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Structural relations in the effect of convenience food satisfaction and quality of life according to dietary style - Comparative study of singles in metropolitan area of Korea, Japan and China - 원문보기

Nutrition research and practice, v.8 no.3, 2014년, pp.312 - 318  

Kim, Boram (Department of Food and Nutrition, Sookmyung Women's University) ,  Joo, Nami (Department of Food and Nutrition, Sookmyung Women's University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Due to recent changes in social structure, single-person households are on the rise worldwide and therefore the interest in the quality of life of singles is increasing, but the research on the relationships related to their diet-related quality of life is scarce. This researc...


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가설 설정

  • Hypothesis 2. Quality of life will be significantly different depending on convenience food satisfaction of Korean, Japanese, and Chinese singles.
  • Hypothesis 3. Quality of life will be significantly different depending on the dietary style of Korean, Japanese, and Chinese singles.
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참고문헌 (25)

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  21. 21 Noh WH Ahn SH Yang LL Song YW The influence of consumption value towards attitude and purchase intention perceived by Chinese consumers in the context of healthy functional foods Korean Chin Stud Soc Sci 2012 23 179 206 

  22. 22 Yu DH A study on the management strategies for the successful food service franchise business in China [doctor's thesis] Busan Dong-A University 2009 

  23. 23 Kim MJ A survey on changes in quality of life of patients who received radiation therapy after surgery for breast cancer J Nurs Acad Soc 1994 24 652 665 

  24. 24 Kim MK A study of relationship between health promoting behavior indices and quality of life indices [master's thesis] Seoul Yonsei University 2001 

  25. 25 Kim SJ A study of relationship between health promoting lifestyle, depression, quality of life among middle aged women [master's thesis] Suwon Ajou University 2007 

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