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Methods of treatment with DLL4 antagonists and an anti-hypertensive agent 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61K-039/395
  • A61K-038/15
  • A61P-009/12
  • A61K-045/06
  • C07K-016/22
  • C07K-014/435
출원번호 US-0501944 (2010-10-18)
등록번호 US-8883145 (2014-11-11)
국제출원번호 PCT/US2010/053064 (2010-10-18)
§371/§102 date 20120626 (20120626)
국제공개번호 WO2011/047383 (2011-04-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stagg, Robert Joseph
  • Benner, Steven Eugene
출원인 / 주소
  • Oncomed Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein and Fox PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 14


Methods for treating cancer comprising administering a DLL4 antagonist and one or more anti-hypertensive agents are described. Also described are pharmaceutical compositions comprising a DLL4 antagonist and one or more anti-hypertensive agents, and kits comprising the same.


1. A method of treating cancer comprising: administering to a human subject in need thereof a delta like ligand-4 (DLL4) antagonist, wherein the DLL4 antagonist is an antibody that specifically binds human DLL4, and further administering a therapeutically effective amount of one or more anti-hyperte

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14)

  1. Gurney, Austin; Axelrod, Fumiko; Hoey, Tim; Satyal, Sanjeev, Anti-human DLL4 antibodies and compositions.
  2. Ish Horowicz,David; Henrique,Domingos Manuel Pinto; Lewis,Julian Hart; Artavanis Tsakonas,Spyridon; Gray,Grace E., Antibodies to vertebrate delta proteins and fragments.
  3. Sakano, Seiji, Differentiation inhibitory agent.
  4. McCarthy Sean Anthony ; Gearing David Paul, Human Delta3 nucleic acid molecules.
  5. Papadopoulos, Nicholas J.; Martin, Joel H.; Smith, Eric; Noguera Troise, Irene; Thurston, Gavin, Human antibodies to human delta like ligand 4.
  6. Papadopoulos,Nicholas J.; Martin,Joel H.; Smith,Eric; Noguera Troise,Irene; Thurston,Gavin, Human antibodies to human delta like ligand 4.
  7. Clarke,Michael F.; Morrison,Sean J.; Wicha,Max S.; Al Hajj,Muhammad, Isolation and use of solid tumor stem cells.
  8. Bergstein Ivan, Methods of cancer diagnosis and therapy targeted against the cancer stemline.
  9. Stahl, Neil; Yancopoulos, George D.; Furfine, Eric; Cedarbaum, Jesse M., Methods of treating diseases with a VEGF antagonist.
  10. Gao, Wei-Qiang; Koeppen, Hartmut; Ross, Sarajane; Shou, Jianyong, Notch receptor agonists and uses.
  11. Sakano,Seiji, Nucleic acids encoding differentiation inhibitor delta 2.
  12. Ish-Horowicz David,GBX ; Henrique Domingos Manuel Pinto,PTX ; Lewis Julian Hart,GBX ; Artavanis-Tsakonas Spyridon ; Gray Grace E., Nucleotide and protein sequences of vertebrate delta genes and methods based thereon.
  13. Cedarbaum,Jesse M.; Holash,Jocelyn, Therapeutic combination of a VEGF antagonist and anti-hypertensive agent.
  14. Cedarbaum,Jesse M.; Holash,Jocelyn, Therapeutic combination of a VEGF antagonist and anti-hypertensive agent.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9)

  1. Gurney, Austin L.; Axelrod, Fumiko Takada; Hoey, Timothy Charles; Satyal, Sanjeev H., Compositions and methods for diagnosing and treating cancer.
  2. Gurney, Austin; Axelrod, Fumiko; Hoey, Tim; Satyal, Sanjeev, Compositions and methods for diagnosing and treating cancer.
  3. Benner, Steven Eugene; Stagg, Robert Joseph; Dupont, Jakob, Methods and monitoring of treatment with a DLL4 antagonist.
  4. Hoey, Timothy C.; Beviglia, Lucia, Methods for treating melanoma.
  5. Gurney, Austin L.; Sato, Aaron Ken; Bond, Christopher John, Modified immunoglobulin molecules that specifically bind human VEGF and DLL4.
  6. Gurney, Austin L.; Sato, Aaron Ken; Bond, Christopher John, Polynucleotides encoding VEGF/DLL4 binding agents.
  7. Stagg, Robert Joseph; Benner, Steven Eugene, Therapeutic combination and methods of treatment with a DLL4 antagonist and an anti-hypertensive agent.
  8. Stagg, Robert Joseph; Benner, Steven Eugene, Therapeutic combination and methods of treatment with a DLL4 antagonist and an anti-hypertensive agent.
  9. Gurney, Austin L.; Sato, Aaron Ken; Bond, Christopher John, VEGF binding antibodies.
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