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[미국특허] Treatment of fly ash for use in concrete 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C04B-018/06
  • C04B-018/08
출원번호 US-0275437 (2008-11-21)
등록번호 US-8177906 (2012-05-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Boxley, Chett
출원인 / 주소
  • Ceramatec, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Fonda, David
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 16


A process for treating fly ash to render it highly usable as a concrete additive. A quantity of fly ash is obtained that contains carbon and which is considered unusable fly ash for concrete based upon foam index testing. The fly ash is mixed with a quantity of spray dryer ash (SDA) and water to ini


1. A process of treating fly ash for use as a cement additive for use in concrete comprising: obtaining a quantity of fly ash that contains between 0.1 and 50% carbon, by weight, based upon loss on ignition and which is considered unusable fly ash for concrete based upon foam index testing; andmixin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16)

  1. Comrie, Douglas C, Binder composition for waste materials.
  2. Styron Robert William, Blended hydraulic cement.
  3. Heitzmann Richard F. (Pearland TX) Gravitt Billy B. (Katy TX) Sawyer James L. (Friendswood TX), Cement composition curable at low temperatures.
  4. Comrie, Douglas, Cementicious materials including stainless steel slag and geopolymer.
  5. Comrie,Douglas C, Cementitious materials including stainless steel slag and geopolymers.
  6. Dodgen Harold Dean ; Larrimore Charles Lamar, Concrete mix containing coal ash and organic plant ash.
  7. Silverstrim Thomas (Collingdale PA) Rostami Hossein (Philadelphia PA) Larralde Jesus (Clovis CA) Samadi Anamolah (Philadelphia PA), Fly ash cementitious material and method of making a product.
  8. Robert William Styron, Fly ash composition for use in concrete mix.
  9. Baldwin Charles E. ; Sogue Alioune, Hexametaphosphate as an agent for treating wastes, preparing construction materials and stabilizing soils.
  10. Joshi Ashok V. (Salt Lake City UT), Inert gas purification.
  11. Comrie Douglas C.,CAX, Inorganic binder composition, production and uses thereof.
  12. Liskowitz, John W.; Just, Dennis, Method for preparing fly ash for high compressive strength concrete and mortar, and compositions thereof.
  13. Bolsing Friedrich (3067 Lindhorst DEX), Method of producing a solid secondary raw material containing calcium sulfate.
  14. Heitzmann Richard E. (Pearland TX) Fitzgerald Mark (Houston TX) Sawyer James L. (Friendswood TX), Mineral binder and compositions employing the same.
  15. Heitzmann Richard F. (Pearland TX) Fitzgerald Mark (Houston TX) Sawyer James L. (Friendswood TX), Mineral binder and compositions employing the same.
  16. Dodson Vance H. (Walpole MA) Roberts Lawrence R. (Acton MA), Portland cement-fly ash-aggregate concretes.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. Atwell, Michael; Raythatha, Rasik H., Stabilization of sodic fly ash of type F using calcium-based material.
  2. Boxley, Chett; Akash, Akash; Zhao, Qiang, Treatment of fly ash for use in concrete.
  3. Boxley, Chett; Akash, Akash; Zhao, Qiang, Treatment of fly ash for use in concrete.

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