보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
강원도농업기술원 Gangwon Agricultural Research and Extension Services |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 2013-01 |
과제시작연도 |
2012 |
주관부처 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration(RDA) |
연구관리전문기관 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration |
등록번호 |
TRKO201300013961 |
과제고유번호 |
1395025098 |
사업명 |
농업현장실용화기술개발 |
DB 구축일자 |
https://doi.org/10.23000/TRKO201300013961 |
Ⅲ. 연구개발의 내용 및 범위
1. 연구개발의 목표
연구 개발의 최종 목표는 수입에 대부분 의존하고 있는 감초의 최적 재배법 및 안정생산 재배기술을 개발하여 국내 자급생산기반구축을 하고자 한다. 이러한 목표를 달성하고자 다양한 표고에 따른 재배양식을 비교하여 최적 재배법을 확립하며, 종자 채종을 효율 높일 수 있는 채종포관리, 결실율 증대, 수확 후 종자관리 기술을 개발하며, 안전농산물 생산을 위한 친환경유기재배기술을 확립한다. 이러한 표고별 최적 재배양식, 종자생산기술, 친환경유기재배법이 확립되면, 감초를 신소득 작물로
Ⅲ. 연구개발의 내용 및 범위
1. 연구개발의 목표
연구 개발의 최종 목표는 수입에 대부분 의존하고 있는 감초의 최적 재배법 및 안정생산 재배기술을 개발하여 국내 자급생산기반구축을 하고자 한다. 이러한 목표를 달성하고자 다양한 표고에 따른 재배양식을 비교하여 최적 재배법을 확립하며, 종자 채종을 효율 높일 수 있는 채종포관리, 결실율 증대, 수확 후 종자관리 기술을 개발하며, 안전농산물 생산을 위한 친환경유기재배기술을 확립한다. 이러한 표고별 최적 재배양식, 종자생산기술, 친환경유기재배법이 확립되면, 감초를 신소득 작물로서 농가에 신속히 보급할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
감초의 일반적인 재배양식은 실생묘 및 포복경으로 경영비 중 종묘가격의 비중이 매우 높고 생존율이 낮은 단점이 있다. 이러한 단점을 극복하기 위하여 생력화된 육묘방법 개선을 위하여 트레이 육묘를 활용한 육묘방식을 검토하고, 다양한 지대에서 감초를 확대 재배하고자 재배양식별 수량과 품질을 비교하고, 년생에 따른 종자채종 효율을 비교 검토하며, 표고별 및 친환경 유기물 시용에 따른 감초산 함량의 변이를 분석하고자 한다. 이러한 재배양식 간 수량 및 품질을 비교함으로써 고품질, 생력, 안정생산기술을 패키지화하여 신기술로써 농가에 보급한다.
2. 연차별 연구개발의 목표 및 내용
연구개발의 목표
○ 표고 및 재배방법별 품질비교
연구개발의 내용
○ 표고별, 재배양식, 년생별
○ 채종효율 증대기술 개발
○ 개화, 수분, 등숙 생리 구명
○ 친환경재배 유기물 선발
○ 자재선발
○ 표고 및 재배방법별 품질비교
○ 표고별, 재배양식, 년생별
○ 채종효율 증대기술 개발
○ 개화, 수분, 등숙생리, 관수방법
○ 친환경재배 유기물 적정 시용량 구명
○ 자재선발 및 시용량 설정
○ 품질향상 및 식품산업화 촉진 지원(블루오션 창출)
○ 표고별, 재배양식, 년생별
○ 채종기술개발로 생산기반 조기 조성
○ 종자발아율검정, 호르몬처리 효과
○ 친환경재배 유기물적정 시용량 구명
○ 자재선발 및 시용량 설정
Licorice(Glycyrrhiza spp.) demand most are dependent on imports. Licorice domestic demand for medicinal plants, as well as food additives, cigarette manufacturing as an additive in various forms and uses can be used. Is expected to continue to increase imports. National safety production based on th
Licorice(Glycyrrhiza spp.) demand most are dependent on imports. Licorice domestic demand for medicinal plants, as well as food additives, cigarette manufacturing as an additive in various forms and uses can be used. Is expected to continue to increase imports. National safety production based on the composition and the need to expand the supply of high quality materials needed food, medicines, etc. Regions of China and Mongolia, wild licorice taken banned the production and export was reduced. Licorice imported unstable eventually. Licorice imported into Uzbekistan, Pakistan turns than Glycyrrihiza uralensis the importation of European licorice(G glabla L. var) is increasing. The efficacy and safety of imported licorice increased and diversified use in securing a stable supply for domestic demand-based self-insufficient expansion is urgently needed. Eco-friendly cultivation and high-quality safety technology, it is necessary to establish the differentiation of imported and domestic.
Consumers want safe agricultural production and soil pollution prevention and eco-friendly method of cultivation is necessary to establish. Enhance good agricultural Practical(GAP) enforcement of organic cultivation techniques, pest control, cultivation and soil management, etc. complementary research is needed.
1. Quality comparison by altitude and cultivation methods
Cheorwon(200m), Jeongseon(400m) and Taebaek(700m) in the quality and quantity of comparative tests. Compare the yields and quality of the seedlings, a creeping shoot, and direct seeding. Seedlings and a creeping shoot is a common methods. But expensive price seedling and low survival is a big problem. In order to solve these problem, direct Seeding and plug seedling were investigated. As a result, the purchase cost savings and faster time to seedlings than seedlings were able to reduce operating costs as much as 25%. Plug seedling, it was confirmed that the effort and has a cost savings. Was three years cultivating licorice yields by comparing the results Cheorwon (200m)> Jeongseon(400m)> Taebaek(700m) in the order of yields. Yields seedlings(226kg/10a)> Direct Seeding (199kg/10a)> a creeping shoot(172kg/10a) were in this cultivation. Compare content of glycyrrhizin altitude and between cultivation methods was not observed significance. Not exceed pharmacopoeia regulations for all treatments glycyrrhizin acid content of 2.5%. Comprehensive direct seeding cultivation are considered as the most economical method of cultivation.
2 Seed production to increase efficiency in the technology development
Licorice seed is hard seed coat. The low germination rate due to hard seed coat, however, cause a problem of low seeding in field. Production of licorice seeds is very difficult. Also not have much success. Licorice is a perennial plant that grows in the dry desert climate. Over the June-July rainy season flowering, pod fungus, or by other causes will be lost. Licorice rain shelter facilities within the seed production should. And Pollen ability of licorice floral structure monoecious development of organs and fertility was not a big issue for the results. Pollen on agar plates could be observed that more than 50% germination. External environmental factors are considered difficult to licorice seed production. Flowering by treatment with calcium(CaCl2, CaNO3) and growth regulator agent(gibberelin), deletion and fertilization efficiency were evaluated. As a result, a difference in seed characteristics(grain weight, seed shape) was not observed. The palisade cell layer is closely related to moisture absorption. Therefore, waxing in the seed coat removed, the normal moisture absorption is possible. Grinding surface seeds to increase germination licorice was a physical injury to the abrasive-type rice milling machine. Increased germination rate and germination speed investigated the germination characteristics was confirmed. Seed production was most 4 years old plant 9.4k/10a harvest. Licorice seeds production facilities from 4 years old was the best out of rain shelter.
3 Development of eco-friendly organic farming techniques.
Consumers prefer eco-friendly organic cultivation of medicinal crops. Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers in order to prevent soil pollution from agriculture. Full-fermented compost and mixture oli cake, in order to replace chemical fertilizer trial compared the growth and yield of licorice. Favorable price and consumer eco-friendly organically grown medicinal crops cultivation. Licorice roots that use medicinal plants. Eco-friendly organic fertilizers such as mixture oli cakes and full-fermented compost, spread on the farm without chemical fertilizers than the quantity and quality differences in income sides is favorable. From the test results were yield compared between eco-friendly organic and chemical fertilizers, statistical significance was not observed. That can be applied directly to the farmers could be confirmed. The full-fermented compost was higher than glycyrrhizin acid mixture oli cakes and chemical fertilizers.
목차 Contents
- 표지 ... 1
- 제출문 ... 2
- 요약문 ... 3
- SUMMARY ... 12
- 목차 ... 15
- 제1장 서론 ... 16
- 제1절 연구개발의 목표 ... 16
- 제2절 연구개발의 필요성 ... 17
- 제2장 국내외 기술개발 현황 ... 19
- 제1절 세계적 수준 ... 19
- 제2절 국내 수준 ... 19
- 제3절 국내외 연구현황 ... 20
- 제3장 연구개발수행 내용 및 결과 ... 22
- 제1절 표고 및 재배방법별 품질비교 ... 22
- 제2절 채종효율 증대 기술 개발 ... 43
- 제3절 친환경 유기재배 기술 개발 ... 56
- 제4장 연구개발목표 달성도 및 대외기여도 ... 62
- 제1절 목표대비 달성도 ... 62
- 제2절 정량적 성과 ... 63
- 제5장 연구개발결과의 활용계획 ... 64
- 1, 연구결과 활용 방안 ... 64
- 2. 기대성과 ... 64
- 제6장 연구개발과정에서 수집한 해외과학기술정보 ... 65
- 제7장 기타 중요 변동사항 ... 66
- 제8장 국가과학기술종합정보시스템에 등록한 연구장비 현황 ... 67
- 제9장 참고문헌 ... 68
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