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Reconstruction of original touch image from differential touch image 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-003/041
출원번호 US-0144706 (2016-05-02)
등록번호 US-9874975 (2018-01-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Benbasat, Ari Y.
  • Vieta, William Matthew
  • Westerman, Wayne Carl
  • Hotelling, Steven P.
출원인 / 주소
  • Apple Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Morrison & Foerster, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 82


Reconstruction of an original touch image from a differential touch image is disclosed. Reconstruction can include aligning columns of the differential touch image relative to each other and aligning the image to a baseline DC value. The column and baseline alignment can be based on the differential


1. A method for reconstructing an original touch image from a differential touch image, comprising: capturing the differential touch image at a touch sensitive device;capturing common mode data at the device;combining the captured differential touch image data and the common mode data;performing a c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (82)

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  2. Kurikawa, Yohei, All points addressable touch sensing surface.
  3. Wright, David G.; Grivna, Edward L.; Sartore, Ronald H., Apparatus and method for detecting a touch-sensor pad gesture.
  4. GuangHai, Li, Apparatus for detecting conductive material of a pad layer of a sensing device.
  5. Seguine,Dennis, Automatically balanced sensing device and method for multiple capacitive sensors.
  6. Cordeiro, Craig A., Baseline update procedure for touch sensitive device.
  7. Hillis, W. Daniel, Bounding box gesture recognition on a touch detecting interactive display.
  8. Orsley, Timothy James, Capacitive sensing and absolute position mapping in displacement type pointing devices.
  9. Mackey, Bob Lee; Golovchenko, Mykola, Capacitive sensing apparatus designs.
  10. Harald Philipp GB, Capacitive sensor and array.
  11. Lin, Yu-Kai; Lin, Yih-Jer; Chuang, Wen-Ju, Capacitive touch panel.
  12. Chang, Chin-Fu, Capacitive touch screen.
  13. Gottbreht Tom L. (Plano TX) Shepherd Glen C. (Garland TX), Capacitive touch switch panel.
  14. Dym ; Herbert ; Krakinowski ; Morris, Capacitive two dimensional tablet with single conductive layer.
  15. Makovetskyy, Mykhailo, Capacitive-matrix keyboard with multiple touch detection.
  16. Pyo, SeungEun; Kim, HongChul, Display device with an integrated touch screen and method for driving the same.
  17. Hotelling, Steven Porter; Yousefpor, Marduke; Chang, Shih Chang, Dual configuration for display data lines.
  18. Hotelling, Steven Porter; Yousefpor, Marduke; Chang, Shih Chang, Dual configuration for display data lines.
  19. Kent,Joel C.; Aroyan,James L., Dynamic corrections for a non-linear touchscreen.
  20. Hsu,Andrew C.; Day,Shawn P.; Schediwy,Richard; Gillespie,David, Flexible transparent touch sensing system for electronic devices.
  21. Hotelling, Steven P.; Huppi, Brian Q., Force imaging input device and system.
  22. Shih, David H. C., Funneled touch sensor routing.
  23. Hotelling, Steve; Strickon, Joshua A.; Huppi, Brian Q.; Chaudhri, Imran; Christie, Greg; Ording, Bas; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Ive, Jonathan P., Gestures for touch sensitive input devices.
  24. Yasutake Taizo (Cupertino CA), Graphical input controller and method with rear screen image detection.
  25. Westerman, Wayne Carl, Image jaggedness filter for determining whether to perform baseline calculations.
  26. Tomiyoshi Akira (Nara JPX) Kawaguchi Takafumi (Yamatotakada JPX) Takeda Makoto (Nara JPX), Information display device capable of increasing detection speed and detection accuracy of input coordinates on display.
  27. Morohoshi,Hiroshi, Information input and output system, method, storage medium, and carrier wave.
  28. Banerjee,Suman K.; Ferrer,Enrique; Hartin,Olin L.; Secareanu,Radu M., Integrated circuit with improved signal noise isolation and method for improving signal noise isolation.
  29. Hotelling, Steve Porter; Zhong, John Z., Integrated in-plane switching display and touch sensor.
  30. Beaton Brian Finlay,CAX ; Smith Colin Donald,CAX ; Blouin Francois,CAX ; Comeau Guillaume,CAX ; Craddock Arthur Julian Patterson,CAX, Intelligent touch display.
  31. Mulligan, Roger C.; Badaye, Massoud; Wong, Alex K.; Lim, Brian G., Lattice touch-sensing system.
  32. Colgan Evan George ; Levine James Lewis ; Schappert Michael Alan ; Russell Gregory Fraser, Liquid crystal display device employing a guard plane between a layer for measuring touch position and common electrode layer.
  33. Shih, Po-Sheng; Pan, Hsuan-Lin, Liquid crystal panel and driver device thereof.
  34. Westerman Wayne ; Elias John G., Method and apparatus for integrating manual input.
  35. Badaye, Massoud; Vavaroutsos, Peter G.; Carey, John; Prendergast, Patrick, Method for constructing a capacitance sensing device.
  36. Lee, Shih-Jong J.; Oh, Seho, Method for moving cell detection from temporal image sequence model estimation.
  37. Liu, Chen-Yu; Wang, Ching-Yi, Method of forming touch sensing circuit pattern.
  38. Krah, Christoph Horst; Vu, Minh-Dieu Thi; Wilson, Thomas James, Multi-touch auto scanning.
  39. Bisset Stephen J. ; Kasser Bernard, Multiple fingers contact sensing method for emulating mouse buttons and mouse operations on a touch sensor pad.
  40. Binstead Ronald Peter,GB3 ITX NG7 1NU, Multiple input proximity detector and touchpad system.
  41. Binstead Ronald Peter,GBXITX GB NG7 1NU, Multiple input proximity detector and touchpad system.
  42. Hotelling, Steve; Strickon, Joshua A.; Huppi, Brian Q., Multipoint touchscreen.
  43. Allen Timothy P. ; Gillespie David ; Miller Robert J. ; Steinbach Gunter, Object position detector.
  44. Miller Robert J. ; Bisset Stephen J., Object position detector.
  45. Gillespie David W. ; Allen Timothy P. ; Wolf Ralph C. ; Day Shawn P., Object position detector with edge motion feature and gesture recognition.
  46. Day, Shawn P.; Ely, David; Mackey, Bob L., Object position sensing apparatus.
  47. Mead Carver A. (Pasadena CA) Wolf Ralph (Palo Alto CA) Allen Timothy P. (Los Gatos CA), Paintbrush stylus for capacitive touch sensor pad.
  48. Westerman, Wayne Carl, Periodic sensor panel baseline adjustment.
  49. Peng, Tao; Li, Guanghai, Preventing unintentional activation of a touch-sensor button caused by a presence of conductive liquid on the touch-sensor button.
  50. Benbasat, Ari Y.; Vieta, William Matthew; Westerman, Wayne Carl; Hotelling, Steven Porter, Reconstruction of original touch image from differential touch image.
  51. Bussat, Jean-Marie; Hotelling, Steven P., Redundant sensing element sampling.
  52. Soss,David A., Sensor baseline compensation in a force-based touch device.
  53. Mackey,Bob Lee, Sensor patterns for a capacitive sensing apparatus.
  54. Serrano ; Juan de. J., Shielding arrangement for a capacitive touch switch device.
  55. Graham Martin (Berkeley CA), Signature verification sensor.
  56. Rajopadhye,Sanjay; Renganarayana,Lakshminarayanan; Gupta,Gautam, Switch memory architectures.
  57. Hotelling, Steven Porter; Yousefpor, Marduke; Chang, Shih Chang, Switching circuitry for touch sensitive display.
  58. Orr, Kevin, System and method for locking and unlocking access to an electronic device.
  59. Robert H. Nathan, System and method for touch screen environmental calibration.
  60. Chang, Shih Chang; Yousefpor, Marduke, Touch regions in diamond configuration.
  61. Yoon, Soo-Wan; Park, Cheol-Woo; Kim, Sung-Jin; Roh, Nam-Seok; Kim, Sang-Il; Lee, Woo-Jae; Chai, Chong-Chul, Touch screen display device and method of manufacturing the same.
  62. Hotelling, Steve Porter; Chen, Wei; Krah, Christoph Horst; Elias, John Greer; Yao, Wei Hsin; Zhong, John Z.; Hodge, Andrew Bert; Land, Brian Richards; den Boer, Willem, Touch screen liquid crystal display.
  63. Lee, Hyung Kew; Park, Joon Ah; Han, Seung Ju, Touch sensing apparatus and method for detecting approach.
  64. Mabusth, Scott, Touch sensitive control device.
  65. Philipp, Harald; Brunet, Samuel, Touch sensitive screen.
  66. Aroyan James L. ; Gomes Paulo Irulegui ; Kent Joel, Touch sensitive screen and method.
  67. Edwards Martin J. (Crawley GBX), Touch sensor array systems and display systems incorporating such.
  68. Rosenberg, Ilya Daniel; Zarraga, John Aaron, Touch sensor detector system and method.
  69. Elias, John Greer, Touch sensor panel design.
  70. Elias, John Greer, Touch sensor panel design.
  71. Hong, Seung Jae; Grunthaner, Martin Paul; Hotelling, Steven Porter; Youngs, Lynn, Touch sensor panel design.
  72. Hong, Seung Jae; Grunthaner, Martin Paul; Hotelling, Steven Porter; Youngs, Lynn, Touch sensor panel design.
  73. Hong, Seung Jae; Grunthaner, Martin Paul; Hotelling, Steven Porter; Youngs, Lynn, Touch sensor panel design.
  74. Zimmerman, John; Martino, Jacquelyn Annette, Touch-screen image scrolling system and method.
  75. Zimmerman,John; Martino,Jacquelyn Annette, Touch-screen image scrolling system and method.
  76. Peng, Tao; Qin, Zheng, Touch-sensor with shared capacitive sensors.
  77. Gerpheide, George; Taylor, Brian; Lee, Daniel, Touchpad having increased noise rejection, decreased moisture sensitivity, and improved tracking.
  78. Hristov, Luben, Two-dimensional position sensor.
  79. Seely Joel ; Malak Robert Leonard ; Allen Timothy Peter ; Schediwy Richard Robert ; Cesarotti William Andrew, Two-layer capacitive touchpad and method of making same.
  80. Shieh Johnny Meng-Han, Virtual pointing device for touchscreens.
  81. Hills, Michael Patrick; Burkovskyy, Volodymyr; Karpin, Oleksandr; Park, Seok Pyong; Prendergast, Patrick, Waterproof scanning of a capacitive sense array.
  82. Landmeier Waldo L. (Phoenix AZ), X-Y position sensor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Hong, Seung Jae; Grunthaner, Martin Paul; Hotelling, Steven Porter; Youngs, Lynn, Touch sensor panel design.
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