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[국내논문] 광화학 반응에 의한 TiO2 나노입자 형성 및 광학특성(I)
Photochemical Synthesis and Optical Properties of TiO2 Nanoparticles( I ) 원문보기

전기전자재료학회논문지 = Journal of the Korean institute of electronic material engineers, v.16 no.2, 2003년, pp.125 - 130  

정재훈 (부경대학교 전자공학과) ,  문정오 (부경대학교 전자공학과) ,  문병기 (부경대학교 물리학과) ,  손세모 (부경대학교 인쇄정보공학과) ,  정수태 (부경대학교 전자공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

TiO$_2$ nanoparticles were prepared by photochemical synthesis in the dry toluene. The shape and size of the amorphous TiO$_2$ nanoparticles were investigated by transmission electron microscope. The particle size was varied by the contents of the titanium (IV) isopropoxide in ...


참고문헌 (12)

  1. Zhang, Dongshe, Wang, Weibo, Liu, Yao, Xiao, Xurui, Zhao, Wei, Zhang, Baowen, Cao, Yi. Photosensitization of nanocrystalline TiO2 electrodes by squarylium cyanine incorporated with a ruthenium bipyridyl complex. Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. A, Chemistry, vol.135, no.2, 235-240.

  2. Zhang, Jing, Wang, Bo-jie, Ju, Xin, Liu, Tao, Hu, Tian-dou. New observations on the optical properties of PPV/TiO2 nanocomposites. Polymer, vol.42, no.8, 3697-3702.

  3. Ishibashi, K.-i., Nosaka, Y., Hashimoto, K., Fujishima, A.. Time-Dependent Behavior of Active Oxygen Species Formed on Photoirradiated TiO2 Films in Air. The journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical, vol.102, no.12, 2117-2120.

  4. Yu, Jiaguo, Zhao, Xiujian. Effect of substrates on the photocatalytic activity of nanometer TiO2 thin films. Materials research bulletin, vol.35, no.8, 1293-1301.

  5. Bokhimi, X., Morales, A., Novaro, O., Lopez, T., Chimal, O., Asomoza, M., Gomez, R.. Effect of Copper Precursor on the Stabilization of Titania Phases, and the Optical Properties of Cu/TiO2 Prepared with the Sol−Gel Technique. Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, vol.9, no.11, 2616-2620.

  6. 10.1039/a908528i 

  7. Ovenstone, J., Yanagisawa, K.. Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment of Amorphous Titania on the Phase Change from Anatase to Rutile during Calcination. Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, vol.11, no.10, 2770-2774.

  8. Djaoued, Y., Badilescu, Simona, Ashrit, P.V., Bersani, D., Lottici, P.P., Brüning, R.. Low Temperature Sol-Gel Preparation of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Thin Films. Journal of sol-gel science and technology, vol.24, no.3, 247-254.

  9. Caruso, R. A., Antonietti, M., Giersig, M., Hentze, H.-P., Jia, J.. Modification of TiO2 Network Structures Using a Polymer Gel Coating Technique. Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, vol.13, no.3, 1114-1123.

  10. Kumar, P.Madhu, Badrinarayanan, S., Sastry, Murali. Nanocrystalline TiO2 studied by optical, FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: correlation to presence of surface states. Thin solid films, vol.358, no.1, 122-130.

  11. Matsumoto, T., Murakami, Y., Takasu, Y.. Size Control of Titanium Oxide Sheets by Regulating Catalysis in a Catalytic Sol−Gel Process and Their UV Absorption Properties. The journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical, vol.104, no.9, 1916-1920.

  12. 10.1063/1.106211 

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