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LMI 기법을 이용한 2자유도 표준모델에 대한 비결합 제어기의 H(sub)$\\infty$ 설계
H(sub)$\\infty$ Design for Decoupling Controllers Based on the Two-Degree-of-Freedom Standard Model Using LMI Methods 원문보기

제어·자동화·시스템공학 논문지 = Journal of control, automation and systems engineering, v.7 no.3, 2001년, pp.183 - 192  

강기원 ((주)마이다스코리아) ,  이종성 (성균관대학교 전기전자 및 컴퓨터공학과) ,  박기헌 (성균관대학교 전기전자 및 컴퓨터공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, the decoupling H(sub)$\infty$ controller which minimizes the maximum energy in the output signal is designed to reduce the coupling properties between the input/output variables which make it difficult to control a system efficiently. The state-space formulas corresponding ...


참고문헌 (20)

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  20. C. Scherer, P. Gahinet and M. Chilali, 'Multi-objective Output-Feedback Control via LMI Optimization,' IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 42, no. 7, Jul., 1997 

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