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Cross belt slat sorter 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65G-043/08
  • B65G-017/34
  • B65G-047/244
  • B65G-037/00
출원번호 US-0213472 (2016-07-19)
등록번호 US-9809388 (2017-11-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bastian, II, William A.
  • Clark, Garrett
  • Halvorson, II, Eric C.
출원인 / 주소
  • Bastian Solutions, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty, McNett & Henry LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 22


A method of operating a cross belt slat sorter includes moving a first item of a first type positioned on the sorter. A database is maintained that stores transport requirements for different item types. A control system ascertains a first type of the first item via a separate vision system that is


1. A method, comprising: providing a first wireless subsystem networked with controllers for a first zone of carriages and a second wireless subsystem networked with controllers for a second zone of carriages, wherein the first and second wireless subsystems are positioned so that at least one of th

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22)

  1. Sones, Richard A.; Sebeny, Carl E.; Baird, Brian M.; Kress, Michael A.; Kress, Michael L., Apparatus and methods for container inspection.
  2. Tarlton,Curtis S., Combining conveyor with product path switching arrangement.
  3. Garcia Ernest J., Compound floating pivot micromechanisms.
  4. Yoshida, Takashi; Komazawa, Yuichi, Conveyor device.
  5. Vertogen,Martinus Johannes Maria; Van Rijt,Bram Antonius Carolus, Conveyor system.
  6. Axmann Norbert,DEX, Conveyor system for sorting piece goods.
  7. Bastian, II, William A.; Clark, Garrett; Halvorson, II, Eric C., Cross belt slat sorter.
  8. Affaticati, Artemio; Cerutti, Claudio A., High rate induction system.
  9. Bromley, Arlo Stephen; Henson, Mark W.; Burdine, II, Charles O., Linear belt sorter and methods of using linear belt sorter.
  10. Austin, Robert, Monorail sortation system.
  11. Austin, Robert, Monorail sortation system.
  12. Veit,Frank W; Zeitler,David W; Verploegen,Rhonda J; Black,Andrew R; Bozarth,Charles W; Miin Arng Ko,Clyde, Positive displacement shoe and slat sorter apparatus and method.
  13. Liu, Zhong Min, RFID conveyor system.
  14. Nielsen ; Jacob August, Selectively controllable unloading arrangement for sorting conveyor constructions.
  15. Richard B. Patrick, Shuttle top diverter.
  16. Tasma, Ryan D.; Cotter, David H.; Haan, Ted W., Slat driven positive displacement sorter.
  17. Hysell, Brian D.; Moore, John D., Sortation conveyor apparatus and methods.
  18. Hysell,Brian; Moore,John, Sortation conveyor apparatus and methods.
  19. Balk, Wouter; Hopman, Jozef Walter Maria, Sorting apparatus.
  20. Gennari Nedo,ITX ; Faure Andrea,ITX, Sorting machine with always tilted transportation planes.
  21. Bastian, II, William A.; Sobota, Elizabeth, Three-dimensional automated pick module.
  22. Bastian, II, William A.; Sobota, Elizabeth, Vertical spiral multilevel sorter and merge conveyor for three dimensional automated pick module.
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