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[미국특허] Dry film photoresist 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G03F-007/038
  • G03F-007/028
  • G03F-007/033
출원번호 US-0391051 (2003-03-18)
등록번호 US-7323290 (2008-01-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Barr,Robert K.
  • Anzures,Edgardo
  • Lundy,Daniel E.
출원인 / 주소
  • Eternal Technology Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Scully, Scott, Murphy & Presser, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 39


A dry film photoresist includes a functional polymer. The functional polymer has α,β-unsaturated groups and groups that generate a free radical upon exposure to actinic radiation.


What is claimed is: 1. A dry film photoresist comprising a polymer having an average molecular weight of at least 10,000 daltons, α, β-unsaturation, and a functional group integral to a backbone of the polymer that generates a free radical upon exposure to actinic radiation, the polymer c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (39)

  1. McCulloch Iain ; Dammel Ralph R. ; Corso Anthony J. ; Ding Shuji ; Durham Dana L. ; Lu Ping-Hung ; Kang Ming ; Khanna Dinesh N., Antireflective coating for photoresist compositions.
  2. Mayes Richard T. (Newark DE), Carboxyl-containing plasticizers in dry-film photopolymerizable compositions.
  3. Chudzik Stephen J. ; Anderson Aron B., Crosslinkable macromers bearing initiator groups.
  4. Muller Beat,CHX, Crosslinkable polymers containing bonded photoinitiators.
  5. Walz Gerd (Wiesbaden DEX), Curing component for synthetic resins which contain groups capable of amide formation or ester formation with carboxylic.
  6. Axon Frederick J. (Manchester CA GB2) Briguglio James J. (Newport Beach CA) Candore Amedeo (Bodio Lomnago ITX) Lightfoot Lawson (Chesire CA GB2) Crooks Clancy P. (Cypress CA) Roos Leo (Laguna Beach C, Dry film photoresist for forming a conformable mask and method of application to a printed circuit board or the like.
  7. Angelopoulos Marie ; Babich Edward D. ; Babich Inna V. ; Babich Katherina E. ; Bucchignano James J. ; Petrillo Karen E. ; Rishton Steven A., Forming a pattern of a negative photoresist.
  8. Rossman Mitchell A. (St. Paul MN) Bonham James A. (St. Paul MN), Halomethyl-1,3,5-triazines containing a photoinitiator moiety.
  9. Huang Wu-Song ; Linde Harold George ; Whiting Charles Arthur, High contrast photoresists comprising acid sensitive crosslinked polymeric resins.
  10. Smith Thomas W. ; Fuller Timothy J. ; Narang Ram S. ; Luca David J., High performance polymer compositions.
  11. Osuch Christopher E. (Morris County NJ) McFarland Michael J. (Somerset County NJ), High resolution photoresist based on imide containing polymers.
  12. Leussler Philipp (Barcelona ESX) Vinallonga Francisco B. (Barcelona ESX), Hydroxylated acrylic copolymer binder for paints.
  13. Moy Thomas M. ; Dammann Laurence ; Loza Roman, Liquid oligomers containing acrylate unsaturation.
  14. Moy Thomas M. ; Dammann Laurence ; Loza Roman, Liquid oligomers containing unsaturation.
  15. Blum Rainer,DEX ; Keller Peter,DEX, Method for producing polymers cross-linkable by radiation, acrylic or methacrylic acid esters.
  16. Banba Toshio,JPX ; Takeda Toshiro,JPX, Method for the pattern-processing of photosensitive resin composition.
  17. Muzyczko Thaddeus M. (Melrose Park IL) Thomas Daniel C. (Melrose Park IL), Method of coating using photopolymerizable latex systems.
  18. Ichikawa Koji,JPX ; Fukui Nobuhito,JPX ; Ochiai Koshiro,JPX, Photo resist composition.
  19. Muzyczko Thaddeus M. (Melrose Park IL) Thomas Daniel C. (Melrose Park IL), Photopolymerizable latex systems.
  20. Muzyczko Thaddeus M. (Melrose Park IL) Thomas Daniel C. (Melrose Park IL), Photopolymerizable latex systems.
  21. Ide, Hiroshi, Photopolymerizable photosensitive composition.
  22. Yako Yuko,JPX, Photoresist composition.
  23. Hozumi Shigeo,JPX ; Nakagawa Hiroya,JPX, Photoresist composition comprising a polyfunctional vinyl ether compound.
  24. Masahiro Nohara JP; Yukihiko Takeuchi JP; Hisaki Abe JP; Taketo Maruyama JP; Tetsuo Aoyama JP, Photoresist stripping composition and process for stripping photoresist.
  25. Charles R. Szmanda ; George G. Barclay ; Peter Trefonas, III ; Wang Yueh, Polymer and photoresist compositions.
  26. Schneller Arnold (Mainz DEX) Sander Juergen (Liederbach DEX), Polymeric compounds and radiation-sensitive mixture containing them.
  27. Bonham James A. ; Rossman Mitchell A. ; Grant Richard J., Polymers containing halomethyl-1,3,5-triazine moieties.
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  29. Shalom Eitan (Kefar Sava ILX), Positive-working photoresist composition containing purified broadband dye and process of using.
  30. Aoai Toshiaki (Shizuoka JPX) Yamanaka Tsukasa (Shizuoka JPX) Uenishi Kazuya (Shizuoka JPX), Positive-working photosensitive composition.
  31. Reich Wolfgang,DEX ; Beck Erich,DEX ; Jager Ulrich,DEX ; Schwalm Reinhold,DEX, Radiation-curable acrylates with built-in photoinitiators.
  32. Eckberg Richard P. (Saratoga NY), Radiation-self-sensitized silicone polymers.
  33. Noguchi Hiromichi (Atsugi JPX), Resin composition curable with an active energy ray containing photopolymerizable polyurethane.
  34. Javad J. Sahbari, Stripping composition.
  35. Collins Martha Jean ; Taylor James Wayne, Surfactant-containing acetoacetoxy-functional and enamine-functional polymers.
  36. Gupta Ram Baboo ; Jakiela Dennis John ; Haacke Gottfried, Trisaryl-1,3,5-triazine ultraviolet light absorbers.
  37. Audett Jay D. (Brown Deer WI) McElrath Kenneth O. (Waterloo BEX), UV/EB curable copolymers for lithographic and corrosion-resistant coating applications.
  38. McGinniss Vincent D. (Valley City OH), Ultraviolet curing of electrocoating compositions.
  39. Hallock John Scott ; Samukawa Hiroshi,JPX, Waterborne photoresist emulsions and methods of preparation thereof.

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