보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
건국대학교 산학협력단 KonKuk University |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 2015-01 |
과제시작연도 |
2014 |
주관부처 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration(RDA) |
연구관리전문기관 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration |
등록번호 |
TRKO201500010538 |
과제고유번호 |
1395035037 |
사업명 |
차세대바이오그린21 |
DB 구축일자 |
https://doi.org/10.23000/TRKO201500010538 |
Ⅳ. 연구개발결과
콩 유전자원의 전체 isoflavones 함량은 1030.9 μg·g-1, 콩나물 유전자원의 전체 isoflavones 함량은 630.9 μg·g-1 으로 콩 전체 isoflavones 함량은 콩나물로 발아되는 과정에서 약 38.8% 감소하였다 (p<0.05). 또한 Aglycone 그룹의 평균 함량은 콩에서 14.9 μg·g-1이였으나 콩나물에서95.1 μg·g-1으로 발아 과정에서 약 5.5배 증가하였다 (p<0.05). 콩,
Ⅳ. 연구개발결과
콩 유전자원의 전체 isoflavones 함량은 1030.9 μg·g-1, 콩나물 유전자원의 전체 isoflavones 함량은 630.9 μg·g-1 으로 콩 전체 isoflavones 함량은 콩나물로 발아되는 과정에서 약 38.8% 감소하였다 (p<0.05). 또한 Aglycone 그룹의 평균 함량은 콩에서 14.9 μg·g-1이였으나 콩나물에서95.1 μg·g-1으로 발아 과정에서 약 5.5배 증가하였다 (p<0.05). 콩, 콩나물 모두 malonyl genistin이 가장 높은 함량 (340.9 μg·g-1, 248.4 μg·g-1)을 보였으며, 이는 전체 함량의 33%, 39%를 차지하였다. 발아 전후 함량 차이가 가장 큰 것은 genistin 으로, 콩에서 282.8 μg·g-1 이었으나 콩나물에서 81.8 μg·g-1 으로 발아 과정에서 69% 감소하였다 (p<0.05). 12종 Isoflavone 가운데aglycone그룹 (daidzein, genistein, glycitein)의 함량만 증가하였으며, 그 중 daidzein의 함량이 가장 크게 증가하였는데 콩에서는 8.1 μg·g-1 이었고 콩나물에서는 64.4 μg·g-1 였다 (p<0.05). 한편 녹두에서는 daidzin (평균함량: 2.7 μg·g-1) 만 검출되었고 spike-method로 나머지 11종의isoflavone이 검출되지 않았음을 확인하였다. 숙주나물에서는 acetyl genistin을 제외한 11종의 isoflavone이 검출되었다 (평균 255.6 μg·g-1 ). 숙주나물에서 malonyl glycoside 그룹의 함량(113.2 μg·g-1)이 전체 isoflavones의 44.3% 로 가장 높은 비율을 차지하였다.
분석 대상물질인 phenolic compounds의 경우, 콩 유전자원의 평균 phenolic compounds 평균함량은 1016.2 μg·g-1 이었다. 개별 phenolic compounds 중에는 rutin의 평균함량이 316.4 μg·g-1으로 가장 높았으며, gentisic acid (137.4 μg·g-1)와 catechin (107.6 μg·g-1)도 비교적 높은 함량을 보였다. formononetin은 1.8 μg·g-1 으로 가장 낮은 함량을 보였으며, gallic acid는 검출되지않았다. 콩나물 유전자원의 평균 phenolic compounds의 함량은 1042.6 μg·g-1 이었다. 개별phenolic compounds중에는 gentisic acid의 함량이 평균 360.9 μg·g-1 로 가장 높았으며, rutin도135.5 μg·g-1 로 비교적 높은 함량을 보였다. t-cinnamic acid은 4.9 μg·g-1 으로 가장 낮은 함량을 보였으며, gallic acid는 검출되지 않았다. 한편 녹두 유전자원의 평균 phenolic compounds의함량은 1244.9 μg·g-1 이었다. 개별 phenolic compounds중에는 ferulic acid의 함량이 평균 552.7μg·g-1 로 가장 높았으며, rutin도 445.6 μg·g-1 로 비교적 높은 함량을 보였다. Formononetin은0.4 μg·g-1으로 가장 낮은 함량을 보였으며, gallic acid는 검출되지 않았다. 숙주나물 유전자원의 평균 phenolic compounds의 함량은 1124.6 μg·g-1이었다. 개별 phenolic compounds중에는chlorogenic acid의 함량이 평균 473.5 μg·g-1로 가장 높았다. resveratrol은 1.7 μg·g-1으로 가장낮은 함량을 보였으며, gallic acid는 검출되지 않았다.
Soyasapogenol 분석의 경우, 콩 유전자원의 soyasapogenol A, B의 평균 함량은 58.8 μg·g-1과311.5 μg·g-1이었으며, 콩나물에서 soyasapogenol A, B의 평균 함량은 71.2 μg·g-1과 362.7 μg·g-1으로 콩에 비해 약 16%, 21% 씩 각각 증가하였다 (p<0.05). 녹두 유전자원에서soyasapogenol A는 검출 되지 않았으며, 전체 soyasapogenol 평균 함량 (44.5 μg·g-1)은 콩과콩나물 유전자원 전체 soyasapogenol 평균 함량 (370.0 μg·g-1, 433.9 μg·g-1)에 비해 8~10배 낮은 함량을 보였다 (p<0.05).
Carotene류에는 α-carotene, β-carotene, γ-carotene, lycopene 등이 있고, xanthophyll 류에는lutein, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin 등이 있는데, 각 그룹에서 대표적인 β-carotene 과 lutein을 각각분석하였다. 콩과 녹두 유전자원에서 β-carotene 은 검출 되지 않았으며 콩나물 유전자원에서β-carotene 평균 함량은 2.6 μg·g-1이고 lutein 평균 함량은 5.6 μg·g-1이었다. 콩 유전자원의lutein 평균 함량은 1.7 μg·g-1이며 녹두 유전자원의 lutein 평균 함량은 5.0 μg·g-1이었다. 콩나물 유전자원은 콩 유전자원에 비해 lutein 평균 함량이 3.3배 가량 높았다.한편 콩의 전체 tocopherols 함량은 184.4 μg·g-1으로 녹두의 전체 tocopherols 함량 (81.9 μg·g-1)보다 2.3배 높았다. 콩과 녹두에서 γ-tocopherol의 함량이 가장 높았으며, 콩은 전체tocopherol 함량의 65.4% (120.7 μg·g-1), 녹두는 93.0% (76.2 μg·g-1)를 차지하였으며 콩의 γ-tocopherol 함량은 녹두의 함량보다 약 1.6배 높았다.
금성녹두 M3 종자의 기능성 물질 분석 및 물질함량 특성평가의 경우, 돌연변이 처리되지 않은 녹두와 마찬가지로 , Isoflavone 12종 가운데 daidzin만 검출되었으며, Soyasapogenol은 B만,Tocopherols 4종 가운데 δ, α 2종이 검출되었다. β-carotene은 검출되지 않았으며 lutein만 정량분석 하였다. Phenolic compounds를 제외하고 평균적인 녹두의 기능성물질 함량에 비해 금성녹두 돌연변이의 기능성 물질 함량이 높게 나타났다.
Ⅳ. Results
The total isoflavone contents were 1030.9 μg·g-1 and 630.9 μg·g-1 in the soybean seeds and the soybean sprouts, respectively. That is, the total isoflavone content in the soybean decreased by approximately 38.8% during germination (p<0.05). Whereas the aglycone gr
Ⅳ. Results
The total isoflavone contents were 1030.9 μg·g-1 and 630.9 μg·g-1 in the soybean seeds and the soybean sprouts, respectively. That is, the total isoflavone content in the soybean decreased by approximately 38.8% during germination (p<0.05). Whereas the aglycone group content in the soybean seeds was 14.9 μg·g-1 on average, that in the soybean sprouts was 95.1 μg·g-1 on average, which increased by approximately 5.5 times during germination. Malonyl genistin was the most abundant in both the soybean seeds (340.9 μg·g-1) and the soybean sprouts (248.4 μg·g-1), which accounts for 33% and 39% of the total isoflavone, respectively. Genistin showed the biggest difference in contents before and after germination. Its content was 282.8 μg·g-1 in the soybean seeds but 81.8 μg·g-1 in the soybean sprouts, which decreased by 69% during germination (p<0.05). Among 12 isoflavones, the aglycone group (daidzein, genistein, and glycitein) content increased only.Among the aglycones, daidzein contents increased the most remarkably, which were 8.1 μg·g-1 and 64.4 μg·g-1 in the soybean seeds and the soybean sprouts, respectively (p<0.05). Daidzin (2.7 μg·g-1 on average) only was detected in the mung bean seeds and we confirmed that other 11 isoflavones were not detected throμgh spike-method. On the other hand, 11 isoflavones except for acetyl genistin were detected in the mung bean sprouts (255.6 μg·g-1 on average). Malonyl glycoside group content in the mung bean sprouts (113.2 μg·g-1) accounted for the most proportion by 44.3% of the total isoflavone.For phenolic compounds, the average content was 1016.2 μg·g-1 in the soybean seeds. Among individual phenolic compounds, the average content of rutin was the most (316.4 μg·g-1) and the soybean seeds contained gentisic acid and catechin in relatively large amounts (137.4 μg·g-1 and 107.6 μg·g-1, respectively). Formononetin was the scarcest compound (1.8 μg·g-1) and gallic acid was not detected.
The average content of phenolic compounds in the soybean sprouts was 1042.6 μg·g-1. Among individual phenolic compounds, the average content of gentisic acid was the largest (360.9 μg·g-1) and relatively large amounts of rutin (135.5 μg·g-1) were contained as well. t-cinnamic acid was the fewest compound (4.9 μg·g-1) and gallic acid was not detected.
The average content of phenolic compounds in the mung bean seeds was 1244.9 μg·g-1. Among individual phenolic compounds, ferulic acid content was 552.7 μg·g-1 on average, which was the most abundant. Rutin accounted for relatively large amounts (445.6 μg·g-1). Formononetin was the scarcest component, of which content was 0.4 μg·g-1 and gallic acid was not detected. The average content of phenolic compounds in the mung bean sprouts was1124.6 μg·g-1. Among individual phenolic compounds, chlorogenic acid content was 473.5 μg·g-1, which was the most abundant. Resveratrol was the fewest component (1.7 μg·g-1) and gallic acid was not detected.
From soyasapogenol analysis, the average contents of soyasapogenol A and B in the soybean seeds were 58.8 μg·g-1 and 311.5 μg·g-1 each, and those in the soybean sprouts were 71.2 μg·g-1 and 362.7 μg·g-1 each, which increased by approximately 16% and 21% respectively, compared to the soybean seeds (p<0.05). Soyasapogenol A was not detected in the mung bean seeds. The average content of the total soyasapogenol in the mung bean seeds (44.5 μg·g-1) was 8~10 times less than that in the soybean seeds (370.0 μg·g-1) and the soybean sprouts (433.9 μg·g-1) both (p<0.05).
There are α-, β-, γ-carotene and lycopene in carotene category. Lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin belong to xanthophyll category. We analyzed β-carotene and lutein as representative compounds in each category. β-carotene was not detected in the soybean seeds and the mung bean seeds, but the average contents of β-carotene and lutein in the soybean sprouts were 2.6 μg·g-1 and 5.6 μg·g-1, respectively. The average content of lutein in the soybean seeds was 1.7 μg·g-1 and that in the mung bean seeds was 5.0 μg·g-1. In other words, the average content of lutein in the soybean sprouts was 3.3 times much than that in the soybean seeds.
The total content of tocopherols in the soybean seeds was 184.4 μg·g-1, which was 2.3 times much than that in the mung bean seeds (81.9 μg·g-1). Among tocopherol group, γ-tocopherol was the most abundant in both of the soybean seeds and the mung beans, which accounted for 65.4% (120.7 μg·g-1) and 93% (76.2 μg·g-1) of the total tocopherol content in the soybean seeds and the mung bean seeds each. The γ-tocopherol content in the soybean seeds was approximately 1.6 times much than that in the mung bean seeds.
As a result of functional substance analysis and characteristic evaluation on ‘Keum-sung’ mung bean M3 seeds, only daidzin among 12 isoflavones was detected the same as normal mung bean seeds. Only soyasapogenol B was detected in M3 seeds. Also, α-, δ-tocopherols among four tocopherols were detected in M3 seeds. β-carotene was not detected and we carried out quantitative analysis of lutein only. It is confirmed that ‘Keum-sung’ mung bean mutant seeds contained more functional substances except for phenolic compounds than normal mung bean seeds had.
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