보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
국립원예특작과학원 National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 2014-02 |
과제시작연도 |
2013 |
주관부처 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration(RDA) |
연구관리전문기관 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration |
등록번호 |
TRKO201400011158 |
과제고유번호 |
1395031424 |
사업명 |
강소농수익모델현장접목연구 |
DB 구축일자 |
https://doi.org/10.23000/TRKO201400011158 |
Ⅳ. 연구개발결과
○ 사과 ‘감홍’ 품종 품질 향상(고두증상 경감)을 위한 칼슘제 살포시기(영농활용)
○ 대만 수출용 사과 농약안전사용지침 설정 보급(영농활용)
○ 개화기 기상조건 불량시 사과수정에 적합한 화분매개곤충 선발 및 이용법 (영농활용)
○ 사과‘홍로’밀증상 경감을 위한 미세살수와 염화칼슘의 병행처리시 경감 효과(영농활용)
This project had been conducted for 2 years from 2012 to 2013 after it was sub-divided into the 5 tasks for the stable production and quality improvement of new breeds of apple that were "hongro" and "gamhong".
This experiment had been conducted for 2 years from 2012 to 2013 at the 5 farmhouses l
This project had been conducted for 2 years from 2012 to 2013 after it was sub-divided into the 5 tasks for the stable production and quality improvement of new breeds of apple that were "hongro" and "gamhong".
This experiment had been conducted for 2 years from 2012 to 2013 at the 5 farmhouses located in Mungyeong, Gyeongsangbuk-do and Muju, Jeollabuk-do in order to reduce bitter pit of gamhong apple.
1. On-site demonstration of integrated production techniques for new apple variety, Gamhong Experiments were conducted to reduce bitter pit in Gamhong apple during 2 years from 2012 to 2013 at 5 orchards located in Mungyeong, Gyeongsangbuk-do and Muju, Jeollabuk-do. Bagging and foliar application of CaCl2(74 %, 85 %) and OS-Ca(clam shell extract) were tested with compared to non bagging and non application. Bitter pit was found highest with 24.5% in no application of CaCl2 plus bagging with general paper bag, whereas it was found to be significantly low with 7.5% and 6.5 % in CaCl2 application plus bagging with general paper bag or OS-Ca processed calcium bag, respectively. Even no application of CaCl2 plus bagging with calcium bag showed high bitter pit ratio of 19.2%. As results, foliar application of calcium was found to be highly effective in reducing bitter pit, while there was no clear effect of each bagging treatment even though some effect of calcium bag was recognized in some treatments. Sugar contents of fruits were investigated to be 15.5∼17.8°Bx in each bagging treatments in 2012. However, it was investigated to be 16.6∼18.0°Bx if excluding D orchard in Mungyeong-eup, Mungyeong-si, where fruits harvested relatively earlier due to the high altitude. In 2013, it was lowered slightly to 14.2∼16°Bx when bagged cultivation. Most fruits from unbagged cultivations showed 16°Bx. Therefore, "Gamhong" apple was expected to increasing sugar content of 1 to 2°Bx higher by no bagging cultivation compared to when bagging cultivation.
2. Safety A ssurance of pesticides in production sites of apples for exports The aim of this study was to investigate pesticide residues in apples for export to Taiwan, which have been collected from 10 farms in Geochang-gun. Multi-residue analysis of 83 pesticides was tested with the QuEChERS method by concurrent use of GC/TOFMS (gas chromatography/ time-of-flight mass spectrometry). W hen the method as applied to apples, average results from at 2 spiking levels(50, 100 ng/g) fell into 76% and 126% recovery and relative standard deviation were under 15% for 83 pesticides. Among the compounds considered in this work, four pesticides, including chlorfluazuron, fluquinconazole, folpet, and etofenprox which were not listed in the positive list in Taiwan were detected in 80% of the total farms. However, the residue levels in positive system were below the maximum residue limits(MRL) in all the samples. The detected and most frequently found pesticide residues were etofenprox(7 times) and tebuconazole (5 times) followed by chlorfluazuron and chlorpyrifos(4 times).
The findings of this study showed that almost farms used etofenprox to control insects like carposina sasakii, plautia stali and halyomorpha halys and the farmers didn’t consider seriously when they select and use pesticides on apples for export to Taiwan.
3. Technique of apple pollination using bumblebee
It was surveyed the current status of commercial insect pollinators, for examples, bumblebees, honeybees and mason bees, use in apple crops in 2011. Total cultural area and the number of farmer with tomato were 4,488.5ha and 11,134, respectively. The use rate and number of colony of insect pollinators in tomato were 39.4% (4,384 farmers) and 31,431 colonies, respectively. In the use of insect pollinators, bumblebee was mostly used as pollinator that was 99.6-99.7%, however, honeybee was only 0.3-0.4%. Average used acres and periods per bumblebee colony were 569.3m2 and 68.7±1.1 days, respectively. The number of colony per farmer was 7.3±0.3. Most tomato farmers expressed a positive intention as 79.1% in use of bumblebee for tomato pollination. The best advantage to the use of bumblebee use was reduction of cost and labor, which was 36.1% and the worst problem was high cost for pollinator purchase, which was 29.0%. And also, 97.1% of farmers intend to use continuously insect pollinators. Bumblebees are widely used to pollinate various crops, especially tomato, in greenhouses. Here we developed the newly pollinating method with bumblebee in apple orchard. Bumblebee colony have only 200-400 workers. To promote the efficiency of pollinating bumblebees, it was examined to qualify a bumblebee, Bombus terrestris colony for an end-product by recruiting with CO2 treated foreign workers. There were no differences between colony with narcotized foreign workers and normal colony in colony development and foraging activity. In rate of fruit set and product amount of apple, the newly developed bumblebee colony was 6.5% and 10.1% more higher than mason bee, Osmia cornifrons, which is using as apple pollinator. Our results indicated that the developed bumblebee colony was suitable for apple pollinator, especially in low temperature and bad weather.
4. Enhancing marketablity of new apple variety Hongro by applying mist sprinkler in hot summer season
The objective of this study were to clear up the efficiency of fog system and the application times of CaCl2 for decrease in water core, one of the physiological disorders, into fruits of an apple cultivar ' Hongro' . Recently global warming occurs abnormally high temperature in summer and it induces water core to increase into fruits. Therefore, we introduced fog system to reduce temperature by exchanging of heat energy which decreases water core incidence and foliage spray of CaCl2 to build up physico-chemical property.
We performed field experiments at 9 orchards end of June to Aug. in 2012∼2013. The tested cultivar ' Hongro' was over 6-year-old trees. Elevation range of orchards were 126∼ 306m and pH levels of soil were ranged by 4.1∼7.7 and Ca2+ content range of soil were 0.9∼9.5(standard contents of Ca2+ are 5∼6). Fog system was sprinkled on 3.5L per a tree for half an hour twice at 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. when air temperature is over 28±1℃ to 6:00 p.m. Also, CaCl2 diluted by 0.3% was sprayed on foliage from one to five times by orchards. Water core incidences were indexed by 0∼9.
The temperature of fruits and trunks showed higher than that of foliages. Fog system was sprinkled on average 25 times during the period. Temperature sprinkled by fog system was lower 0.5℃ than that of control, regardless of the orchard environment. The fruit characteristics such as weight, sugar degree and acid content were no difference between treatments. However, severity of water core with fog system was reduced to average 18.2%(2012) and 15.6%(2013).
Foliage spray of CaCl2 from 1 to 5 times reduced water core to 28.6%, 13.0%, 19.2%, 35.5% and 54.8% in 2012, respectively. Although the treatment 1 time of CaCl2 in the highest located orchard was effective, the treatments over 4 times of that in lower orchards were more significant to decrease water core. In 2013, the treatments 4 times of CaCl2 about all orchards reduced the occurred water core to 34.4% To improve the effect of water core reduction, we tried to apply both fog system and the treatments 4 times of CaCl2. The result showed that the combined application reduced the occurred water core to 43.8%. For anaylsis of yield based on fluorescence measurement of chlorophyll PSⅡ and starch content about new shoot among treatment plots, no difference was significantly showed.
In conclusion, the preceding results showed the possibility that both the sprinkling of fog system and foliage spray of CaCl2 over four times makes water core reduced by exchanging heat energy and improving physicochemical property in tree.
5. Adaptaton of some techniques for stable production and quality improvement and survey of their effects in production sites of new apple varieties, Hongro and Gamhong Development of the domestic apple varieties ' Hongro' and ' Gamhong' penetration in the country has been low. In order to extend ' Hongro' , ‘Gamhong’ apple orchards, we conducted this study to complement the already-studied cultivation technology and to develop cultivation techniques that can be applied directly to the field.
In ' Hongro' varieties if tree vigor is weak or fruit setting is too high, fruit quality such as sugar content and weight is poor. So when exposed to a height of 10cm rootstock, apple fruit setting 150ea per tree were suitable number and when exposed to its 15cm apple fruit setting 100ea were suitable number. Nonbagging treatment was superior fruit quality and production cost reductions.
In ' Gamhong' varieties tree vigor is strong, it is a much higher incidence of bitter pit because the tree vigor should be maintained properly. The fruit thinning kill leaving lateral fruits than center-bloom fruits and foliar spraying four times of 0.4% CaCl2were effective in reducing bitter pit. Fruit quality was excellent in little russet and good skin color in orchard of more than 400m above sea level.
In this study the technique of fruit quality improvement in ' Hongro ' , ' Gamhong' have to be investigated to be stable production and reduce production costs by applying the technique in the field.
목차 Contents
- 표 지 ... 1
- 제출문 ... 2
- 요 약 문 ... 3
- SUMMARY ... 4
- 목 차 ... 7
- 제 1 장 서 론 ... 8
- 제 1절 : 사과 ‘감홍’ 품종의 종합기술 현장실증 ... 8
- 제 2절 : 수출 사과 생산현장 안전성 확고 기술 접목 ... 9
- 제 3절 : 뒤영벌 봉군을 이용한 사과수분 현장 기술 접목 ... 9
- 제 4절 : 사과 ‘홍로’ 고온기 미세살수에 의한 상품성 향상 ... 11
- 제 5절 : 사과 신품종(홍로, 감홍) 안정생산 및 품질 향상기술 적용 및 효과 조사 ... 11
- 제 2 장 국내외 기술개발 현황 ... 12
- 제 1절 : 사과 ‘감홍’ 품종의 종합기술 현장실증 ... 12
- 제 2절 : 수출 사과 생산현장 안전성 확고 기술 접목 ... 13
- 제 3절 : 뒤영벌 봉군을 이용한 사과수분 현장 기술 접목 ... 14
- 제 4절 : 사과 ‘홍로’ 고온기 미세살수에 의한 상품성 향상 ... 15
- 제 5절 : 사과 신품종(홍로, 감홍) 안정생산 및 품질 향상기술 적용 및 효과 조사 ... 15
- 제 3 장 연구개발수행 내용 및 결과 ... 16
- 제 1절 : 사과 ‘감홍’ 품종의 종합기술 현장실증 ... 16
- 제 2절 : 수출 사과 생산현장 안전성 확고 기술 접목 ... 27
- 제 3절 : 뒤영벌 봉군을 이용한 사과수분 현장 기술 접목 ... 41
- 제 4절 : 사과 ‘홍로’ 고온기 미세살수에 의한 상품성 향상 ... 60
- 제 5절 : 사과 신품종(홍로, 감홍) 안정생산 및 품질 향상기술 적용 및 효과 조사 ... 68
- 제 4 장 연구개발 목표 달성도 및 대외 기여도 ... 84
- 1절 : 목표대비 달성도 ... 84
- 2절 : 정량적 성과(논문게재, 특허출원, 기타) ... 85
- 제 5 장 연구개발결과의 활용계획 ... 85
- 제 6 장 연구개발과정에서 수집한 해외과학기술정보 ... 85
- 제 7 장 기타 중요 변동사항 ... 85
- 제 8 장 국가과학기술종합정보시스템에 등록한 연구장비 현황 ... 86
- 제 9 장 참고문헌 ... 86
- 붙임 1 주요 연구성과 요약 ... 96
- 끝페이지 ... 100
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