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[미국특허] Ion beam implant current, spot width and position tuning 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01J-037/317
출원번호 US-0960904 (2004-10-07)
등록번호 US-7442944 (2008-10-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Chang,Shengwu
  • Cucchetti,Antonella
  • Dzengeleski,Joseph P.
  • Gibilaro,Gregory R.
  • Mollica,Rosario
  • Norris,Gregg A.
  • Olson,Joseph C.
  • Welsch,Marie J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates, Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 8


An ion beam tuning method, system and program product for tuning an ion implanter system are disclosed. The invention obtains an ion beam profile of the ion beam by, for example, scanning the ion beam across a profiler that is within an implant chamber; and tunes the ion implanter system to maximize


What is claimed is: 1. A method for tuning an ion beam in an ion implanter system, the method comprising the steps of: obtaining an ion beam profile of the ion beam; and tuning the ion implanter system to maximize an estimated implant current based on the ion beam profile to simultaneously optimize

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8)

  1. Krueger,Christian, Advanced ion beam detector for ion implantation tools.
  2. Robertson David A. (West Newbury MA) Turner Norman L. (Gloucester MA), Beam scanning method and apparatus for ion implantation.
  3. Blake Julian G. ; Sferlazzo Piero ; Rose Peter H. ; Brailove Adam A., Control mechanisms for dosimetry control in ion implantation systems.
  4. Berrian Donald W. (Topsfield MA) Kaim Robert E. (Brookline MA) Vanderpot John W. (Rockport MA), Ion beam scanning method and apparatus.
  5. Robinson William P. (Newbury Park CA) Seliger Robert L. (Agoura CA), Ion implantation system.
  6. Iwasawa, Koji, Method of controlling electrostatic lens and ion implantation apparatus.
  7. Joseph C. Olson ; Anthony Renau, Methods and apparatus for adjusting beam parallelism in ion implanters.
  8. Phan Tony T. (Austin TX), System and method for optimizing placement of dopant upon semiconductor surface.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. Kariya, Hiroyuki; Ishikawa, Masaki; Inda, Yoshiaki; Kurose, Takeshi; Yagita, Takanori; Yumiyama, Toshio, Ion implantation apparatus and control method thereof.
  2. Medoff, Marshall, Processing materials with ion beams.
  3. Vanderberg, Bo H.; Hays, Steven C.; Ray, Andy, System and method for ion implantation with improved productivity and uniformity.
  4. Vanderberg, Bo H.; Hays, Steven C.; Ray, Andy, System and method for ion implantation with improved productivity and uniformity.

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