요충 자충의 길이별 보유충란수가 어떤 양상을 나타내는자를 관찰하였다. 충란수를 관찰한 요충은 Cho et al. (1981)이 경기도 안양시 보육원 원아에게 구충제를 투여한 후 배출된 충체를 고정하여 두었던 것중203 마리였다. 해부현미경하에서 완전하다고 판단한 충체를 골라, 길이를 측정하고, 0.1N Na OH 용액으로 충체를 연화시켰으며, 측정판에서 충체를 해부침으로 파괴한 다음 난각을 형성한 충란의 숫자를 세었다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 난각을 형성한 충란은 요충 자층의 길이 5.50mm일 때부터 나타나기 시작하였다. 2. 충란을 보유한 충체의 비율은 충체 길이 5.50~5.99mm에서 25%, 600~6.49mm에서 53.3%, 6.50~6.99mm에서 86.7%, 7.00~7.49mm에서 95.2%이었으며 7.50mm이상 충체에서는 100%가 충란을 보유하였다. 3. 충체 길이별 보유 충란수의 평균과 표준편차는 5.49mm이하에서 0, 5.50~5.99mm에서 $19{\pm}50$개, 6.00~6.49mm에서 $734{\pm}$1,597개, 6.50~6.99mm에서 $1,473{\pm}1,606$개, 7.00~7.49mm에서 $1,530{\pm}2,055$개, 7.50~7.99mm에서 $2,567{\pm}2,046$개, 8.00~8.49mm에서 $5,598{\pm}2,470$개, 7.50~8.99mm에서 $9,318{\pm}2,651$개, 9.00~9.49mm에서 $10,678{\pm}2,892$개, 9.50~9.90mm에서 $13,323{\pm}1,778$개 이었다. 4. 충체 길이별 충란 보유수는 충체 개개에 따라 특히 5.5~8.0mm의 범위에서 상대적으로 큰 변이폭을 나타냈으나 9.0mm이상이 되면 보유 충란수는 대부분 충체에서 10,000개 이상 16,600개의 범위에 있으면서 변이폭도 좁아지고 있다. 이상의 결과에서 요충 자충의 충란 생산은 감염후 28~32일에 시작하며 생산 초기단계 충란 보유수는 충체에 따라 차이가 심하다가 9.0mm이상으로 자라면서 거의 모든 충체가 충란을 10,000~16,000개 보유하면서 충란을 가득 갖고 항문으로 이행한다고 생각하였다.
요충 자충의 길이별 보유충란수가 어떤 양상을 나타내는자를 관찰하였다. 충란수를 관찰한 요충은 Cho et al. (1981)이 경기도 안양시 보육원 원아에게 구충제를 투여한 후 배출된 충체를 고정하여 두었던 것중203 마리였다. 해부현미경하에서 완전하다고 판단한 충체를 골라, 길이를 측정하고, 0.1N Na OH 용액으로 충체를 연화시켰으며, 측정판에서 충체를 해부침으로 파괴한 다음 난각을 형성한 충란의 숫자를 세었다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 난각을 형성한 충란은 요충 자층의 길이 5.50mm일 때부터 나타나기 시작하였다. 2. 충란을 보유한 충체의 비율은 충체 길이 5.50~5.99mm에서 25%, 600~6.49mm에서 53.3%, 6.50~6.99mm에서 86.7%, 7.00~7.49mm에서 95.2%이었으며 7.50mm이상 충체에서는 100%가 충란을 보유하였다. 3. 충체 길이별 보유 충란수의 평균과 표준편차는 5.49mm이하에서 0, 5.50~5.99mm에서 $19{\pm}50$개, 6.00~6.49mm에서 $734{\pm}$1,597개, 6.50~6.99mm에서 $1,473{\pm}1,606$개, 7.00~7.49mm에서 $1,530{\pm}2,055$개, 7.50~7.99mm에서 $2,567{\pm}2,046$개, 8.00~8.49mm에서 $5,598{\pm}2,470$개, 7.50~8.99mm에서 $9,318{\pm}2,651$개, 9.00~9.49mm에서 $10,678{\pm}2,892$개, 9.50~9.90mm에서 $13,323{\pm}1,778$개 이었다. 4. 충체 길이별 충란 보유수는 충체 개개에 따라 특히 5.5~8.0mm의 범위에서 상대적으로 큰 변이폭을 나타냈으나 9.0mm이상이 되면 보유 충란수는 대부분 충체에서 10,000개 이상 16,600개의 범위에 있으면서 변이폭도 좁아지고 있다. 이상의 결과에서 요충 자충의 충란 생산은 감염후 28~32일에 시작하며 생산 초기단계 충란 보유수는 충체에 따라 차이가 심하다가 9.0mm이상으로 자라면서 거의 모든 충체가 충란을 10,000~16,000개 보유하면서 충란을 가득 갖고 항문으로 이행한다고 생각하였다.
In order to correlate the number of eggs In female Enterobius vermicularis with their body length and to re-evaluate the number of eggs liberated by gravid females, a total of 203 worms were examined. Those females were removed from naturally infected orphans with mebendazole (100mg) and had been fi...
In order to correlate the number of eggs In female Enterobius vermicularis with their body length and to re-evaluate the number of eggs liberated by gravid females, a total of 203 worms were examined. Those females were removed from naturally infected orphans with mebendazole (100mg) and had been fixed in 10% formalin(Cho et al., 1981). The decent ones which were selected under dissecting microscope were unbroken, neatly fixed females without contaminated eggs on their surface. The worms were measured by their body length, softened in 0.1N NaOH solution overnight, and teased by dissecting needles. And their number of shelled eggs was measured in a counting chamber made as described by Denham et at. (1971). The results were summarized as follows: 1. The observed females, 4.10~9.90mm long, began to have shelled eggs in uterus when body length was 5.50mm or longer. 2. The percentage of females with eggs in uterus was as follows by range of body length: 25% in 5.50~5.99mm long, 53.3% in 6.00~6.49mm long, 86.7% in 6.50~6.99mm long, 95.2% in 7.00~7.49mm long and 100% in 7.50mm or longer. 3. The mean and standard deviation of egg number were as follows by the length of females: $19{\pm}50$ in 5.50~5.99mm long, $734{\pm}1,597$ in 6.00~6.49mm long, $1,473{pm}1,606$ in 6.50~6.99mm long, $1,530{\pm}2,055$ in 7.00~7.49mm long, $2,567{\pm}2,046$ in 7.50~7.99mm long, $5,598{\pm}2,470$ in 8.00~8.49mm long, $9,318{\pm}2,651$ in 8.50~8.99mm long, $10,678{\pm}2,892$ in 9.00~9.49mm long and $13,323{\pm}1,778$ in 9.50~9.90mm long. 4. The numbers of uterine eggs showed greater individual variation when the female lengths were in range of 5.5~8.0mm. When the female length was longer than 9.0mm, the egg numbers were over 10,000 in majority, and showed lesser individual variations. Above results su99ested that the e99 Production in female 5. vermicularis began in 28~32 days after infection and that in early stapes, the egg Production varied by individual worms, but in gravid females longer than 9. Qmm at last deposited 10,000 to 16,000 eggs in their uterus with the least individual variations.
In order to correlate the number of eggs In female Enterobius vermicularis with their body length and to re-evaluate the number of eggs liberated by gravid females, a total of 203 worms were examined. Those females were removed from naturally infected orphans with mebendazole (100mg) and had been fixed in 10% formalin(Cho et al., 1981). The decent ones which were selected under dissecting microscope were unbroken, neatly fixed females without contaminated eggs on their surface. The worms were measured by their body length, softened in 0.1N NaOH solution overnight, and teased by dissecting needles. And their number of shelled eggs was measured in a counting chamber made as described by Denham et at. (1971). The results were summarized as follows: 1. The observed females, 4.10~9.90mm long, began to have shelled eggs in uterus when body length was 5.50mm or longer. 2. The percentage of females with eggs in uterus was as follows by range of body length: 25% in 5.50~5.99mm long, 53.3% in 6.00~6.49mm long, 86.7% in 6.50~6.99mm long, 95.2% in 7.00~7.49mm long and 100% in 7.50mm or longer. 3. The mean and standard deviation of egg number were as follows by the length of females: $19{\pm}50$ in 5.50~5.99mm long, $734{\pm}1,597$ in 6.00~6.49mm long, $1,473{pm}1,606$ in 6.50~6.99mm long, $1,530{\pm}2,055$ in 7.00~7.49mm long, $2,567{\pm}2,046$ in 7.50~7.99mm long, $5,598{\pm}2,470$ in 8.00~8.49mm long, $9,318{\pm}2,651$ in 8.50~8.99mm long, $10,678{\pm}2,892$ in 9.00~9.49mm long and $13,323{\pm}1,778$ in 9.50~9.90mm long. 4. The numbers of uterine eggs showed greater individual variation when the female lengths were in range of 5.5~8.0mm. When the female length was longer than 9.0mm, the egg numbers were over 10,000 in majority, and showed lesser individual variations. Above results su99ested that the e99 Production in female 5. vermicularis began in 28~32 days after infection and that in early stapes, the egg Production varied by individual worms, but in gravid females longer than 9. Qmm at last deposited 10,000 to 16,000 eggs in their uterus with the least individual variations.
참고문헌 (6)
Nippon Kiseichugakkai Kiji Akagi 21 13 1952
Korean J Parasitol Cho 19 1 18 1981 10.3347/kjp.1981.19.1.18
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