiaojun, Composite vibratory in-plane accelerometer.
  2. Dong, Jingyan; Ferreira, Placid M., Displacement actuation and sensing for an electrostatic drive.
  3. Seeger, Joseph; Borovic, Bruno, Extension-mode angular velocity sensor.
  4. Seeger, Joseph; Borovic, Bruno, Extension-mode angular velocity sensor.
  5. Waters, Richard Lee; Fralick, Mark Steven; Tally, IV, Charles Harold; Jacobs, John David, Extracting inertial information from nonlinear periodic signals.
  6. Waters, Richard Lee; Fralick, Mark Steven; Tally, IV, Charles Harold; Jacobs, John David, Extracting inertial information from nonlinear periodic signals.
  7. McNeil, Andrew C.; Lin, Yizhen; Park, Woo Tae, Laterally integrated MEMS sensor device with multi-stimulus sensing.
  8. Seeger, Joseph; Anac, Ozan, MEMS device with improved spring system.
  9. Seeger, Joseph; Anac, Ozan, MEMS device with improved spring system.
  10. Waters, Richard Lee; Jacobs, John David; Brayshaw, Jeffrey Alan; Chisum, Brad Wesley; Fralick, Mark Steven; Tally, IV, Charles Harold; Huang, Xiaojun, Systems and methods for controlling oscillation of a gyroscope.
  11. Waters, Richard Lee; Huang, Xiaojun; Tally, IV, Charles Harold; Zhang, Yanting; Jacobs, John David; Fralick, Mark Steven, Systems and methods for determining rotation from nonlinear periodic signals.
  12. Waters, Richard Lee; Jacobs, John David; Tally, IV, Charles Harold; Huang, Xiaojun; Zhang, Yanting; Fralick, Mark Steven, Systems and methods for extracting system parameters from nonlinear periodic signals from sensors.
  13. Waters, Richard Lee; Jacobs, John David; Tally, IV, Charles Harold; Huang, Xiaojun; Zhang, Yanting; Fralick, Mark Steven, Systems and methods for extracting system parameters from nonlinear periodic signals from sensors.
  14. Waters, Richard Lee; Jacobs, John David; Tally, IV, Charles Harold; Huang, Xiaojun; Zhang, Yanting; Fralick, Mark Steven, Systems and methods for extracting system parameters from nonlinear periodic signals from sensors.

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