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[미국특허] Two-step hydrogen annealing process for creating uniform non-planar semiconductor devices at aggressive pitch 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-021/321
  • H01L-021/324
출원번호 US-0414744 (2012-03-08)
등록번호 US-8575009 (2013-11-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sleight, Jeffrey W.
  • Bangsaruntip, Sarunya
출원인 / 주소
  • International Business Machines Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Scully, Scott, Murphy & Presser, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 22


A two-step hydrogen anneal process has been developed for use in fabricating semiconductor nanowires for use in non-planar semiconductor devices. In the first part of the two-step hydrogen anneal process, which occurs prior to suspending a semiconductor nanowire, the initial roughness of at least th


1. A method of fabricating a semiconductor nanowire comprising: forming at least one semiconductor nanowire from at least an uppermost semiconductor layer of a substrate, wherein an end segment of said at least one semiconductor nanowire is attached to a first semiconductor pad region and another en

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22)

  1. Bangsaruntip, Sarunya; Bryant, Andres; Cohen, Guy; Sleight, Jeffrey W., Different thickness oxide silicon nanowire field effect transistors.
  2. Bangsaruntip, Sarunya; Cohen, Guy M.; Majumdar, Amlan; Sleight, Jeffrey W., Generation of multiple diameter nanowire field effect transistors.
  3. Bangsaruntip, Sarunya; Cohen, Guy; Sleight, Jeffrey W., Generation of multiple diameter nanowire field effect transistors.
  4. Romano, Linda T.; Chen, Jian, Large area nanoenabled macroelectronic substrates and uses therefor.
  5. Duan, Xiangfeng; Niu, Chunming; Empedocles, Stephen A.; Romano, Linda T.; Chen, Jian; Sahi, Vijendra; Bock, Lawrence; Stumbo, David P.; Parce, J. Wallace; Goldman, Jay L., Large-area nanoenabled macroelectronic substrates and uses therefor.
  6. Duan, Xiangfeng; Niu, Chunming; Empedocles, Stephen; Romano, Linda T.; Chen, Jian; Sahi, Vijendra; Bock, Lawrence; Stumbo, David; Parce, J. Wallace; Goldman, Jay L., Large-area nanoenabled macroelectronic substrates and uses therefor.
  7. Duan,Xiangfeng; Niu,Chunming; Empedocles,Stephen, Large-area nanoenabled macroelectronic substrates and uses therefor.
  8. Duan,Xiangfeng; Niu,Chunming; Empedocles,Stephen A.; Romano,Linda T.; Chen,Jian; Sahi,Vijendra; Bock,Lawrence A.; Stumbo,David P.; Parce,J. Wallace; Goldman,Jay L., Large-area nanoenabled macroelectronic substrates and uses therefor.
  9. Duan,Xiangfeng; Niu,Chunming; Empedocles,Stephen A.; Romano,Linda T.; Chen,Jian; Sahi,Vijendra; Bock,Lawrence A.; Stumbo,David P.; Wallace,Parce J.; Goldman,Jay L., Large-area nanoenabled macroelectronic substrates and uses therefor.
  10. Duan,Xiangfeng; Niu,Chunming; Empedocles,Stephen A.; Romano,Linda T.; Chen,Jian; Sahi,Vijendra; Bock,Lawrence A.; Stumbo,David P.; Wallace,Parce J.; Goldman,Jay L., Large-area nanoenabled macroelectronic substrates and uses therefor.
  11. Duan,Xiangfeng; Niu,Chunming; Empedocles,Stephen; Romano,Linda T.; Chen,Jian; Sahi,Vijendra; Bock,Lawrence A.; Stumbo,David P.; Parce,J. Wallace; Goldman,Jay L., Large-area nanoenabled macroelectronic substrates and uses therefor.
  12. Romano, Linda T.; Chen, Jian, Large-area nanoenabled macroelectronic substrates and uses therefor.
  13. Duan,Xiangfeng; Niu,Chunming; Empedocles,Stephen; Romano,Linda T.; Chen,Jian; Sahi,Vijendra; Bock,Lawrence; Stumbo,David; Parce,J. Wallace; Goldman,Jay L., Large-area nonenabled macroelectronic substrates and uses therefor.
  14. Bangsaruntip, Sarunya; Cohen, Guy; Sleight, Jeffrey W., Maskless process for suspending and thinning nanowires.
  15. Bangsaruntip, Sarunya; Cohen, Guy; Sleight, Jeffrey W., Maskless process for suspending and thinning nanowires.
  16. Bangsaruntip, Sarunya; Cohen, Guy; Murray, Conal E.; Sleight, Jeffrey W., Nanowire FET having induced radial strain.
  17. Bangsaruntip, Sarunya; Cohen, Guy; Murray, Conal E.; Sleight, Jeffrey W., Nanowire FET having induced radial strain.
  18. Or-Bach, Zvi; Sekar, Deepak C., Semiconductor device and structure.
  19. Or-Bach, Zvi; Sekar, Deepak C., Semiconductor device and structure.
  20. Or-Bach, Zvi; Widjaja, Yuniarto; Sekar, Deepak C., Semiconductor device and structure.
  21. Sekar, Deepak C.; Or-Bach, Zvi, Semiconductor device and structure.
  22. Sekar, Deepak C.; Or-Bach, Zvi, Semiconductor device and structure.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5)

  1. Cohen, Guy M.; Guillorn, Michael A.; Lauer, Isaac; Sleight, Jeffrey W., Epitaxial growth techniques for reducing nanowire dimension and pitch.
  2. Ching, Kuo-Cheng; Huang, Jiun-Jia, Integrate circuit with nanowires.
  3. Ching, Kuo-Cheng; Huang, Jiun-Jia, Integrate circuit with nanowires.
  4. Fink, Klaus; Vey, Martin, Method for the determination of botulinum neurotoxin biological activity.
  5. Agarwal, Samarth; Bajaj, Mohit; Hook, Terence B., Modeling charge distribution on FinFET sidewalls.

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