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Process for enhancing solubility and reaction rates in supercritical fluids 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-021/20
출원번호 US-0536551 (2009-08-06)
등록번호 US8043944 (2011-10-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Taylor, Theodore M.
  • Kramer, Stephen J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Micron Technology, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Wells St. John P.S.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 11


Processes for enhancing solubility and the reaction rates in supercritical fluids are provided. In preferred embodiments, such processes provide for the uniform and precise deposition of metal-containing films on semiconductor substrates as well as the uniform and precise removal of materials from s


What is claimed is: 1. A method for enhancing the rate of deposition at the surface of a semiconductor substrate comprising, providing a supercritical fluid containing at least one reactant, said supercritical fluid being maintained at above its critical point, exposing at least a portion of said su

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11)

  1. Kie Y. Ahn ; Leonard Forbes, Buried ground plane for high performance system modules.
  2. Watkins, James J.; Blackburn, Jason M.; Long, David P.; Lazorcik, Jason L., Chemical fluid deposition method for the formation of metal and metal alloy films on patterned and unpatterned substrates.
  3. Humayun, Raashina; Joyce, Patrick Christopher; Gauri, Vishal; Tipton, Adrianne Kay, Method and apparatus for radiation enhanced supercritical fluid processing.
  4. Hembree David R. ; Akram Salman, Method and apparatus for ultrasonic wet etching of silicon.
  5. Watkins James J. ; McCarthy Thomas J., Method of chemically depositing material onto a substrate.
  6. Uozumi Yoshihiro,JPX, Method of forming a copper oxide film to etch a copper surface evenly.
  7. Liu Chung-Shi,TWX ; Yu Chen-Hua,TWX, Method of increasing the stability of a copper to copper interconnection process and structure manufactured thereby.
  8. Wai, Chien M.; Ohde, Hiroyuki; Kramer, Steve, Methods of forming metal-containing films over surfaces of semiconductor substrates; and semiconductor constructions.
  9. McDermott,Wayne Thomas; Subawalla,Hoshang; Johnson,Andrew David; Schwarz,Alexander, Processing of semiconductor components with dense processing fluids and ultrasonic energy.
  10. Mullee, William H.; de Leeuwe, Marc; Roberson, Jr., Glenn A., Removal of CMP residue from semiconductor substrate using supercritical carbon dioxide process.
  11. Aydin K. Sunol, Supercritical fluid aided coating of particulate material.
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