Veratrylglycerol-${\beta}$-vanillylalcohol ether 결합 (${\beta}$-O-4 linkage)을 갖는 이양체(二量體) 리그닌 모델화합물(化合物)의 합성(合成)하여 각종 리그닌 반응(反應)의 시료(試料)로서 활용(活用)하고자 3,5-dimethoxyacetophenone을 출발물질(出發物質)로 하여 ${\beta}$-ring에 측소(側銷)를 갖는 이양체(二量體) 리그닌 모델화합물(化合物)(I-IV)을 합성(合成)하였고, 융점측정, $^1H(^{13}C)$-NMR 및 Mass 스펙트라에 의하여 그 화학구조(化學構造)를 동정(同定)하였다. 이 합성화합물(合成化合物)중에서 1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(2'-methoxy-4'-hydroxymethylphenoxy)ropanediol-1,3[IV]는 매우 중요한 리그닌 이양체(二量體) 화합물(化合物)이다. 이러한 리그닌 합성연구(合成硏究)는 기초적(基礎的)인 연구(硏究)의 중요성(重要性) 뿐만아니라 응용면(應用面)에서도 그 활용도(活用度)가 높을 것이다.
Veratrylglycerol-${\beta}$-vanillylalcohol ether 결합 (${\beta}$-O-4 linkage)을 갖는 이양체(二量體) 리그닌 모델화합물(化合物)의 합성(合成)하여 각종 리그닌 반응(反應)의 시료(試料)로서 활용(活用)하고자 3,5-dimethoxyacetophenone을 출발물질(出發物質)로 하여 ${\beta}$-ring에 측소(側銷)를 갖는 이양체(二量體) 리그닌 모델화합물(化合物)(I-IV)을 합성(合成)하였고, 융점측정, $^1H(^{13}C)$-NMR 및 Mass 스펙트라에 의하여 그 화학구조(化學構造)를 동정(同定)하였다. 이 합성화합물(合成化合物)중에서 1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(2'-methoxy-4'-hydroxymethylphenoxy)ropanediol-1,3[IV]는 매우 중요한 리그닌 이양체(二量體) 화합물(化合物)이다. 이러한 리그닌 합성연구(合成硏究)는 기초적(基礎的)인 연구(硏究)의 중요성(重要性) 뿐만아니라 응용면(應用面)에서도 그 활용도(活用度)가 높을 것이다.
Two dilignols composed of ${\beta}$-O-4 structure, a important substructure compound in lignin, was synthesized in high yield in a series of the synthetic studies of lignin model compounds. The dimers were identified with $^1H$ and $^{13}C$-NMR and Mass spectroscopy....
Two dilignols composed of ${\beta}$-O-4 structure, a important substructure compound in lignin, was synthesized in high yield in a series of the synthetic studies of lignin model compounds. The dimers were identified with $^1H$ and $^{13}C$-NMR and Mass spectroscopy. The important compound of among them, the final synthetic compound [IV].is called 1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(2'-methoxy-4'-hydroxymethylphenoxy)-propanediol-l,3. This dimeric lignin model compounds should be usefull for the studies of lignin reactions such as pulping, bleaching, pyrolysis, hydrogenolysis, oxidation, reduction, biodegradation, and chemical utilization.
Two dilignols composed of ${\beta}$-O-4 structure, a important substructure compound in lignin, was synthesized in high yield in a series of the synthetic studies of lignin model compounds. The dimers were identified with $^1H$ and $^{13}C$-NMR and Mass spectroscopy. The important compound of among them, the final synthetic compound [IV].is called 1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(2'-methoxy-4'-hydroxymethylphenoxy)-propanediol-l,3. This dimeric lignin model compounds should be usefull for the studies of lignin reactions such as pulping, bleaching, pyrolysis, hydrogenolysis, oxidation, reduction, biodegradation, and chemical utilization.
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