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다음과 같은 기능을 한번의 로그인으로 사용 할 수 있습니다.
NTIS 바로가기다음과 같은 기능을 한번의 로그인으로 사용 할 수 있습니다.
DataON 바로가기다음과 같은 기능을 한번의 로그인으로 사용 할 수 있습니다.
Edison 바로가기다음과 같은 기능을 한번의 로그인으로 사용 할 수 있습니다.
Kafe 바로가기주관연구기관 | 국립원예특작과학원 National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 | 한국어 |
발행년월 | 2014-02 |
과제시작연도 | 2011 |
주관부처 | 농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration(RDA) |
등록번호 | TRKO201400011340 |
과제고유번호 | 1395021244 |
사업명 | 국책기술개발 |
DB 구축일자 | 2014-06-28 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.23000/TRKO201400011340 |
Ⅳ. 연구개발결과
1 . 식물공장 재배용 쌈채류 유묘생산기술 개발 및 식물공장 해외실증 기술지원
엽채류에 대한 식물공장 조건에서의 발아특성을 구명하였으며 작물에 따른 발아특성의 차이는 작물의 작부계획을 수립할 수 있을 것이다. 수경재배용 연결포트를 개발하여 기존의 스펀지육묘에 비하여 육묘노력의 절감과 육묘기간을 크게 단축할 수 있었다. 새롭게 개발한 포트를 이용하여 수경재배할 때의 엽채류 육묘관리 매뉴얼을 만들어서 산업체에 제공하였다. 엽채류의 적정 정식시기를 구명하고자 육묘일수에 따라 생장특성을 조사한 결과 상추, 배추
Ⅳ. 연구개발결과
1 . 식물공장 재배용 쌈채류 유묘생산기술 개발 및 식물공장 해외실증 기술지원
엽채류에 대한 식물공장 조건에서의 발아특성을 구명하였으며 작물에 따른 발아특성의 차이는 작물의 작부계획을 수립할 수 있을 것이다. 수경재배용 연결포트를 개발하여 기존의 스펀지육묘에 비하여 육묘노력의 절감과 육묘기간을 크게 단축할 수 있었다. 새롭게 개발한 포트를 이용하여 수경재배할 때의 엽채류 육묘관리 매뉴얼을 만들어서 산업체에 제공하였다. 엽채류의 적정 정식시기를 구명하고자 육묘일수에 따라 생장특성을 조사한 결과 상추, 배추 등 대부분의 작물은 20일간 육묘한 후에 20일간 정식하여 재배하는 방식이 효과적이라는 것을 알았다.
식물공장에서의 광원의 선택과 조명 방식의 개발은 운영적 측면에서 매우 중요하여 형광등을 대체할 수 있는 EEFL을 선발하여 상추를 재배한 결과 LED white와 차이가 없었다. 선발한 EEFL은 형광등과 거의 같은 광파장을 가지고 있으며 근접조명에서도 식물체의 스트레스가 적어 육묘기간동안에 근접해서 육묘하는 것이 에너지 이용에 있어서 효율을 높일 수 있었다. 엽채류에 있어서 24시간 연속조명하여 육묘한 결과 12시간에 비하여 튼튼하게 자라고 정식 후에 생육량이 많았다. 따라서 식물공장의 요율을 높이기 위한 하나의 방법으로서 육묘기간 동안에는 스트레스를 받지 않는 한 가급적 많은 량의 광을 조사하여 묘소질을 높임으로서 정식후의 생장속도를 높이고 생산량을 증대할 수 있다는 것을 밝혔다.
컨테이너 식물공장을 제작하여 알제리농업연구소(INRAA)에 설치하여 1년간 현장실증연구를 실시한 결과 해외에 식물공장 플랜트를 수출하기 위해서는 운송, 통관 등에 있어서 대상국의 사정에 맞게 면밀한 사전 준비가 필요하였고 이들 정보는 산업체와 공유하였다. 현장 실증에 필요한 자재의 수급, 종자의 공급 및 재배매뉴얼을 제공하여 현지에서 어려움 없이 운영할 수 있음을 확인하였다.
2. 식물공장용 모듬쌈채소 조합선발 및 생산체계 확립
식물공장용 모듬쌈 채소의 조합선발 및 생산체계 확립을 위하여 시험을 실시한 결과, 시중에서 유통되고 있는 쌈채소 47종을 대상으로 성분분석을 실시하였고, 온도 적응성 등을 고려하여 12종의 쌈채소를 선발하였다. 2년차에는 선발된 쌈채소를 대상으로 적정온도와 양액농도를 구명하기 위한 시험을 실시하였으며 마지막 년도에는 온도와 양액농도를 조합하여 작물별로 최적의 생산조건을 설정하였다. 또한 식물공장 초보자들이 식물공장 시스템에서 쌈채소를 생산할 수 있도록 간단한 매뉴얼을 제작하였다.
3. 식물공장 쌈채류의 팁번발생 원인구명 및 방지기술 개발
잎상추의 팁번발생에는 품종의 유전적특성 및 생장속도의 차이가 크게 영향하는 것으로 판단된다. 인공광원의 광도와 식물공장 내 온도조건은 팁번발생에 크게 영향하나 온도변환 처리는 팁번발생을 효과적으로 저감할 수 없었다. 생육상 내 습도의 처리 역시 팁번발생 저감에 큰효과를 나타내지 않았다. 양액 내 Ca 농도 결제 처리로 팁번발생이 증가하는 경향을 보이지만 Ca 농도를 높여주어도 팁번발생은 지속적으로 나타나는 경향이었다. 반면 0.2∼0.3m/sec의 수평 공기유동은 팁번발생을 현저히 저감시킬 수 있었으며 수평 공기유동과 수직 공기유동의 차이는 뚜렷하지 않았으나 냉풍을 이용한 공기 유동 시 팁번발생 억제에 더욱 효과적임이 확인되었다. 공기유동 처리에 따른 상추 내엽과 외엽의 Ca 함량 분포 차이로부터 생육왕성기에 완만한 생육을 유도하고 내엽과 외엽간의 증산을 균형적으로 조성함으로써 팁번발생을 효과적으로 저감할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
4. 쌈채소 질산염 저감을 위한 양액 및 환경관리기술 개발
식물공장에서 포기형 청치마상추 재배시 200~300μmol m-2s-1 광도에서 수확 3일전 양액결제를 통해 외적품질의 저하없이 생육량이 가장 높으면서 동시에 짧은 시간동안 식물체내 질산염의 저감효과를 볼 수 있었다. 또한 광도 및 양액결제시기에 따른 비타민C 함량을 분석한 결과100, 200보다 고광도인 300μmol m-2s-1에서 수확 3일과 5일전 양액 결제 처리시 비타민C 함량이 가장 높게 나타났다.
환경이 인위적으로 조절되는 식물공장에서 고품질 채소를 효율적으로 생산하기 위해서는 재배기간 동안 정상적으로 생육시킨 다음 수확전 일정 기간동안 양액의 조정을 통해 체내 성분을 조절하는 것이 식물공장 운영에 들어가는 에너지를 절약하고 고품질 채소를 생산하는 합리적인 방법일 것이다.
5. 인삼 식물공장 생산을 위한 기반기술 확립
식물공장에서 인삼 수경재배 LED 파장별 광합성량은 T2(Red8 : Blue2), T3(Red7 : Blue3), T5(RGB 5:1:1) 처리가 3.82~3.0 μ㏖co2m-2s-1로 높게 나타났다. LED 종류별 잎의 총 ginsenoside 함량은 정식후 120일 재배에서 T5(RGB 5:1:1)평판LED가 26%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 60일후 줄기의 총 ginsenoside 함량은 2.5~2.6% 내외로 뿌리보다 높게 나타났으며, 120일 후에도 1.5~2.3% 범위로 높게 나타났다. 수경재배 인삼의 잎과 줄기에서 아미노산 분석 결과 21종이 들어있는 것으로 확인 되었으며, 정식 후 120일 재배한 인삼에서 함량이 가장 높아 인삼의 유효성분을 최대한 이용하기 위해서는 120일차 수경재배 인삼을 사용하는 것이 가장 효율적이었다.
인삼 수경재배의 기본 재료가 되는 묘삼생산에 있어서는 1월에 파종하여 9개월 후 생육조사에서 근중은 생리활성제를 처리한 자경종이 1.49g으로 가장 양호하였으며, 금풍 1.39g, 천풍 1.1g으로 우량 묘삼의 생산이 가능하였다. 특히 1월~2월 조기파종과 생리활성제 만다처리는 여름 고온기 이전 영양생장기간이 길어지고, 뿌리의 활력이 좋아져서 자경종은 근중이 1.49g, 금풍 1.39g, 천풍1.1g으로 고품질 규격묘 생산이 가능하였고, 평균수량도 83% 증수하였다. 묘삼 장기저장 방법으로는 입자크기가 1~3mm인 버미큐라이트(수분함량 60~70%)를 묘삼과 함께 적층하여 넣은 후 1~3℃ 저장조건에서 7~10일 보관 후 –~-3℃로 낮춰 저장한다. 묘삼의 출고는 식재 2주 전부터 냉장온도를 3~4℃로 점차 높여 묘삼을 순화 후 정식해야 한다.
6. 식물공장 수출기반 구축을 위한 파일럿 플랜트 구축 및 해외실증
규격의 컨테이너를 활용하여 식물공장 시제품 제작하고, 자립형 컨테이너 설계하였다. 해외선박 운송 가능한 식물공장 컨테이너를 개발하여 태국의 원예연구소에 설치를 완료하였으며 시운전을 마치고 플랜트 및 운영기술을 이전하였다.
식물공장에 적용 가능한 엽채류 작물을 선정하였고, 생산성 향상을 위하여 양액조성 방법을 구명하였다. 해외에서 엽채류를 용이하게 재배할 수 있도록 식물공장 재배 매뉴얼을 작성하였고, 컨테이너 식물공장에서의 비결구 양상추의 재배법을 확립하였다.
7. 식물공장 에너지 절감을 위한 환경조절기술 개발
LED 펄스광의 효과를 구명하기 위하여 듀티비(DR) 75 및 50% 고광도(HL) 처리는 고광도 연속광(DR 100%+HL)과 비교하여 생체중, 건물중, 초장, 엽수, 엽면적에서 통계적으로 유의차가 없는 결과를 보였다. LUE는 PPFD에 관계없이 연속광보다 펄스광 처리에서 높게 나타났으며, 특히 DR 25% HL 하에서 가장 높았고, DR 75% HL과 DR 50% HL 처리도 DR 100% HL보다 높은 값을 보였다. 상추의 광이용효율(LUE)을 높이므로 LED를 광원으로 사용하는 폐쇄형 식물공장의 에너지 절감에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.
EEFL 광주기에 따른 육묘기 묘소질은 ‘청치마’, ‘적치마’ 모두 23시간 광주기에서 육묘 2주 후 묘의 생체중과 건물중이 가장 높았다. 광효율은 ‘청치마’는 14∼23시간 광주기에서 가장 컸고, ‘적치마’는 18∼23시간 광주기에서 유의차 없이 높았으나, 생체중과 건물중은 23시간에서 유의하게 높았다. 광주기에 따른 이식 후 생육은 ‘청치마’에서는 23시간, ‘적치마’에서는 20시간 이상의 광주기로 육묘한 묘로부터 생육이 좋은 식물체를 생산할 수 있었다.
EEFL 광주기에 따른 정식 후 상추의 생육에 있어서 ‘청치마’에서 광주기 20시간에서 생체 중/건물중이 높았으며, 단위 명기(hr)당 생체중 및 건물중은 광주기 16∼20시간이 최적이었다.
8. 식물공장을 활용한 어린잎채소 및 건강기능성채소 생산기술 개발
식물공장 내 적색광, 청색광, 적청 혼합광, 자외선, 적외선, 형광등의 광원을 달리하여 어린잎 상추의 생육과 무기성분 흡수를 검토하였다. 잎의 형태는 Red 파장에서 초장 및 하배축의 길이신장이 촉진되어 도장하였고 Far red에서는 생장이 불가능하였으나 Red+Blue의 혼합광원에서는 초장이 짧고 엽수가 많고 생체중이 증가하여 상추의 형태 및 발달 차원에서 유의적으로 좋았다. 광질에 따른 어린잎 상추의 색차 및 상대 엽록소 함량을 조사한 결과, 적색도를 나타내는 Hunter a 값은 Red+Blue 혼합광 및 형광등에서 높았고 적색광 및 자외선에서는 낮게 나타났는데 상대 엽록소 함량을 나타내는 SPAD도 같은 경향이었다.
특히 상대엽록소 함량은 형광등의 10.5에 비해 혼합광에서 1.8배 향상된 적색도를 나타내었다. 광원별 상추의 무기물 함량을 조사한 결과, pH 및 K 함량은 모든 처리에서 차이가 없었으나 NO3-N, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Ascorbic acid 함량은 LED 처리구에서 많았고 P 및 Mn 함량은 형광등 처리구에서 많았다. 이상의 결과를 요약하면 단색광에 비하여 Red+Blue 혼합광에서 상추의 생육이 우수하고 무기물 함량이 증대되어 식물공장 내 생산성 향상을 위해서는 혼합광 조절로 상품성 있는 고품질의 상추 생산이 가능 할 것으로 생각되었다.
9. 허브채소작물 고품질 식물공장생산기술 개발
인공광원을 이용하는 완전 폐쇄형 식물공장에서 DFT식 담액수경 방식에 적응하는 허브 작물을 선발한 결과 스위트바질, 레몬바질, 캐러웨이, 러비지, 마조람, 로만캐모마일, 저먼캐모마일을 선발할 수 있었고, 스위트바질에 대해 파장영역별 LED 광원과 형광등이 생육에 미치는 영향을 조사한 결과 광원별로 식물체의 지상중에서는 차이가 없었으나 LED 광원에서는 엽이 경화되는 현상이 나타났으며, 식물공장에서의 스위트바질 적정 재배기간으로는 생산기간이 짧은 30일 재배 작형이 유리하였다. 선발된 스위트바질 등 7종의 허브식물에 대한 적정 생육온도, 광주기, 양액 EC 농도 관리기준, LED 혼합광원의 광량조건을 설정한 결과 스위트바질 (sweetbasil)에서는 생육온도 주간 30/야간 25℃, 광주기 주간 12/야간 12시간, 양액 EC 농도 관리기준 생육초기 10일 1.0mS/㎝, 생육중기 10일 2.0mS/㎝, 생육후기 2.5mS/㎝, LED 혼합광원의 광량은 144± 9.6μmol m-2s-1 ․30㎝ 수준이 적정한 것으로 판단되었다. 레몬바질(lemonbasil)의 경우 생육온도 주간 30/야간 25℃, 광주기 주간 16/야간 8시간, 양액 EC 농도 관리기준 생육초기 10일 1.0mS/㎝, 생육중기 10일 2.0mS/㎝, 생육후기 2.5mS/㎝, LED 혼합광원의 광량은 93± 18.3μ mol m-2s-1 ․30㎝ 수준이 적정하였으며, 캐러웨이(caraway)는 생육온도 주간 25/야간 20℃, 광주기 주간12/야간 12시간, 양액 EC 농도 관리기준 생육초기 10일 1.0mS/㎝, 생육중기 10일 1.5mS/㎝, 생육후기 2.5mS/㎝, LED 혼합광원의 광량은 211± 10.6μmol m-2s-1 ․30㎝ 수준이 적합하였다. 러비지(lovage)는 생육온도 주간 20/야간 15℃, 광주기 주간 12/야간 12시간, 양액 EC 농도 관리기준생육초기 10일 1.0mS/㎝, 생육중기 10일 2.0mS/㎝, 생육후기 2.5mS/㎝, LED 혼합광원의 광량은 144± 9.6μmol m-2s-1 ․30㎝ 수준이 적합하였고, 마조람(majoram)의 경우 생육온도 주간 25/야간 20℃, 광주기 주간 12/야간 12시간, 양액 EC 농도 관리기준 생육초기 10일 1.0mS/㎝, 생육중기 10일 1.5mS/㎝, 생육후기 2.5mS/㎝, LED 혼합광원의 광량은 288± 17.3μmol m-2s-1 ․30㎝ 수준이 추천되었다, 로만캐모마일(romanchamomile)과 저먼캐모마일(germanchamomile)의 경우 생육온도 주간 25/야간 20℃, 광주기 주간 20/야간 4시간, 양액 EC 농도 관리기준 생육초기 10일 1.0mS/㎝, 생육중기 10일 1.5mS/㎝, 생육후기 2.5mS/㎝, LED 혼합광원의 광량은 144± 9.6μmol m-2s-1 ․30㎝ 수준이 적정한 것으로 판단되었다.
10. 육묘용 식물공장의 개발과 산업화 연구
농가 보급형 육묘용 식물공장의 산업화를 위한 연구를 수행하였다. 육묘용 식물공장은 접목묘 생산을 위해 제작되었고, 접수 및 대목 생산용 시스템과 접목 후 활착용 시스템으로 나눠설계 및 제작 되었다. 각 시스템의 설계 및 제작은 전문 육묘 농가에서의 청취 내용과 참고 문헌 자료를 토대로 수행되었다. 제작된 시스템은 이동하여 전문 육묘 농가에 설치하였고, 이를 운용하면서 발생되는 문제점을 수정 및 보완하였다.
제작된 육묘용 식물공장을 이용하여 접목묘 생산 기술을 확립하였고, 그에 대한 매뉴얼 또한 작성하였다. 육묘용 식물공장을 이용하여 접목묘를 생산하면 묘질뿐만 아니라 육묘 일수를 줄일 수 있어 연간 생산횟수를 극대화 시킬 수 있다는 것이 확인되었고, 이를 통해 육묘용 식물공장의 경제성을 검증할 수 있었다.
본 연구를 통해 식물공장을 이용하여 고품질 접목묘를 연중 생산할 수 있는 기술을 확립할 수 있었다. 이는 육묘 산업의 발전을 촉진 시킬 것이며 식물공장 산업의 범위를 확대 시키는 개기가 될 것으로 사료된다.
11. 천연화학소재 대량생산 및 약용작물 식물공장 생산기술 개발
식물공장에서 채소로 이용 가능한 차조기, 곰보배추, 참당귀, 곰취라고 판단된다. 차조기, 곰보배추, 참당귀, 곰취의 육묘기 적정온도는 모두 25℃로 구명되었다. 또한 육묘기 적정광도는 차조기, 곰보배추의 경우 300μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD이었고, 참당귀, 곰취는 200μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD이었다. 영양생장기 적정온도는 차조기, 곰보배추, 참당귀, 곰취 모두 25℃이었다. 영양생장기 적정광도는 차조기, 곰보배추의 경우 300μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD이었고, 참당귀, 곰취 200μ mol·m-2·s-1 PPFD이었다. 또한 약용식물의 대사산물 증진을 위해 광도, 염, UV 스트레스를 처리하였는데, 광도 스트레스의 경우 차조기는 지속적인 광도 500μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD, 곰보배추는 일시적(7일)인 광도 500μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD처리에서 폴리페놀 함량이 높았다. 염스트레스의 경우 차조기, 곰보배추는 120 mmol·L-1 NaCl 염 스트레스에서 폴리페놀 함량이 높았다. UV 스트레스의 경우 차조기, 곰보배추 모두 UV-B에서 폴리페놀 함량이 높았다.
Plant factory is a system where vegetable crops can be grown all-year round in any region. The development of proper software system, not to mention of hardware system, is essential for the industrialization of plant factory. This study was conducted to develop technology for efficient utilization o
Plant factory is a system where vegetable crops can be grown all-year round in any region. The development of proper software system, not to mention of hardware system, is essential for the industrialization of plant factory. This study was conducted to develop technology for efficient utilization of the high cost production system, plant factory, in order to improve industrial competitiveness, promote plant factory as export industry and produce a high value agricultural products. For efficient use of plant factory, it is necessary to make better use of a space for growing seedlings and crops. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to establish system for raising seedlings and crop production methods for leaf vegetables in plant factory. In addition, foreign country demonstration tests were conducted using technology developed in this study and these technology and experience were transferred to private companies to establish export base for small scale plant factories.
1. Seed germination characteristics of leaf vegetables were investigated in plant factory and differences in germination characteristics among various crops are helpful to plan cropping system in different crops in plant factory. The effort and duration for raising seedlings were significantly reduced via using connected pots for hydroponics, which are developed in this study, when compared to using sponge, which is a conventional method. A manual for raising seedlings using newly developed connected pots was provided to private companies in plant factory industry. To study appropriate planting time of leaf vegetables in plant factories, the performance of plants from different seedling ages was investigated. The most appropriate planting time were 20 days for raising seedlings and 20 days for growing period after transplanting, in most of leaf vegetables including lettuce and Kimchi cabbage.
It is important for growing plants in plant factory to adopt appropriate light source and lighting system. EEFL was selected for replacing fluorescent lamp and lettuce plants were grown under both EEFL and white LED. There was no difference in the performance of lettuce plants between EEFL and white LED. Proximity lighting of EEFL when raising seedlings can save more energy than that of fluorescent lamp in plant factory since EEFL has nearly same wavelength as fluorescent lamp and plants under proximity lighting of EEFL get stressed less than that of fluorescent lamp. Leaf vegetable seedlings under continuous lighting for 24 hours showed better growth than those under 12 hours. Therefore, any amount of lighting is necessary for raising seedlings in plant factory unless plants do not get stressed, because it improves seedling quality, growth rate of transplants and thus yield of plants.
Container plant factory was designed and established in institut national de la recherche agronomique d'algerie (INRAA). After 1 year site demonstration test, we found out that advance preparation for transportation and customs procedure is necessary to export plant factory and these information was provided to plant factory industry. However, there were no difficulties in running plant factory in Algeria when materials, seeds and manuals were provided. Problems when operating plant factory for 1 year were solved and plant factory will be transferred to INRAA. However, continuous technical assistance will be necessary.
2. The consumption of leaf vegetables has been steadily increasing in Korea. Leafy vegetables are commonly used for “Ssam (vegetable wrap-up),” a popular way of eating fresh vegetables using fingers to wrap some cooked rice and seasoned condiments inside several layers of young vegetable leaves. Nutritional values and health benefits of leafy vegetables are well known. Studies on growth and quality of major leaf vegetables like lettuce and bak-choi in the plant factory are available, but little work has been done on minor vegetables. This study was conducted to improve yield and quality of Ssam-vegetables grown in a plant factory where fluorescent lamps were used as an artificial light source.
Seeds of Ssam-vegetables were sown in a peat-lite germination mix. Twenty-day old seedlings with roots being washed were anchored on a Styrofoam board and were grown hydroponically for 25 days under fluorescent light. Plants were exposed to three different daytime temperatures (20, 25 and 30℃) and Electrical conductivity(EC 1.5, 2.0, 2.5dS·m-1) which were being monitored with a sensor at 30 cm above the plant level. In all treatments, light intensity was maintained at 200±20 μmol·m-2s-1, day length was 12/12hr, and relative humidity was 50-80%. pH of nutrient solution was 6.8-7.0, respectively, in all treatments.
Increase in fresh weight was observed in new-beat at 20~25℃ of daytime temperature and 1.5∼2.5dS·m-1 of electrical conductivity, in bak-choi, garland chrysanthemum, red-dachae at 20~25℃ of daytime temperature and 2.0∼2.5dS·m-1 of electrical conductivity, in hongssamchoo, red-gyuja, chicory at 25~30℃ of daytime temperature and 2.0∼2.5dS·m-1 of electrical conductivity, in jinppalrolla at 30℃ of daytime temperature and 1.5∼2.0dS·m-1 of electrical conductivity, in endive, juckchuckmyun at 30℃ of daytime temperature and 1.5∼2.5dS·m-1 of electrical conductivity, in red-gyundae at 30℃ of daytime temperature and 2.0dS·m-1 of electrical conductivity, in ccockkeil at 30℃ of daytime temperature and 2.0∼2.5dS·m-1 of electrical conductivity. A proper time of harvesting is important for garland chrysanthemum since plants are prone to the development of leaf etiolation or chlorosis as they mature.
3. Tipburn is one of the important physiological disorders of lettuce, frequently occurred in plant factory system. Tipburn, usually called as internal breakdown, has been known to occur in closed plant factory by various environmental factors, such as light intensity, air temperature, humidity, nutrient solution balance, and air flow rate. Many researches have been conducted to elucidate the cause of tip-burn and to mitigate the symptom, for achieving the high productivity and quality of lettuce, while the practical references are still limited for applying to actual plant factory system. This study evaluated tipburn rates and incidences under various temperature and air flow rate levels, using pre-screened tipburn-sensitive lettuce cultivars. Our results include the effects of air temperature shifts and air flow rate levels, separately controlled at day- or night-time, on cumulative tipburn rates and incidences. Twenty eight green leaf lettuce cultivars were cultivated for preliminary screening of tipburn-sensitive cultivars. The tipburn-sensitivities of 28 lettuce cultivars were evaluated and selected under three regimes of light intensities of 150, 200, and 250 μmol·m-2·s-1 by adjusting the distance between light source and plant canopy using fluorescent lamp (Philips Co.). The selected tipburn-sensitive lettuce cultivars were cultivated at three separate closed cultivation rooms, under 200 μmol·m-2·s-1 condition with 12h day-length. Lettuce seedlings, 25 days after sawing in a plugtray filled with artificial soil, were transplanted onto DFT hydroponic system with a planting distance of 15cm, with 2.0 dS·m-1 of nutrient solution EC level. The temperature levels of each cultivation room were separately controlled for each environmental treatment. The stable day-time temperature treatments for whole cultivation period were set at 18/18, 22/18, and 25/18℃ (day/night). Day-time temperature conversion treatments, which were inter-converted among 18, 22, and 25℃, from 7 or 12 days after transplanting until the end of experiment were also evaluated together with stable air temperature treatment. Air-circulating fans, which can be separately controlled to give horizontal air flow rate treatments at 0.28 (Low), 0.55 (Medium), and 1.04 m·sec-1 (High), were installed along the side of cultivation bed in a room for elucidating the effect of air flow level on tipburn rate. Three levels of air flow rates were also separately applied as whole day, only day-time, and only night-time treatment schemes, respectively. The tipburn rates were measured as the percentage of plants showing tipburn symptom in a treatment bed without plot replication and incidences were simultaneously scored for all the plants based on arbitrary indices from 0 (no symptom) to 5 (severe internal breakdown) during the whole growth period. The tipburn rates were highly variable depending on the lettuce cultivars. Four cultivars showing relatively higher tipburn rates could be selected considering average tipburn rates in three light intensity conditions. These pre-screened tipburn-sensitive cultivars were exposed to the temperature and air flow treatments. All the stable day-time temperature treatments and temperature inter-shift treatments were not effective in reducing the tipburn rates, while the temperature change mildly affected lettuce growth and tipburn occurrences. The stable horizontal air flow rates above 0.28 m·sec-1 for whole day can effectively reduce the tipburn rate. There were not significant differences among the air flow rate levels in tip-burn incidence, and the plants planted at the center of beds showed higher tipburn incidence than those at outside. The effect of DIF and air flow treatment timing at day- or night-time are also discussed. Further study will be focused on the physiological investigation between tip-burn sensitive and resistant genotypes. A simple system to reduce the tipburn rate of leaf lettuce could also be potentially devised through the further elucidation of mechanism of tipburn occurrence in closed system.
4. The nitrate (NO3-) accumulation of hydroponically-grown leafy vegetables has been a serious problem, especially in the condition of low light intensity in a plant production system due to low enzyme activity and the use of nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) as major nitrogen source. This study was carried out to develop the reduction technology of nitrate content in leafy vegetables grown in a closed plant factory system. To achieve this, the nitrate contents in major leafy vegetables was analyzed and the effects of different combinations of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen on growth and nitrate accumulation in plants were investigated. In third year of this study, effects of light intensity and nutrient composition just before harvest on nitrate contents in plants was investigated in hydroponically-grown leafy vegetables in a closed plant production system. This method can be applied to the leafy vegetables harvested at one time. The growth and nitrate contents as affected by the days of nutrient solution removal before harvest and different light intensities was also investigated in some leafy vegetables. In pak-choi plants, green leaf lettuces ('Cheongchima'), red leaf lettuces ('Geokchima') hydroponically grown at the different nutrient composition (nutrient solution removal, 1/2 strength concentration, nitrate nitrogen removal, and (NH4)2CO3 application) for 6 days before harvest, the treatment of nutrient solution removal before harvest had a higher effect for nitrate reduction than other treatment, but fresh weight, leaf area, etc. were also reduced. The growth of green leaf lettuces was better in the treatments of 'nitrate nitrogen removal' and '1/2 strength' concentration before harvest, while the treatment of (NH4)2CO3 application represented the lowest growth, along with the highly effective nitrate reduction. As a result, when the nutrient solution was substituted with tap water('nitrate nitrogen removal') or with the nutrient solution of 1/2 strength concentration' under the light condition of 100 μmol․m-2․s-1 during 5∼7 days before harvest, the nitrate content was effectively reduced without causing any growth retardation of plant. The effects of days of nutrient solution removal before harvest and light intensity on growth and nitrate contents in leafy vegetables was investigated. The treatment of nutrient solution removal during 7 days before harvest quickly reduced the amount of nitrates in leaves, while representing the lowest growth among the other treatment. The nitrate contents in leaves under the light condition of 300 μmol․m-2․s-1 was lower than those of 100 or 200 μmol․m-2․s-1. The vitamin C contents in leaves were higher in the treatment of 3 days or 5 days of nutrient solution removal before harvest under the condition of 300 μmol․m-2․s-1. In cultivation of leafy vegetables in closed plant factory, the nitrate contents in the plant could be effectively reduced from 2000∼3000 ppm to 1000 ppm by the nutrient solution removal for 3 days before harvest under 200∼300μmol․m-2․s-1, without causing any deterioration in growth and product quality.
5. Panax ginseng plant-based technologies to establish factory production : This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of LED light wavelength ratio and natural bioactive products such as Manda enzyme (T1), Kelpak (T2), Acadian(Ecklonia maxima ) (T3) and Humoss (T4) on the growth and ginsenoside contents of Panax ginseng cultured by aeroponic system using two-layer vertical type of nutrient bath under natural light condition. The growth of ginseng plants showed specific characteristics according to the cultural positions due to the difference of light transmittance and temperature in up and down during the aeroponic culture in two-layer vertical type system. The growth of aerial part was better in ginseng plants cultured at down layer (4,000-6,000 lux, 23-26℃) of nutrient bath than those cultured at upper layer (12,000-15,000 lux, 25-28℃).
LED hydroponic ginseng plant a mount of photo synthetic was T2 (Red 8: Blue 2), T3 (Red 7: Blue 3), T5 (RGB 5:1:1) processed 3.82~3.0 μ㏖ CO2m-2s-1 is high at plant factory. Plant height, leaf area, etc. There was no difference in growth between the treatment root weight the T1 (Red9: Blue1) and T2 (Red8: Blue2) is high. 10 fresh weight per leaf of T2 and T3, T4 (RGB 4:1:1) treatment is high.
LED total ginsenoside content of each type of leaf cultivation to 120 days after planting, T5 (RGB 5:1:1) best reputation in the LED is higher than 26%.
60days after planting, The stem of the total ginsenoside content of around 2.5 to 2.6% of the roots were higher than 120 days after the range of 1.5 to 2.3% respectively. Amino-acid surfactant is added to the culture medium when the growth is good for. LED light sunder the total ginsenoside content of leaves grown at 120 days after planting Rg1> Rd> Rc> Re> Rb2 order. The total ginsenoside content in the stem 60 days after planting cultivation Rg1> Re> Rd> Rg2 higher order. Hydroponic ginseng analysis of 21 amino acids from the leaves and stems of paper was found to contain, In order to make the best use of the active in gredient 120 days primary hydroponic ginseng are the most efficient.
The basic in gredients of ginseng seedling hydroponic production comes to 9 months after planting in January to investigate the growth. A vigilante is a physiological activator treatment root weight paper 1.49g most excellent. The root weight of Geumpung is 1.39g and 1.1g of root Chunpoong superior seedling production was possible. In particular, the January-February and early sowing of summer physiological activator, Manda longer period of vegetative growth before, better and the vitality of roots. Now kinds root weight this is 1.49g, Geumpung is 1.39g, 1.1g Chunpoong grave is capable of producing high-quality standards were also 83% of the average amount was flooding. Long-term storage methods of seedling, A particle size of 1~3mm in vermiculite (moisture content 60-70%) and then loaded with the seedling, 1~3℃ storage conditions at 7-10 days after storage down to -2~-3 ℃ stored. When you take out seedling Refrigerating temperature is gradually raised to 3~4℃ at 2 weeks before planting and Should be duly fined after seedling slowly.
6. Due to global warming, abnormal weather phenomena and pollution are being reduced as arable land. In order to solve this problem was suggested the plant factory.
A plant factory is a closed growing environment in which air conditioning and lighting sources such as fluorescent lamps and light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, are used to replace natural ventilation and sunlight. Temperature and humidity are also carefully adjusted so that the effects of detrimental weather conditions can be eliminated. Any kind of produce can be cultivated in areas with harsh climates as long as there is a sufficient supply of water and electricity. Put simply, a plant factory can produce crops of consistent quality and guarantee a steady year-round harvest, resulting in stable prices. Plant factories have many advantages over traditional farming and greenhouses. The most obvious one is that cultivation is allowed to go three-dimensional. Instead of being planted in the ground, crops are grown in trays in multilayer cultivation shelves, with artificial lights installed above and nutrient solutions supplied directly to their roots. as plant factories are more highly controlled environments than greenhouses, resources that fuel plant growth can be utilized more efficiently.
In this study, in order to build the plant is suitable for the field of export-based plant for pilot plant production and overseas countries shipping and local installation.
And driving through the issue on-the-spot demonstration complements, and overseas export plant factory development on technical assistance for vegetables cultivation set goals.
5. This study was carried out to develop the methods to efficiently utilize two artificial light sources, light-emitting diodes (LED) and external electrode fluorescent lamps (EEFL) for energy saving in a closed plant factory system. The first study was carried out to examine the effect of duty ratio and intensity of pulsed LED light on growth and photosynthetic rate of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. ‘Cheongchima’ and ’Jeokchima’) grown in a plant factory system. The three-week old seedlings were grown for 4 weeks under the bar-type LEDs (red:blue:white = 5:2:1) with different LED pulse (on/off) of 400/0 (continuous), 300/100, 200/200, 133/266, and 100/300 μs by using oscilloscope during 16 h photoperiod. These indicated to duty ratio (DR, percentage of on time from one cycle) of 100, 75, 50, 33, and 25%, respectively. Light intensities were two levels (high and low, HL and LL) at DR 100, 75 and 50%. Air temperature and relative humidity in the system were maintained at 20±2°C and 70±10%, respectively. Nutrient solution (initial pH 5.8±0.2, EC 1.2 dS·m-1, 20±2°C) was supplied by nutrient film technique methods. In ‘Cheongchima’ lettuce, fresh and dry weights at 4 weeks after treatment were highest in DR 100% HL with no significant difference with DR 75% HL and DR 50% HL. Leaf number, leaf area, and leaf thickness represented by the reciprocal of specific leaf area were largest in plants grown under HL of DR 100%, 75% and 50% for 4 weeks. Light use efficiency (LUE) was higher under pulsed light than continuous light irrespective of PPFD. LUE under DR 25% HL was highest and LUE under DR 75% HL and DR 50% HL was higher than that under DR 100% HL. In ‘Jeokchima’, fresh and dry weights at 4 weeks after treatment were largest under DR 100% HL and second-largest under DR 100% LL, DR 75% HL, and DR 50% HL. LUE in was higher under pulsed light than continuous light similarly to ‘Cheongchima’. Photosynthetic rate was proportionally increased to integrated PPFD rather than DR in both cultivars. These results will be utilized for energy saving in the closed plant factory system using LED as a light source.
The second study was carried out to examine the effect of photoperiod (PP) during the seedling and finish (post-transplanting) stages on growth characteristic, photosynthesis rate and light use efficiency (LUE) of lettuce in a plant factory system using light source used EEFLs and then to provide the optimum photoperiods for seedling and crop cultivation. A plant factory system (W 3.0 × L 9.0 × H 2.5 m) was maintained at 20±2°C and 70±10% RH. The nutrient solution was maintained at pH 5.8 and EC 0.8 mS・m-1, and supplied by deep flow technique (DFT). Three experiments were conducted for this thesis as follows: In the first experiment to examine the optimum PP during seedling stage, seeds of 'Cheongchima' and 'Jeokchima' lettuce were sown in the 105-cell plug trays and grown for 2 weeks. Under PPFD 190±5 μmol・-2・-1, the 105-cell plug trays and grown for 2 weeks.
Under PPFD 190±5 μmol・-2・-1, the PPs provided by EEFLs were 12/12, 16/8, 18/6, 20/4, 21/3, 22/2, 23/1, 24/0 h (light/dark). After 2 weeks, lettuce seedlings were transplanted in greenhouse and grown under sun light. In the second one to examine the optimum PP during finish stage, 3-week old 'Cheongchima' and 'Jeokchima' seedlings were transplanted in a plant factory system grown for 4 weeks under the PPFD of 130 μmol・-2・-1. PPs and lighting source were equal to the first one. In the first experiment, 23-h PP raised good quality seedlings and showed the highest LUE in 'Cheongchima' and 'Jeokchima'. In the second one, 16- and 18-h PPs during the first two weeks and 18- and 24-h PPs during the second couple weeks raised good quality crops and saved energy in 'Cheongchima', respectively. 'Jeokchima' lettuce grown under 16-h PP during the first two weeks and under 22-h PP during the second couple weeks had good crop characteristics and higher LUE.
8. The objective of this study was carried out to elucidate the effect of LEDs (light emitting diodes) irradiation in relation to early growth and inorganic elements in leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. 'Rollo Rosa'). In morphological changes of leaves, shoot elongation and hypocotyl length showed poor growth in red light irradiation, while the red+blue light irradiation induced shorter plant height and much greater leaf numbers resulting in increased fresh weight. In change of the Hunter's color and SPAD values, lettuce seedlings grown under in red+blue and fluorescent light irradiation had a higher a* value, otherwise SPAD values were not changed in these light irradiations. Interestingly, relative chlorophyll contents showed 1.8 times increased redness in the treatment of red+blue light irradiation. Inorganic element (N, Ca, Mg, Mn, and Fe) and ascorbic acid contents were increased in lettuce plants grown under LEDs light irradiation compared to those of lettuce grown under the fluorescent light which showed higher P and Mn contents. In conclusion, it is considered that red+blue light irradiation which stimulates growth and higher nutrient uptake in leaf lettuce could be employed in containers equipped with LEDs.
9. Plant factory system have been valuated the future farming system because of its stability of agri-production and its technology was developed at the point of vegetable production(lettuce and so on). Herb cultivation was inclined to produce the edible herbs as vegetable but the main problem in herb cultivation was the difficult of annual production. In this viewpoint, Plant factory system have more adaptability to product an edible herbs than any other cultivation method. In this experiment, 7 herbs was selected as the most suitable herbs for plant factory system with DFT hydroponic method. In the environment condition in plant factory system, the suitable air temperature for sweetbasil was day 30℃/night 25℃ and light period was day 12hr/night 12hr and EC of nutrient solution for 30 days was 1.0mS/㎝(10days), 2.0mS/㎝(10days), 2.5mS/㎝(10days) and light intensity of mixed LED light source was 144±9.6 μmol·m-2·s-1. In the case of lemonbasil, the suitable air temperature was day 30℃/night 25℃ and light period was day 16hr/night 8hr and EC of nutrient solution for 30 days was 1.0mS/㎝(10days), 2.0mS/㎝(10days), 2.5mS/㎝(10days) and light intensity of mixed LED light source was 93±18.3 μmol·m-2·s-1. The suitable air temperature for caraway was day 25℃/night 20℃ and light period was day 12hr/night 12hr and EC of nutrient solution for 30 days was 1.0mS/㎝(10days), 1.5mS/㎝(10days), 2.5mS/㎝(10days) and light intensity of mixed LED light source was 211±10.6 μmol·m-2·s-1. In the case of lovagel, the suitable air temperature was day 20℃/night 15℃ and light period was day 12hr/night 12hr and EC of nutrient solution for 30 days was 1.0mS/㎝(10days), 2.0mS/㎝(10days), 2.5mS/㎝(10days) and light intensity of mixed LED light source was 144±9.6 μmol·m-2·s-1. The suitable air temperature for majoram was day 25℃/night 20℃ and light period was day 12hr/night 12hr and EC of nutrient solution for 30 days was 1.0mS/㎝(10days), 1.5mS/㎝ (10days), 2.5mS/㎝(10days) and light intensity of mixed LED light source was 288±17.3 μ mol·m-2·s-1. Romachamomile and germanchamomile showed the more rapid growth in the condition of air temperature was day 25℃/night 20℃ and light period was day 20hr/night 4hr and EC of nutrient solution for 30 days was 1.0mS/㎝(10days), 1.5mS/㎝(10days), 2.5mS/㎝ (10days) and the light intensity of mixed LED light source was 144±9.6 μmol·m-2·s-1.
10. Studies were performed for industrialization of plant factory to produce transplants for farmers to grow transplants. The plant factories were made for production of grafted transplants, and those were designed and made into two types (1. a system for production scions and rootstocks, 2. a system for acclimation after grafting). Each system was designed and made with reference to difficulties in farms to grow transplants and paper about grafting. The systems were installed in the farms to grow transplants and problems encountered during operation them were modified and supplemented.
Techniques for grafted transplant production using the systems became established and we completed the manual for the systems. When the grafted transplants were produced into the systems, high quality transplants could be produced and timescale to produce the transplants can be decreased. Also, economics of the systems could be verified.
The techniques for year-round production of high quality grafted transplants using the systems were established based on results of the this study. tansplant production industry would be grown and industry of plant factory would be spread by the results of the this study, too.
11. In order to enhance the cultivation of over-exploited medicinal herbs, effect of temperature and light intensity on the growth and development at both propagation and vegetative growth stages, and effect of light intensity on changes in activities of antioxidizing enzymes in a closed-type plant factory were investigated. It is concluded that 128-cell trays are recommended for production of plug seedlings of P. frutescens var. acuta Kudo, S. tonkinensis , and A. gigas Nakai. Elemental contents of A. gigas Nakai were the greatest when fed with an 1x ionic strength solution. Seedlings applied with a solution with a proper ionic strength grew faster and were of better quality. The best quality seedlings and vegetative plants of P. frutescens var. acuta Kudo and S. plebeia R. Br. were obtained with 25℃ and 300 μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD. As compared to the 300 μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD provided during the whole growth period (T1), anthocyanin content of P. frutescens var. acuta Kudo decreased, while total chlorophyll content of S. plebeia R. Br. increased, by not only 500 μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD provided throughout the growing period (T2), but also by 300 μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD provided during the whole growth period but except for last 7 days prior to harvest during which 500 μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD was provided (T3). Total polyphenol content and activities of antioxidizing enzymes increased in the T3 in P. frutescens and in the T2 in S. plebeia .
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