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Method and apparatus for controlling the cut register of a web-fed rotary press 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B26D-005/28
출원번호 US-0001128 (2007-12-10)
등록번호 US-8181556 (2012-05-22)
우선권정보 DE-103 35 888 (2003-08-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Brandenburg, Günther
  • Geissenberger, Stefan
  • Klemm, Andreas
출원인 / 주소
  • MAN Roland Druckmaschinen AG
대리인 / 주소
    Cozen O'Connor
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 16


To control the cutting register of a web in a web-fed rotary press with little expenditure, a specific item of image information or a measuring mark of a printed web is registered by at least one sensor. The sensor generates a registration signal which is supplied to a control device. The registrati


1. A method for controlling a position of a cutting register on a printed web in a rotary press, comprising the steps of: registering, by a sensor, a cutting register comprising one of a specific item of image information and a measuring mark on a printed web running-through the rotary press, the se

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16)

  1. Larson Duane B. (Williamsville NY), Adaptive control for a dividing shear.
  2. Daggett Kenneth E. (Murrysville PA), Communication interface for multi-microprocessor servo control in a multi-axis robot control system.
  3. Bernd Mehlis DE; Josef Hammer DE, Control arrangement for unwinding equipment for webs.
  4. Parkander Gothe Anders Krister,SEX, Cutting device for cutting continuous webs.
  5. Hank Dietrich (Leipzig DEX) Naumann Reinhard (Delitzsch DEX) Schneider Wolfgang (Leipzig DEX), Device for controlling unwinding in a web-feeding device of a printing machine.
  6. Haller Ralf (Oftersheim DEX), Device for cutting a web into sections.
  7. Nordgren Richard Eric, Laminating machine register-length and web tension controller.
  8. Rajala Gregory John ; Lorenz Robert Donald, Method and apparatus for controlling web tension by actively controlling velocity and acceleration of a dancer roll.
  9. Bernd-Markus Pfeiffer DE, Method for controlling a time-lagged process with compensation, and a controlling device for carrying out said method.
  10. Theilacker,Klaus, Method for controlling the cut register in a web-fed rotary press.
  11. Drr Wolfgang (Meckesheim DEX) Rssler Georg (Angelbachtal DEX) Spilz Rolf (Mannheim DEX), Method for setting the cutting register on a cross-cutting device disposed downline of a web-fed printing press.
  12. Murphy Peter H. (7031 Glendora El Paso TX 79912), Modulated forming machine.
  13. Serebrennikov,Boris; Henneberger,Klaus; Eckert,Martin; Bast,Frank; Berger,Reinhard; Vornehm,Martin; Winkelmann,Stefan, Motor vehicle with a gearbox and method for operating a motor vehicle.
  14. Caldwell,John; Blevins,Terrence L.; Wojsznis,Peter; Wojsznis,Wilhelm K., Process model identification in a process control system.
  15. Hayashi Shigeki (Machida JPX) Komaya Kazuyoshi (Suita JPX), Rotary shear line.
  16. Clark Ralph C. (Ashwaubenon WI), Temperature sensing dryer profile control.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Gocho, Tomoko, Apparatus and method to avoid cutting a spliced recording medium position.
  2. Tsuji, Hiroyuki, Recording apparatus and recording/cutting control method.
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