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IOS 활용의 관계적 관점 분석
Relationship Perspective Analysis for IOS Usage 원문보기

經營 科學 = Korean management science review, v.27 no.3, 2010년, pp.87 - 98  

한현수 (한양대학교 경영대학) ,  최영진 (을지대학교 의료경영학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, we drew upon IMP group's Interaction model to investigate the contributing impact of Inter-organizational system (IOS) on performance through enhancing inter-organizational relationship. While most extant literature studied the contribution of IOS from transaction efficiency perspecti...


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문제 정의

  • As such, this paper addresses this research gap of how the IOS could influences the nontransactional inter-organizational relationship. Indeed, we intended to theorize the distinguished benefits of IOS usage accountable for the gains resulting from partnership enhancement.
  • The contribution of this study is to theorize the relationship model that encompasses the effect of IOS usage on firm performance through interaction process of information exchange and social exchange. We believe that the model provides a better understanding on how the IOS could be utilized to enhance the performance.
  • Their study suggested significant relational view paradigm shift compared to prevailed transaction oriented exchange focus. The focus of the IMP model is on the factors which lead to close relationship between buyer and seller. They identified four elements which are exchanged by buyer and seller:a product or service, money, information, and sociality.

가설 설정

  • H1-1:The level of IOS usage positively influences the level of information exchange.
  • H2-1:The level information exchange positively influences the level of trust.
  • H2-2:The level of social exchange positively influences the level of trust.
  • H2-3:The level of information exchange positively influences the level of commitment.
  • H2-4:The level of social exchange positively influences the level of commitment.
  • H3-1:The level of trust positively influences the level of firm performance.
  • H3-2:The level of commitment positively influences the level of firm performance.
  • H4:The level of IOS usage positively influences the level of firm performance.
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