두릅나무(Aralia elata E_(EEMANN)) 껍질의 methanol 추출물에 항미생물 활성이 인정되자 solvent fractionation, Silica gel adsorption column chromatography, Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography, Silica gel partition column chromatography, HPLC, TLC 등에 의해 활성본체를 분리, 정제한 후 MS, GC-MS, IR, ¹H-NMR, ^(13)C-NMR 등의 기기분석에 의해 항미생물 활성의 본체구명을 시도하였다. 두릅나무껍질의 MeOH 추출물은 세균과 효모 그리고 곰팡이 등 11종의 미생물에 대해 항미생물 활성을 보였다. 두릅나무껍질의 항미생물 활성 본체는 protocatechuic acid(3,4-ditydroxybenzoic acid)로 동정되었으며, 이와함께 caffeic acid(3,4-dihydroxycinnamic acid)의 미량존재가 추정되었다. Protocatechuic acid는 항산화 활성 등이 알려져 있으나, 항미생물 활성본체로서 분리된 것은 처음으로 생각되며 두릅에서 이 물질이 분리, 동정된 것도 처음으로 생각된다. Caffeic acid는 green coffee, white Potato 등에서 존재가 확인된 물질로 세균, 효모, 곰팡이에 대한 항미생물 활성이 보고된 바 있으나, 두릅에서 항미생물 활성물질로서 존재가 인정된 것은 처음으로 생각된다. Protocatechuic acid와 caffeic acid는 건조 두릅껍질 g당 0.869 mg과 0.037 mg 정도 함유되어 있었다. protocatechuic acid의 높은 함량은 대단히 흥미로운 사실이며, 두릅에서 이 물질의 생합성 경로 및 두릅배양세포를 이용한 물질생산연구의 좋은 재료가 될 것으로 기대된다.
두릅나무(Aralia elata E_(EEMANN)) 껍질의 methanol 추출물에 항미생물 활성이 인정되자 solvent fractionation, Silica gel adsorption column chromatography, Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography, Silica gel partition column chromatography, HPLC, TLC 등에 의해 활성본체를 분리, 정제한 후 MS, GC-MS, IR, ¹H-NMR, ^(13)C-NMR 등의 기기분석에 의해 항미생물 활성의 본체구명을 시도하였다. 두릅나무껍질의 MeOH 추출물은 세균과 효모 그리고 곰팡이 등 11종의 미생물에 대해 항미생물 활성을 보였다. 두릅나무껍질의 항미생물 활성 본체는 protocatechuic acid(3,4-ditydroxybenzoic acid)로 동정되었으며, 이와함께 caffeic acid(3,4-dihydroxycinnamic acid)의 미량존재가 추정되었다. Protocatechuic acid는 항산화 활성 등이 알려져 있으나, 항미생물 활성본체로서 분리된 것은 처음으로 생각되며 두릅에서 이 물질이 분리, 동정된 것도 처음으로 생각된다. Caffeic acid는 green coffee, white Potato 등에서 존재가 확인된 물질로 세균, 효모, 곰팡이에 대한 항미생물 활성이 보고된 바 있으나, 두릅에서 항미생물 활성물질로서 존재가 인정된 것은 처음으로 생각된다. Protocatechuic acid와 caffeic acid는 건조 두릅껍질 g당 0.869 mg과 0.037 mg 정도 함유되어 있었다. protocatechuic acid의 높은 함량은 대단히 흥미로운 사실이며, 두릅에서 이 물질의 생합성 경로 및 두릅배양세포를 이용한 물질생산연구의 좋은 재료가 될 것으로 기대된다.
An Aralia elata bark was extracted with methanol and the antimicrobial activities against bacteria, yeast and fungi were investigated. Methanol extracts showed antimicrobial activities against most of bacteria, yeast, fungi, except lactic acid bacteria. The acidic fraction that showed the activity w...
An Aralia elata bark was extracted with methanol and the antimicrobial activities against bacteria, yeast and fungi were investigated. Methanol extracts showed antimicrobial activities against most of bacteria, yeast, fungi, except lactic acid bacteria. The acidic fraction that showed the activity was then purified with Silica gel adsorption column chromatography, Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography, Silica gel partition column chromatography, HPLC and Thin layer chromatography. Two substances having different R_f value in Thin layer chromatography were isolated. The isolated active substances were analysed by MS, GC-MS, IR, ¹H-NMR, ^(13)C-NMR. The major substance that showed antimicrobial activity in Aralia elata bark was identified as protocatechuic acid(3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid), and the minor substance was considered as caffeic acid(3,4-dihydroxycinnamic acid). In this study, protocatechuic acid, which was previously known as an antioxident, is first isolated as antimicrobial active substance. Caffeic acid was previously identified as an antimicrobial active substance in green coffee and white potato. In the present study, caffeic acid was first isolated as an antimicrobial active substance from Aralia elata. Protocatechuic acid was 0.869 mg/g and caffeic acid was 0.037 mg/g in dried Aralia elata bark.
An Aralia elata bark was extracted with methanol and the antimicrobial activities against bacteria, yeast and fungi were investigated. Methanol extracts showed antimicrobial activities against most of bacteria, yeast, fungi, except lactic acid bacteria. The acidic fraction that showed the activity was then purified with Silica gel adsorption column chromatography, Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography, Silica gel partition column chromatography, HPLC and Thin layer chromatography. Two substances having different R_f value in Thin layer chromatography were isolated. The isolated active substances were analysed by MS, GC-MS, IR, ¹H-NMR, ^(13)C-NMR. The major substance that showed antimicrobial activity in Aralia elata bark was identified as protocatechuic acid(3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid), and the minor substance was considered as caffeic acid(3,4-dihydroxycinnamic acid). In this study, protocatechuic acid, which was previously known as an antioxident, is first isolated as antimicrobial active substance. Caffeic acid was previously identified as an antimicrobial active substance in green coffee and white potato. In the present study, caffeic acid was first isolated as an antimicrobial active substance from Aralia elata. Protocatechuic acid was 0.869 mg/g and caffeic acid was 0.037 mg/g in dried Aralia elata bark.
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