보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
한국식품개발연구원 Korea Food Research Institute |
연구책임자 |
참여연구자 |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 1999-07 |
주관부처 |
국무조정실 |
연구관리전문기관 |
한국식품개발연구원 Korea Food Research Institute |
등록번호 |
TRKO200200056602 |
DB 구축일자 |
1) 투입산출모형 가) 투입산출계수를 이용한 식품산업의 파급효과 및 연관효과 분석 나) 동태적 I/O분석을 이용한 식품산업 구조변화 분석 다) 동태적 I/O분석에 의한 식품산업내 생산증감 변동요인 분석2) 사회계정모형 가) 가공식품 수입증가에 따른 농림어업 파급효과 분석 나) 식품가공산업에 대한 정부투자의 파급효과 분석
The main objects of this study are, 1) to estimate the relationship between food industry and other related industries, 2) to analyse the effect of food industry on national economy by input-output model analysis, and 3) to analyse the effect of exogenous factors on food industry by social accountin
The main objects of this study are, 1) to estimate the relationship between food industry and other related industries, 2) to analyse the effect of food industry on national economy by input-output model analysis, and 3) to analyse the effect of exogenous factors on food industry by social accounting matrix analysis. The important results of this study are as follows. The induced coefficient of production for the food industry section in 1995 is 2.0798, whose number is next to the basic metals industry section. However, in comparison with 2.1657 in 1985 and 2.1948 in 1990, it is a largely decreasing because Korea depends greatly on the imported raw agricultural products and semi-processed agricultural products in agricultural marketing opening. As to the whole food industry section, the production induced amount for final demand in 1995 is 4,599.7 billion won. Among these, the induced ratio by the consumption is 90.7 percent, the investment and stock is 0.1 percent, and the exports is 9.2 percent, respectively. Otherwise, the value-added induced amount for final demand in the whole food industry section in 1995 is 9,218.2 billion won. Among these, the induced ratio by the consumption is 89.2 percent, the investment and stock is 0.4 percent, and the exports is 10.4 percent, respectively. Furthermore, the imports induced amount for final demand in the whole food industry section in 1995 is 2,438.2 billion won. Among these, the induced ratio by the consumption is 70.6 percent, the investment and stock is 2.5 percent, and the exports is 27.0 percent, respectively. The Korean economy was in an increase of more than 3 times than that of ten years which is 1985 to 1995. However, the growth ratio of the agriculture section for this period is only 20.4 percent, and also the rate for the increase of the food industry section is only 55.2 percent. The Gross Domestic Production(GDP) increased by 533 trillion won for ten years from 1985 to 1995. Among these, the effect of the extension on the domestic demand is 73.4 percent, the exports is 25.8 percent, and the technical change is 10.0 percent. However, the decreasing effects of a partial importing substitution among the intermediate demand and the final demand are 8.1 percent, and 1.0 percent. respectively. This study executed the policy experiment by using the six scenarios from the multiple model established by the researcher. The first scenario is an increase of exports in the agriculture, fishery, and forestry section, the second one is an increase of exports in the food processing industry section, the third one is an increase of exports in the manufacture section, the fourth one is an increase of value-added in the agriculture, fishery, and forestry section, the fifth one is an increase of value-added for the non-agriculture, fishery, and forestry section, and the final scenario is an increase of the household income in income transfer. The results of the policy experiment are as follows. First, the most increased scenario in the domestic total value-added amount among the enforceable six policy alternatives with 100 billion won is the fourth scenario that increased value-added as about 265.4 billion won. Second. the most increased policy scenario in the household income is in the sixth scenario that increased value-added as much as 221.9 billion won. However, the fourth scenario that the household income increased value-added as about 221.7 billion won is also the excellent policy counterproposal, whose number is next to the sixth scenario. The policy to increase the household income the most largely is the fourth scenario that increased value-added as much as 47.4 billion won. This study is conducted to understand the structure of the agriculture and food industry and be used for the basic policy data to establish the exports and imports policy and investment policy. Furthermore, the researcher believes that the results of this study can be used as the reference data to create the direction for product development of Korea Food Research Institution.
목차 Contents
- 표지...1
- 머리말...3
- 요약문...5
- 목차...19
- 제 1 장 서 론...21
- 제 2 장 농업.식품산업의 유발효과...25
- 제 1 절 산업연관표 개관...25
- 제 2 절 생산유발효과...27
- 제 3 절 부가가치 및 수입유발효과...43
- 제 3 장 농업 및 식품산업의 구조변화...53
- 제 1 절 개 황...53
- 제 2 절 분석모형...54
- 제 3 절 농업.식품산업 구조변화분석...60
- 제 4 장 정책변화에 따른 파급효과 분석...71
- 제 1 절 사회계정행렬의 구축...71
- 제 2 절 정책변화의 파급효과...95
- 제 5 장 요약 및 결론...121
- 부 록...127
- 참고문헌...149
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