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[미국특허] Suction device for surgical instruments 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61M-035/00
  • A61M-001/00
  • A61B-018/14
  • A61M-037/00
  • A61M-005/00
  • A61M-029/00
  • A61M-025/00
출원번호 US-0945366 (2015-11-18)
등록번호 US-9750855 (2017-09-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Minskoff, Noah Mark
  • Jackson, James
  • Leeflang, Elisabeth Jacques
출원인 / 주소
  • CONMED Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Price, Frederick JM
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 42


A suction device is shown and described. The suction device includes a body, an input port configured to receive a flow of matter, a suction port, and a suction lumen that couples the suction port to the input port. In some embodiments the suction device is configured to couple with a surgical instr


1. A device comprising: a body having an outer surface and an inner surface, and configured to couple with an electrosurgical instrument and provide suction to a surgical field, the body comprising: a. a longitudinal channel having a first end having a first diameter, a second end having a second di

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (42)

  1. Mally Sujith N. V. (33353A 1st Pl. S. Federal Way WA 98003) Sharpe David W. (712 220th SW. Bothell WA 98021) Colehour Jeffrey L. (4760 130th Ave. SE. Bellevue WA 98006), Air amplified mini-vacuum.
  2. Hertweck, David, Apparatus and method for controlling a vacuum source to establish fluid flow.
  3. Minskoff, Noah Mark; Terry, Nathan Andrew, Apparatus and method for electrosurgical suction.
  4. Minskoff, Noah Mark; Terry, Nathan Andrew, Apparatus and method for electrosurgical suction.
  5. Terry, Nathan Andrew; Minskoff, Noah Mark, Apparatus and method for electrosurgical suction.
  6. Terry, Nathan Andrew; Minskoff, Noah Mark, Apparatus and method for electrosurgical suction.
  7. Neubert, William J., Aspiration flow meter and control.
  8. Cosmescu Ioan (14449 N. 22nd St. Phoenix AZ 85022), Automatic smoke evacuator activator system for a surgical laser apparatus and method therefor.
  9. Cosmescu Ioan (14449 N. 22nd St. Phoenix AZ 85022), Automatic smoke evacuator system for a surgical laser apparatus and method therefor.
  10. Helmer Kevin ; Bushman Richard, Backflow prevention system in suctioning apparatus.
  11. Kordas, Friedel; Knebel, Bettina; Hoffken, Peter, Coanda injector and compressed gas line for connecting same.
  12. Sherman, Leslie H.; Beck, George; Goetzl, Richard; LeCroy, Dorian, Digitally controlled aspirator.
  13. Ioan Cosmescu, Electro-surgical unit pencil apparatus and method therefor.
  14. Cosmescu Ioan, Electro-surgical unit-argon beam coagulator pencil apparatus and method for operating same.
  15. D\Antonio Nicholas F. (Liverpool NY), Electronic drainage system.
  16. Gammack, Peter David; Nicolas, Frederic; Simmonds, Kevin John, Fan.
  17. Gammack, Peter David; Nicolas, Frederic; Simmonds, Kevin John, Fan.
  18. Gammack, Peter David; Nicolas, Frederic; Simmonds, Kevin John, Fan.
  19. Nicolas, Frederic; Simmonds, Kevin John, Fan.
  20. Helps, Daniel Francis, Fan assembly.
  21. Bair Scott, Fluid jet surgical cutting tool and aspiration device.
  22. Davison,Paul O.; Woloszko,Jean; Jenkins,Tom, Instrument for electrosurgical tissue treatment.
  23. Baker, Peter Christensen; Slone, Clinton N; Strasser, Michael J.; Lovette, James M; King, Thomas; Treadwell, Richard, Irrigation and aspiration devices and methods.
  24. Rogers Wayne W. (Napa CA) Wang Carl C. T. (Piedmont CA), Linear suction control system.
  25. Epstein Gordon Howard, Medical suctioning apparatus and methods of use.
  26. Cosmescu, Ioan, Multifunctional handpiece for use in open and laparoscopic laser surgery and electrosurgery.
  27. Cosmescu, Ioan, Multifunctional telescopic monopolar/bipolar surgical device and method therefor.
  28. Ioan Cosmescu, Multifunctional telescopic monopolar/bipolar surgical device and method therefor.
  29. Cosmescu,Ioan, Multifunctional telescopic monopolar/bipolar surgical device and method therefore.
  30. Cosmescu, Ioan, Multifunctional telescopic monopolar/bipolar surgical device and method thereof.
  31. Schaaf, Walter, Pneumatic vacuum generator.
  32. Cosmescu Ioan (14449 No. 22nd St. Pheonix AZ 85022), Radio frequency sensor for automatic smoke evacuator system for a surgical laser and/or electrical apparatus and method.
  33. Robinson, Timothy Mark; Locke, Christopher Brian, Reduced-pressure interfaces, systems, and methods employing a Coanda device.
  34. Cosmescu Ioan, Removable shroud for use with electrosurgery.
  35. Charles R. Yeh, Smoke evacuation apparatus.
  36. Shapira Nadiv (4745 Ogletown-Stanton Rd. Newark DE 19713), Smoke evacuator for smoke generating devices.
  37. Olsen Eugene (2100 Meredian Park Blvd. Concord CA 94520), Suction attachment for electrosurgical instruments or the like.
  38. Stiehl, James B.; Stiehl, Kurt R., Surgical suction wand.
  39. Cosmescu, Ioan, Swivel device for electrosurgery pencil and surgical smoke evacuation.
  40. Cosmescu Ioan (14449 N. 22 St. Phoenix AZ 85022), Telescopic surgical device and method therefor.
  41. Johnson Gerald W. (17115 Red Oak ; Ste. #211 Houston TX 77090), Vacuum hood attachment for electrosurgical instruments.
  42. Cosmescu Ioan (14449 No. 22nd St. Phoenix AZ 85022), Vortex hand piece shroud for automatic smoke evacuator system for a surgical laser apparatus and method therefor.

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