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Acrylic dispersion-based coating compositions 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C09D-179/06
  • C09D-133/08
  • C09D-135/06
  • C08L-033/08
  • C09D-125/14
  • C09D-133/26
출원번호 US-0761896 (2014-01-08)
등록번호 US-10053597 (2018-08-21)
국제출원번호 PCT/EP2014/050197 (2014-01-08)
국제공개번호 WO2014/111292 (2014-07-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Egan, Luke S.
  • Calhoun, Robert Michael
  • Burghart, Armin
  • Petrie, Randall
  • Brennan, Randall
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Meunier Carlin & Curfman LLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 881


Coating compositions and methods for their preparation are described. The coating compositions can include a first copolymer produced by emulsion polymerization and derived from one or more monomers including one or more (meth)acrylates, one or more acid monomers, and optionally styrene. The first c


1. A coating composition, comprising a first copolymer and a second copolymer, wherein: the first copolymer is produced by emulsion polymerization and derived from one or more (meth)acrylates, one or more acid monomers, and optionally styrene, said first copolymer having a Tg from −50° C. to −23° C.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (881)

  1. Schuetz, Thorben; Knebel, Joachim; Gomez Andreu, Mario; Jackstell, Ralf; Beller, Matthias; Grotevendt, Anne; Breiner, Christine Maria, (Meth)acrylate monomer, polymer and coating agent.
  2. Iliopoulos Ilias,FRX ; Lafuma Francoise,FRX ; Gillet Jean-Philippe,FRX ; Pezron Erwoan, (Meth)acrylic polymers, method for making same and use thereof as pigment dispersant.
  3. Tsai Min-Chi (Ambler PA) Papsin ; Jr. George A. (North Wales PA) Chiou Shang-Jaw (Lower Gwynedd PA), A redispersible core-shell polymer powder.
  4. Clark Gregory D., Abrasion and stain resistant curable fluorinated coating.
  5. Jialanella, Gary L.; Johnson, Dean A., Accelerated organoborane amine complex initiated polymerizable compositions.
  6. Pike William C. ; Priddy Duane B., Acid catalyzed polymerization.
  7. Lee, Kang I.; King, Keith D., Acrylic emulsion polymers for removable pressure sensitive adhesive applications.
  8. Lee, Kang I.; King, Keith D., Acrylic emulsion pressure sensitive adhesive composition.
  9. Clark Mark D. ; Helmer Bradley J., Acrylic modified waterborne alkyd dispersions.
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  22. Kitano, Shuichi; Imai, Koji, Adhesive/sealant composition and bonded structure using the same.
  23. Kamiyama, Fumio, Adhesives.
  24. Simmons,Eugene R.; Bunnelle,William L.; Malcolm,David B.; Knutson,Keith C.; Kauffman,Thomas F.; Kroll,Mark S.; Keehr,Michael S.; Parikh,Deepak R.; Allen,Jimmy D.; Speth,David R.; Yalvac,Selim; Finlay, Adhesives comprising olefin polymers.
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  27. Dalton, Dennis M.; Kinsman, David A.; Krajkowski, Lynn M.; MacKay, Adam L.; Kyrlidis, Agathagelos, Aggregates having attached polymer groups and polymer foams.
  28. Yang Shi ; Petschke Glenn, Air curable water-borne urethane-acrylic hybrids.
  29. Bors Daniel A. (Warminster PA) Lavoie Alvin C. (Lansdale PA) Emmons William D. (Huntingdon Valley PA), Air curing polymer composition.
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  33. McCallum ; III Thomas F. (Philadelphia PA) Weinstein Barry (Dresher PA), Amine-thiol chain transfer agents.
  34. Adler David E. (Dresher PA) McCallum ; III Thomas F. (Philadelphia PA) Shulman Jan E. (Newtown PA) Weinstein Barry (Dresher PA), Aminoacryloyl-containing terpolymers.
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  37. Bott Craig J. (Clare MI) Pickelman Dale M. (Auburn MI) Fisk Thomas E. (Midland MI), Amphipathic graft copolymers and copolymer compositions and methods of making.
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  39. Baxter, Steven Michael; Kirk, Thomas Cleveland; Schwartz, Curtis; Weinstein, Barry, Amphiphilic polymer composition.
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  41. Kishikawa, Noriko; Yoneda, Takashige, Anti-fogging article and anti-fogging agent composition.
  42. Schwartz Curtis (Ambler PA), Anti-static rinse added fabric softener.
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  45. Weese,Richard Henry; Chou,Chuen Shyong; Dougherty,Eugene Patrick; Brady,Jean Marie; McDonald,David John, Aqueous additive systems for polymeric matrices.
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  47. Hungrige,Thomas; Uy,Larry; Go pinas,Danilo, Aqueous adhesive composition.
  48. Takarabe Kunihide,JPX ; Tamura Yoshio,JPX ; Sugiyama Takayuki,JPX ; Shinoda Tomohiro,JPX ; Bardman James Keith, Aqueous coating composition.
  49. Sayre Daniel R. (Lakewood OH) Lesney William B. (Westchester IL) Rao Madhukar (Brecksville OH) Tomko Richard F. (North Olmsted OH), Aqueous coating compositions from polyethylene terephthalate.
  50. Robert David Solomon ; Bradley Keith Hageman ; Leo Joseph Procopio ; Margo Raate Schaefer ; Gary David Greenblatt ; Stephen Scott Edwards ; Gary Robert Larson ; Alvin Michael Maurice ; Stewar, Aqueous composition.
  51. Daisey, Jr., George Irwin; Lau, Willie, Aqueous composition for wood stain.
  52. Rosano, William J., Aqueous copolymer composition and method for preparing a coating therefrom.
  53. Mestach, Dirk Emiel Paula; Weber, Maarten Johannes Jacobus; Delaunoit, Genevieve; Pilaszek, Wincenty Lambertus Stanislaw, Aqueous cross-linkable polymer composition for use in coatings and process for producing the same.
  54. Minnis Ralph L. (Des Plaines IL) Kriz Karel (Mt. Prospect IL), Aqueous dielectric coating compositions and method of producing coatings.
  55. Cogordan, Frank; Rodriguez, Ivan, Aqueous dispersion of alkyde resin which is treated with an oxidizing agent and which has improved drying properties.
  56. Ishiyama Masaaki (Tokyo JPX) Matuura Takeaki (Tokyo JPX) Mihoya Takashi (Tokyo JPX) Fujimatsu Shinya (Tokyo JPX) Utsugi Masayoshi (Tokyo JPX) Iibuchi Kouichi (Tokyo JPX), Aqueous dispersion of an aqueous hydrazine-terminated polyurethane.
  57. Bardman, James Keith; Blankenship, Robert Mitchell; Friel, John Michael, Aqueous dispersion of polymeric particles.
  58. Bardman, James Keith; Blankenship, Robert Mitchell; Friel, John Michael, Aqueous dispersion of polymeric particles.
  59. Bardman, James Keith; Blankenship, Robert Mitchell; Friel, John Michael, Aqueous dispersion of polymeric particles.
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  62. Moncla, Brad M.; Kalinowski, Matthew J.; Speth, David R.; Diehl, Charles F.; Schmidt, Dale C.; Maak, Kevin D.; Wevers, Ronald, Aqueous dispersion, its production method, and its use.
  63. Moncla, Brad M.; Kalinowski, Matthew J.; Speth, David R.; Diehl, Charles F.; Schmidt, Dale C.; Maak, Kevin D.; Wevers, Ronald, Aqueous dispersion, its production method, and its use.
  64. Moncla, Brad M.; Kalinowski, Matthew J.; Speth, David R.; Diehl, Charles F.; Schmidt, Dale C.; Maak, Kevin D.; Wevers, Ronald, Aqueous dispersion, its production method, and its use.
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  68. Klier, John; Varjian, Richard Dicran; Hill, Alastair Stewart, Aqueous dispersions for use as toners.
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  • Stockwell John Robert,GBX ; Plonka John Mark,GBX, Aqueous polymer dispersions for coating wood.
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  • Oates, John D.; Ho, Thoi H.; Hoenig, Wendy D.; Calvert, David J., Aqueous pressure sensitive adhesive formulations.
  • Takahashi, Akiko; Ikeya, Mami, Aqueous pressure-sensitive adhesive composition and use thereof.
  • Thomas Cleveland Kirk ; David Witiak, Aqueous process for preparing aqueous weight carboxyl containing polymers.
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  • John R. Babjak ; Liza A. Capino ; John D. Kraan ; Mohamad D. Shalati ; Susan L. Smith ; Demetri L. Vallion ; Richard S. Valpey, III ; Thomas W. Yokoyama, Automotive coatings from non-aqueous dispersions.
  • Shrenik Mahesh Nanavati, Barrier coating compositions from bis-aminosilanes and phenolic compounds.
  • Merlin, Patrick J.; Wyman, John E.; Rangwalla, Imtiaz; Futter, Daniel; Power, Gary; Branch, Karen, Barrier coatings.
  • Shrenik Mahesh Nanavati ; John E. Wyman ; Patrick Jacques Jean Merlin BE; Laurence Gallez BE, Barrier coatings using polyacids.
  • Kruper, William J.; Arrowood, Tina; Bell, Bruce M.; Briggs, John; Campbell, Robert M.; Hook, Bruce D.; Nguyen, Anh; Theriault, Curt; Fitschen, Ralf, Batch, semi-continuous or continuous hydrochlorination of glycerin with reduced volatile chlorinated hydrocarbon by-products and chloroacetone levels.
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  • Bederke Klaus (Sprockhvel DEX) Kerber Hermann (Wuppertal DEX) Schubert Walter (Wuppertal DEX) Bremer Gerhard (Frechen DEX) Brock Thomas (Hrth-Hermhlheim DEX) Sadowski Fritz (Brauweiler bei DEX), Binder composition and its use in surface coatings.
  • Larson, Gary Robert; Procopio, Leo Joseph; Rosano, William Joseph; Ziemann, Otto C., Binder compositions for direct-to-metal coatings.
  • Flsch Karl J. (Mainz DEX) Kaufmann Marita (Weiterstadt DEX) Hartmann Jrgen (Weiterstadt DEX), Binder which is crosslinkable at room temperature.
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  • Kelly, David Goodro; Yang, Huiling; Winey, Donald Alfred, Coating bituminous substrates.
  • Kainz, Bernhard; Diehl, Charles F.; Young, Timothy J.; Malotky, David L.; Lindenmuth, Denise, Coating composition and articles made therefrom.
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  • Romick, Jay D.; Zhang, Qing; Malotky, David L.; Lundgard, Richard A.; Mecca, Jodi M., Coating composition and articles made therefrom.
  • Ishizuki, Kenji; Shimizu, Tatsuya; Ando, Michiaki; Shimada, Mibuko; Shiho, Hiroshi, Coating composition and hardened film obtained therefrom.
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  • Griffith, Jr.,William Bryan; Winkle,Mark Robert, Coating compositions.
  • Lundgard, Richard; Tang, Houxiang; Wilbur, Jeffrey; Wu, Jinghang; Malotky, David L., Coating compositions.
  • Robinson, Gregory Frantz; Shemancik, Robin Carol; Speight, Robert Dale; Wong, Philip Titsum; Znidersic, Kenneth M., Coating compositions and coatings formed therefrom.
  • Fernandes, Luciane Guaraldi; Santos, Daneile Christina Almeida Hummel Pimenta, Coating compositions and methods of coating substrates.
  • Hsu,Shui Jen Raymond; Dame,Tina R.; Patel,Prashant, Coating compositions having improved stability.
  • Schmitt, Guenter; Neugebauer, Peter; Scholl, Sybille; Heeb, Heike; Reinhard, Peter; Kuehl, Gilbert, Coating formulation with enhanced metal adhesion.
  • Morita Yoshitsugu,JPX ; Furukawa Haruhiko,JPX ; Aso Takayuki,JPX, Coating material.
  • Zhao Cheng-Le,DEX ; Wistuba Eckehardt,DEX ; Roser Joachim,DEX ; Fitzgerald Paul ; Spitzer Jan, Coating of substrates.
  • Lauer Rosemarie Palmer ; Gebhard Matthew Stewart ; Demasi Anne Seton, Coating substrates.
  • Robinson Gregory Frantz ; Shemancik Robin Carol ; Speight Robert Dale ; Wong Philip Titsum, Coatings and coating compositions of a reactive group-containing polymer, a hydrazide and a silane.
  • Baetzold John P. ; Polance Robert G. ; Chanak Michelle M., Cold seal compositions comprising homogeneous ethylene polymers.
  • VanDyk,Antony Keith; Lorah,Dennis Paul, Colorants, dispersants and dispersions containing polymeric nanoparticles.
  • Fu Zhenwen ; Keller Lorraine Holowach ; Weinstein Barry, Colorimetric or fluorometric-detectable polymers containing pendant amine groups.
  • Schultes, Klaus; Hoess, Werner; Mehler, Nils, Coloured composition with increased stress cracking resistance.
  • Park Chung P. (Sinzheim OH DEX) Clingerman George P. (Newark OH) Timmers Francis J. (Midland MI) Stevens James C. (Richmond TX) Henton David E. (Midland MI), Compatibilized blend of olefinic polymers and monovinylidene aromatic polymers.
  • Haldankar, Gautam S., Compatibilizer for polymer blends.
  • Brann, Jeffery Edward; Cree, Stephen Henry, Compatible thermoplastic polyurethane-polyolefin blend compositions.
  • Maurer, Myron J.; Vogel, Gavin D.; Choi, Byoung-Ho; Griffin, Warren H.; Sehanobish, Kalyan, Composite material and method of making the composite material.
  • Azimipour, Bahar; Chou, Chuen Shyong; LaFleur, Edward E.; Memon, Nazir Ahmed, Composite material containing non-functional aromatic end group-containing polymer.
  • Lu,Jin, Composite materials and methods of making the same.
  • Asmus Robert A. (Township of Hudson ; County of St. Croix WI), Composite of a disperesed gel in an adhesive matrix.
  • Weissgerber,Rudolf; Bastelberger,Thomas, Composite paper material with a pressure-sensitive adhesive coating finished to be resistant to repulping.
  • Vanrheenen, Paul, Composite with gloss reducing polymer composition.
  • Baikerikar, Kiran; Mahdi, Syed Z.; Dermody, Daniel L.; Oner-Deliormanh, Didem, Composites and methods for conductive transparent substrates.
  • Albright Robert L. (Churchville PA), Composition and method for controlling cholesterol.
  • El A'mma, Anton Georges; Chiou, Shang Jaw; Dougherty, Robert Francis, Composition and method for preparing leather.
  • Mitra,Sumita B.; Falsafi,Afshin, Composition containing a polymerizable reducing agent, kit, and method.
  • Metro James N. ; Mattiuz Ronald, Composition for electrodepositing multiple coatings onto a conductive substrate.
  • Cottrell, Stephanie Nussbaum; Ghosh, Tirthankar, Composition for polyester fabric treatment.
  • Schmidt Donald L. ; Mussell Robert D., Composition for preparing a solvent-resistant coating.
  • Ahn, Dongchan; Shepard, Nick Evan; Fowler, Harold Christian; Nichols, Kevin Louis; Warakomski, John Matthew, Composition having improved adherence with an addition-curable material and composite article incorporating the composition.
  • Ahn, Dongchan; Shepard, Nick Evan; Fowler, Harold Christian; Nichols, Kevin Louis; Warakomski, John Matthew, Composition having improved adherence with an addition-curable material and composite article incorporating the composition.
  • Gebhard Matthew S. (New Britain PA) deVry William E. (Malvern PA) Puschak Caren A. (Norristown PA) Bacho Anne M. (Delran NJ) Larson Gary R. (Hatfield PA), Composition having wet state clarity.
  • Schultes, Klaus; Hoess, Werner; Mehler, Nils, Composition with increased stress cracking resistance.
  • Ian Neal Ornstein ; Geoffrey Charles Christ, Compositions and methods to protect calcitic and/or siliceous materials.
  • Ornstein Ian Neal ; Christ Geoffrey Charles, Compositions and methods to protect calcitic and/or siliceous surfaces.
  • Donald, Robert J.; Hahn, Stephen F.; Pate, III, James E., Compositions comprising hydrogenated block copolymers and end-use applications thereof.
  • Donald, Robert J.; Hahnfeld, Jerry L.; Parsons, Gary D.; Hahn, Stephen F.; Patel, Rajen M.; Esneault, Calvin P.; Phipps, Laura M.; Pate, III, James E., Compositions comprising hydrogenated block copolymers and end-use applications thereof.
  • Jimbo Shinichiro,JPX ; Matsushita Shoshiro,JPX ; Shimizu Ikuo,JPX ; Hotta Iwao,JPX ; Ikuta Masanori,JPX ; Itani Izumi,JPX, Compositions containing dithiocarbonate compound.
  • Larson Kent R. (Midland MI), Compositions for bonding organosiloxane elastomers to organic polymers.
  • Gross, Wibke; Mausberg, Sandra; Oberkobusch, Doris; Höffkes, Horst, Compositions for treating keratinic fibers, methods of treating such fibers therewith and compounds contained therein.
  • Betso Stephen R.,DEX ; Guest Martin J. ; Remenar Richard M. ; Kjellqvist Jerker B. I.,CHX ; Cheung Yunwa W. ; Kelley David C. ; Van Volkenburgh William R. ; Wevers Ronald,CHX ; Keen Fiona E.,GBX ; Fi, Compositions having improved ignition resistance.
  • Tabor Ricky L. (Lake Jackson TX) Morgan ; Jr. Roy E. (Lake Jackson TX) Zawisza Melissa J. (Lake Jackson TX), Compositions prepared using finely-divided isocyanate based thermoset polymers.
  • Bacher, Andreas; Fickert, Karl Ernst; Mayer, Theo, Compound of a powdery coating agent.
  • Braun, Olivier; Mallo, Paul, Concentrated inverse latex, process for preparing it and industrial use thereof.
  • Apitz,Gregor; Machnik,Helga; Kremer,Hans W.; Krieger,Stephan; Knell,Klaudia, Concrete moldings with a high gloss, their production and use.
  • Zajaczkowski Michael J., Conductive heterocyclic graft copolymer.
  • Gartner,Herbert A.; Nuyken,Katrin; O'Connor,Deno F., Continuous polymerization process for the manufacture of superabsorbent polymers.
  • Saito Koichi (Kyoto JPX) Mino Yasutake (Kobe JPX) Shimoda Eizi (Toyonaka JPX), Copolymer coating.
  • Manzouji Ryuko (Chiba Prefecture JPX) Okawa Tadashi (Chiba Prefecture JPX), Copolymer of silicone macromonomer and alicyclic epoxy monomer.
  • Gore Robert H. (Southampton PA) O\Mara James H. (Ambler PA), Copolymer useful as a pour point depressant for a lubricating oil.
  • Kennan Linda Denise ; Lo Peter Yin Kwai ; Saxena Anil Kumar ; Suzuki Toshio, Copolymers of polyorganosiloxane, polyisobutylene, and alkyl acrylates or methacrylates.
  • Wills William L. (Roebling NJ) Berzinis Albin P. (Medford NJ), Core-shell impact modifiers for styrenic resins.
  • Ghosh, Tirthankar; Hann, William M.; Weinstein, Barry, Corrosion inhibiting compositions.
  • Warburton ; Jr. Charles E. (Ambler PA), Cospray washout resistant roof mastic.
  • Bammel, Brian D.; Smith, II, Thomas S., Cross linking thin organic coating resins to substrates through polyfunctional bridging molecules.
  • Pascault, Jean-Pierre; Valette, Ludovic; Barbeau, Philippe; Magny, Benoit, Cross-linked acrylic microparticles, method for the production thereof and use thereof in coverings and moulding products.
  • Pascault, Jean-Pierre; Valette, Ludovic; Magny, Benoit, Cross-linked microparticles, method for the production and use thereof.
  • Mori, Osamu; Kawanaka, Takafumi; Aimura, Yoshiaki; Kotsuji, Hiroyuki; Fujita, Haruhiko, Crosslinkable rubber composition and crosslinked object.
  • Esser Richard J. (Aarlanderveen NLX), Crosslinkable surface coatings.
  • Esser Richard J. (Aarlanderveen NLX), Crosslinkable surface coatings.
  • Esser Richard J. (Aarlanderveen NLX), Crosslinkable surface coatings.
  • Trumbo David L. ; Gloor Paul E., Crosslinkable surface coatings and process of preparation.
  • Walton Kim L. ; Karande Seema V., Crosslinked polyolefinic foams with enhanced physical properties and a dual cure process of producing such foams.
  • Kato Yoshinori (Mie JPX) Hayashi Ryutaro (Mie JPX) Tsukamoto Takeo (Mie JPX) Aoki Masahiro (Mie JPX), Crosslinking aqueous pigment dispersion.
  • Burghart, Armin; Porzio, Robert Shane; Urban, Dieter, Crosslinking systems for acrylic latex films.
  • Kelly, Michael Dewayne, Curable aqueous compositions.
  • Finch, William Christopher; Tang, Xun, Curable composition.
  • Kelly, Michael D., Curable composition.
  • Kelly, Michael DeWayne, Curable composition.
  • Oshima, Kazuhiro; Kanai, Tomoyuki, Curable composition and temporary fixation method of member using it.
  • Bromm,Karl Allen; Tang,Xun; Weinstein,Barry, Curable composition and use thereof.
  • Treybig Duane S. (Lake Jackson TX) Boriack Clinton J. (Jones Creek TX), Curable compositions which contain network polymers.
  • Dean, Jennifer M.; Bates, Frank S.; Pham, Ha Q.; Verghese, Nikhil E., Curable flame retardant epoxy compositions.
  • Morita, Yoshitsugu; Kato, Tomoko; Ueki, Hiroshi, Curable organopolysiloxane composition, method of curing thereof, semiconductor device, and adhesion promoter.
  • Morita, Yoshitsugu; Kato, Tomoko; Ueki, Hiroshi, Curable organopolysiloxane composition, method of curing thereof, semiconductor device, and adhesion promotor.
  • Ishihara, Yushichi; Sugishima, Masami; Numa, Nobushige; Hasegawa, Mitsutaka; Inukai, Hiroshi, Curable resin composition.
  • Tanaka Hozumi,JPX, Curable resin composition.
  • Hallden-Abberton Michael (Maple Glen PA) McLeod ; Jr. Donald (Briarcliff Manor NY) Ritscher James S. (Marietta OH) Turner Scot M. (Marietta OH), Cured composite and process therefor.
  • Johnson John R. (Danville IN), Curing agents/accelerators, curable compositions and processes.
  • Hasegawa, Mitsutaka; Inukai, Hiroshi; Okazaki, Eiichi; Numa, Nobushige; Sugishima, Masami; Nakamura, Koki; Saikawa, Keiichiro; Ishihara, Yushichi, Curing type water base resin composition.
  • Minematsu Hiroyuki (Niihama JPX) Yamamoto Tetuya (Niihama JPX), Delustered rubber modified styrenic blends.
  • Karande Seema V. ; Chou Chai-Jing ; Solc Jitka H. ; Suh Kyung W., Despersions of delaminated particles in polymer foams.
  • Fu Zhenwen ; Keller Lorraine Holowach ; Weinstein Barry, Detectable polymers and methods for detecting polymers in Aqueous systems.
  • Sharma, Rahul; Ginzburg, Valeriy V.; Hustad, Phillip D.; Weinhold, Jeffrey D., Diblock copolymer blend composition.
  • Clark, Patrick Albert, Digitally encoded polymers.
  • Graham Andrew T. ; Stevens Don L., Direct application of surface treatment to absorbent polymers.
  • Jakob, Martin, Discoloration-fast dispersion adhesives having a prolonged potlife.
  • Harris Rodney M. (Chicago IL) Ahmed Maqsood S. (Homewood IL) Renner Thomas A. (Lansing IL), Dispersant polymers.
  • Harris Rodney M. (Chicago IL) Ahmed Maqsood S. (Homewood IL) Renner Thomas A. (Lansing IL), Dispersant polymers.
  • O'Donnell, John Patrick; Yeates, Stephen George; Annable, Tom, Dispersant-encapsulated particulate solids.
  • Baxter Steven Michael ; Jacobs Bradley Anson, Dispersible, high speed book casing-in vinyl ester/(meth)acrylate adhesive.
  • Lundgard, Richard A.; Pate, III, James E.; Jakubowski, James J.; Kirchhoff, Robert A.; Priester, Jr., Ralph D.; Lidy, Werner A., Dispersion of a preformed polymer in a polyol.
  • Shinichiro Jimbo JP; Shoshiro Matsushita JP; Ikuo Shimizu JP; Iwao Hotta JP; Masanori Ikuta JP; Izumi Itani JP, Dithiocarbonate composition.
  • Slone,Caroline S.; Tysak,Theodore, Durable two-part polyurethane floor coating.
  • Wada, Susumu; Honda, Kayoko; Kunimasa, Keiko; Imoto, Katsuhiko, Durable water repellent and coated articles.
  • Mork, Steven M.; Graham, Andrew T., Durable, absorbent latex foam composition having high vertical wicking.
  • Mork, Steven W.; Graham, Andrew T., Durable, absorbent latex foam composition having high vertical wicking.
  • Staples Thomas L. ; DeVrieze Jerry D., Dust control of absorbent polymers.
  • Siol Werner (Darmstadt DEX) Albrecht Klaus (Mainz DEX) Mller Michael (Alsbach-Hahnlein DEX) Koralewski Klaus (Riedstadt DEX), Elastomeric arcylic resins.
  • Joel M. Cooke ; Charles H. Honeyman ; Robert M. Amici ; Peter A. Lovell GB; John L. Stanford GB; Rosa Casado Portilla, Elastomeric compositions containing polymer coated carbon products and other pigments.
  • McGinniss Vincent D. (Sunbury OH) White James L. (Columbus OH) Mikuni Hiroyuki (Sagamihara JPX), Electrically-conductive and ionically-conductive polymeric networks and their preparation.
  • Nakano,Shinya; Takao,Hiroyuki; Yoshioka,Masahiro, Electroconductive cellulose-based film, a method of producing the same, an anti-reflection film, an optical element, and an image display.
  • Gallagher, Michael K.; Gronbeck, Dana A.; Adams, Timothy G.; Calvert, Jeffrey M., Electronic devices having air gaps.
  • Shirasaki, Shinya; Fukamachi, Tadanori; Hamada, Mitsuo, Emulsion composition for silicone rubber sponge, process for producing the same, and process for producing silicone rubber sponge.
  • Janmaat, Rein J.; Taylor, James W.; Brink, Mark van den; Meer, Andre van, Emulsion compositions for use in printing inks.
  • Solomon Robert David ; Greenblatt Gary David, Emulsion copolymers from terminally unsaturated acrylic acid oligomers.
  • Schmitt, Gerold; Klesse, Wolfgang; Knebel, Joachim, Emulsion polymer comprising activators, process for preparation thereof and use thereof in two-component or multicomponent systems.
  • Lorah, Dennis Paul; Slone, Robert Victor, Emulsion polymerization methods involving lightly modified clay and compositions comprising same.
  • Yang, Yong; Sheerin, Robert; Shavel, Clarena; Fagan, Melissa, Emulsion polymers having increased chalky substrate adhesion.
  • Manilal S. Dahanayake ; Fang Li ; Jean-Luc Joye, Emulsions having activating agents of alkoxylates of 6, 6-dimethylbicyclo [3.1.1] hept-2-ene-2-ethanol.
  • Blankenship Robert M. (Harleysville PA), Encapsulated hydrophilic polymers and their preparation.
  • Kempner James S. (Southhampton PA) Parker Hsing-Yeh (Holland PA) Stevenson Janis C. (Langhorne PA) Wills Morris C. (Roebling NJ) Allison Judith L. (Medford NJ), Encapsulated micro-agglomerated core/shell additives in poly(vinyl chloride) blends.
  • Rinde James A. (Fremont CA) Rowe Richard M. (Los Gatos CA), Enclosing a substrate with a heat-recoverable article.
  • Tan Hock S. ; Zhang Ingrid ; Lydzinski Susan ; Merkel Peter L. ; Foreman Paul ; Shah Smita ; Chandran Rama S., Enhancer tolerant pressure sensitive adhesives for transdermal drug delivery.
  • Kaplan, David; Swift, Graham; Gross, Richard A.; Kalra, Bhanu, Enzyme-mediated polymerization methods and products.
  • Valette, Ludovic, Epoxy resin hardener of anhydride copolymer and anhydride-elastomer copolymer.
  • Dombrowski, Gary William; Fu, Zhenwen; Slone, Caroline; Swartz, Andrew, Epoxy resin imbibed polymer particles.
  • Francois J. F. Regnier FR; Rochelle A. Woods ; Harvey C. Tung ; Jeffrey E. Bonekamp, Essentially amorphous, non-chlorinated polymeric barrier films and method of using such films.
  • Egolf Scott L. (Lansdale PA) Smart Reginald T. (Horsham PA), Expandable coating composition.
  • Kissel Charles L. (Anaheim CA), Extended polymer compositions and textile materials manufactured therewith.
  • Nicolson, Paul Clement; Baron, Richard Carlton; Chabrecek, Peter; Court, John; Domschke, Angelika; Griesser, Hans Jorg; Ho, Arthur; Hopken, Jens; Laycock, Bronwyn Glenice; Liu, Qin; Lohmann, Dieter; Meijs, Gordon Francis; Papaspiliotopoulos, Eric; Riffle, Judy Smith; Schindhelm, Klaus; Sweeney, Deborah; Terry, Jr., Wilson Leonard; Vogt, Jurgen; Winterton, Lynn Cook, Extended wear ophthalmic lens.
  • Konopka, Kenneth Michael; O'Brien, Michael Joseph; Kohr, Alan Wayne, Exterior finishing composition.
  • Kling, Susan M., Extrudable barrier polymer compositions, process for preparing the compositions and monolayer or multilayer structures comprising the compositions.
  • Lee Eric K. C. ; Jenkins Steven R. ; Debney Martin F. ; Hinton Carlos E., Extrudable vinylidene chloride polymer compositions.
  • Stack Dennis P. (Santa Ana CA) Steinwand Paul J. (Placentia CA), Fast curing binder for cellulose.
  • Bradley J. Helmer ; James W. Young, Jr., Fast hardening aqueous coating composition and paint.
  • Helmer Bradley J. ; Young ; Jr. James W., Fast hardening aqueous coating composition and paint.
  • Harris John K. ; Schmidt Donald L. ; Rose Gene D., Fast-setting latex coating and formulations.
  • Harris John K. ; Schmidt Donald L. ; Rose Gene D., Fast-setting latex coatings and formulations.
  • Laughner Michael K. ; Miller Robert C., Filled carbonate polymer blend compositions.
  • Atherton David (North Kingstown RI) Gadodia Surendra K. (West Warwick RI) Gager Morgan E. (Warwick RI), Film composite for electrostatic recording.
  • Scarborough, Victoria D.; Teague, Timothy G.; Wilson, Cedric M.; Saunders, Heath G., Film-forming water-based water repellent coating compositions.
  • Togashi, Ryoichi; Hayashi, Yuichiro; Yamaga, Naoki, Filter element and filter unit.
  • Kevin D. Sikkema NL; Dawn M. Orbeck ; Robert G. Nelb, II, Flame resistant rubber modified polymer compositions.
  • Kelch, Robert H.; Pettersson, Ing-Mari Gunnel, Flexible, halogen-free, radio-frequency sealable films.
  • Kjellqvist Jerker B. I.,CHX ; Betso Stephen R.,CHX ; Wevers Ronald,CHX ; Thoen Johan A.,NLX ; Bieser John O., Floor, wall or ceiling covering.
  • Pham Hoang T. ; Weckle Cheryl L. ; Stanley Jamie J. ; Ceraso Joseph M., Flow carbonate polymer blends.
  • Samuel A. Ogoe ; Michael E. Hus ; Brenda G. Johnson ; Hoang T. Pham, Flow carbonate polymer blends.
  • Kawase, Masafumi; Oiwa, Yasuhiro; Kawahito, Shigehiro, Flow-and-leveling agents for powder coatings.
  • Kawase,Masafumi; Horiguchi,Takashi; Kawahito,Shigehiro, Flow-and-leveling agents for waterborne coatings.
  • Karydas Athanasios (New York NY), Fluorine and silicon containing water and oil repellents.
  • Lee,Soo Bok; Park,In Jun; Kim,Dong Kwon; Kim,Jeong Hoon; Ha,Jong Wook; So,Won Wook; Lee,Kwang Won; Kim,Kwang Han; Cha,Mi Sun, Fluorine-containing amphoteric polymer for surface coating and preparation method thereof.
  • Lina Marie-Jose (Lyons FRX) Collette Christian (Paris FRX) Corpart Jean-Marc (Nogent-Sur-Oise FRX) Dessaint Andre (Clermont FRX), Fluorine-containing copolymers and their use for coating and impregnating various substrates.
  • Martinez, Felipe; Batistini, Antonio; Kjellqvist, Jerker B. L.; Wevers, Ronald, Foam compositions from blend of alkenyl aromatic polymers and alpha-olefin/vinyl or vinylidene aromatic interpolymers.
  • Kagoshima Yutaka (Kawasaki JPX) Nagase Toshio (Kawasaki JPX) Mikuni Takamitu (Kawasaki JPX) Kobayashi Takeo (Tokyo JPX), Foamable epoxy resin composition.
  • Vo Chau V. (Souffelweyersheim OH FRX) Paquet Andrew N. (Granville OH), Foamable styrenic polymer gel having a carbon dioxide blowing agent and a process for making a foam structure therefrom.
  • Vo, Chau V.; Swartzmiller, Steven B.; Maurer, Myron J.; Calhoun, Marisa, Foams for vehicular energy absorbance.
  • Haddleton David Mark,GBX ; Muir Andrew Victor Graham,GBX ; Leeming Stephen William,GBX ; O'Donnell John Patrick,GBX ; Richards Stuart Nicholas,GBX, Free radical polymerisation process.
  • Drumright Ray E. (Midland MI) Terbrueggen Robert H. (Sanford MI) Priddy Duane B. (Midland MI) Koster Robert A. (Midland MI), Free radical polymerization.
  • Taylor James Wayne, Functional latexes resistant to hydrolysis.
  • Lavoie Alvin C. (Lansdale PA) Bors Daniel A. (Maple Glen PA) Brown Ward T. (N. Wales PA), Functionalization of polymers via enamine of acetoacetate.
  • Lavoie Alvin C. (Lansdale PA) Bors Daniel A. (Maple Glen PA) Brown Ward T. (North Wales PA), Functionalization of polymers via enamine of acetoacetate.
  • Harris, William J.; Weaver, John D.; Walther, Brian W.; Hahn, Stephen F.; Cheung, Yunwa W.; Gupta, Pankaj; Ho, Thoi H.; Reichek, Kenneth N.; Yalvac, Selim; Karjala, Teresa P.; Rozenblat, Benjamin R.; Rickey, Cynthia L., Functionalized ethylene/alpha-olefin interpolymer compositions.
  • Harris, William J.; Weaver, John D.; Walther, Brian W.; Hahn, Stephen F.; Cheung, Yunwa W.; Gupta, Pankaj; Ho, Thoi H.; Reichek, Kenneth N.; Yalvac, Selim; Karjala, Teresa P.; Rozenblat, Benjamin R.; Rickey, Cynthia L., Functionalized ethylene/α-olefin interpolymer compositions.
  • Harris, William J.; Weaver, John D.; Walther, Brian W.; Hahn, Stephen F.; Cheung, Yunwa W.; Gupta, Pankaj; Ho, Thoi H.; Reichek, Kenneth N.; Yalvac, Selim; Karjala, Teresa P.; Rozenblat, Benjamin R.; Rickey, Cynthia L., Functionalized ethylene/α-olefin interpolymer compositions.
  • Thames,Shelby F.; Smith,Oliver W.; Evans,James M.; Dutta,Sandipan; Chen,Lianzhou, Functionalized vegetable oil derivatives, latex compositions and coatings.
  • Whetten Alan R. ; Markovich Ronald P. ; Hoenig Steve M. ; Greene Edward E., Gaskets made from olefin polymers.
  • VanRheenen, Paul, Gloss reducing polymer composition.
  • Bertram James L. (Lake Jackson TX) Liao Zeng K. (Lake Jackson TX) McCrary A. L. (Lake Jackson TX), Graft copolymer coating compositions.
  • Lee Michael Kang-Jen ; Lee Kenneth M. ; Meyers Deborah Lynn, Graft copolymers containing polydiorganosiloxane and polybutylene grafts.
  • Hallden-Abberton Michael P. (Maple Glen PA), Graft copolymers of polyglutarimides and aromatic polyesters.
  • Pierre Legrand FR; Gerard Riess FR; Jean-Phillipe Lerch FR; Daniel Lefevre FR, Graft copolymers, method for preparing same, compositions containing said copolymers, and use thereof for preparing pigment dispersions in aqueous and/or organic media.
  • Hughes Kathleen A. (Blue Bell PA) Swift Graham (Blue Bell PA), Graft polymers as biodegradable detergent additives.
  • Siol Werner (Darmstadt-Eberstadt DEX) Terbrack Ulrich (Reinheim DEX), Heat sealable plastic film.
  • Antheunisse Cornelis (Terneuzen NLX), Heat sealable polystyrene based blends.
  • Mando Ritsuo,JPX ; Ishida Koichi,JPX, Heat sensitive recording material.
  • Loehden, Gerd; Balk, Sven; Braum, Manfred; Hartmann, Juergen; Kaufmann, Marita; Wicke, Michael, Heat-sealing compound for sealing aluminium foil and polyethylene terephthalate film to polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene containers.
  • Sakamoto Nagayoshi (Ichihara JPX) Iida Kazutoshi (Ichihara JPX), Heparin bound anti-thrombotic material.
  • Ghosh, Tirthankar; Wills, Morris C., Heterocyclic latex copolymer and methods of making and using same.
  • Kuhlmann Louis A. (Midland MI) Young ; Jr. James W. (Midland MI) Moldovan Daniel (Midland MI), High Tg polymer and redispersible powder for use in hydraulic portland cement mortar and concrete.
  • Lorah, Dennis Paul; Slone, Robert Victor, High acid aqueous nanocomposite dispersions.
  • Snyder Barry S. (Dresher PA) Bors Daniel A. (Warminster PA), High cohesive strength pressure-sensitive adhesives incorporating acetoacetate.
  • Obijeski Todd J. (Houston TX) Lai Shih-Yaw (Sugar Land TX) Patel Rajen M. (Lake Jackson TX) Peng Lichih R. (Lake Jackson TX) Langohr Michael F. (Lake Jackson TX) Kelley David C. (Angleton TX) Eversdy, High drawdown extrusion process with greater resistance to draw resonance.
  • Miller, Joseph E., High energy curable coatings comprising thermoplastic polymers.
  • Hayashi, Masayuki; Kobayashi, Hideki, High energy radiation-curable composition and resin molding.
  • LaFleur Edward E. (Warminster PA) Work William J. (Huntington Valley PA), High gas barrier co-extruded multilayer films.
  • Mork Steven W. ; Rose Gene D., High internal phase emusions and porous materials prepared therefrom.
  • Wills, Morris Christopher; Chou, Chuen-Shyong; Casey, Karen; Adamo, Joseph Robert; Zeng, Fanwen, High rubber impact modifier powders.
  • Devonport,Wayne; Fitzwater,Susan J.; Lundquist,Eric G., High solids preparation of crosslinked polymer particles.
  • Lundquist, Eric G.; Devonport, Wayne, High solids process for preparing polymeric nanoparticles.
  • Holy Norman L. (Penns Park PA) Bortnick Newman M. (Oreland PA) Swift Graham (Blue Bell PA) Hughes Kathleen A. (Blue Bell PA), High temperature aqueous polymerization process.
  • Freeman Michael Bennett ; Larson Gary Robert ; Merritt Richard Foster ; Paik Yi Hyon ; Shulman Jan Edward ; Swift Graham ; Wilczynski Robert, High temperature polymerization process for making terminally unsaturated oligomers.
  • McGee Robert Lee, High temperature polyolefin based adhesive film with improved polarity for adhering to polyurethane foams.
  • Klein Elias ; Yeager Donald H., High-flux semipermeable membrane containing immobilized affinity ligands.
  • Albalat Perez,Jordi; Font Panades,Carme; Ullenboom,Werner, High-washability aqueous polymer dispersion, preparation and use thereof as binder in coating compositions.
  • Miyoshi, Tatsuya; Sasaki, Kenichi; Yoshimi, Naoto; Matsuzaki, Akira; Okai, Kazuhisa; Ooshima, Takao; Nakano, Takashi; Murata, Masahiro; Tanaka, Syoichi, Highly corrosion-resistant surface-treated steel sheet and method for producing same.
  • Yoshinori Fujii JP; Atsumi Ikeda JP, Highly saturated nitrile copolymer rubber, process for the production thereof, heat-resistant rubber compositions comprising the rubber and composites comprising the rubber and fibers.
  • Mukkamala, Ravi, Hollow organic pigment core binder coated paper and paperboard articles and methods for making the same.
  • Lee Do I. (Midland MI) Mulders Michael R. (Essexville MI) Nicholson Dwayne J. (Sanford MI) Leadbetter Arthur N. (Midland MI), Hollow polymer latex particles.
  • Amici Robert M. (Doylestown PA) Bortnick Newman M. (Oreland PA) Graham Roger K. (Moorestown NJ) LaFleur Edward E. (Warminster PA) Work William J. (Huntingdon Valley PA), Hot melt adhesives.
  • Hossainy, Syed Faiyaz Ahmed; Michal, Eugene; Glauser, Thierry; Kwok, Connie; Pacetti, Stephen Dirk, Hyaluronic acid based copolymers.
  • MacQueen, Richard C.; Pavlin, Mark S., Hydrocarbon-terminated polyether-polyamide block copolymers and uses thereof.
  • MacQueen, Richard C.; Pavlin, Mark S., Hydrocarbon-terminated polyether-polyamide block copolymers and uses thereof.
  • Vo Chau Van,FRX ; Hahnfeld Jerry L. ; Achille Felix ; Imeokparia Daniel D. ; Mackey George A., Hydrogenated vinyl aromatic polymer foams.
  • Ramiro Galleguillos ; Jodi A. Budrevich ; Joseph A. Chiarelli ; Harinath B. Bathina ; Zahid Amjad, Hydrophilic ampholytic polymer.
  • Ueyama, Hiroyuki; Ikawa, Seiichiro; Iwata, Junichi, Hydrophilic polysiloxane macromonomer, and production and use of the same.
  • Keenan, Andrea C.; Lau, Willie; Schwartz, Curtis, Hydrophobic oil absorbing polymers and process.
  • Flugge, Lisa Ann; Branham, Kelly Dean; Bunyard, William Clayton; Shannon, Thomas Gerard, Hydrophobically modified cationic acrylate copolymer/polysiloxane blends and use in tissue.
  • Lorah,Dennis Paul; Slone,Robert Victor; Madle,Thomas Glenn, Hydrophobically modified clay polymer nanocomposites.
  • Lai, John Ta Yuan; Shea, Ronald P., Hydroxyl-terminated thiocarbonate containing compounds, polymers, and copolymers, and polyurethanes and urethane acrylics made therefrom.
  • Lai, John Ta-Yuan; Pajerski, Anthony D.; Shea, Ronald P., Hydroxyl-terminated thiocarbonate containing compounds, polymers, and copolymers, and polyurethanes and urethane acrylics made therefrom.
  • Lai, John Ta-Yuan; Pajerski, Anthony D.; Shea, Ronald P., Hydroxyl-terminated thiocarbonate containing compounds, polymers, and copolymers, and polyurethanes and urethane acrylics made therefrom.
  • Lai, John Ta-Yuan; Shea, Ronald P., Hydroxyl-terminated thiocarbonate containing compounds, polymers, and copolymers, and polyurethanes and urethane acrylics made therefrom.
  • Memon Nazir Ahmed ; Weese Richard Henry ; Ziegler Ursula Elisabeth,DEX, Impact modified polyacetal compositions.
  • Meyer Jean-Philippe Gaetan (Grasse Le Plan FRX) Leblanc Didier Michel (Hainesport NJ) Chiquet Yannick Jean Yvon (Juan Les Pins FRX), Impact modifier combination for aromatic polyesters.
  • Hamilton, Raymond Gerard; Cruz, Carlos Alfonso; Chou, Chuen-Shyong; Liwak, Susan Marie, Impact modifier compositions which enhance the impact strength properties and lower the viscosity of melt processed plastics resins and methods of making said compositions.
  • Richards Susanna E. (Chalfont PA) Wills William L. (Roebling NJ) Wetzel Donna (Bensalem PA) Rosado Anibal (Bristol PA), Impact resistant polymers.
  • Liu Wan-Li (Levittown PA) Liwak Susan M. (Langhorne PA), Impact strength modifiers for thermoplastic polymers.
  • Rozkuszka Kenneth P. (Melrose Park PA) Weier Jane E. (Hopewell NJ), Impact-modified poly(vinyl chloride).
  • Brady Jean Marie ; Rapacki Steven Richard, Impact-modified poly(vinyl chloride) exhibiting improved low-temperature fusion.
  • Liu Wan-Li (Levittown PA) Liwak Susan M. (Langhorne PA), Impact-strength modifiers for thermoplastic polymers.
  • DeMasi, Anne Seton; Lauer, Rosemarie Palmer, In-press coating method and composition.
  • Burgun, Sandrine; Subramonian, Suresh, Inherently open-celled polypropylene foam with large cell size.
  • Hesler Carl Michael ; Simon Ethan Scott, Ink composition and method for preparing.
  • Gautam S. Haldankar, Ink compositions.
  • Tucker, Robert Carey; Corti, Sandra, Ink formulations and uses thereof.
  • Tucker,Robert Carey; Corti,Sandra, Ink formulations and uses thereof.
  • Van Aert, Huub; Lingier, Stefaan, Ink jet recording material.
  • Dungworth, Howard Roger; Naisby, Andrew J.; Suhadolnik, Joseph; Yale, David A., Ink jet recording medium.
  • Dungworth, Howard; Naisby, Andrew; Suhadolnik, Joseph; Yale, David A., Ink jet recording medium.
  • Furukawa Akira (Tokyo JPX) Kato Makoto (Tokyo JPX), Ink jet recording medium.
  • Naisby, Andrew S.; Dungworth, Howard R.; Pennant, Donna; Suhadolnik, Joseph, Ink jet recording medium.
  • Mozel, Jacob; Mann, Jacob, Inkjet compositions and processes for stretchable substrates.
  • Stockhausen Dolf,DEX ; Klimmek Helmut,DEX ; Krause Frank,DEX ; Berghahn Matthias,DEX, Interpolymers of unsaturated carboxylic acids and unsaturated sulfur acids.
  • Vaughn, Walter L.; McKeand, Jr,, Thomas J., Ionomers of ethylene/carboxylic acid copolymers.
  • Taylor, James W.; Renner, Susan L., Isocyanate crosslinked waterborne coatings.
  • Brown, Jeffrey David; McKelvey, James Louis; O'Brien, Michael Joseph; Rimmer, John Wayne, Laminated wall structure.
  • Larson Kent R. (Midland MI), Laminates comprising organosiloxane elastomers and organic polymers and method for preparing same.
  • Eisenhart Eric Karl ; Jacobs Bradley Anson ; Graziano Louis Christopher, Laminating adhesive composition.
  • Bartman Benjamin ; Hughes Kathleen Anne ; Eisenhart Eric Karl ; Eisenhart Joann Marie, Laminating construction adhesive compositions with improved performance.
  • Jialanella Gary L. (Midland MI) Hoffman Dwight K. (Midland MI), Latent initiator of N-base acid salt-containing emulsion polymer.
  • Pearson Paul D. ; Redding Patricia L., Latex aerosol paint products.
  • Bochnik, Michael; Freidzon, Yakov; Sheerin, Robert; Wu, Ning, Latex based open-time extenders for low VOC paints.
  • Thames, Shelby F.; Rawlins, James W.; Delatte, David; Dutta, Sandipan, Latex compositions comprising functionalized vegetable oil derivatives.
  • Stollmaier, Friederike; Kennedy, James G., Latex crosslinking with blocked nitrile oxides or epoxy silanes.
  • Stollmaier Friederike Theresia,DEX ; Elsaesser Dominik Martin,DEX ; Salminen Pekka Johannes,CHX, Latex-based coating composition.
  • Jin-chih Chiang ; Shang-Jaw Chiou ; Frederick James Schindler, Leather coating composition.
  • Nungesser, Edwin H.; You, Yujian, Leather coating compositions having improved embossability.
  • Stewart Thomas (Doylestown PA) Lesko Patricia M. (Lansdale PA) El A\mma Anton G. (Phoenixville PA), Leather treatment selected amphiphilic copolymers.
  • Lafleur, Edward E.; Wu, Jiun-Chen, Light-scattering compositions.
  • Siol Werner (Darmstadt-Eberstadt DEX) Post Heinrich (Voerde DEX), Light-scattering polystyrene molding compounds, and molded articles produced therefrom.
  • Malz, Jr., Russell E.; Reynolds, Michael P.; Gencarelli, Richard A., Liquid antiozonants and rubber compositions containing same.
  • Malz, Jr., Russell E.; Reynolds, Michael P.; Gencarelli, Richard A., Liquid antiozonants and rubber compositions containing same.
  • Wu Jiun-Chen, Liquid crystal displays containing spacers and methods for producing the spacer.
  • Imaizumi, Masahiro; Asano, Toyofumi; Ochi, Naoyuki; Hirano, Masahiro; Ichimura, Sumio; Kudo, Masaru; Oshimi, Katsuhiko; Nakanishi, Masataka; Akatsuka, Yasumasa; Nishihara, Eiichi; Itai, Masayuki, Liquid crystal sealing agent and liquid crystalline display cell using the same.
  • Ochi, Naoyuki; Asano, Toyohumi; Imaizumi, Masahiro; Kudou, Masaru; Nishihara, Eiichi; Hirano, Masahiro; Yoshii, Kouta; Itimura, Sumio; Kogo, Makiko, Liquid crystal sealing material and liquid crystal display cell using same.
  • Eaton, Robert F.; Caronia, Paul J., Low dielectric loss power cable sheaths comprising high pressure polyolefins free of silane functionality.
  • Eiffler Jurgen,DEX ; Carlsson Roger,CHX ; Hermanns Jurgen,DEX ; Oliver Stephen,CHX, Low foaming paper surface sizing composition.
  • Blankenship Robert M. (Harleysville PA) Egolf Scott L. (Lansdale PA), Low molecular weight monoalkyl substituted phosphinate and phosphonate copolymers.
  • Hibben, Quentin Lewis, Low temperature curable adhesive compositions.
  • Hibben, Quentin Lewis, Low temperature curable adhesive compositions.
  • Steinwand Paul J. (Placentia CA), Low viscosity high strength acid binder.
  • Stack Dennis P. (Santa Ana CA), Low viscosity, fast curing binder for cellulose.
  • Molnar Linda Katherine, MBS impact modifiers.
  • Subramonian,Suresh; Park,Chung P., Macrocellular acoustic foam containing particulate additive.
  • Park, Chung P.; Subramonian, Suresh; Burgun, Sandrine, Macrocellular polyolefin foam having a high service temperature for acoustical applications.
  • Maes,Doninique; Ruiter,Adrianus; Bouquet,Gilbert; Pope,Tim; Vanspeybroeck,Rony; Van Duin,Kees Jeen, Mass polymerized rubber-modified monovinylidene aromatic copolymer composition.
  • Rony S. Vanspeybroeck BE; Gilbert Bouquet BE; Dominique Maes BE; Nicolaas Hermans NL, Mass polymerized rubber-modified monovinylidene aromatic copolymer compositions.
  • Fu, Peng Fei; Guo, Lingjie Jay; Cheng, Xing, Material composition for nano- and micro-lithography.
  • Simard Laurent,FRX ; Thomas Michel,FRX ; Quash Gerard,FRX ; Moachon Nicolas,FRX, Means for the biological purification of a biological fluid.
  • Mitra,Sumita B.; Falsafi,Afshin, Medical compositions containing an ionic salt, kits, and methods.
  • Miyake Masao,JPX ; Fujimori Naomi,JPX, Medical device.
  • Kawamura, Naohisa; Sawada, Hidenori; Kobayashi, Takayuki, Medical tape preparation.
  • Brady Jean M. (Hamilton NJ) Diaz Thierry C. C. (Roquefort les Pins FRX), Melt-processed blends containing poly(vinyl alcohol).
  • Bortnick Newman M. (Oreland PA) Graham Roger K. (Moorestown NJ) LaFleur Edward E. (Warminster PA) Work William J. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Wu Jiun-Chen (Robbinsville NJ), Melt-processed polymer blends.
  • Yang, Yang; Ouyang, Jianyong; Szmanda, Charles R., Memory devices based on electric field programmable films.
  • Shah Nilesh ; Lin Manhua, Methacrylate resin blends.
  • Goodwin,Andrew James; Ward,Luke; Merlin,Patrick; Badyal,Jas Pal Singh, Method and apparatus for forming a coating.
  • O'Neill, Liam; O'Hare, Lesley Ann; Goodwin, Andrew James, Method for coating a substrate using plasma.
  • Choi Chol-Yoo ; Lesko Patricia Marie ; Rice Katherine Sue, Method for coating leather.
  • Wasserman, Eric P.; Chaudhary, Bharat I., Method for crosslinking polyolefins with in situ generated water.
  • Bogan ; Jr. Leonard E. (Hatfield PA), Method for dispersing ceramic material in an aqueous medium.
  • Malcolm F. Finlayson ; Kenneth E. Springs ; John J. Gathers ; James L. Cooper ; Walter L. Vaughn ; Brian H. Schumann ; Stephen M. Oliver CH, Method for externally sizing fibrous materials.
  • Nedwick Paul ; Osborne Bobby Carol, Method for flexibilizing cured urea formaldehyde resin-bound glass fiber nonwovens.
  • Bogan ; Jr. Leonard E. (Hatfield PA), Method for forming an aqueous dispersion of ceramic material.
  • Harvey Noel G. (North Wales PA), Method for imparting improved adhesion to polyolefin substrates.
  • Harvey Noel G. (North Wales PA) Goldman Theodore D. (Washington Crossing PA) Hesler Carl M. (New Egypt NJ), Method for imparting improved adhesion to polyolefin substrates.
  • Vogel Martin (Jenkintown PA), Method for improving erasability of erasable marking compositions.
  • Bors Daniel A. ; Hermes Ann R. ; Rokowski Joseph M. ; Speece David G., Method for improving the dirt-resistance and gloss retention of a coalescent-free coating.
  • Ching-Jen Chang ; Andrea Claudette Keenan ; Curtis Schwartz, Method for inhibiting corrosion in an aqueous aerosol or foam hair styling composition.
  • Ke,Mingjie; Qu,Qi, Method for inhibiting or controlling inorganic scale formations.
  • Lutz,William G.; Donald,Robert J.; Courter,David M.; Spaulding,Wesley J.; Sehanobish,Kalyan; Wu,Shaofu; Sonnenschein,Mark F.; Damen,Julien, Method for joining piping systems and piping to equipment, fixtures, devices, structures, and appliances.
  • Bors Daniel A. (Warminster PA) Emmons William D. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Edwards Steven S. (Horsham PA), Method for light-assisted curing of coatings.
  • Bors Daniel A. (Warminster PA) Emmons William D. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Edwards Steven S. (Horsham PA), Method for light-assisted curing of coatings.
  • Tai Eva F. (Midland MI), Method for making aggregates or clusters of water-swellable polymers having increased hydration rate over unassociated w.
  • Lorah Dennis P. (Lansdale PA) Madle Thomas G. (Flourtown PA), Method for making an alkali-soluble emulsion copolymer.
  • Eisenhart Eric Karl (Doylestown PA) Jacobs Bradley Anson (Chalfont PA), Method for making an aqueous emulsion polymer.
  • Eisenhart Eric Karl (Doylestown PA) Jacobs Bradley Anson (Chalfont PA) Graziano Louis Christopher (Warrington PA), Method for making an aqueous emulsion polymer.
  • Weinstein, Barry; Laughlin, Kenneth Bruce; Finch, William C., Method for making polymers.
  • Leblanc Jean-Pierre ; Chandran Rama S., Method for making polymers from N-vinyl formamide monomer.
  • Chang, Frank; Vogt, Jürgen; Pruitt, John Dallas; Qian, Xinming; Smith, Dawn A.; Domschke, Angelika Maria; Holland, Troy Vernon; Turek, Richard Charles; Wu, Daqing, Method for making silicone hydrogel contact lenses.
  • Hann William Mathis ; Robertson Susan Tabb ; Weinstein Barry, Method for metal sulfate scale control in harsh oilfield conditions.
  • Berezuk,Peter David; Gojkovich,Kelly Ann McManigal; Cygan,Ludwik Stanley; Lee,San Ardi, Method for preparing a bonded composite.
  • Kauffman, Thomas Frederick; Whitman, David William, Method for preparing a laminate.
  • Lau, Willie; Bromm, Karl Allen; Van Rheenen, Paul Ralph, Method for preparing graft copolymers and compositions produced therefrom.
  • Lau, Willie; Bromm, Karl Allen; Van Rheenen, Paul Ralph, Method for preparing graft copolymers and compositions produced therefrom.
  • Wehmeyer,Richard M., Method for preparing metal cyanide catalysts using polymerizable complexing agents.
  • Ching-Jen Chang ; Charles Elwood Jones ; Barry Weinstein, Method for preparing ultraviolet radiation-absorbing compositions.
  • Besser, Klaus; Gerecke, Jochen; Haeussler, Lutz; Leitner, Bianka; Rapthel, Inno, Method for producing carboxylated ethylene polymer blends.
  • Jeffrey Joseph Sobczak ; Ann Robertson Hermes ; Donald Craig Schall ; Angelo Sanfilippo FR, Method for producing fast drying multi-component waterborne coating compositions.
  • Morimitsu, Yuichiro; Yoshinaka, Masatoyo; Kobayashi, Shinji, Method for producing granulated carboxyl group-containing polymer particle and granulated carboxyl group-containing polymer particle.
  • Sakaguchi, Kaori; Shiraishi, Kinya, Method for producing metal particle dispersion, conductive ink using metal particle dispersion produced by such method, and conductive coating film.
  • Kleijn, Paul; Reezigt, Herman, Method for producing superabsorbing polymers.
  • Zajaczkowski, Michael J., Method for production of acrylate polymer with liquid diluent.
  • Min Lixing (Dresher PA) Bowe Michael D. (Newtown PA) Sperry Peter R. (Doylestown PA), Method for providing maximum coating film gloss.
  • Parsons, Gary D.; Bowe, Michael D.; Szewczyk, Janah C., Method for sealing fenestration openings.
  • Blankenship Robert M. (Harleysville PA) Neyhart Clarence (Harleysville PA) Novak Ronald W. (Chalfont PA), Method for solidification and encapsulation using core-shell polymer particles.
  • Numrich, Uwe; Wicker, Michael; Neuhaeuser, Achim; Krohmer, Christoph; Dickhaut-Bayer, Guenther, Method for surface hardening substances by application of particularly transparent polymethacrylate layers.
  • Okawa Tadashi (Chiba Prefecture JPX), Method for the preparation of diphenylsiloxane-dimethylsiloxane copolymers.
  • Manzouji Ryuko (Chiba Prefecture JPX) Okawa Tadashi (Chiba Prefecture JPX), Method for the preparation of organopolysiloxanes.
  • Furukawa Haruhiko (Chiba Prefecture JPX) Nakamura Akihiro (Chiba Prefecture JPX) Shirahata Akihiko (Midland MI), Method for the preparation of thermoplastic resin compositions.
  • Zajaczkowski Michael J. ; Gordon ; III Bernard, Method for the production of a high performance pressure sensitive adhesive.
  • Kohr,Alan Wayne; Tysak,Theodore, Method of applying removable coating compositions.
  • Fischer Gordon Charles ; Larson Gary Robert, Method of catalytic crosslinking of polymers and two-pack composition used therein.
  • Michael Damian Bowe ; John Maxfield GB, Method of coating an uncured mineral substrate.
  • Murayama, Toshikazu; Hagino, Harufumi; Gonno, Akihiro; Kinoshita, Nobuko, Method of diminishing odor emission.
  • Rohrbach, William Douglas; Zimmerman, Jr., David Lewis, Method of emulsion polymerization.
  • Chaudhary Bharat I. ; Malone Bruce A., Method of enhancing open cell formation in alkenyl aromatic polymer foams.
  • Maurer, Myron J.; Sagnard, Alain Michel Andre; Bindels, Dominicus L.; Boven, Michelle L.; Choi, Byoung-Ho; Cleereman, Robert J.; Gaston, Ryan S.; Langmaid, Joseph A.; Browning, Curtis Alan, Method of forming extruded polystyrene foams and the products made therefrom.
  • Overbeek Gerardus Cornelis,NLX ; Bedells Alison Dawn,GBX ; Padget John Christopher,GBX, Method of grafting.
  • Rokowski Joseph M. (Riegelsville PA) Finch William C. (Blue Bell PA), Method of improving adhesive of durable coatings on weathered substrates.
  • Hughes Morgan M. ; Rowland Michael E. ; Strait Chad A., Method of improving the oxidative thermal stability of ethylene polymers.
  • Jones Charles Elwood (Yardley PA) Aviles Rafael Gonzalez (Harleysville PA) Fasano David Michael (Maple Glen PA) Vogel Martin (Jenkintown PA), Method of improving ultraviolet radiation absorption of a composition.
  • David Richard Amick ; James Watson Neely, Method of improving viscosity stability of aqueous compositions.
  • Abundis, David L.; Hayes, Peter C.; Hostetler, Ronald E., Method of making a paper coating using a blend of a vinyl aromatic-acrylic polymer dispersion with a vinyl aromatic-diene polymer dispersion.
  • Kimpimaki,Tomi; Niinikoski,Mari; Nurmi,Kari, Method of making a surface size composition.
  • Patil, Damodar R.; Fan, Laiduien G.; Fan, Joseph C.; Yu, Jiangping, Method of making graft copolymers from sodium poly(aspartate) and the resulting graft copolymer.
  • Patil, Damodar R.; Fan, Laiduien G.; Fan, Joseph C.; Yu, Jiangping, Method of making graft copolymers from sodium poly(aspartate) and the resulting graft copolymer.
  • Ziemelis Maris Jazeps ; Park William Robb Roy, Method of making hydrophobic copolymers hydrophilic.
  • Shannon, Thomas Gerard; Branham, Kelly Dean; Bunyard, William Clayton; Flugge-Berendes, Lisa Ann, Method of making low slough tissue products.
  • Gartner Herbert (Baden-Baden DEX) Petri Roswitha (Wissembourg FRX) Trijasson ; deceased Philippe (late of Strasbourg FRX by Fabienne Jeanne Trijasson Heir at Law and Guardian for Florian Trijasson ; , Method of preparation of crosslinked hydrophilic resins.
  • Zajaczkowski Michael J. (Yoe PA) Stutzman Barbara A. (Dover PA), Method of preparation of water-soluble copolymer.
  • Ahn, Dongchan; Wier, Kevin, Method of preparing a substrate with a composition including an organoborane initiator.
  • Davis,Mark E.; Gonzalez,Hector; Hwang,Suzie (Sue Jean), Method of preparing a supramolecular complex containing a therapeutic agent and a multi-dimensional polymer network.
  • Urscheler,Robert; Dobler,Francis, Method of producing a multilayer coated substrate having improved barrier properties.
  • Larson Gary Robert ; Wood Kurt Arthur, Method of producing isocyanate-modified latex polymer.
  • Schall Donald Craig (Lansdale PA) Lavoie Alvin Charles (Lansdale PA) Landy Francis Joseph (Jenkintown PA) Edwards Steven Scott (Horsham PA), Method of producing wear resistant traffic markings.
  • Schall Donald Craig ; Lavoie Alvin Charles ; Landy Francis Joseph ; Edwards Steven Scott, Method of producing wear resistant traffic markings.
  • Brown Ward Thomas ; Hermes Ann Robertson, Method of producing wear-resistant traffic marking and traffic paint used therein.
  • Lau, Willie; Van Rheenen, Paul Ralph, Method of toughening thermoplastic polymers and thermoplastic compositions produced thereby.
  • Slone, Robert Victor, Methods and compositions involving polar monomers and multivalent cations.
  • Slone, Robert Victor, Methods and compositions involving polar monomers and multivalent cations.
  • Ornstein Ian Neal ; Christ Geoffrey Charles, Methods and compositions to protect asphaltic materials.
  • Bors Daniel A. ; Hermes Ann R. ; Rokowski Joseph M. ; Speece David G., Methods for improving the dirt-resistance and gloss retention of a coalescent-free coating composition.
  • Roach Donald E. (Willingboro NJ) Keating Paul J. (NewportVille PA), Methyl methacrylate compositions.
  • Beckley, Ronald Scott; Kauffman, Thomas Frederick; Zajaczkowski, Michael John; Chen, Mai; Zupancic, Joseph James, Michael addition compositions.
  • Kim, Young-Sam; Stockton, Luther E.; VanSumeren, Mark W., Microcavity-containing resilient, thermoplastic foam; composite of such foam and particles; methods of preparing and articles prepared from same.
  • Charkoudian,John, Microporous membrane substrate having caustic stable, low protein binding surface.
  • Aoyagi Juuro (Tokyo JPX) Suzuki Toyoaki (Tokyo JPX) Kato Reiko (Kanagawa JPX) Nagata Masanori (Tokyo JPX), Microsphere and method for production thereof.
  • Montoya-Goni, Amaia; Van Daele, Ronald G.; Vossen, Roel; Cook, Michael, Microwave heatable monovinyl aromatic polymers.
  • Fischer Jens-Dieter (Bickenbach DEX) Siol Werner (Darmstadt-Eberstadt DEX), Miscible blends of polyphenylene ether and polyaryl (meth)acrylate copolymers.
  • Jones Charles Elwood ; Reeve Paul Francis David,FRX, Mixed surfactant and hydrophobically-modified polymer compositions.
  • Sun Yun C. (Folsom CA) Liou David W. (Baton Rouge LA), Modified CPE for PVC impact modification.
  • McKinney Osborne K. (Lake Jackson TX) Eversdyk David A. (Angleton TX) Rowland Michael E. (Lake Jackson TX), Modified copolymers of ethylene-alpha olefin carboxylic acids.
  • Soane, David S.; Offord, David A., Modified textile and other materials and methods for their preparation.
  • Memon Nazir A. (Yardley PA), Modifier for polypropylene imparting improved melt strength.
  • Lai Choung-Houng (Newtown PA) Brady Jean M. (Hamilton NJ), Moldable crystalline polyester composition.
  • Goldacker, Thorsten; Spiess, Andreas; Mueller, Reiner; Schultes, Klaus; Numrich, Uwe, Molding material containing a matting agent.
  • Rees, Anthony; Billing, Johan; Yilmaz, Ecevit, Molecularly imprinted polymers selective for tobacco specific nitrosamines and methods of using the same.
  • Rouge, John M.; Grill, Joseph P.; Huang, Sean X.; Jenkins, Wayde A.; Modrzynski, Kristopher M.; Moore, Gerald L.; Papczun, William R.; Pavia, Brian J.; Vendel, Joseph C., Multi-layer coating system including a hydroxyl modified polyurethane dispersion binder.
  • Brodnyan John G. (Langhorne PA) Chiou Shang-Jaw (Lower Gwynedd PA) de Grandpre Mark P. (North Wales PA), Multi-stage polymer latex cement modifier and process of making.
  • Eisenhart Eric K. (Doylestown PA) Lorah Dennis P. (Lansdale PA) Gill Susan R. (Lansdale PA) Johnson Eric A. (Lansdale PA), Multi-stage polymer particles having a hydrophobically-modified, ionically-soluble stage.
  • McGee, Robert L.; Wright, Mary Anne, Multilayer adhesive barrier films for water resistant carpet pad applications.
  • Allen Scott I. (Newark OH) Foye Duane F. (Beaverton MI) Ferguson Michael (Granville OH), Multilayer barrier film for ostomy applications.
  • Allen Scott I. (Newark OH) Ferguson Michael (Granville OH) Tung Harvey (Newark OH), Multilayer barrier film for transdermal drug delivery system and ostomy applications.
  • Regnier, Francois J. F.; Tung, Harvey C.; Woods, Rochelle A.; Bonekamp, Jeffrey E., Multilayer films with quiet film layer having noise dampening properties.
  • Allen Scott I. (Newark OH) Ferguson Michael (Granville OH) Tung Harvey (Newark OH), Multilayer halogen-free barrier film for ostomy and transdermal drug delivery applications.
  • Schmidt Donald L. ; Mussell Robert D., Multisolvent-based film-forming compositions.
  • Sojka Milan F. (Midland MI), Nail lacquer primary film forming resin.
  • Sojka Milan F. (Midland MI), Nail lacquer primary film forming resin.
  • Sojka Milan F. (Midland MI), Nail lacquer primary film forming resin.
  • Lorah, Dennis Paul; Slone, Robert Victor, Nanocomposite compositions and methods for making and using same.
  • Gardon John L., Non-allergenic medical and health care devices made from crosslinked synthetic elastomers.
  • Walker Frederick H. (Hatfield PA) Chung Chao-Jen (Gwynedd PA) Mercurio Andrew (Gwynedd Valley PA), Non-aqueous dispersion for alkyd formulation.
  • Tomko Richard F. ; Rao Madhukar ; Shalati Mohamad D. ; Kraan John D., Non-aqueous dispersions.
  • Saishin, Mototsugu; Tsukamoto, Mitsuo; Makabe, Takashi; Kakimaru, Yoshimi; Fujitani, Takumi; Higaki, Tatsuhiko, Ocular tissue regeneration inducer.
  • Mondet Jean (Drancy FRX) Lion Bertrand (Livry Gargan FRX) Candau Didier (Melun FRX) Simon Pascal (Vitry-Sur-Seine FRX), Oily cosmetic composition containing, as a thickener, an association of two copolymers and optionally containing an amph.
  • Chaudhary Bharat I. ; Tusim Martin H. ; Barry Russell P.,DEX, Olefin polymer and .alpha.-olefin/vinyl or .alpha.-olefin/vinylidene interpolymer blend foams.
  • Schwoeppe, Dirk; Bighetti, Arcangelo, One component glass primer including oxazoladine.
  • Nobuhiro Mori ; Michael Leonard ; Blake Burich ; Michael Jackson ; Robert Kooy ; Manabu Ozawa JP; Toru Tanaka JP; Takumi Kitagawa JP; Ikuo Asato ; Jeff Makarewicz, One component waterborne coating with improved chemical resistance.
  • Brown, Ward Thomas, Opacifying particles.
  • Allen, Nathan T.; Batzell, Andrew G.; Brown, Ward T.; Bromm, Karl A., Opacifying pigment particle.
  • Allen, Nathan T.; Batzell, Andrew G.; Brown, Ward T.; Heuts, Martin, Opacifying pigment particle.
  • Zheng, Xiaoliang; Zhang, Dong; Jing, Jiaokai; Harris, Frank; King, Brian; Germroth, Ted; Kuo, Thauming, Optical compensation films based on fluoropolymers.
  • Tamori, Kouji; Takamoto, Eiji; Kawai, Takahiro, Organic polymer-magnetic particles and process for producing same.
  • Blizzard John Donald ; Tonge James Steven, Organically-modified, radiation-curable siloxane resin and method of making the same.
  • Saruyama Toshio,JPX ; Yoshitake Makoto,JPX, Organopolysiloxane and method for the preparation of the same.
  • Kuo Chung Mien ; Liles Donald Taylor, Organopolysiloxane-modified graft copolymers.
  • Pennington Donald W. (Baton Rouge LA) Allison Joseph L. (Baton Rouge LA), Oxidation of halogenated polymers and anticaking halogenated polymers.
  • Stein,Peter; Geyer,Werner; Barthel,Thomas; Breitwieser, legal representative,Ingrid; Breitwieser, legal representative,Claudia; Breitwieser, legal representative,Anja; Breitwieser, legal representati, PMI syrup phases and their use for stabilizing insoluble additives.
  • Thoen Johan A.,NLX ; Suh Kyung W. ; Kennedy James G.,NLX ; Shmidt Creston D., PVC-free foamed flooring and wall coverings.
  • Walton Kim L. (Lake Jackson TX) Patel Rajen M. (Lake Jackson TX) Chum Pak-Wing S. (Lake Jackson TX) Obijeski Todd J. (Houston TX), Packaging and wrapping film.
  • Hwang Yuh-Chin (Lake Jackson TX) McKeand ; Jr. Thomas J. (Clute TX) Betso Stephen R. (Lake Jackson TX) Silvis H. Craig (Midland MI) Parikh Deepak R. (Lake Jackson TX) Germano Don J. (Lake Jackson TX), Paintable olefinic interpolymer compositions.
  • Hwang Yuh-Chin,TWX ; Betso Stephen R.,CHX ; McKeand ; Jr. Thomas J. ; Silvis H. Craig ; Parikh Deepak R. ; Germano Don J. ; Karande Seema V., Paintable olefinic interpolymer compositions.
  • Frederick James Schindler ; Yili Guo ; Gregory C. Pierce ; James Allen Quinn, Pesticide compositions.
  • Mitchell, Steven R.; Harwood, H. James; Stobby, William G.; Priddy, Duane B.; Suh, Kyung W., Phosphorous-containing monomers and flame retardant high impact monovinylidene aromatic polymer compositions derived therefrom.
  • Brennan, David J.; Everett, John P.; Nader, Bassam S., Phosphorus element-containing crosslinking agents and flame retardant phosphorus element-containing epoxy resin compositions prepared therewith.
  • Goodall, Brian L.; Jayaraman, Saikumar; Shick, Robert A.; Rhodes, Larry F.; Allen, Robert David; DiPietro, Richard Anthony; Wallow, Thomas, Photoresist compositions comprising polycyclic polymers with acid labile pendant groups.
  • Rhodes Larry F ; Bell Andrew ; Jayaraman Saikumar ; Lipian John-Henry ; Goodall Brian L. ; Shick Robert A., Photoresist compositions comprising polycyclic polymers with acid labile pendant groups.
  • Iwai Takeshi,JPX ; Komano Hiroshi,JPX, Photosensitive resin composition, photosensitive printing plate using the same and method of manufacturing printing mas.
  • Cooper James L. ; Potts Michael W., Pinhole-resistant extrusion method.
  • Kelch Robert H. ; Tung Harvey C., Plastic adhesive labels for glass substrates.
  • Ilenda Casmir S. (Hulmevill PA) Frantz Thomas M. (Claymont DE) Freed William T. (Stockton NJ), Plastic articles with compatibilized barrier resin.
  • Ilenda Casmir S. (Hulmevill PA) Frantz Thomas M. (Claymont DE) Freed William T. (Stockton NJ), Plastic articles with compatibilized barrier resin.
  • Pyzik,Aleksander J.; Reddy,Hari; Stewart, Jr.,Kenneth B.; Yang,Kwanho; Allen,Sharon M.; Morgan,Ted A., Plastic fibers for improved concrete.
  • Reddy, Hari P.; Pyzik, Aleksander J.; Morgan, Ted A.; Allen, Sharon M.; Marra, Jill R.; Shinkel, Nicholas M., Plastic fibers for improved concrete.
  • Stein Alan Daniel ; Hallden-Abberton Michael Paul ; Liss Audrey Brenda ; Fields Steven David, Plastic substrates for electronic display applications.
  • Demarest, Victoria Anne; Evans, Ann Elizabeth; Freeman, Adam Wade; Liss, Audrey Brenda, Plasticizer free caulks and sealants having improved aged wet adhesion.
  • Weier, Jane Elizabeth; Wills, Morris Christopher; Coyle, Robert William, Plastics additives composition, process, and blends thereof.
  • Beyer, Douglas E.; Jenkins, Steven R.; Lee, Eric K. C., Plasticzer in alkyl acrylate vinylidene chloride polymer.
  • Boden, Frederick J.; Sauer, Richard P.; Goldblatt, Irwin L.; McHenry, Michael E., Polar grafted polyolefins, methods for their manufacture, and lubricating oil compositions containing them.
  • Warren Stephen Clay ; Skinner Michael Ward ; DeGroot ; Jr. Jon Vierling, Poly(siloxane-acrylate) elastomers with oxycarbonylethyleneimino-containing organic group and method of making the same.
  • Renz, Walter L.; Ravichandran, Ramanathan; Naisby, Andrew J.; Suhadolnik, Joseph; Wood, Mervin Gale; Xiong, Rong, Poly(vinylalcohol)-co-poly(vinylamine)polymers comprising functional moieties.
  • Wetzel Donna M. (Bensalem PA) Dunkelberger David L. (Newtown PA), Polycarbonate blends.
  • Farah Hani (Sugarland TX) Novak Leo (Lake Jackson TX) Laughner Michael K. (Lake Jackson TX) Priester ; Jr. Ralph D. (Lake Jackson TX), Polycarbonate compositions modified with a polyamine compound.
  • Laughner Michael K. (Lake Jackson TX), Polycarbonate polyester blends modified with poly(phenylene ether).
  • Laughner Michael K. (Lake Jackson TX), Polycarbonate/aromatic polyester blends containing an olefinic modifier.
  • Laughner Michael K. (Lake Jackson TX), Polycarbonate/aromatic polyester blends modified with an epoxide-containing copolymer.
  • Laughner Michael K. (Lake Jackson TX), Polycarbonate/polyester blends modified with poly(phenylene ether).
  • Ravikiran, Ramakrishna; Wu, Xiaoming; Rhodes, Larry F.; Shick, Robert A.; Nakano, Hiroko; Nonaka, Hirotaka; Wang, Huabin; Duff, Robert John; Jayaraman, Saikumar; Lipian, John-Henry, Polycyclic polymers containing pendant ion conducting moieties.
  • Ravikiran,Ravi; Wu,Xiaoming; Rhodes,Larry F.; Shick,Robert A.; Nakano,Hiroko; Nonaka,Hirotaka; Wang,Huabin; Jayaraman,Saikumar; Duff,Robert John; Lipian,John Henry, Polycyclic polymers containing pendant ion conducting moieties.
  • Hallden-Abberton Michael P. (Maple Glen PA) Work William J. (Huntington Valley PA) Abramowicz Mark A. (Fairless Hills PA) Duong Phuong N. (Upper Darby PA), Polyglutarimide/glass fiber combinations.
  • Hughes, Katherine Anne; Schultz, Alfred Karl, Polymer additives and adhesive compositions including them.
  • Friel John Michael, Polymer blend.
  • Hedstrand David M. (Midland MI) Tomalia Donald A. (Midland MI), Polymer blend containing a modified dense star polymer or dendrimer and a matrix polymer.
  • Amici Robert M. (Doylestown PA) LaFleur Edward E. (Warminster PA) Work William J. (Huntington Valley PA), Polymer blends.
  • Amici Robert M. (Doylestown PA) LaFleur Edward E. (Warminster PA) Work William J. (Huntington Valley PA), Polymer blends.
  • Amici Robert Mark (Doylestown PA) LaFleur Edward Ewart (Warminster PA) Work William James (Huntington Valley PA), Polymer blends.
  • La Fleur Edward E. (Warminster PA) Amici Robert M. (Doylestown PA) Freed William T. (Stockton NJ) Work William J. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Carson William G. (Moorestown NJ), Polymer blends with enhanced properties.
  • Joel M. Cooke ; Charles H. Honeyman ; Robert M. Amici ; Peter A. Lovell GB; John L. Stanford GB; Rosa Casado Portilla ES, Polymer coated carbon products and other pigments and methods of making same by aqueous media polymerizations or solvent coating methods.
  • Green,Michael, Polymer composition.
  • Anne Margaret Bacho ; Frederick Paul Hinz ; Mark Alan Kesselmayer ; Kathleen Anne Koziski ; Meredith Ann Morgan ; Lori Branham Pfahler ; Fergus Stuart McColl AU, Polymer compositions.
  • Kohr, Alan Wayne; Hartman, Karl John, Polymer compositions.
  • Lau Willie ; Finley Maureen Joanne ; Williams Martin Marion ; Morris Hal Conley, Polymer compositions.
  • Lau Willie ; Finley Maureen Joanne ; Williams Martin Marion ; Morris Hal Conley, Polymer compositions.
  • Lau Willie ; Finley Maureen Joanne ; Williams Martin Marion ; Morris Hal Conley, Polymer compositions.
  • Lau Willie ; Kelly Michael DeWayne ; Lorah Dennis Paul ; Heinley David Ralph, Polymer compositions.
  • Haldankar Gautam S., Polymer dispersants.
  • Hartig, Jens; Balk, Roelof; Dargatz, Manfred, Polymer dispersions.
  • Elizalde, Oihana; Amthor, Stephan; Hartig, Jens, Polymer dispersions for corrosion control.
  • Bricker Mark C. (Gilbertsville PA) Van Rheenen Paul R. (Warminster PA), Polymer emulsion agent for cross-linking a polymer emulsion and method for making a polymer film.
  • Hefner ; Jr. Robert E. (Lake Jackson TX) Earls Jimmy D. (Lake Jackson TX), Polymer modified adducts of epoxy resins and active hydrogen containing compounds containing mesogenic moieties.
  • Kelly, Michael DeWayne; Lee, Haksu; Weinstein, Barry, Polymer modified carbohydrate curable binder composition.
  • Stone,William Ivor, Polymer modified gypsum membrane and uses therefor.
  • Krawczyk, Gerhard Erich; Miller, Kevin Michael, Polymer solutions.
  • Tomohiro Shinoda JP, Polymer useful for coating.
  • Arthur, Samuel David, Polymer-based tissue-adhesive form medical use.
  • Clamen,Guy Joseph; Pollet,Bruno, Polymer-modified gypsum composition.
  • Machleder Warren Harvey ; Gore Robert Howard ; Moorman David Sterett ; Bowe Michael Damian, Polymeric (meth)acrylate plasticizers and processing aids for elastomers.
  • Tang Xun (Dresher PA), Polymeric binder.
  • Freeman, Michael Bennett; Langenmayr, Eric Jon; Madle, Thomas Glenn, Polymeric binders for water-resistant ink jet inks.
  • Cheung Yunwa W. ; Guest Martin J. ; Chum Rak-Wing S. ; Kao Che-I, Polymeric blend compositions of .alpha.-olefin/vinylidene aromatic monomer interpolymers and aromatic polyethers.
  • LaFleur Edward E. (Warminster PA) Work William J. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Amici Robert M. (Berlin MA) Bortnick Newman M. (Oreland PA) Holy Norman L. (Penns Park PA), Polymeric blends.
  • LaFleur Edward E. (Warminster PA) Work William J. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Amici Robert M. (Berlin MA) Bortnick Newman M. (Oreland PA) Holy Norman L. (Penns Park PA), Polymeric blends.
  • Vaitkeviciene,Violeta; Grigalevicius,Sauljus; Grazulevicius,Juozas V.; Gaidelis,Valentas; Mald{hacek over (z)}ius,Robertas; Tokarski,Zbigniew; Jubran,Nusrallah, Polymeric charge transport materials having carbazolyl repeating units.
  • Tighe, Brian J.; Nasso, Muriel; Benning, Beverley; Molock, Jr., Frank F., Polymeric compositions comprising at least one volume excluding polymer.
  • Tighe, Brian J.; Nasso, Muriel; Benning, Beverley; Molock, Jr., Frank F., Polymeric compositions comprising at least one volume excluding polymer.
  • Troy, Edward Joseph; McDonald, David John; Weier, Jane Elizabeth, Polymeric compositions having low glass transition temperatures.
  • Ghosh, Tirthankar, Polymeric controlled release compositions.
  • Bogan ; Jr. Leonard E. (Harleysville PA), Polymeric dispersants for ceramic materials.
  • Bedel Didier (La Croix Saint Ouen FRX) Crozat Chantal (Athies sous Laon FRX), Polymeric foaming agents and their preparation in the preparation of synthetic foams.
  • Hodder James J. (Doylestown PA) Lesko Patricia M. (Lansdale PA) Stewart Thomas (Doylestown PA), Polymeric retan fatliquor for low fogging upholstery leather.
  • Lemonds, Andrew; Wilczynski, Robert, Polymerizable compositions.
  • Creamer,Marianne; Manna,Joseph, Polymerization of monomers with differing reactivities.
  • Branston, Randy; Peer, William; Ghosh, Tamal; Dungworth, Howard Roger, Polymers for paper and paperboard coatings.
  • Branston, Randy; Peer, William; Ghosh, Tamal; Dungworth, Howard Roger, Polymers for paper and paperboard coatings.
  • Dean Charles Webster ; Allen Lynn Crain ; Chadwick Edward Marlow, Polymers of 3-butene esters, their preparation and use.
  • Webster Dean Charles ; Crain Allen Lynn ; Marlow Chadwick Edward, Polymers of 3-butene esters, their preparation and use.
  • Webster Dean Charles ; Crain Allen Lynn ; Marlow Chadwick Edward, Polymers of 3-butene esters, their preparation and use.
  • Rehmer Gerd (Beindersheim DEX) Barwich Juergen (Neustadt DEX) Auchter Gerhard (Bad Duerkheim DEX), Polymers of olefinically unsaturated monomers and solutions of these polymers.
  • Von Tschammer, Alexis; Milesi, Daniel, Polyolefin composition intended for producing a cover for housing a motor vehicle safety airbag.
  • Claasen, Gert Johannes; Prieto, Miguel Alberto; Pavlik, Martin, Polyolefin dispersion technology used for porous substrates.
  • Robert H. Kelch, Polyolefin/copolyamide RF active adhesive film.
  • Pierini, Peter E.; Pirtle, Shaun E., Polypropylene composition for air quenched blown films.
  • Pierni, Peter E.; Pirtle, Shaun E., Polypropylene composition for air quenched blown films.
  • Michaleviciute,Asta; Buika,Gintaras; Grazulevicius,Juozas V.; Peleckas,Zaimantas; Montrimas,Edmundas; Sidaravicius,Jonas, Polysilane-based charge transport materials.
  • Nakatani Itsuki,JPX ; Wakabayashi Masayuki,JPX, Polystyrene resin foam and process for producing the foam body.
  • Paik Yi H. (Princeton NJ) Simon Ethan S. (Ambler PA) Swift Graham (Blue Bell PA), Polysuccinimide polymers and process for preparing polysuccinimide polymers.
  • LaFleur Edward E. (Warminster PA), Polyurethane elastomer blends.
  • Blum, Harald; Schütze, Detlef-Ingo, Polyurethane solutions containing alkoxysilane structural units.
  • Blum Harald,DEX ; Schutze Detlef-Ingo,DEX, Polyurethane solutions terminated with amino-functional heterocyclic stoppers.
  • Clouet Gilbert (La Wantzenau FRX), Polyurethanes containing vinyl sequences, their production process and their application in the formulation of paints.
  • Hutter G. Frederick (Charleston SC) Zuraw Paul J. (Mt. Pleasant SC), Polyvinyl alcohol-modified rosin-based emulsion polymers.
  • Beyer, Douglas E.; Renard, Valerie, Polyvinylidene chloride compositions and their use in monofilament structures.
  • Katsurao, Takumi; Kawakami, Tomoaki; Hosokawa, Toshio, Porous film of vinylidene fluoride resin and method for producing same.
  • Kamo Jun (Otake JPX) Hirai Takayuki (Otake JPX) Takahashi Hiroshi (Otake JPX) Kondou Kenji (Otake JPX), Porous polypropylene hollow fiber membrane of large pore diameter, production process thereof, and hydrophilized porous.
  • Ortiz Carlos E. ; Sahni Atam P. ; Drabeck Gerald W. ; Scheibelhoffer Anthony S. ; Sobek Susan M. ; Brand Douglas E., Powder coating composition comprising unsaturated polyesters and uses thereof.
  • Hall, Stephen Anthony, Powder coating compositions and a method for coating a substrate.
  • Troy Edward J. (Bristol PA) Rosado Anibal (Bristol PA), Preparation of butadiene-based impact modifiers.
  • Schlesiger, Hartwig; Bayer, Roland; Auriel, Daniel; Engelhardt, Jürgen; Höhl, Frank; Klohr, Erik-Andreas; Kull, Arne Henning; Pannek, Jörn-Bernd; Schmidt, Marc Oliver, Preparation of cellulose ether products of increased viscosity and fineness.
  • Parker Hsing-Yeh ; Lau Willie ; Rosenlind Erik S., Preparation of fluorinated polymers.
  • Parker Hsing-Yeh ; Lau Willie ; Rosenlind Erik S., Preparation of fluorinated polymers.
  • Sakabe, Hiroshi, Preparation process of enlarged latex.
  • La Fleur, Edward Ewart; Way, Jiun-Chen, Preparing conductive polymers in the presence of emulsion latexes.
  • Eiffler, Juergen; Froehlich, Christoph; Stranimaier, Kerstin, Preparing copolymers of carboxylic acid, aromatic vinyl compound and hydrophobic polyalkylene oxide.
  • Zhou, Jian S.; Smith, Dawn A., Prepolymers with dangling polysiloxane-containing polymer chains.
  • Miyajima Norihisa (Urawa JPX) Ozaki Issei (Urawa JPX) Fukada Hajime (Urawa JPX), Pressure sensitive adhesive composition and a pressure sensitive adhesive sheet, a label and a laminate utilizing it.
  • Zajaczkowski Michael J. ; Stutzman Barbara A., Pressure sensitive adhesive containing macromer having repeat hydrophilic moieties.
  • Miyajima Norihisa (Urawa JPX) Ozaki Issei (Urawa JPX) Fukada Hajime (Urawa JPX), Pressure sensitive adhesive sheet a pressure sensitive label and a laminate utilizing a specified pressure sensitive adh.
  • Daecher Jeffrey Lawrence ; Fields Steven David ; Khanarian Garo ; Stein Alan Daniel, Process and apparatus for forming plastic sheet.
  • Fields Steven David ; Khanarian Garo ; Daecher Jeffrey Lawrence ; Stein Alan Daniel, Process and apparatus for forming plastic sheet.
  • Jeffrey Lawrence Daecher ; Steven David Fields ; Garo Khanarian ; Alan Daniel Stein, Process and apparatus for forming plastic sheet.
  • Steven David Fields ; James Ralph Galione, Process and apparatus for forming plastic sheet.
  • Shaw Richard G. (Millstone NJ) Caronia Paul J. (Succasunna NJ), Process for crosslinking.
  • Fiarman Irwin S. (Willingboro NJ) McCallum ; III Thomas F. (Philadelphia PA) Weinstein Barry (Dresher PA), Process for efficient utilization of chain transfer agent.
  • Bohling,James Charles; Furbank,Roy Jeffrey; Rosenbaum,Bruce Maurice, Process for macroporous acrylic resins.
  • Kempner James S. (Southhampton PA) Parker Hsing-Yeh (Holland PA) Stevenson Janis C. (Langhorn PA) Wills Morris C. (Roebling NJ) Allison Judith L. (Medford NJ), Process for making encapsulated micro-agglomerated core/shell additives for PVC blends.
  • Urscheler,Robert, Process for making multilayer coated paper or paperboard.
  • Park In-Hwan,KRX ; Jang Ja-Soon,KRX ; Seol Sang-Won,KRX ; Suh Jung-Mok,KRX, Process for manufacturing an acrylic antislipping agent composed of small amounts of solid content.
  • Koestner, Martin; Koelbl, Gerhard; Meier, Ralf, Process for preparation of high purity methacrylic acid.
  • Tennison Stephen R. (Surrey GB2) Weatherhead Richard H. (Surrey GB2), Process for preparing a molded ion exchange resin structure.
  • Hans-Peter Weitzel DE; Reiner Figge DE, Process for preparing aqueous polymer dispersions.
  • Wu Xianliang (Dresher PA), Process for preparing ceramic products.
  • Kinker Bernard George ; Bollinger Joseph Martin ; Gore Robert Howard ; Pierce David Arthur, Process for preparing continuously variable-composition copolymers.
  • Araki,Takayuki; Ishikawa,Takuji; Kume,Takuji; Yamamoto,Akinori, Process for preparing fluorine-containing norbornene derivative.
  • Dada Emmanuel A. (Bensalem PA) Lau Willie (Ambler PA) Merritt Richard F. (Fort Washington PA) Paik Yi H. (Princeton NJ) Swift Graham (Blue Bell PA), Process for preparing low molecular weight polymers.
  • McCallum ; III Thomas Francis ; Weinstein Barry, Process for preparing phosphonate-terminated polymers.
  • Brown, Jeffrey Lewis; Stack, Dennis Patrick; Wu, Richard Shu-Hua, Process for preparing polymers.
  • Collins Martha Jean ; Taylor James Wayne ; Murray David Logan, Process for preparing reactive latex blends which are chemically and physically stable until film formation.
  • McKay Kevin W. ; Timmers Francis J. ; Feig Edwin R. ; Ho Thoi H. ; Karande Seema V., Process for preparing thermoset interpolymers and foams.
  • Kling Susan M. (Midland MI) Sarkar Nitis (Midland MI), Process for preparing vinylidene chloride or vinyl chloride polymer by suspension polymerization.
  • Shimizu Toshihide (Urayasu JPX) Watanabe Mikio (Ibaraki JPX), Process for preventing polymer scale using an alkaline solution of a condensation product of an aromatic dibasic acid di.
  • Cummings Clark J. (Midland MI) Hathaway Paul E. (Midland MI), Process for producing high molecular weight monovinylidene aromatic polymers.
  • Herfert, Norbert; Daniel, Thomas, Process for producing water-absorbing polymer particles with improved color stability.
  • Carlson, Jr.,Curtis Ingstad; DeCourcy,Michael Stanley; Juliette,Jamie Jerrick John, Process for production of methacrylic acid.
  • Kobushi, Hiromu; Handa, Masayoshi; Nawata, Yasuhiro, Process for production of water-absorbable resin.
  • Graham Andrew T. (Midland MI) Gartner Herbert (Baden Baden DEX), Process for recycling aqueous fluid absorbents fines to a polymerizer.
  • Kuriyama,Toshiaki; Inui,Yasuko, Process for reducing monomer content in N-vinyl compound polymers.
  • Clikeman Richard R. (Washington Crossing PA), Process for segmented copolymers.
  • Clikeman Richard R. (Washington Crossing PA), Process for segmented copolymers.
  • Hook, Bruce D.; Briggs, John; Campbell, Robert M.; Kruper, William J.; Schreck, David J.; Varjian, Richard D.; Hippler, Jeffrey G., Process for the conversion of a crude glycerol, crude mixtures of naturally derived multicomponent aliphatic hydrocarbons or esters thereof to a chlorohydrin.
  • Han, Scott; Martenak, Daniel J.; Jin, Lei; Suib, Steven Lawrence, Process for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane.
  • Balk, Roelof; Tiarks, Franca, Process for the preparation of an aqueous polymer dispersion.
  • Owens Joseph Michael ; Tysak Theodore ; Lavoie Alvin Charles, Process of improving the leveling of a floor polish composition.
  • Hughes Kathleen A. (Blue Bell PA) Swift Graham (Blue Bell PA), Process of increasing the molecular weight of water soluble acrylate polymers by chain combination.
  • Forgach David J. (Midland MI) Harris J. Keith (Midland MI) Glugla Paul G. (Midland MI) Schmidt Donald L. (Midland MI) Fibiger Richard F. (Midland MI), Process of preparing a composite membrane.
  • Fujiwara Wataru (Niihama JPX) Hyoda Junkoh (Niihama JPX) Yamazaki Kenichi (Kobe JPX) Kitamura Noriko (Osaka JPX), Process of preparing copolymer latex and use thereof.
  • Ward Thomas Brown ; Michael Damian Bowe ; Richard Foster Merritt ; Ronald Scott Beckley ; Barry Clifford Lange ; Robert Wilczynski, Process of preparing curable compositions and compositions therefrom.
  • Babb David A. ; Hoenig Wendy D. ; Kao Che-I ; Rowland Michael E. ; Cummins Clark H. ; Mullins Michael J. ; Silvis H. Craig ; Ho Thoi H., Process of rheology modification of polymers.
  • Babb, David A.; Kao, Che-I; Hoenig, Wendy D.; Rowland, Michael E.; Cummins, Clark H.; Silvis, H. Craig; Mullins, Michael J.; Ho, Thoi H., Process of rheology modification of polymers.
  • Helmer, Bradley James; Shoaf, Glenn Lewis, Process to produce an aqueous composition.
  • Nakayama Yasuharu,JPX, Processing for forming cured paint film.
  • Overbeek Gerardus Cornelis,NLX ; Smak Yvonne Wilhelmina,NLX ; Buckmann Alfred Jean Paul,NLX, Production of aqueous polymer compositions.
  • Overbeek Gerardus Cornelis,NLX ; Smak Yvonne Wilhelmina,NLX ; Buckmann Alfred Jean Paul,NLX ; Padget John Christopher,GBX, Production of aqueous polymer compositions.
  • Arriola, Daniel J.; Timmers, Francis J.; Jazdzewski, Brian A.; Vosejpka, Paul C.; Wagner, Nicole L.; Landes, Brian G.; Jueptner, Guenter A.; Bank, David H.; Wenzel, Timothy T., Production of meta-block copolymers by polymer segment interchange.
  • Arriola, Daniel J.; Jazdzewski, Brian A.; Timmers, Francis J.; Vosejpka, Paul C.; Wagner, Nicole L.; Landes, Brian G.; Jueptner, Guenter A.; Bank, David H.; Wenzel, Timothy T., Production of metathesis products by amorphous polymer segment interchange.
  • Arriola, Daniel J.; Jazdzewski, Brian A.; Timmers, Francis J.; Vosejpka, Paul C.; Wagner, Nicole L.; Landes, Brian G.; Jueptner, Guenter A.; Bank, David H.; Wenzel, Timothy T., Production of metathesis products by high melting polymer segment interchange.
  • Haddleton David Mark,GBX ; Padget John Christopher,GBX ; Overbeek Gerardus Cornelis,NLX, Production of polymer emulsions.
  • Arriola, Daniel J.; Briggs, John R.; Timmers, Francis J.; Wagner, Nicole L.; Wenzel, Timothy T., Production of telechelic compounds by metathesis depolymerization.
  • Helmer Bradley James ; Murray David Logan ; Foster Charles Howard, Protonated amines for controlled crosslinking of latex polymers.
  • Robert D. Mussell ; Gene D. Rose ; Donald L. Schmidt, Quick-set film-forming compositions.
  • Wright Antony P. (Midland County MI), Radiation curable acryloxyfunctional silicone coating composition.
  • Bahadur, Maneesh; Perz, Susan Victoria; Suzuki, Toshio, Radiation curable compositions containing alkenyl ether functional polyisobutylenes.
  • Bahadur, Maneesh; Perz, Susan Victoria; Suzuki, Toshio, Radiation curable compositions containing alkenyl ether functional polyisobutylenes.
  • Imaizumi, Masahiro; Akatuka, Yasumasa; Ochi, Naoyuki; Nishihara, Eiichi; Kudou, Masaru; Asano, Toyohumi; Toneda, Naoki; Hirano, Masahiro, Radiation curable resin, liquid crystal sealing material, and liquid crystal display cell using same.
  • Thayer Leroy Elton ; Tonge James Steven ; Vincent Gary Allen, Radiation curable silicone compositions.
  • Manzouji Ryuko (Chiba Prefecture JPX) Okawa Tadashi (Chiba Prefecture JPX), Radiation curable silicone release coating composition.
  • Manzouji Ryuko,JPX ; Okawa Tadashi,JPX, Radiation curable silicone release coating compositions.
  • Bamborough,Derek William; Gielens,Elisabeth Eduarda Catharina Geertruida; Adriaanse,Clazina Cornelia Adriana; Versluijs,Peter; Theelen,Michel Hendrikus, Radiation-curable adhesive compositions.
  • Wang, Mingzhe; O'Brien, Michael Edward; Tabor, Rick, Radiation-curable compositions for improved weather resistance.
  • Cheng John Tze-Chiang ; Plaumann Heinz ; Takamura Koichi ; Baughman Arthur Barry, Random vinyl substituted aromatic/C.sub.4 -C.sub.6 conjugated diolefin polymer modified asphalt mixtures.
  • Bailey, Brad; Finch, William C.; Jeon, Hyun K.; Rand, Charles James; Sammler, Robert L.; Timmers, Francis J.; Weinstein, Barry, Rapid cure thermosets from 5- and 6- membered cyclic enamine compounds made from dialdehydes.
  • Kuropka,Rolf; Fichtner,Thomas, Rapid curing aqueous coating agents.
  • Harris John K. ; Rose Gene D. ; Schmidt Donald L., Rapid set latexes and foamed articles prepared therefrom.
  • Schindler F. J. ; Hurwitz M. J. ; Wolfersberger M. H. ; Fulton ; Jr. R. L. ; Feely W. E., Reacting methylene and alkene components in presence of tertiary amine reacted with epoxide.
  • White, Jerry E.; Earls, Jim D.; Martin, Peter S.; McIntosh, Mike B.; Wehmeyer, Richard M., Reactive (meth)acrylate monomer compositions and preparation and use thereof.
  • Speece, Jr., David Gerald; Bowe, Michael Damian, Reactive coalescents.
  • Krabbenborg,Franciscus J. T.; Mangnus,Marc A.; Belot,Philippe C.; Leon,Josiane, Reactive hot melt adhesive.
  • Kesselmayer,Mark Alan, Reactive hot-melt adhesive compositions with improved green strength.
  • Imtiaz J. Rangwalla ; John E. Wyman ; Patrick Jacques Jean Merlin BE; Shrenik Mahesh Nanavati ; Lisa Marie Seibel ; Laurence Gallez BE, Reactive silicone/alkyleneimine barrier laminating adhesives having bis-silane additives.
  • Patrick J. Merlin BE; Daniel Futter BE; John E. Wyman ; Imtiaz Rangwalla ; Gary Power AU; Karen Branch GB, Reactive silicone/alkylenimine barrier laminating adhesives and applications thereof.
  • Kohlhammer Klaus,DEX ; Roth-Greiner Wolfgang,DEX ; Figge Reiner,DEX ; Haerzschel Reinhard,DEX, Redispersible powder compositions for preparing photographic recording materials.
  • Takamatsu Yorinobu (Sagamihara JPX) Imamura Kengo (Sagamihara JPX) Goetz Richard J. (Woodbury MN), Removable pressure sensitive adhesive and article.
  • Guo,Jong Shing; Chen,Augustin T.; Trembley,Sharon D., Removable, water-whitening resistant pressure sensitive adhesives.
  • Fischer Stephen A. (Yardley PA) Devore David I. (Langhorne PA), Resin composition.
  • Sakaguchi, Shinya; Takamatsu, Atsushi; Sasaki, Hiroharu; Tsuneta, Kazuyoshi, Resin composition for aqueous paint.
  • Hasegawa, Akira; Goto, Kenichi; Hayashi, Toyoharu, Resin composition, transparent member obtained from the resin composition, and use of the same.
  • Yang Yeong-Show,GBX ; Porato Francette,FRX ; Lequeux Serge,FRX, Resin for an oriented-reinforcement prepreg that can be shaped and molded products that are obtained.
  • Redlich, George Harvey; Hamel, Roger Gerard; Rei, Nuno Maurice, Resin immobilized biocide.
  • Nakayama Yasuharu,JPX ; Nishida Reijiro,JPX, Resinous composition for two liquid type water paint crosslinkable at normal temperature.
  • Hori Makoto (Kanagawa JPX) Nishida Reijiro (Kanagawa JPX) Takaya Yasuo (Kanagawa JPX) Nakayama Yasuharu (Kanagawa JPX) Sugishima Masami (Kanagawa JPX), Resinous compositions for a water paint.
  • Hu, Sanlin; Maghsoodi, Sina; Moyer, Eric Scott; Wang, Sheng, Resist composition.
  • Schmidt Donald L. (Midland MI) Rose Gene D. (Midland MI) Miller Barbara A. (Midland MI), Reversible and irreversible water-based coatings.
  • Rossi, Mirko; Zagnoni, Graziano; Vitali, Manuele; Lazzari, Dario; Fischer, Walter, Reversible thermochromic compositions.
  • Lekovic, Huzeir; El-Khatib, Ali J.; Billotto, Frank V., Rigid polyurethane foams.
  • Hutter G. Frederick (Charleston SC), Rosin-supported amide-modified emulsion polymers.
  • Estes Tara Nicole (Midland MI), Rubber and vinyl protectant.
  • Odagawa,Yoshiyuki; Ikeda,Fumio; Emori,Nobuyoshi; Fujiwara,Hideyuki; Mizushima,Takashi; Iwata,Takahiro, Rubber composition, vulcanizate, and air intake hose.
  • Shoaf,Glenn Lewis; Vineyard,Mark Kevin, Rubber modified acrylic and/or vinyl hybrid resins.
  • Salamone, Joseph; Salamone, Ann Beal; Yu, Xiang; Irwin, Levi J., Sacrificial adhesive coatings.
  • Farwaha, Rajeev; Confalone, Philip, Salt-sensitive cationic polymeric binders for nonwoven webs and method of making the same.
  • Ke,Mingjie; Qu,Qi, Scaling inhibitors and method for using the same in high density brines.
  • Finegan, Catherine Ann; Pressley, Ozzie M.; Rohrbach, William D.; Zhang, Wei, Scrub and stain-resistant coating.
  • Kasperchik, Vladek P; Ungefug, Gary Allan, Sealable coating for ink-jet media.
  • Ochi, Naoyuki; Asano, Toyofumi; Imaizumi, Masahiro; Kudo, Masaru; Nishihara, Eiichi; Koyanagi, Hiroo; Ichimura, Sumio; Hirano, Masahiro, Sealant for liquid crystal and liquid-crystal display cell made with the same.
  • Natoli John (Ambler PA) Chang Min-Yin (Houston TX), Segmented copolymers.
  • Hamilton Raymond G. (Bensalem PA) McCarty Mark T. (Levittown PA), Segmented ionomeric copolymer.
  • Wu, Shaobing; Chen, Frank Bor-Her, Self-crosslinkable waterborne coating composition.
  • Julien,Tim; Ryer,Dennis; Willhite,John, Self-crosslinking alkyd dispersion.
  • Schick, Martin Frederick; Bolton, Amy Lee; Kuo, Thauming, Self-crosslinking aqueous acetoacetate-functionalized sulfonated alkyd systems.
  • Weinberger Manfred,ATX ; Zoeller Joachim,ESX, Self-crosslinking aqueous dispersions of polyesters and vinyl polymers.
  • Weitzel, Hans-Peter; Mayer, Theo; Harzschel, Reinhard, Self-leveling screeds and trowel-applied flooring compositions containing dispersion powder compositions based on vinylaromatic-1,3-diene copolymers.
  • Throne, Thomas George; Hallerud, Owen Clifford, Semi-continuous bimodal emulsion polymerization.
  • Ronald Scott Beckley ; Barry Clifford Lange ; David William Whitman ; Jo Ann Arceneaux ; Michael Christopher Kramer ; Peter Thomas Weissman, Semi-telechelic nitrogen-functional oligomer.
  • Patel Rajen M. ; deGroot Jacquelyn A., Shrink film having balanced properties or improved toughness and methods of making the same.
  • Killat, Marion; Killat, Stefan, Silane-modified dispersion powders.
  • Loubert, Gary; Mitchell, Timothy P.; Thomas, Xavier, Silicone acrylate hybride composition and method of making same.
  • Schalau, II, Gerald Kenneth; Thomas, Xavier Jean-Paul; Raul, Victor Albert; Gantner, David Clayton; Ulman, Katherine Lynn, Silicone adhesive for adhesion to wet surfaces.
  • Merlin, Patrick J.; Futter, Daniel; Wyman, John E.; Rangwalla, Imtiaz; Power, Gary; Branch, Karen, Silicone containing laminate adhesive.
  • Phelan, John Christopher, Silicone hydrogel materials with chemically bound wetting agents.
  • Lind, David; Meyers, Deborah; Shope, Marilyn, Silicone polymer and organic polymer containing alloy and/or hybrid emulsion compositions.
  • Cray, Stephen Edward; Ekeland, Robert Alan; Hupfield, Peter Cheshire; O'Hare, Sarah; Rich, David A.; Thibaut, Marc, Silicone release coating compositions.
  • Manzouji Ryuko,JPX ; Okawa Tadashi,JPX ; Mikami Ryuzo,JPX, Silicone-grafted vinyl polymer and method for the preparation thereof.
  • Merlin, Patrick J.; Futter, Daniel; Wyman, John E.; Rangwalla, Imtiaz; Power, Gary; Branch, Karen, Silicone/multifunctional acrylate barrier coatings.
  • Hu, Sanlin; Moyer, Eric Scott; Wang, Sheng; Wyman, David Lee, Silsesquioxane resin.
  • Pham Hoang T. (Lake Jackson TX) Strait Chad A. (Clinton TN) Kirk Richard O. (Lake Jackson TX), Single screw method and apparatus.
  • Ilenda, Casmir Stanislaus; Spera, Michael Louis; Tullos, Gordon; Daly, Andrew T., Smooth, flexible powder coatings.
  • Anthony S. Scheibelhoffer ; Andrew M. Rohn ; James T. Kempthorn ; Kenneth D. Zabielski ; Deenadayalu Chundury ; Timothy W. Birch, Solvent based adhesive composition.
  • Tabor, Rick L.; Suarez, Rhonda R.; Jenkines, Randall C., Spill resistant carpet backing.
  • Lauersdorf, William F.; Whitley, Kimberly A., Sprayable skin composition and method of applying.
  • Crabb Charles C. (Mt. Holly NJ) Wanat Robert A. (Langhorne PA) Keating Paul J. (Newportville PA) Roach Donald E. (Willingboro PA), Stabilization of methacrylic polymers against sterilizing radiation.
  • Pressley, Ozzie M.; Luckenbach, Monica A.; Zhang, Wei; Faulk, Ronald C., Stabilized aqueous compositions comprising cationic polymers that deliver paint and primer properties in a coating.
  • Taylor, James W.; Van den Brink, Mark; Van Meer, Andre, Stabilized water-borne polymer compositions for use as water-based coatings.
  • Taylor,James W.; van den Brink,Mark; van Meer,Andre, Stabilized water-borne polymer compositions for use as water-based coatings.
  • Friedrich,Hans Helmut; Kuhn,Karl Josef; Wehner,Wolfgang; Hopfmann,Thomas, Stabilizer system for stabilizing halogen-containing polymers.
  • Collins Martha Jean ; Taylor James Wayne, Stable amino-containing polymer latex blends.
  • Nungesser, Edwin Hugh; Friel, John Michael; Tanzer, Joseph David; Washel, Jerry William, Stable mixtures containing opacifying pigments.
  • Yamana Masayuki,JPX ; Yamamoto Ikuo,JPX ; Fukuda Teruyuki,JPX, Stainproofing agent.
  • Ohnishi, Noriyuki; Aoshima, Kazumi; Kataoka, Kazunori; Ueno, Katsuhiko, Stimuli-responsive polymer utilizing keto-enol tautomerization and stimuli-responsive separating material and chemical-releasing capsule comprising the same.
  • Liu, Ye; Wu, Decheng; He, Chaobin, Stimulus-responsive biodegradable polymers and methods of preparation.
  • Evans Steven M. (Saginaw MI) Lee Chi-Long (Midland MI) Yeh Ming-Hsiung (Midland MI), Storage stable heat curable organosiloxane compositions containing a microencapsulated catalyst and method for preparing.
  • Dungworth, Howard Roger; Naisby, Andrew John; Plonka, John Mark; List, Julie Ann, Strongly adherent coatings.
  • Kelch, Robert H.; McGee, Robert L., Structures containing a non-oriented multilayer film with a polyolefin core.
  • Havriliak ; Jr. Stephen (Huntingdon Valley PA) Memon Nazir Ahmed (Yardley PA) Lai Choung-Houng (Hsin-Chu Hsien TWX), Styrenic polymer composition.
  • Seibold, Jean M.; Hutchinson, John C.; Luebke, Gary R.; Krueger, Robert A.; Lee, Jungsik, Substituted alkoxylated phenols and branched sulfates for use in emulsion polymer latexes.
  • Ambrose, Ronald R.; Chasser, Anthony M.; Fuhry, Mary Ann M.; Zhou, Hongying; McCollum, Gregory J.; Schwendeman, Irina G., Substrates and articles of manufacture coated with a waterborne 2K coating composition.
  • Kabra Bhagwati G. (Ft. Worth TX) Gehrke Stevin H. (Cincinnati OH), Superabsorbent foams, and method for producing the same.
  • Joseph L. Weir ; Larry R. Wilson, Superabsorbent polymers having a slow rate of absorption.
  • Wilson, Larry R., Superabsorbent polymers having a slow rate of absorption.
  • Wilson, Larry R., Superabsorbent polymers having a slow rate of absorption.
  • Gartner Herbert (Baden-Baden DEX) Burgert Josef (Achern-Fautenbach DEX), Surface crosslinked and surfactant coated absorbent resin particles and method of preparation.
  • Robert M. Strom ; Daniel J. Murray, Surface modified polymer beads.
  • Robert M. Strom ; Daniel J. Murray, Surface modified polymer beads.
  • Strom Robert M. ; Murray Daniel J., Surface modified polymer beads.
  • Strom Robert M. ; Murray Daniel J., Surface modified polymer beads.
  • R��he,J��rgen, Surface-attached polyfunctional polymer networks for sensor chips.
  • Stringfield Richard T. (Midland MI) Ladika Mladen (Midland MI), Surface-modified post-crosslinked adsorbents and a process for making the surface modified post-crosslinked adsorbents.
  • Collins Martha Jean ; Taylor James Wayne, Surfactant-containing acetoacetoxy-functional and enamine-functional polymers.
  • Stanley ; Jr. ; deceased Frederick W. (late of Midland MI by Caroline Stanley ; legal representative ), Suspension polymerized aqueous absorbent polymer particles.
  • Hu, Zhibing; Zhou, Jun; Cai, Tong; Tang, Shijun; Marquez, Manuel, Synthesis of columnar hydrogel colloidal crystals in water-organic solvent mixture.
  • Blankenship Robert M. (Harleysville PA) Novak Ronald W. (Chalfont PA) Neyhart Clarence J. (Harleysville PA) Vogel Martin (Jenkintown PA), Synthesis of latex capsules.
  • Hu,Zhibing; Lu,Xihua; Gao,Jun; Cai,Tong; Huang,Gang; Zhou,Bo, Synthesis, uses and compositions of crystal hydrogels.
  • Gauthier,Francois; Duccini,Yves; Reeve,Paul Francis; Tatin,Johan, Tablet coating.
  • Murayama Teiichi (Yatsushiro JPX) Maruyama Takashi (Yatsushiro JPX), Temperature sensitive water absorbing and discharging polymer composition.
  • Halbrook ; Jr. Wendell B., Thermal paper with security features.
  • Masuda, Takao; Ochiai, Takahito, Thermal recording material and process for the production thereof.
  • Kisin, Srdjan; Lundquist, Eric G.; Clayfield, Timothy E.; Saint-Gerard, Yannick; Nelliappan, Veera, Thermoplastic composition, method of producing the same, and articles made therefrom.
  • McGee, Robert L.; Ross, Allen W., Thermoplastic olefin polymer blend and adhesive films made therefrom.
  • Furukawa Haruhiko (Chiba Prefecture JPX) Morita Yoshitsugu (Chiba Prefecture JPX) Nakamura Akihiro (Chiba Prefecture JPX) Ueki Hiroshi (Chiba Prefecture JPX), Thermoplastic resin composition.
  • Kodama Mikio (Hirakata JPX) Yano Motoichi (Settsu JPX) Umeyama Satoshi (Takatsuki JPX) Fujiwara Takayoshi (Osaka JPX) Abe Katsuji (Ibaraki JPX), Thermoplastic resin composition.
  • McKay Kevin W. ; Timmers Francis J. ; Feig Edwin R. ; Ho Thoi H. ; Karande Seema V., Thermoset interpolymers and foams.
  • Pascault, Jean-Pierre; Valette, Ludovic; Barbeau, Philippe; Magny, Benoit, Thermosetting resin compositions comprising cross-linked reactive microparticles with improved mechanical strength.
  • Bobsein, Barrett Richard; Luckenbach, Monica A.; Maurice, Alvin M.; Pressley, Ozzie M., Thickened compositions and method for thickening aqueous polymer compositions.
  • Harris, Jerome Michael; Bobsein, Barrett Richard, Thickener blend composition and method for thickening aqueous systems.
  • Bobsein, Barrett Richard; Johnson, Melissa Merlau; Rabasco, John Joseph; Zeszotarski, Carol, Thickener composition and method for thickening aqueous systems.
  • Bobsein, Barrett Richard; Johnson, Melissa Merlau; Rabasco, Joseph Joseph; Li, Ling, Thickener composition and method for thickening aqueous systems.
  • Tepe,Thomas Richard, Thickener for high-surfactant aqueous systems.
  • Turek, Richard Charles; Schremmer, Jacalyn Mary, Tinted, high DK ophthalmic molding and a method for making same.
  • Misiak, Hanns R., Toughened cyanoacrylate compositions.
  • Misiak, Hanns R.; Hally, William; Morrogh, Daniel D., Toughened cyanoacrylate compositions.
  • Makower Samuel J. (Elkins Park PA) Kopchik Richard M. (Southampton PA) Liu Wen-Long (Richboro PA) Stein Alan D. (Yardley PA), Toughened polar thermoplastics.
  • B?hler, Friedrich Severin, Transparent polyamide molding materials having improved transparency, resistance to chemicals and high permanent fatigue strength.
  • Braun,Olivier; Mallo,Paul; Pucci,Bernard; Tabacchi,Guy, Tris(hydroxymethyl) acrylamidomethane polymer, inverse latex and microlatex containing same, use of said polymer, inverse latex and microlatex.
  • Chen,Mai; Zack,Christine M.; Rice,Katherine Sue, Two-part acrylic-urethane adhesive.
  • Dietz Timothy M. (St. Paul MN) Asmus Robert A. (Hudson WI) Uy Rosa (St. Paul MN), Two-phase composites of ionically-conductive pressure-sensitive adhesive, biomedical electrodes using the composites, an.
  • Takizawa,Hiroo; Akiba,Masaharu; Tani,Takeharu, Two-photon absorbing polymerizable composition and polymerization process thereof.
  • Zang Donald H., Two-step method for the production of pressure sensitive adhesive by radiation curing.
  • Christian Ruepping CH, UV curable elastomer composition.
  • Christian Ruepping CH, UV curable elastomer composition.
  • Ruepping, Christian, UV curable elastomer composition.
  • Rehmer Gerd (Beindersheim DEX) Auchter Gerhard (Bad Duerkheim DEX) Boettcher Andreas (Nussloch DEX) Franz Lothar (Mutterstadt DEX) Jaeger Helmut (Bobenheim DEX), UV-crosslinkable copolymers.
  • Degraff Darnel (Bensalem PA), Ultraviolet resistant glutarimide.
  • Colegrove Brenda T. ; White Warren D. ; Gendreau Johnny P. ; Varholak Larry N. ; Wilkinson Curt G., Unidirectional fiber-random mat preform.
  • Howard B. Yokelson ; James Van Fleet ; Karen E. Medema, Unsaturated polyester resin compositions.
  • Clikeman Richard Roy ; Natoli John ; Wills Morris Christopher ; Guo Yili, Use of an encapsulated bioactive composition.
  • Zhao Cheng-Le,DEX ; Wistuba Eckehardt,DEX ; Roser Joachim,DEX ; Fitzgerald Paul ; Spitzer Jan, Use of polymer dispersions as binding agents for sealing compounds and coating compounds.
  • Oscar Hsien-Hsiang Hsu, Use of polymers in gypsum wallboard.
  • Bowe Michael Damian, Use of polymers in masonry applications.
  • Collins Martha Jean ; Shields Glen Dennis ; Stockl Rebecca Reid ; Taylor James Wayne, Use of stable amino-functional latexes in water-based inks.
  • Osei-Gyimah Peter (Horsham PA) Sherba Samuel E. (Willingboro NJ) Mehta Raj J. (King of Prussia PA) Lange Barry C. (Lansdale PA) Joseph Rhoda W. (Buckingham PA), Use of substituted 3-thioacryloyl compounds as antimicrobial agents.
  • Schmitt, Bardo; Gomez, Mario; Ebert, Martina, Use of swellable polymer for sealing.
  • Hinz Frederick P. (Jeffersonville PA), Vinyl monomer compositions with accelerated surface cure.
  • Kinker Bernard George ; Gore Robert Howard ; Hyndman Charles William ; Stevens Bridget Marie, Viscosity index improving additives for phosphate ester-containing hydraulic fluids.
  • Yeung Dominic W. K. (Mississauga CAX) Rice Richard E. (Mississauga CAX) Lad Dipak (Bramtpon CAX), Wallcovering material containing prepaste adhesives.
  • Burgert Josef H. (Achern DEX) Christensen Stephen B. (Midland MI) Gartner Herbert A. (Baden-Baden DEX) Buchholz Fredric L. (Midland MI) Johnson Thomas C. (Midland MI) Graham Andrew T. (Midland MI), Water absorbent resin particles of crosslinked carboxyl containing polymers and method of preparation.
  • Kim, Young-Sam, Water absorbent resin particles of crosslinked carboxyl-containing polymers with low monomer content.
  • Sugimoto, Shuichiro; Shimada, Minako; Shimada, Toyomichi; Seki, Ryuji; Maekawa, Takashige, Water and oil repellent composition.
  • Matz, Gary F.; Loeffler, Randy J.; Chen, Shih-Ruey T.; Melby, Allan L.; Vozza, Nicholas F., Water soluble polymer composition and method of use.
  • Schmidt Donald L. (Midland MI) Harris Robert F. (Midland MI) Coburn Charles (Midland MI), Water-based acrylic coating compositions.
  • Lum Dorey ; Patel Prashant, Water-based, storage stable, self-curing coating composition.
  • Koger, Linwood G., Water-borne paint composition having improved hiding and scrub-resistance.
  • Rayner Terry J.,CAX, Water-dispersed adhesive compositions.
  • Von Schmittou,James Foster; Nasser,Darrell Scott, Water-dispersible polyester stabilized fluoroalkyl compositions.
  • Von Schmittou,James Foster; Nasser,Darrell Scott, Water-dispersible polyester stabilized, acid-treated, fluoroalkyl compositions.
  • Killilea, T. Howard, Water-dispersible polyurethane-vinyl polymer compositions.
  • Rey, Paul, Water-in-oil polymer emulsion containing microparticles.
  • Therriault Donald J. (York PA) Zajaczkowski Michael J. (Yoe PA), Water-inactivatable pressure sensitive adhesive.
  • Fukui Yuichi (Otake JPX) Hagura Shigeki (Otake JPX) Itoh Hajime (Otake JPX), Water-repellent hygroscopic fiber.
  • Jakob, Martin; Prass, Werner, Water-resistant adhesives, their preparation and use.
  • Tsutumi Haruki (Kanagawa JPX) Ikemoto Yoshiaki (Kanagawa JPX) Maehama Mitsuhiro (Yamaguchi JPX) Oyanagi Toshiki (Kanagawa JPX) Matsubara Tsugio (Kanagawa JPX), Water-resistant surface coating formulations and paper coated therewith.
  • Creamer Marianne P. (North Wales PA) McCallum ; III Thomas F. (Philadelphia PA) Swift Graham (Blue Bell PA) Weinstein Barry (Dresher PA), Water-soluble addition polymers of cyclohexene anhydrides.
  • Zajaczkowski Michael J. (Yoe PA), Water-soluble pressure sensitive adhesive.
  • Johnson Thomas C. (Midland MI), Water-swellable polymers having improved color.
  • Kinney Layton F. ; Golas Sharon K., Waterborne basecoat compositions for use in basecoat/clearcoat applications.
  • Layton F. Kinney ; Sharon K. Golas, Waterborne basecoat compositions for use in basecoat/clearcoat applications.
  • Krajnik, John M.; Mackulin, Peter J.; Ragone, Pietro J., Waterborne coating.
  • Krajnik, John M.; Olesen, Keith R.; Vandezande, Gerald A., Waterborne coating having improved chemical resistance.
  • Hsu, Shui-Jen Raymond; Blankschaen, Elizabeth, Waterborne coatings with improved early water blushing and chemical resistance.
  • Clark Mark Dwight ; Collins Martha Jean ; Lopez Patricia ; Taylor James Wayne, Waterborne polymers having pendant allyl groups.
  • Taylor James Wayne ; Collins Martha Jean, Waterborne polymers with pendant crosslinkable groups.
  • Sanborn Timothy P. (Huntersville NC) Beno ; Jr. Joseph M. (New Hope PA) Flynn Roy W. (Warrington PA), Waterborne zinc-rich primer compositions.
  • Zabrocki Vincent S. (Newark OH) Kelch Robert H. (Granville OH), Weatherable styrenic film structures with intermediate tie layer and laminates thereof.
  • Swartz Andrew Joseph ; Curry-Nkansah Maria Elizabeth ; Lauer Rosemarie Palmer ; Gebhard Matthew Stewart, Wood coating composition.
  • Kelley, David C.; Williamson, Michelle; Moncla, Brad M.; Herbert, Jr., Kenneth H., Wood treatment composition and method of use.
  • Stanley ; Jr. ; deceased Frederick W. ; Lamphere Jack C. ; Wilson Larry R., Wrinkled absorbent particles of high effective surface area having fast absorption rate.
  • Schlaefer Francis William ; Gross Andrew William, Zirconium catalyzed transesterification process for preparing synthetic wax monomers.
  • 섹션별 컨텐츠 바로가기

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