본 연구는 2014년 10월 경기도 판교의 야외 공연장 사고로 관람객 16명이 숨지고 10명이 다쳐 사회적으로 크게 이슈가 되었던 판교환풍구 붕괴사고 이후, 안전사고 예방을 위하여 국가에서 개정한 공연법에 안전부분이 안전관리를 하기에 적정한지, 공연장에서 안전이 지켜지고 있는지, 또한 공연업 종사자들이 어떠한 노력을 하고, 그 노력이 얼마나 효과가 있는지에 대하여 알아보기 위해 공연업 종사자들에게 설문을 통하여 공연장에서 실제로 법을 준수하기 위하여 필요한 사항은 무엇인지, 그리고 일반적인 산업에 적용되는 산업안전보건법과 공연법에 안전부분을 비교함으로써 보완되어야 하는 사항은 없는지, 현시점에 문제점을 파악하여 개선할 수 있는지를 알아보고자 하는 것이 연구의 목적이다.
공연법에 안전부분이 도입된 이후에 공연장의 안전실태 조사를 위하여 관련 종사자 및 관객 250명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문에 수집된 자료는 ...
본 연구는 2014년 10월 경기도 판교의 야외 공연장 사고로 관람객 16명이 숨지고 10명이 다쳐 사회적으로 크게 이슈가 되었던 판교환풍구 붕괴사고 이후, 안전사고 예방을 위하여 국가에서 개정한 공연법에 안전부분이 안전관리를 하기에 적정한지, 공연장에서 안전이 지켜지고 있는지, 또한 공연업 종사자들이 어떠한 노력을 하고, 그 노력이 얼마나 효과가 있는지에 대하여 알아보기 위해 공연업 종사자들에게 설문을 통하여 공연장에서 실제로 법을 준수하기 위하여 필요한 사항은 무엇인지, 그리고 일반적인 산업에 적용되는 산업안전보건법과 공연법에 안전부분을 비교함으로써 보완되어야 하는 사항은 없는지, 현시점에 문제점을 파악하여 개선할 수 있는지를 알아보고자 하는 것이 연구의 목적이다.
공연법에 안전부분이 도입된 이후에 공연장의 안전실태 조사를 위하여 관련 종사자 및 관객 250명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문에 수집된 자료는 SPSSWIN 20.2 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하였으며, 분석을 위해 사용한 통계방법은 다섯 가지가 사용되었다.
대상자의 일반적 특성은 빈도분석을 실시하였다, 측정도구의 신뢰도를 검정하기 위하여 Cronbach's alpha 계수를 산출하였다. 집단별 안전의식과 안전사고 예방 인식의 차이를 알아보기 위하여 일원배치 분산분석(One-way Anova)을 실시하였다. 안전의식과 안전사고 예방 간의 관계를 알아보기 위해 상관관계 분석(Pearson's Correlation Analysis)을 실시하였다. 안전의식이 안전사고 예방에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 다중회귀분석(Multiple Regression Analysis)을 실시하였다.
통계분석 결과 공연업 종사자들 대부분이 안전사고 예방을 위한 추진방향, 교육 및 감사, 안전시스템, 안전사고 예방에 대한 인식이 낮은 것으로 나타났으며 대부분이 안전목표, 안전의지, 안전교육, 안전점검, 안전시스템, 안전조직 및 안전체제가 전반적으로 잘 되면 안전사고 예방이 미치는 영향이 큰 것으로 분석되었다.
안전사고를 예방하기 위해서는 우선적으로 공연업에서 계상하여 사용토록 되어 있는 안전관리비가 실제 재해예방에 사용되어야 할 것이며 안전관리비를 절감하고자 하고 안전관련 조직의 형식적인 지정, 형식적인 안전교육 등이 이루어지지 않도록 사업주와 근로자 모두 노력해야 할 것이며, 국가에서도 관련법의 강화와 계도를 거쳐 공연장 안전을 확보해야 할 것이다.
문화체육관광부 조사에 따르면 한해 평균 공연장을 찾는 관객을 약 4,000만 명에 이른다. 물론 관객은 남녀노소를 구분하지 않으며 공연장에서 사고 발생 시 대부분의 재해자는 관객이므로 현 시점에서 발견된 문제점을 파악하고 개선하지 않으면 제2의 판교 환풍구 붕괴사고가 발생할 수 있음을 명심해야 할 것이다.
본 연구는 2014년 10월 경기도 판교의 야외 공연장 사고로 관람객 16명이 숨지고 10명이 다쳐 사회적으로 크게 이슈가 되었던 판교환풍구 붕괴사고 이후, 안전사고 예방을 위하여 국가에서 개정한 공연법에 안전부분이 안전관리를 하기에 적정한지, 공연장에서 안전이 지켜지고 있는지, 또한 공연업 종사자들이 어떠한 노력을 하고, 그 노력이 얼마나 효과가 있는지에 대하여 알아보기 위해 공연업 종사자들에게 설문을 통하여 공연장에서 실제로 법을 준수하기 위하여 필요한 사항은 무엇인지, 그리고 일반적인 산업에 적용되는 산업안전보건법과 공연법에 안전부분을 비교함으로써 보완되어야 하는 사항은 없는지, 현시점에 문제점을 파악하여 개선할 수 있는지를 알아보고자 하는 것이 연구의 목적이다.
공연법에 안전부분이 도입된 이후에 공연장의 안전실태 조사를 위하여 관련 종사자 및 관객 250명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문에 수집된 자료는 SPSS WIN 20.2 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하였으며, 분석을 위해 사용한 통계방법은 다섯 가지가 사용되었다.
대상자의 일반적 특성은 빈도분석을 실시하였다, 측정도구의 신뢰도를 검정하기 위하여 Cronbach's alpha 계수를 산출하였다. 집단별 안전의식과 안전사고 예방 인식의 차이를 알아보기 위하여 일원배치 분산분석(One-way Anova)을 실시하였다. 안전의식과 안전사고 예방 간의 관계를 알아보기 위해 상관관계 분석(Pearson's Correlation Analysis)을 실시하였다. 안전의식이 안전사고 예방에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 다중회귀분석(Multiple Regression Analysis)을 실시하였다.
통계분석 결과 공연업 종사자들 대부분이 안전사고 예방을 위한 추진방향, 교육 및 감사, 안전시스템, 안전사고 예방에 대한 인식이 낮은 것으로 나타났으며 대부분이 안전목표, 안전의지, 안전교육, 안전점검, 안전시스템, 안전조직 및 안전체제가 전반적으로 잘 되면 안전사고 예방이 미치는 영향이 큰 것으로 분석되었다.
안전사고를 예방하기 위해서는 우선적으로 공연업에서 계상하여 사용토록 되어 있는 안전관리비가 실제 재해예방에 사용되어야 할 것이며 안전관리비를 절감하고자 하고 안전관련 조직의 형식적인 지정, 형식적인 안전교육 등이 이루어지지 않도록 사업주와 근로자 모두 노력해야 할 것이며, 국가에서도 관련법의 강화와 계도를 거쳐 공연장 안전을 확보해야 할 것이다.
문화체육관광부 조사에 따르면 한해 평균 공연장을 찾는 관객을 약 4,000만 명에 이른다. 물론 관객은 남녀노소를 구분하지 않으며 공연장에서 사고 발생 시 대부분의 재해자는 관객이므로 현 시점에서 발견된 문제점을 파악하고 개선하지 않으면 제2의 판교 환풍구 붕괴사고가 발생할 수 있음을 명심해야 할 것이다.
The purpose of the study is to find out if problems can be identified and improved after the collapse of the Pangyo ventilation hole, which was a major social issue due to the death of 16 spectators and 10 injured in the accident at the outdoor performance hall in Pangyo in Gyeonggi province in Octo...
The purpose of the study is to find out if problems can be identified and improved after the collapse of the Pangyo ventilation hole, which was a major social issue due to the death of 16 spectators and 10 injured in the accident at the outdoor performance hall in Pangyo in Gyeonggi province in October 2014. For example, whether the national safety performance law requires that the safety part is appropriate for safety management to prevent safety accidents, whether safety is maintained at the venue. And what kind of effort the performers are making and how effective they are, I ask questionnaires to the performers to find out what they need to obey the law. In addition, to find out anything that needs to be supplemented, by comparing the safety aspects to industrial safety and health laws and performance laws that apply to the general industry etc.
As a result of comparison, Safety Section of revised performance law and Industrial Safety and Health Act, three items were surveyed as improvement items.
First, it relates to safety management expenses of performing business. It was introduced to prevent safety accidents at concert hall but "Safety-related insurance costs" is described, which mean, it can be used as part of the post-treatment cost in case of a safety accident rather than safety accident prevention.
Second, the organization of the safety management organization of the performance hall was legislated. Institutionalized to prevent safety accidents at the concert hall by designating safety management officer, and safety management officer. However, it can be seen that the safety officers do not have any qualifications. "As a performance hall or a performance operator, , Who can fully understand the technical and operational safety aspects of the venue or performance "It is feared that an unprofessional workforce may be designated as a safety management officer and may not be able to do all of the work.
Third, safety education obligations were established for the performers. However, it was enacted so that only one hour of training should be done for only one hour before the start of the performance. In the performance law, "performers" Also, I would like to know if it is realistic that a so-called romance person attends a training course before the start of performance and receives an hour of training, and that common tasks for 7 things are assembled, operated, There is a sad part about whether or not to receive common safety education that is not available.
After the introduction of the safety part in the performance law, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 250 employees and audiences in order to investigate the safety status of the performing arts. The data collected in the questionnaire were analyzed using the SPSS WIN 20.2 program. Five statistical methods were used.
First, the general characteristics of the subjects were analyzed by frequency. Second, Cronbach's alpha coefficients were calculated to test the reliability of the measurement tools. Third, One-way ANOVA was conducted to find out the difference of safety consciousness among groups and awareness of safety accident prevention. Fourth, a correlation analysis (Pearson's Correlation Analysis) was conducted to examine the relationship between safety awareness and safety accident prevention. Fifth, multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect of safety consciousness on safety accident prevention.
As a result of statistical analysis, most of the performers showed low awareness of safety direction, education and audit, safety system and safety accident prevention.Also, it is analyzed that most of the safety objectives, safety intentions, safety education, safety check, safety system, safety organization and safety system are effective in preventing safety accidents. In order to prevent safety accidents, safety management expenses, which are primarily used in the performance industry, should be used to prevent actual disasters. To reduce safety management costs, formal designation of safety related organizations and formal safety education Both the employer and the employee should try hard, and in the country, the safety of the performing arts should be ensured through reinforcement of related laws and the system.
According to a survey by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, about 40 million viewers visit concert hall in the year. Of course, audiences do not distinguish between sexes, and most of the victims are audiences in case of an accident at a concert hall. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that the second Pankyo ventilation collapse may occur if the problems found at present are not identified and improved.
The purpose of the study is to find out if problems can be identified and improved after the collapse of the Pangyo ventilation hole, which was a major social issue due to the death of 16 spectators and 10 injured in the accident at the outdoor performance hall in Pangyo in Gyeonggi province in October 2014. For example, whether the national safety performance law requires that the safety part is appropriate for safety management to prevent safety accidents, whether safety is maintained at the venue. And what kind of effort the performers are making and how effective they are, I ask questionnaires to the performers to find out what they need to obey the law. In addition, to find out anything that needs to be supplemented, by comparing the safety aspects to industrial safety and health laws and performance laws that apply to the general industry etc.
As a result of comparison, Safety Section of revised performance law and Industrial Safety and Health Act, three items were surveyed as improvement items.
First, it relates to safety management expenses of performing business. It was introduced to prevent safety accidents at concert hall but "Safety-related insurance costs" is described, which mean, it can be used as part of the post-treatment cost in case of a safety accident rather than safety accident prevention.
Second, the organization of the safety management organization of the performance hall was legislated. Institutionalized to prevent safety accidents at the concert hall by designating safety management officer, and safety management officer. However, it can be seen that the safety officers do not have any qualifications. "As a performance hall or a performance operator, , Who can fully understand the technical and operational safety aspects of the venue or performance "It is feared that an unprofessional workforce may be designated as a safety management officer and may not be able to do all of the work.
Third, safety education obligations were established for the performers. However, it was enacted so that only one hour of training should be done for only one hour before the start of the performance. In the performance law, "performers" Also, I would like to know if it is realistic that a so-called romance person attends a training course before the start of performance and receives an hour of training, and that common tasks for 7 things are assembled, operated, There is a sad part about whether or not to receive common safety education that is not available.
After the introduction of the safety part in the performance law, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 250 employees and audiences in order to investigate the safety status of the performing arts. The data collected in the questionnaire were analyzed using the SPSS WIN 20.2 program. Five statistical methods were used.
First, the general characteristics of the subjects were analyzed by frequency. Second, Cronbach's alpha coefficients were calculated to test the reliability of the measurement tools. Third, One-way ANOVA was conducted to find out the difference of safety consciousness among groups and awareness of safety accident prevention. Fourth, a correlation analysis (Pearson's Correlation Analysis) was conducted to examine the relationship between safety awareness and safety accident prevention. Fifth, multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect of safety consciousness on safety accident prevention.
As a result of statistical analysis, most of the performers showed low awareness of safety direction, education and audit, safety system and safety accident prevention.Also, it is analyzed that most of the safety objectives, safety intentions, safety education, safety check, safety system, safety organization and safety system are effective in preventing safety accidents. In order to prevent safety accidents, safety management expenses, which are primarily used in the performance industry, should be used to prevent actual disasters. To reduce safety management costs, formal designation of safety related organizations and formal safety education Both the employer and the employee should try hard, and in the country, the safety of the performing arts should be ensured through reinforcement of related laws and the system.
According to a survey by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, about 40 million viewers visit concert hall in the year. Of course, audiences do not distinguish between sexes, and most of the victims are audiences in case of an accident at a concert hall. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that the second Pankyo ventilation collapse may occur if the problems found at present are not identified and improved.
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