보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 2016-02 |
과제시작연도 |
2015 |
주관부처 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration(RDA) |
연구관리전문기관 |
농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration |
등록번호 |
TRKO201600003116 |
과제고유번호 |
1395039849 |
사업명 |
신품종지역적응연구 |
DB 구축일자 |
https://doi.org/10.23000/TRKO201600003116 |
본 연구는 쌀 소비감소로 인한 경지이용률 제고 및 고소득 작물의 재배를 통한 농가소득 증대와 자급률을 향상시키기 위하여 국내잡곡의 안정적인 생산체제를 마련하여, 잡곡인 조, 수수,기장의 논 재배시 생산성 증대를 위한 토양조건별 답전윤환 표준재배법 확립하고자, 먼저 답전윤환시 잡곡의 생산성에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 토양변동 요인을 탐색하고, 계단식 논에서 답전윤환 모델을 개발하며, 평탄지 논에서의 답전윤환시 잡곡의 생산증대 기술개발을 위하여 본 연구를 실시하였다.
답전윤환시 최적의 윤환시기는 조는 1년, 수수는 2년 및 기장은 3
본 연구는 쌀 소비감소로 인한 경지이용률 제고 및 고소득 작물의 재배를 통한 농가소득 증대와 자급률을 향상시키기 위하여 국내잡곡의 안정적인 생산체제를 마련하여, 잡곡인 조, 수수,기장의 논 재배시 생산성 증대를 위한 토양조건별 답전윤환 표준재배법 확립하고자, 먼저 답전윤환시 잡곡의 생산성에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 토양변동 요인을 탐색하고, 계단식 논에서 답전윤환 모델을 개발하며, 평탄지 논에서의 답전윤환시 잡곡의 생산증대 기술개발을 위하여 본 연구를 실시하였다.
답전윤환시 최적의 윤환시기는 조는 1년, 수수는 2년 및 기장은 3년으로 나타났으며, 답전윤환에 따른 잡곡 생산성의 감소 요인은 논에서 밭작물 재배에 따른 생산성감소는 토양의 광물학적인 변화에 의해 초기 3년간 토양의 유기태인산이 급감하다가 이후, 서서히 감소하는 영향이 양분공급감소, 토양 내 물질순환의 교란, 토양미생물상 변동 등 다양한 세부분야와 연계되면서 다양한 양상으로 확산되기 때문으로 판단되었다.
계단식 식양질 논에서 답전윤환에 따른 조, 수수, 기장의 생육 및 수량특성은 먼저 조의 출수기에서는 논/밭/밭/밭 처리구에서 가장 짧게 나타났으나, 기장과 수수에서는 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 간장의 변화에서는 조, 수수, 기장 각각 141.5, 138.6, 159.6㎝ 으로 논/밭/밭/밭처리구에서 가장 길게 나타났으며, 다른 처리구에서는 유의성이 나타나지 않았다. 평균수량에서는 조와 기장은 각각 234.3, 176.2 ㎏/10a 로 논/밭/밭/밭 처리구에서 가장 많은 수량이 나타났으나, 수수에서는 논/밭/논 처리구에서 221.2 ㎏/10a 으로 가장 높은 수량이 나타났다. 답전윤환시 가장 적합한 품종으로는 조는 삼다찰, 기장은 이백찰 및 수수는 남풍찰 인 것으로 판단되었다.
평탄지 사양질 논에서의 조, 수수, 기장의 생육 및 수량특성은 2년차 답전윤환 밭연작 처리구에서 생육이 더 좋았으며, 3년차에서는 밭/논/밭 처리구 생육이 더 좋은 것으로 나타났다.수량은 밭연작 처리구에서 평균 조, 수수, 기장 345, 392, 250 ㎏/10a 로 나타났고, 3년차에서는 밭/논/밭 처리구에서 평균 조, 수수, 기장 각각 275, 372, 171 ㎏/10a 로 나타났으며, 수량이 가장 적었던 논/밭/밭 처리구 대비 조 4.3%, 수수 4.2%, 기장 16.1% 증수된 것으로 나타났다. 이랑너비에 따른 변화에서는 토양의 화학적 특성에서 큰 차이가 없었으며, 세 처리구 모두 심토보다 표토에서 유효인산 함량이 증가하였으며, 이랑너비가 클수록 조사기간 내내 높은 수분함량이 나타났다. 재배기간 중 습해 피해를 받게 되는 과잉수 정체시간은 이랑거리 240㎝에서 60㎝대비 740시간 증가하여, 이랑너비가 커질수록 증가하는 경향이 나타났다. 이랑너비에 따른 잡곡의 중기 초장 변화에서는 수수, 조 및 기장 모두 이랑너비가 넓어질수록 초장은 커지는 경향이 나타났다. 수확기 간장 및 이삭장 변화에서 이삭장은 초·중기 초장과 유사한 경향으로 나타난 반면, 간장은 이랑너비가 넓어질수록 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 수량은 이랑너비가 좁을수록 높았으며, 60㎝ 처리구에서 240㎝ 처리구 대비 조 55.5%, 수수 52.0%, 기장 80.0% 증수된것으로 나타났다. 따라서 평탄지 사양질 논에서의 잡곡의 답전윤환 재배시 이랑너비는 표준재배시 60㎝ (생력재배시 70㎝)의 재배양식으로 2년간에서는 재배시 밭연작으로 이용하는 것이 잡곡의 생육특성 및 수량에 가장 좋은 것으로 나타났으며, 3년 이상의 답전윤환 재배에서는 연차간 논과 밭의 윤환재배가 토양의 물리성 및 생육, 수량이 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났다.
○ Study on reason of injury by successive cropping in rice-cereal crops rotation
Because of import volume increasing and the per capita consumption of rice decreasing,etc., the overproduction of rice has been lasted. The policy of supporting cultivation upland crop in paddy field had been enforce
○ Study on reason of injury by successive cropping in rice-cereal crops rotation
Because of import volume increasing and the per capita consumption of rice decreasing,etc., the overproduction of rice has been lasted. The policy of supporting cultivation upland crop in paddy field had been enforced. The study on cultivation in paddy field was mainly conducted about rice-soybean rotation system. When cultivating cereal crops in paddy field, it was needed to study on phenomenon of decrease crop yield. The objective of this study was to interpretate reason of injury by successive cropping in rice-cereal crops rotation. For experiment, treatments was cecreal crop(foxtail millet, proso millet, sorghum) 3years, rice 1year/cereal crops 2years, rice 2years/cereal crop 1year, cereal crops 1 year/rice 1year/ cereal crops 1yera, cereal crops 2years/rice 1year,rice 3years. Data were collected crop yield, soil chemical properties, weed occurrence, etc..The results were following: (1) the optimum period of successive cropping on cereal crops was that foxtail millet was 1year, sorghum was 2 years, proso millet was 3 years(2) the reason of yield decreasing by successive croping in rice-cereal crops was that soil available phosphorous and organic phosphorous.
○ Development of paddy-upland rotation system for the improvement of productivity of foxtail millet, sorghum, and common millet under soil conditions
This study is performed to persue the optimal cropping systems to allow cultivation of upland crops to the paddy land. This experiment was conducted at Anseong-si Gyeonggi province of Korea in 2015. In order to investigate growth and yield characteristics of foxtail millet, proso millet and sorghum by different paddy-upland rotation systems three crops, foxtail millet, proso millet and sorghum with four varieties of Samdachal, Samdamae, Kyeongkwan1, Hwanggeumjo in foxtail millet, Leebaekchal, Manhongchal, Hwangsilchal, Hwanggeumgijang in proso millet and Nampungchal, Moktaksusu, Aneunbangisusu, Hwanggeumchal in sorghum were examined. Four paddy-upland rotation systems of paddy-upland rotation, paddy-upland-upland rotation, paddy-upland-upland-upland rotation, and upland-paddy-upland rotation system were tested.
Days from seeding to heading and ripening of foxtail millet was the shortest in the paddy-upland-upland-upland rotation system, but proso millet and sorghum did not show statistical difference among four rotation systems. In the average of culm length, paddy-upland-upland-upland rotation system showed the highest culm length in foxtail millet (141.5cm), proso millet (159.6cm) and sorghum (138.6cm) respectively among four paddy-upland rotation systems.
In average yield per 10a, foxtail millet and proso millet showed the highest each 234.3kg/10a, 176.2kg/10a in paddy-upland-upland-upland rotation system, whereas sorghum was the highest 221.2kg/10a in paddy-upland-upland rotation system.
The most suitable crop and varieties in paddy-upland rotation system was judged to be sorghum among three crops and Samdachal in foxtail millet, Leebaekchal in proso millet and Nampungchal respectively.
○ Development of cultivation technology for increasing the productivity of the paddy-upland rotation cereals cultivation in the flatland of sandy loam soil .
This study was carried out to establish a stable production system of domestic cereals in order to improve the self-sufficiency and increase farm income through the high income crop cultivation and the improving of arable land utilization due to a decrease consumption of rice. Cereals of millet and sorghum and proso millet when paddy cultivation to increase productivity for establishing standard cultivation method of paddy-upland rotation on the soil conditions that had been studied the following topics: first, investigation of growth and yield characteristics of millet and sorghum and proso millet in paddy-upland rotation ; second, investigation of soil characteristics in paddy-upland rotation; third, investigation of aspects of pest and weed occurs in paddy-upland rotation; forth, investigation of growth and yield characteristics of cereals by widths of ridge; fifth, investigation of excessive water injury pattern of cereals and soil characteristics by widths of ridge. Through them,it was to serve as a basis for the development of cultivation technology for increasing the productivity of the paddy-upland rotation cereals cultivation in the flatland of sandy loam soil .
- Growth and yield characteristics of millet and sorghum and proso millet in paddy-upland rotation
The three phases of soil, soil depth of both paddy and upland are deeper and become more solid increase, and gas phase decrease. Gas phase showed that in paddy was small compared to the upland. There were no significant difference between treatment in the paddy-upland rotation. Penetration rate between paddy and upland soils showed a distinct difference, upland was 40.6 showed a difference of 13.6 times to 3.0 of paddy. In the treatment of paddy-upland rotation appeared to have rapid penetration rates tend depending on the number of years was continued by the upland.
Differences of disease incidence in handling the annual paddy-upland rotation was found not. Weed species-specific patterns of variation over the annual increased. The second year was better grow in the upland continued of paddy-upland cropping treatments. In the third year of upland - paddy - upland treatment appeared to be better. The average yield of millet and sorghum and proso millet in the upland continued treatment was found to be 345, 392, 250 ㎏/10a. The average yield of millet and sorghum and proso millet in the upland continued treatment was found to be 345, 392, 250 ㎏/10a in the third year. Millet 4.3%, sorghum 4.2% and proso millet 16.1% were more increased that is compared to the lowest yields of paddy-upland-upland treatment
- Growth and yield characteristics of cereals according to ridge width (60, 120, 240㎝)
There were no significant differences in the chemical properties of the soil. Available phosphorus content was increased in the subsoil than topsoil on all three treatments. The larger the ridge width during the study period showed a high moisture content. Retention time of excess water to suffer excess water injury was increased 740 hours in the ridge width 240㎝ than 60㎝, the larger the ridge width was a tendency to increase. The changes of plant height in the meddle term of cereals growth showed the wider ridge width the plant height was a tendency to increase. The ear length in the harvest time showed a trend similar to the plant height in the early and mid term. But, the stem length has been shown to increase the width of the widened ridge. The yield high when the ridge width is narrow. Millet 55.5%, sorghum 52.0% and proso millet 80.0% in the ridge width 60㎝ were more increased that is compared to the ridge width 260㎝ treatment
Therefor, for cereal cultivation in the paddy-upland rotation on the flatland of sandy loam soil, the ridge width is 60㎝(70㎝ for lavor saving culture), upland continued the two year for the best yield and growth characteristics. More than three years in paddy-upland rotation is dominated by annual rotated cultivation of upland and paddy physical properties of soil and growth, yield was the most excellent.
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