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[미국특허] Spar assembly for a wind turbine rotor blade 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F03D-011/00
  • F03D-001/06
  • F03D-001/00
출원번호 US-0096408 (2013-12-04)
등록번호 US-9605651 (2017-03-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Busbey, Bruce Clark
  • Stewart, Edward McBeth
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company
대리인 / 주소
    Dority & Manning, P.A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 13


A spar assembly for a rotor blade of a wind turbine is disclosed. The spar assembly includes a first spar cap segment and a second spar cap segment. The first spar cap segment is configured on an interior surface of a first blade segment and the second spar cap segment is configured on an interior s


1. A rotor blade assembly for a wind turbine, the rotor blade assembly comprising: a rotor blade comprising a first blade segment and a second blade segment, each segment comprising a pressure side shell member and an opposite suction side shell member; and,a spar assembly comprising a first spar ca

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13)

  1. Llorente Gonzalez, Jose Ignacio; Velez Oria, Sergio, Blade for wind-power generator formed by attaching multiple independent sections utilizing connection means at the end of each opposing sections.
  2. Cross Steven R. (Catonsville MD) Pass Stuart J. (Owings Mills MD) Huntington Robert G. (Owings Mills MD), Fan blade protection system.
  3. Riddell, Scott Gabell, Joint design for rotor blade segments of a wind turbine.
  4. Ashton ; Larry J. ; Abildskov ; Dale P., Lightweight contoured load carrying structure.
  5. Arelt,Rainer, Method for producing a rotor blade, a corresponding rotor blade and a wind power plant.
  6. Cairo,Ronald Ralph, Modular blades and methods for making same.
  7. Eyb, Enno, Modular rotor blade for a wind turbine and method for assembling same.
  8. Moroz,Emilian Mieczyslaw, Multi-piece wind turbine rotor blades and wind turbines incorporating same.
  9. Kyriakides, Steven Alan; Riddell, Scott Gabell, Multi-segment wind turbine rotor blade with span-wise offset joints.
  10. Carlson Charles E. K. (North Shallott NC) Violette John A. (Granby CT), Reinforced full-spar composite rotor blade.
  11. Sterrett Terry L. (Post Fach 132 ; Pfaffikonerstr. 3 ; 8834 Schindellegi CHX), Tail rotor abrasive strip.
  12. Chen, Xianglei; Baehmann, Peggy Lynn; Lin, Wendy Wen-Ling; Zhou, Youdong; Quek, Shu Ching; Praveen, Grama Narasimhaprasad; Kirkpatrick, Bowden; Zirin, Robert Michael; Qian, Gang, Turbine blade and method of fabricating the same.
  13. Althoff, Nicholas K.; Jacobsen, Eric M.; Bakhuis, Jan W., Wind turbine spars with jointed shear webs.

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