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Differential sensing for a touch panel 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-003/045
  • G06F-003/044
  • G06F-003/041
출원번호 US-0239594 (2008-09-26)
등록번호 US-9927924 (2018-03-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Staton, Kenneth Lawrence
출원인 / 주소
  • Apple Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Morrison & Foerster LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 29


A touch panel can configured to reduce adverse effects associated with noise that can be injected into the panel when touched by performing a sensing operation at each sensor in both a panel-stimulated and non panel-stimulated state. The touch panel can detect a touch event by sensing touch in a non


1. A computing device comprising: a touch sensor panel including a plurality of sensors, each sensor comprising a driving element, a sensing element and a reference sensing element, wherein the driving element comprises a plurality of first fingers and the sensing element comprises a plurality of se

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (29)

  1. Baxter,Larry K., Capacitive measurement system.
  2. Harald Philipp GB, Capacitive sensor and array.
  3. Fujisaki,Tomoya; Goto,Masaharu, Current/charge-voltage converter.
  4. Caldwell David W., Differential touch sensor and control circuit therefor.
  5. Hotelling, Steve; Strickon, Joshua A.; Huppi, Brian Q.; Chaudhri, Imran; Christie, Greg; Ording, Bas; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Ive, Jonathan P., Gestures for touch sensitive input devices.
  6. Yasutake Taizo (Cupertino CA), Graphical input controller and method with rear screen image detection.
  7. Hilbe Thomas C., Ground loop current suppressor.
  8. Sasaki, Eisaku, Incoherent demodulator and method of incoherently demodulating an IF signal.
  9. Morohoshi,Hiroshi, Information input and output system, method, storage medium, and carrier wave.
  10. Beaton Brian Finlay,CAX ; Smith Colin Donald,CAX ; Blouin Francois,CAX ; Comeau Guillaume,CAX ; Craddock Arthur Julian Patterson,CAX, Intelligent touch display.
  11. Murakami Hiroshi,JPX ; Itokazu Masafumi,JPX ; Nakabayashi Ken-ichi,JPX ; Takahara Kazuhiro,JPX ; Oura Michiya,JPX ; Oda Masami,JPX, Liquid-crystal display having the capability of a tablet.
  12. Westerman Wayne ; Elias John G., Method and apparatus for integrating manual input.
  13. Alexander,William C., Methods and apparatuses for filtering common mode interference.
  14. Bisset Stephen J. ; Kasser Bernard, Multiple fingers contact sensing method for emulating mouse buttons and mouse operations on a touch sensor pad.
  15. Hotelling, Steve; Strickon, Joshua A.; Huppi, Brian Q., Multipoint touchscreen.
  16. Sciacero James R. (Scottsdale AZ) Waterbury Charles A. (Chandler AZ), Noise cancellation in digitizing system and method.
  17. Miller Robert J. (Fremont CA) Bisset Stephen (Palo Alto CA) Allen Timothy P. (Los Gatos CA) Steinbach Gnter (Palo Alto CA), Object position and proximity detector.
  18. Allen Timothy P. ; Gillespie David ; Miller Robert J. ; Steinbach Gunter, Object position detector.
  19. Gillespie David W. ; Allen Timothy P. ; Wolf Ralph C. ; Day Shawn P., Object position detector with edge motion feature and gesture recognition.
  20. Gillespie,David W.; Allen,Timothy P.; Wolf,Ralph C.; Day,Shawn P., Object position detector with edge motion feature and gesture recognition.
  21. Mead Carver A. (Pasadena CA) Wolf Ralph (Palo Alto CA) Allen Timothy P. (Los Gatos CA), Paintbrush stylus for capacitive touch sensor pad.
  22. Casebolt Mark W. (Seattle WA), Scanning system for touch screen keyboards.
  23. Hargreaves, Kirk; Bulea, Mihai M, Single layer capacitive image sensing.
  24. Hotelling, Steven Porter, Touch sensing error compensation.
  25. Grunthaner, Martin Paul; Hotelling, Steve Porter, Touch sensor panel using dummy ground conductors.
  26. Zimmerman, John; Martino, Jacquelyn Annette, Touch-screen image scrolling system and method.
  27. Zimmerman,John; Martino,Jacquelyn Annette, Touch-screen image scrolling system and method.
  28. Seely Joel ; Malak Robert Leonard ; Allen Timothy Peter ; Schediwy Richard Robert ; Cesarotti William Andrew, Two-layer capacitive touchpad and method of making same.
  29. Shieh Johnny Meng-Han, Virtual pointing device for touchscreens.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Hotelling, Steven P., Touch sensing error compensation.
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