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Semiconductor optical waveguide device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G02F-001/01
  • G02B-006/13
  • G02B-006/14
  • G02B-006/122
  • G02B-006/125
출원번호 US-0443601 (2017-02-27)
등록번호 US-9885830 (2018-02-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Heaton, John M.
  • Bouevitch, Oleg
출원인 / 주소
  • Lumentum Operations LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Harrity & Harrity, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 21


A semiconductor waveguide optical device and a method of manufacturing of a semiconductor optical device are disclosed. The semiconductor waveguide optical device may include a gradient index waveguide for mode conversion and/or vertical translation of optical modes of step-index waveguides, which m


1. A semiconductor optical waveguide device comprising: a substrate;a first step index waveguide on the substrate, a core of the first step index waveguide comprising a first core thickness and a first refractive index;a gradient index waveguide on the substrate, the gradient index waveguide abuttin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (21)

  1. Ho, Seng-Tiong; Huang, Yingyan, Apparatus for coupling light between input and output waveguides.
  2. Zhou,Yan; Ho,Seng Tiong, Integrated planar composite coupling structures for bi-directional light beam transformation between a small mode size waveguide and a large mode size waveguide.
  3. Merritt Scott A., Intermodal phase difference controller for beam angle modulation in index guided semiconductor devices.
  4. Yoshimura Tetsuzo,JPX ; Sotoyama Wataru,JPX ; Motoyoshi Katsusada,JPX ; Ishitsuka Takeshi,JPX ; Tsukamoto Koji,JPX ; Aoki Shigenori,JPX ; Yoneda Yasuhiro,JPX ; Tatsuura Satoshi,JPX ; Soda Haruhisa,JP, Method of producing optical waveguide system, optical device and optical coupler employing the same, optical network and optical circuit board.
  5. Lu, Zhaolin; Yang, Ruoxi, Methods for three-dimensional nanofocusing of light and systems thereof.
  6. Rockwell, David Alan; Shkunov, Vladimir V., Monolithic signal coupler for high-aspect ratio solid-state gain media.
  7. Suh, Sung-Dong; Na, Kyoung-Won; Park, Yoon-Dong; Lee, Beom-Suk; Im, Dong-Mo, Optical coupling system and optical sensor including the same.
  8. Yablon,Andrew D., Optical fiber devices and methods for interconnecting dissimilar fibers.
  9. Blauvelt, Henry A.; Vahala, Kerry J.; Vernooy, David W.; Paslaski, Joel S., Optical junction apparatus and methods employing optical power transverse-transfer.
  10. Blauvelt, Henry A.; Vahala, Kerry J.; Vernooy, David W.; Paslaski, Joel S., Optical junction apparatus and methods employing optical power transverse-transfer.
  11. Blauvelt, Henry A.; Vahala, Kerry J.; Vernooy, David W.; Paslaski, Joel S., Optical junction apparatus and methods employing optical power transverse-transfer.
  12. Blauvelt, Henry A.; Vahala, Kerry J.; Vernooy, David W.; Paslaski, Joel S., Optical junction apparatus and methods employing optical power transverse-transfer.
  13. Jeong, Seok-Hwan, Optical semiconductor device, manufacturing method thereof and optical transmission device.
  14. Kurokawa Takashi,JPX ; Tsuda Hiroyuki,JPX ; Okamoto Katsunari,JPX ; Naganuma Kazunori,JPX ; Ishii Tetsuyoshi,JPX ; Takenouchi Hirokazu,JPX, Optical signal processing apparatus and optical signal processing method.
  15. Beall,George Halsey; Borrelli,Nicholas Francis; Samson,Bryce Neilson, Optical waveguides formed in glass-ceramic materials and method for making same.
  16. Ho Seng-Tiong, Photonic-well Microcavity light emitting devices.
  17. Heaton, John M.; Bouevitch, Oleg, Semiconductor optical waveguide device.
  18. Yochay Danziger IL, Transverse spatial mode transformer for optical communication.
  19. Steinberg,Dan A.; Ricks,Neal; Dautartas,Mindaugas F.; Luo,Hui, Variable width waveguide for mode-matching and method for making.
  20. Zhou,Yan; Ho,Seng Tiong, Varying refractive index optical medium using at least two materials with thicknesses less than a wavelength.
  21. Woodley,Bruce Robert; MacKinnon,Neil, Wavelength agile laser.
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