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Remote plasma pre-clean with low hydrogen pressure 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B08B-003/00
  • H01L-021/302
출원번호 UP-0334803 (2006-01-17)
등록번호 US-7704887 (2010-05-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fu, Xinyu
  • Forster, John
  • Yu, Jick
  • Bhatnagar, Ajay
  • Gopalraja, Praburam
출원인 / 주소
  • Applied Materials, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Law Office of Charles Guenzer
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 29


A plasma cleaning method particularly useful for removing photoresist and oxide residue from a porous low-k dielectric with a high carbon content prior to sputter deposition. A remote plasma source produces a plasma primarily of hydrogen radicals. The hydrogen pressure may be kept relatively low, fo


The invention claimed is: 1. A method of plasma processing a substrate containing a dielectric layer, comprising the steps of: disposing the substrate in a vacuum chamber to which is attached a remote plasma source; passing a reducing processing gas through the remote plasma sources; magnetically f

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (29)

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  2. Wayne L. Johnson, Apparatus and method for utilizing a plasma density gradient to produce a flow of particles.
  3. Pu, Bryan Y.; Shan, Hongching; Bjorkman, Claes; Doan, Kenny; Welch, Mike; Mett, Richard Raymond, Distributed inductively-coupled plasma source and circuit for coupling induction coils to RF power supply.
  4. Woychik Richard, Efficient construction of gene targeting using phage-plasmid recombination.
  5. Hanawa, Hiroji; Collins, Kenneth S.; Trow, John R.; Stover, David; Silveira, Fernando, High-frequency electrostatically shielded toroidal plasma and radical source.
  6. Chen,Xing; Holber,William M.; Cowe,Andrew Barnett; Georgelis,Eric; Bystyak,Ilya M.; Bortkiewicz,Andrzej, Inductively-coupled torodial plasma source.
  7. Sivaramakrishnam Visweswaren ; Nguyen Bang C. ; Rao Gayathri ; Robles Stuardo ; Fong Gary L. ; Lim Vicente ; Lee Peter W., Method and apparatus for forming a thin polymer layer on an integrated circuit structure.
  8. Zheng, Yi; Singh, Vinita; Nemani, Srinivas D.; Chen, Chen-An; Lee, Ju-Hyung; Venkataraman, Shankar, Method for cleaning a process chamber.
  9. Mui,David; Liu,Wei; Sasano,Hiroki, Method for controlling accuracy and repeatability of an etch process.
  10. Chiang, Kang-Lie; Dahimene, Mahmoud; Zhao, Xiaoye; Ye, Yan; Delgadino, Gerardo A.; Hung, Hoiman; Xia, Li-Qun; Conti, Giuseppina R., Method for modifying dielectric characteristics of dielectric layers.
  11. Doehler Joachim (Union Lake MI) Hudgens Stephen J. (Southfield MI) Ovshinsky Stanford R. (Bloomfield Hills MI) Dotter II Buddie (Utica MI) Peedin Lester R. (Oak Park MI) Krisko Jeffrey M. (Highland M, Method for the high rate plasma deposition of high quality material.
  12. Lee, Ju-Hyung; Xu, Ping; Venkataraman, Shankar; Xia, Li-Qun; Han, Fei; Yieh, Ellie; Nemani, Srinivas D.; Yim, Kangsub; Moghadam, Farhad K.; Sinha, Ashok K.; Zheng, Yi, Method of depositing dielectric materials in damascene applications.
  13. Naik Mehul ; Broydo Samuel, Method of producing an interconnect structure for an integrated circuit.
  14. Lai, Canfeng; Cox, Michael S.; Loewenhardt, Peter K.; Tanaka, Tsutomu; Shamouilian, Shamouil, Multi-core transformer plasma source.
  15. Lai,Canfeng; Cox,Michael S.; Loewenhardt,Peter K.; Tanaka,Tsutomu; Shamouilian,Shamouil, Multi-core transformer plasma source.
  16. Kim, Bok Hoen; Rathi, Sudha; Ahn, Sang H.; Bencher, Christopher D.; Wang, Yuxiang May; M'Saad, Hichem; Silvetti, Mario D.; Fung, Miguel; Jung, Keebum; Zhu, Lei, Nitrogen-free dielectric anti-reflective coating and hardmask.
  17. Kaji Tetsunori (Tokuyama JPX) Fujii Takashi (Kudamatsu JPX) Yoshigai Motohiko (Kudamatsu JPX) Kawasaki Yoshinao (Yamaguchi JPX) Nishiumi Masaharu (Kudamatsu JPX), Plasma process apparatus including ground electrode with protection film.
  18. Andrew D. Bailey, III ; Alan M. Schoepp ; David J. Hemker ; Mark H. Wilcoxson ; Andras Kuthi, Plasma processing systems.
  19. Brown William ; Herchen Harald ; Merry Walter ; Welch Michael, Polymer removal from top surfaces and sidewalls of a semiconductor wafer.
  20. Desphandey Chandra V. (Los Angeles CA) Bunshah Rointan F. (Playa del Rey CA) Doerr Hans J. (Westlake Village CA), Process for making diamond, and doped diamond films at low temperature.
  21. Subrahmanyan Suchitra ; Chen Liang-Yuh ; Mosely Roderick Craig, Reactive preclean prior to metallization for sub-quarter micron application.
  22. Inukai,Kazuaki, Semiconductor device fabrication method.
  23. Muraoka Kouichi,JPX ; Kunishima Iwao,JPX ; Nishino Hirotaka, Semiconductor device manufacturing method.
  24. Thomas J. Kropewnicki ; Jeremiah T. Pender ; Henry Fong ; Charles Peter Auglis ; Raymond Hung ; Hongqing Shan, Substrate cleaning process.
  25. Hsieh, Chang-Lin; Ma, Diana Xiaobing; Shieh, Brian Sy Yuan; Yin, Gerald Zheyao; Sun, Jennifer; Thach, Senh; Luo, Lee; Bjorkman, Claes H., System level in-situ integrated dielectric etch process particularly useful for copper dual damascene.
  26. Savas, Stephen E.; Zajac, John; Guerra, Robert; Helle, Wolfgang, Systems and methods for photoresist strip and residue treatment in integrated circuit manufacturing.
  27. Cox, Michael S.; Lai, Canfeng; Majewski, Robert B.; Wanamaker, David P.; Lane, Christopher T.; Loewenhardt, Peter; Shamouilian, Shamouil; Parks, John P., Toroidal plasma source for plasma processing.
  28. Gerald Zheyao Yin ; Xue-Yu Qian ; Patrick L. Leahey ; Jonathan D. Mohn ; Waiching Chow ; Arthur Y. Chen ; Zhi-Wen Sun ; Brian K. Hatcher, Treatment of etching chambers using activated cleaning gas.
  29. Donohoe Kevin G. (Boise ID), Use of a high density plasma source having an electrostatic shield for anisotropic polysilicon etching over topography.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. Tolle, John; Goodman, Matthew G., Germanium oxide pre-clean module and process.
  2. Tolle, John; Goodman, Matthew G.; Vyne, Robert Michael; Hill, Eric R., Plasma pre-clean module and process.
  3. Tolle, John; Goodman, Matthew G.; Vyne, Robert Michael; Hill, Eric R., Plasma pre-clean module and process.
  4. Fu, Xinyu; Yu, Jick M., Plasma treatment of substrates prior to deposition.
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