본 연구는 산전 요가운동이 임산부의 정서적, 심리적 상태의 불균형을 조화된 상태로 변화시켜 임산부의 스트레스, 불안, 피로에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보는데 목적이 있다.
연구의 대상자들은 서울시에 소재한 임산부 요가 교실에서 임산부 254명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 설문지의 내용은 SPSS Window Version 19.0 통계프로그램을 통하여 자료처리를 실시하였다. 인구통계학적 특성을 파악하기 위해 빈도분석 실시하였고, 설문지의 신뢰도를 검토하기 위하여 Cronbach'α를 적용하여 문항 ...
본 연구는 산전 요가운동이 임산부의 정서적, 심리적 상태의 불균형을 조화된 상태로 변화시켜 임산부의 스트레스, 불안, 피로에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보는데 목적이 있다.
연구의 대상자들은 서울시에 소재한 임산부 요가 교실에서 임산부 254명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 설문지의 내용은 SPSS Window Version 19.0 통계프로그램을 통하여 자료처리를 실시하였다. 인구통계학적 특성을 파악하기 위해 빈도분석 실시하였고, 설문지의 신뢰도를 검토하기 위하여 Cronbach'α를 적용하여 문항 내적 일관성을 검증하였다. 그리고 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 산전요가운동이 스트레스, 불안, 피로에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 일원변량분석(one-way ANOVA)을 이용하였고, 통계적 유의수준은 p<.05를 기준으로 하였다. 본 논문의 연구결과는 다음과 같다.
첫째, 연령에 따른 스트레스, 불안, 피로에 대한 결과에서 스트레스요인 중 불안 심리는 26-30세, 행동제약, 외모는 20세 이하에서 높은 평균이 나타났고, 통계적으로도 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 불안요인에서는 안정감은 31-34세, 임신상태불안은 20세 이하, 임신 중 마음가짐은 21-25세에서 높은 평균이 나타났고, 전체적으로 통계적인 유의한 차이를 보였다. 피로요인에서는 집중력결여, 임신피로증후는 21-25세, 행동불편감은 26-30세에서 높은 평균이 나타났고, 집중력결여와 임신피로증후에서는 통계적인 유의한 차이를 보였다.
둘째, 임신주수에 따른 스트레스, 불안, 피로에 대한 결과에서 스트레스요인 중 불안 심리와 외모에서는 36주 이상, 행동제약은 13-20주에서 높은 평균을 나타내었으며, 외모에서만 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 불안요인에서는 안정감은 21-28주, 36주 이상, 임신상태불안은 36주 이상, 임신 중 마음가짐은 13-20주에서 높은 평균을 나타내었으며, 임신상태불안에서만 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 피로요인 중 집중력결여는 21-28주, 임신피로증후는29-35주, 행동불편감은 36주 이상에서 높은 평균이 나타났고, 임신피로증후와 행동불편감에서만 통계적인 유의한 차이를 보였다.
셋째, 참여기간에 따른 스트레스, 불안, 피로에 대한 결과에서 스트레스요인 중 불안심리, 행동제약, 외모모두 1개월 이하에서 높은 평균을 보였고, 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다. 불안요인 중 안정감은 3개월 이상, 임신상태불안은 1개월 이하, 임신 중 마음가짐은 2개월에서 높은 평균을 보였고, 안정감을 제외한 두 가지 요인에서만 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 피로요인 집중력결여와 임신피로증후는 1개월 이하, 행동불편감은 3개월 이상에서 높은 평균을 보였고, 집중력결여와 행동불편감에서는 통계적인 유의한 차이를 나타내었다.
본 연구는 산전 요가운동이 임산부의 정서적, 심리적 상태의 불균형을 조화된 상태로 변화시켜 임산부의 스트레스, 불안, 피로에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보는데 목적이 있다.
연구의 대상자들은 서울시에 소재한 임산부 요가 교실에서 임산부 254명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 설문지의 내용은 SPSS Window Version 19.0 통계프로그램을 통하여 자료처리를 실시하였다. 인구통계학적 특성을 파악하기 위해 빈도분석 실시하였고, 설문지의 신뢰도를 검토하기 위하여 Cronbach'α를 적용하여 문항 내적 일관성을 검증하였다. 그리고 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 산전요가운동이 스트레스, 불안, 피로에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 일원변량분석(one-way ANOVA)을 이용하였고, 통계적 유의수준은 p<.05를 기준으로 하였다. 본 논문의 연구결과는 다음과 같다.
첫째, 연령에 따른 스트레스, 불안, 피로에 대한 결과에서 스트레스요인 중 불안 심리는 26-30세, 행동제약, 외모는 20세 이하에서 높은 평균이 나타났고, 통계적으로도 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 불안요인에서는 안정감은 31-34세, 임신상태불안은 20세 이하, 임신 중 마음가짐은 21-25세에서 높은 평균이 나타났고, 전체적으로 통계적인 유의한 차이를 보였다. 피로요인에서는 집중력결여, 임신피로증후는 21-25세, 행동불편감은 26-30세에서 높은 평균이 나타났고, 집중력결여와 임신피로증후에서는 통계적인 유의한 차이를 보였다.
둘째, 임신주수에 따른 스트레스, 불안, 피로에 대한 결과에서 스트레스요인 중 불안 심리와 외모에서는 36주 이상, 행동제약은 13-20주에서 높은 평균을 나타내었으며, 외모에서만 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 불안요인에서는 안정감은 21-28주, 36주 이상, 임신상태불안은 36주 이상, 임신 중 마음가짐은 13-20주에서 높은 평균을 나타내었으며, 임신상태불안에서만 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 피로요인 중 집중력결여는 21-28주, 임신피로증후는29-35주, 행동불편감은 36주 이상에서 높은 평균이 나타났고, 임신피로증후와 행동불편감에서만 통계적인 유의한 차이를 보였다.
셋째, 참여기간에 따른 스트레스, 불안, 피로에 대한 결과에서 스트레스요인 중 불안심리, 행동제약, 외모모두 1개월 이하에서 높은 평균을 보였고, 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다. 불안요인 중 안정감은 3개월 이상, 임신상태불안은 1개월 이하, 임신 중 마음가짐은 2개월에서 높은 평균을 보였고, 안정감을 제외한 두 가지 요인에서만 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 피로요인 집중력결여와 임신피로증후는 1개월 이하, 행동불편감은 3개월 이상에서 높은 평균을 보였고, 집중력결여와 행동불편감에서는 통계적인 유의한 차이를 나타내었다.
The purpose of this study is to examine which influence it has upon pregnant women's stress, anxiety and fatigue by which the prenatal Yoga exercise changes the imbalance in pregnant women's emotional and psychological status into the harmonized status.
The research subjects were 254 pregnant wo...
The purpose of this study is to examine which influence it has upon pregnant women's stress, anxiety and fatigue by which the prenatal Yoga exercise changes the imbalance in pregnant women's emotional and psychological status into the harmonized status.
The research subjects were 254 pregnant women in the pregnant Yoga classrooms where are located in Seoul. Questionnaire survey was carried out. The contents of questionnaire were carried out data processing through SPSS Window Version 19.0 statistical program. To grasp demographic characteristics, the frequency analysis was performed. To examine reliability of questionnaire, the internal consistency in item was verified by applying Cronbach'α. And to examine influence of prenatal Yoga exercise upon stress, anxiety and fatigue according to demographic characteristics, one-way ANOVA was used. The statistical significant level was based on p<.05. The findings of this study are as follows.
First, in the results on stress, anxiety and fatigue according to age, the high average was indicated in 26-30 years old as for anxious psychology out of stress factors and in under 20 years old as for behavioral restriction and appearance. Even the statistically significant difference was indicated. In the anxiety factors, the high average was indicated in 31-34 years old as for a sense of stability, in under 20 years old as for anxiety about pregnant status, and in 21-25 years old as for the mental attitude during pregnancy. Generally, the statistically significant difference was indicated. In the fatigue factors, the high average was shown in 21-25 years old as for pregnant fatigue syndrome and in 26-30 years old as for behavioral discomfort. In the concentration lacking and the pregnant fatigue syndrome, the statistically significant difference was indicated.
Second, in the results on stress, anxiety and fatigue according to pregnant week number, the high average was indicated in over 36 weeks as for anxious psychology and appearance out of stress factors and in 13-20 weeks as for behavioral restriction. Only in appearance, the statistically significant difference was indicated. In the anxiety factors, the high average was indicated in 21-28 weeks and over 36 weeks as for a sense of stability, in over 36 weeks as for anxiety about pregnant status, and in 13-20 weeks as for the mental attitude during pregnancy. Only in anxiety about pregnant status, the statistically significant difference was indicated. In the fatigue factors, the high average was shown in 21-28 weeks as for the lack of concentration, in 29-35 weeks as for pregnant fatigue syndrome, and in over 36 weeks as for behavioral discomfort. Only in the pregnant fatigue syndrome and the behavioral discomfort, the statistically significant difference was indicated.
Third, in the results on stress, anxiety and fatigue according to participation period, the high average was indicated in under 1 month as for all in anxious psychology, behavioral restriction and appearance out of stress factors. Even the statistically significant difference was indicated. Out of anxiety factors, the high average was indicated in over 3 months as for a sense of stability, in under 1 month as for anxiety about pregnant status, and in 2 months as for the mental attitude during pregnancy. Only in two factors except a sense of stability, the statistically significant difference was indicated. In the fatigue factors, the high average was shown in under 1 month as for the concentration lacking and the pregnant fatigue syndrome and in over 3 months as for behavioral discomfort. In the concentration lacking and the pregnant fatigue syndrome, the statistically significant difference was indicated.
The purpose of this study is to examine which influence it has upon pregnant women's stress, anxiety and fatigue by which the prenatal Yoga exercise changes the imbalance in pregnant women's emotional and psychological status into the harmonized status.
The research subjects were 254 pregnant women in the pregnant Yoga classrooms where are located in Seoul. Questionnaire survey was carried out. The contents of questionnaire were carried out data processing through SPSS Window Version 19.0 statistical program. To grasp demographic characteristics, the frequency analysis was performed. To examine reliability of questionnaire, the internal consistency in item was verified by applying Cronbach'α. And to examine influence of prenatal Yoga exercise upon stress, anxiety and fatigue according to demographic characteristics, one-way ANOVA was used. The statistical significant level was based on p<.05. The findings of this study are as follows.
First, in the results on stress, anxiety and fatigue according to age, the high average was indicated in 26-30 years old as for anxious psychology out of stress factors and in under 20 years old as for behavioral restriction and appearance. Even the statistically significant difference was indicated. In the anxiety factors, the high average was indicated in 31-34 years old as for a sense of stability, in under 20 years old as for anxiety about pregnant status, and in 21-25 years old as for the mental attitude during pregnancy. Generally, the statistically significant difference was indicated. In the fatigue factors, the high average was shown in 21-25 years old as for pregnant fatigue syndrome and in 26-30 years old as for behavioral discomfort. In the concentration lacking and the pregnant fatigue syndrome, the statistically significant difference was indicated.
Second, in the results on stress, anxiety and fatigue according to pregnant week number, the high average was indicated in over 36 weeks as for anxious psychology and appearance out of stress factors and in 13-20 weeks as for behavioral restriction. Only in appearance, the statistically significant difference was indicated. In the anxiety factors, the high average was indicated in 21-28 weeks and over 36 weeks as for a sense of stability, in over 36 weeks as for anxiety about pregnant status, and in 13-20 weeks as for the mental attitude during pregnancy. Only in anxiety about pregnant status, the statistically significant difference was indicated. In the fatigue factors, the high average was shown in 21-28 weeks as for the lack of concentration, in 29-35 weeks as for pregnant fatigue syndrome, and in over 36 weeks as for behavioral discomfort. Only in the pregnant fatigue syndrome and the behavioral discomfort, the statistically significant difference was indicated.
Third, in the results on stress, anxiety and fatigue according to participation period, the high average was indicated in under 1 month as for all in anxious psychology, behavioral restriction and appearance out of stress factors. Even the statistically significant difference was indicated. Out of anxiety factors, the high average was indicated in over 3 months as for a sense of stability, in under 1 month as for anxiety about pregnant status, and in 2 months as for the mental attitude during pregnancy. Only in two factors except a sense of stability, the statistically significant difference was indicated. In the fatigue factors, the high average was shown in under 1 month as for the concentration lacking and the pregnant fatigue syndrome and in over 3 months as for behavioral discomfort. In the concentration lacking and the pregnant fatigue syndrome, the statistically significant difference was indicated.
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