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Principal component analysis based fault classification 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/00
출원번호 US-0750222 (2003-12-31)
등록번호 US-7447609 (2008-11-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Guralnik,Valerie
  • Foslien,Wendy K
출원인 / 주소
  • Honeywell International Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Fredrick,Kris T.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 31  인용 특허 : 10


Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to model a process, and clustering techniques are used to group excursions representative of events based on sensor residuals of the PCA model. The PCA model is trained on normal data, and then run on historical data that includes both normal data, and data


The invention claimed is: 1. A computer implemented method of identifying events in a process, the method comprising: running a principal component analysis model on sensor data from the process; calculating statistics related to the model; determining if an event is occurring; finding a nearest cl

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Hsiung, Chang-Meng B.; Munoz, Bethsabeth; Roy, Ajoy Kumar; Steinthal, Michael Gregory; Sunshine, Steven A.; Vicic, Michael Allen; Zhang, Shou-Hua, Control for an industrial process using one or more multidimensional variables.
  2. Smyth Padhraic J. (Altadena CA), Hidden markov models for fault detection in dynamic systems.
  3. Rose Pehrsson,Susan; Shaffer,Ronald E.; Gottuk,Daniel T.; Hart,Sean J.; Hammond,Mark H., Identification of fire signatures for shipboard multi-criteria fire detection systems.
  4. Qin S. Joe (Austin TX) Dunia Ricardo H. (Austin TX) Hayes Randall L. (Georgetown TX), Method and apparatus for detecting and identifying faulty sensors in a process.
  5. Hopkins Robert W. (Rochester NY) Miller Paige (Rochester NY) Swanson Ronald E. (Rochester NY) Scheible John J. (Fairport NY), Method of controlling a manufacturing process using multivariate analysis.
  6. Guralnik,Valerie; Foslien,Wendy K, Principal component analysis based fault classification.
  7. Qin, S. Joe; Guiver, John P., Sensor validation apparatus and method.
  8. Hsiung, Chang-Meng B.; Munoz, Bethsabeth; Roy, Ajoy Kumar; Steinthal, Michael Gregory; Sunshine, Steven A.; Vicic, Michael Allen; Zhang, Shou-Hua, System for providing control to an industrial process using one or more multidimensional variables.
  9. Raymond J. Bunkofske ; John Z. Colt, Jr. ; James J. McGill ; Nancy T. Pascoe ; Maheswaran Surendra ; Marc A. Taubenblatt ; Asif Ghias, User configurable multivariate time series reduction tool control method.
  10. Barna Gabriel G. ; Butler Stephanie W. ; Sofge Donald A. ; White David A., Virtual sensor based monitoring and fault detection/classification system and method for semiconductor processing equip.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (31)

  1. Kates, Lawrence, Air filter monitoring system.
  2. Pham, Hung M.; Jayanth, Nagaraj, Compressor data module.
  3. Pham, Hung M., Compressor diagnostic and protection system and method.
  4. Pham, Hung M., Compressor diagnostic and protection system and method.
  5. Pham, Hung M.; Alsaleem, Fadi M., Compressor having a control and diagnostic module.
  6. Pham, Hung M.; Alsaleem, Fadi M., Compressor having a control and diagnostic module.
  7. Jayanth, Nagaraj; Renken, Troy W., Compressor sensor module.
  8. Jayanth, Nagaraj; Renken, Troy W., Compressor sensor module.
  9. Arensmeier, Jeffrey N.; Hemmelgarn, Gregg M.; Alsaleem, Fadi M.; Abiprojo, Priotomo, HVAC system remote monitoring and diagnosis.
  10. Arensmeier, Jeffrey N.; Hemmelgarn, Gregg M.; Alsaleem, Fadi M.; Abiprojo, Priotomo, HVAC system remote monitoring and diagnosis.
  11. Alsaleem, Fadi M.; Hemmelgarn, Gregg M., Heat pump system with refrigerant charge diagnostics.
  12. Alsaleem, Fadi M.; Hemmelgarn, Gregg M., Heat-pump system with refrigerant charge diagnostics.
  13. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  14. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  15. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  16. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  17. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  18. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  19. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring refrigeration-cycle systems.
  20. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring refrigeration-cycle systems.
  21. Rose-Pehrsson, Susan L.; Hammond, Mark H.; Johnson, Kevin J., Method and system for analyzing signal-vector data for pattern recognition from first order sensors.
  22. Kates, Lawrence, Portable method and apparatus for monitoring refrigerant-cycle systems.
  23. Guralnik, Valerie; Foslien Graber, Wendy, Principal component analysis based fault classification.
  24. Pham, Hung M., Protection and diagnostic module for a refrigeration system.
  25. Arensmeier, Jeffrey N., Remote HVAC monitoring and diagnosis.
  26. Arensmeier, Jeffrey N., Remote HVAC monitoring and diagnosis.
  27. Arensmeier, Jeffrey N., Residential solutions HVAC monitoring and diagnosis.
  28. Wallis, Frank S.; Rozsnaki, Joseph James, System and method for compressor motor protection.
  29. Wallis, Frank S.; Rozsnaki, Joseph James, System and method for compressor motor protection.
  30. Wallis, Frank S.; Rozsnaki, Joseph James, System and method for compressor motor protection.
  31. Pham, Hung M., System for refrigerant charge verification using two condenser coil temperatures.
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