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[미국특허] Shoot-through prevention circuit for passive level-shifter 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H02H-007/122
  • H05B-041/36
출원번호 US-0183554 (2005-07-18)
등록번호 US-7313006 (2007-12-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Choi,Hwangsoo
출원인 / 주소
  • Microsemi Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 22


A shoot-through prevention circuit is used in a power conversion circuit that uses a passive level-shifter to drive a P-type transistor in a switching network. The shoot-through prevention circuit is coupled between a controller output that provides a driving signal to control the P-type transistor


What is claimed is: 1. A power conversion circuit comprising: a switching network comprising at least a high-side switch and a low-side switch configured to selectively couple a source voltage to an output node, wherein the high-side switch is a P-type transistor coupled between the source voltage

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22)

  1. Moisin Mihail S., Ballast circuit with controlled strike/restart.
  2. Lester James N. (Merrimac MA) Roche William J. (Merrimac MA), Ballast containing circuit for measuring increase in DC voltage component.
  3. Sun Yiyoung (Danvers MA), Ballast containing protection circuit for detecting rectification of arc discharge lamp.
  4. Moisin Mihail S., Ballast having a lamp end of life circuit.
  5. Kaneko Moriyoshi,JPX, Brightness controller for and method for controlling brightness of a discharge tube with optimum on/off times determined.
  6. Moisin Mihail S., Converter/inverter full bridge ballast circuit.
  7. Moisin Mihail S., Converter/inverter full bridge ballast circuit.
  8. Green, Peter, Driver IC for use with simple microcontrol.
  9. Mattas Charles B. (Glenview IL) Erhardt Robert A. (Torrance CA), Electronic ballast for operating lamps in parallel.
  10. Chen Timothy ; Nerone Louis R., Floating IC driven dimming ballast.
  11. Smallwood Robert C. (Rt. 2 ; Box 81 Leesburg VA 22075) Zarich Michael P. (1614 Judson Dr. Longmont CO 80501), Gas discharge lamp and power distribution system therefor.
  12. Moisin Mihail S., Ground fault protection circuit.
  13. Guisinger John E. (19955 NW. Dairy Creek Rd. Cornelius OR 97113), High frequency fluorescent lamp exciter.
  14. Louis R. Nerone ; David J. Kachmarik ; Joseph C. Oberle ; Michael S. Idelchik, Integral lamp.
  15. Steigerwald Robert L. (Scotia NY) Mistry Keku M. (Shalimar FL), Integrated circuit for controlling power converter by frequency modulation and pulse width modulation.
  16. Moisin Mihail S., Lamp adaptable ballast circuit.
  17. Wong Stephen L. ; Veldman Paul,NLX ; De Mol Eugene J.,NLX, Level shifter.
  18. Rector Robert E. (Richardson TX), Multiple output ballast circuit.
  19. Mark Kastner ; Harry M. Pyne, Power supply for gas discharge lamp.
  20. Palara Sergio,ITX ; Graziano Vito,ITX, Starting circuit and method for starting a MOS transistor.
  21. Rutter, Philip; De Groot, Leonardus A.; Wheeler, Nicolas J., Swithing regulator utilizing seperate integrated circuits for driving each switch.
  22. Rutter, Philip; De Groot, Leonardus; Wheeler, Nicolas J., Synchronous DC-DC regulator with shoot-through prevention.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7)

  1. Duduman, Bogdan M.; Marini, Anthony G. P.; Richards, Jr., William R.; Batchelor, William E.; Miller, Greg J.; Fogg, John K., Gate driver for depletion-mode transistors.
  2. Vorhaus, James L., Integrated switch devices.
  3. Vorhaus, James L., Integrated switch devices.
  4. Wang, Chen-Hsung, Lamp driving apparatus and level shift driving circuit.
  5. Lan, Rayleigh; MacRae, Calum, Methods and apparatus to improve efficiency in cold cathode fluorescent light controllers.
  6. Vorhaus, James L., Radio frequency and microwave devices and methods of use.
  7. Vorhaus, James L.; Marini, Anthony G. P., Self clamping FET devices in circuits using transient sources.

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