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Experimental Study on Neck Injury in Low Speed Frontal and Rear-End Collisions 원문보기

KSME international journal, v.14 no.11, 2000년, pp.1232 - 1243  

Kim, Gyu-Hyun (Safty Research Korea Automobile Testing & Research Inst.) ,  Lee, Ouk-Sub (School of Mechanical ,Aerospace and Automation Engineering,Inha University) ,  Hwang, Si-Won (Mechanical Engineering Design Department, Dongyang University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Motor vehicle accidents in rear impacts cause more than fifty percents of drivers to suffer from neck injuries. It is known that most neck injuries are associated with rear-end collisions at a speed lower than 32 km/h and between the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 1 and AIS 2. Two different types of...


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제안 방법

  • 0 on this curve corresponds to an approximately 30% risk of an AJSW3 injury. In order to establish the corresponding risk curve for a live human subject, a comparison was made between the injury rates predicted by using the Nij calculations from the experimental dummy test data and the real word injury rates estimated from the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) database. To take into account the differences between the NASS -based injury risk estimates and the experimental test data, the original porcine risk curve was shifted to the right so that an Nij value of 1.
  • In this study, we have reviewed neck injuries and the relationship between the head and neck injuries in the low speed frontal and rear-end collisions tests for the RCAR. We also looked into the effects of the position of a head restraint on the dynamic response of the front seat occupant in Hyge sled tests.
  • has recently developed an improved neck injury criterion called the Nij, and reanalyzed the neck injury risk analysis. The purpose of adding a new set of requirements is to prevent airbag from causing injuries and to expand the existing set of requirements intended, to ensure that airbags cushion and protect occupants in frontal crashes.
  • To determine the effects of the position of a head restraint on the response of the occupant'seck, three positions of the head restraint were considered in dynamic Hyge sled tests sim니ating rear impacts. A total of three series of Hyge sled tests were conducted to determine the effects of the headrest's position on the occupant's kinematics and head/neck responses in rear impacts.
  • . mum among the four Nij values for five passenger cars and truck in the RCAR frontal crash and rear-end collision tests.


  • Neck injury risk curves previously presented by Mertz (Mertz et al., J 997) were calculated based on the Mertz and Weber modified Median Rank method using the experimental data from porcine subjects (Mertz, 1982). An Nij value of 1.
  • The instrumentation was conducted according to the SAE J211 convention. The Hybrid HI dummy was consistently placed in the normal seating position for each type of seat.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (13)

  1. Backaitis,S.H.ed., 1993, 'Biomechanics of impact injury and Injury Tolerances of Head-Neck Complex,' SAE PT-43, p.15 

  2. Cesarani,A.;Alpini D.et al., 1996, Whiplash Injuries : Diagnosis and Treatment,Springer, pp.19 

  3. Kim,G.H., Lee,O.S. and Yoo,S.S., 1997, 'Experimental Study on Impact Absorbing Performance of Motorcycle Helmets', KSME INternational Journal, Vol.∥, No.3, pp.293-294 

  4. Kleinberger,M., Kuppa,S. and Saul,R., 1998, 'Development of Improved Injurty Criteria for the Assessment of Advanced Automotive Restraint Systems', National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, pp.3-26 

  5. Lee,O.S. and Park,C.Y., 1999, 'Effect of Residual Stress in A15083 TIG Region on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior', KSME Journal, Vol.23, No.6, pp.943-944 

  6. Mertz,H.J., et al., 1982, 'Response of Animals Exposed to Development of Various Passenger Inflatable Restraint System Comcepts for a Variety of Collision Severities and Animal Positions', Proceeding of the Ninth International Technical conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, pp.352-368 

  7. Mertz,H.J., et al., 1997, 'Injury Risk curves for Children and Adults in Frontal and Rear Collisions', Proceeding of the Forty-First Stapp Car Crash Conference,SAE Paper No.973318, p.231 

  8. Nahum,A.M. and Melvin,J.W., 1993, 'Accidental Injury-Biomechanics and Prevention', Society of Automotive Engineers, pp.292-300 

  9. Thomson,R.W.,Romilly,D.P., Navin,F.P.D. and Macnabb,M.J., 1993, 'Dynamic Requirements of Automobile Seatbacks', SAE Paper No. 930349, p.194 

  10. Watts,A.J., Atkinson,D.R. and Hennessy,C.J., 1996, 'Low Speed Automobile Accidents : Accident Reconstruction and Occupant Kinematics, Dynamics and Biomechanics', Society of Automotice Engineers, pp.100-107 

  11. 1994, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No.208:Occupant crash protection, Part 571 49 CFR pp.455-456 

  12. 1995, ECE Regulation No.94; Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Vehicle With Regard to Protection of the Occupants in the Event of a Frontal Collsion, pp.21-23 

  13. 1998, Department of Tr1998, ansportation National Highway Traffic Satety Admionstration 49 CFR Part 571, 585, 587, and 595, Docket No. NHTSA 98-4405, Notice 1 RIN 2127-AG70 FMVSS, Occupant Grash Protection, p.36 

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