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[국내논문] 유전자검사자료의 통계분석을 위한 수량화 및 그래프 방법
Quantification and Graphical Method for DNA Fingerprinting 원문보기

응용통계연구 = The Korean journal of applied statistics, v.15 no.1, 2002년, pp.85 - 105  

박미라 (을지의과대학교 의예과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구에서는 유전자 검사자료에서 각 유전자좌내 및 유전자좌간의 대립형질들간의 관계를 파악하기 위한 탐색적 방법을 고려하였다. 이를 위해 유전자데이터를 재배열한 후 대응분석 및 다중대응분석의 알고리즘을 적용하여 이를 수량화, 그래프화하는 방법 및 대응행렬도를 적용한 방법을 제안하였다 이러 한 수량화 및 그래프 결과가 하디-와인버그 평형검정 및 연관균형검정 결과와 어떤 관계가 있는지 알아보고 실제 한국인 집단에 대한 STR 유전자좌 자료를 이용하여 결과를 비교하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

To explore the relationships among frequencies for sets of alleles, within or between loci, is one of the first analyses in population genetic study. The general question is whether the frequency of a set of alleles is the same as the product of each of the separate allele frequencies. For two allel...


참고문헌 (13)

  1. Budowle, Bruce, Nhari, Leonard T, Moretti, Tamyra R, Kanoyangwa, Shingirai B, Masuka, Eunita, Defenbaugh, Debra A, Smerick, Jill B. Zimbabwe black population data on the six short tandem repeat loci – CSF1PO, TPOX, THO1, D3S1358, VWA and FGA. Forensic science international, vol.90, no.3, 215-221.

  2. 10.2307/2556115 

  3. Gabriel, K. R.. The Biplot Graphic Display of Matrices with Application to Principal Component Analysis. Biometrika, vol.58, no.3, 453-467.

  4. 10.2307/2289445 

  5. Guo, Sun Wei, Thompson, Elizabeth A.. Performing the Exact Test of Hardy-Weinberg Proportion for Multiple Alleles. Biometrics, vol.48, no.2, 361-.

  6. Han, G.-R., Lee, Y.-W., Lee, H.-L., Kim, S.-M., Ku, T.-W., Kang, I.-H., Lee, H.-S., Hwang, J.-J.. A Korean population study of the nine STR loci FGA, VWA, D3S1358, D18S51, D21S11, D8S1179, D7S820, D13S317 and D5S818. International journal of legal medicine, vol.114, no.1, 41-44.

  7. 10.1126/science.28.706.49 

  8. Holt, Cydne L, Stauffer, Clinton, Wallin, Jeanette M, Lazaruk, Katherine D, Nguyen, Theresa, Budowle, Bruce, Walsh, P.Sean. Practical applications of genotypic surveys for forensic STR testing. Forensic science international, vol.112, no.2, 91-109.

  9. Klintschar, Michael, Al-Hammadi, Nabil, Reichenpfader, Barbara. Population genetic studies on the tetrameric short tandem repeat loci D3S1358, VWA, FGA, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, D5S818, D13S317 and D7S820 in Egypt. Forensic science international, vol.104, no.1, 23-31.

  10. Klintschar, M., Al-Hammadi, Nabil, Reichenpfader, Barbara. Significant differences between Yemenite and Egyptian STR profiles and the influence on frequency estimations in Arabs. International journal of legal medicine, vol.114, no.4, 211-214.

  11. Lee, Jae Won, Lee, Hye-Seung, Park, Mira, Hwang, Juck-Joon. Evaluation of DNA match probability in criminal case. Forensic science international, vol.116, no.2, 139-148.

  12. Ward, Richard H., Sing, Charles F.. A Consideration of the Power of the χ2Test to Detect Inbreeding Effects in Natural Populations. The American naturalist, vol.104, no.938, 355-365.

  13. Zaykin, D., Zhivotovsky, L., Weir, B. S.. Exact tests for association between alleles at arbitrary numbers of loci. Genetica. : an international journal of genetics and evolution, vol.96, no.1, 169-178.

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