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[국내논문] Development of FAMD Code to Calculate the Fluid Added Mass and Damping of Arbitrary Structures Submerged in Confined Viscous Fluid 원문보기

KSME international journal, v.17 no.3, 2003년, pp.457 - 466  

Koo, Gyeong-Hoi (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ,  Lee, Jae-Han (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, the numerical finite element formulations were derived for the linearized Navier-Stokes' equations with assumptions of two-dimensional incompressible, homogeneous viscous fluid field, and small oscillation and the FAMD (Fluid Added Mass and Damping) code was developed for practical ap...


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제안 방법

  • In this paper, the numerical finite element for­ mulations were derived for two-dimensional in­ compressible and homogeneous viscous fluid field and the FAMD (Fluid Added Mass and Dam­ ping) code was developed to obtain the fluid added mass and damping for the problems with arbitrary geometric sectional structures submerg­ ed in a viscous fluid. In this code, the fluid domain is discretized with C°~type quadratic quadrilateral elements containing eight nodes; four nodal points at the vertices and four nodal points at the midpoints of the edges.
  • The core of the liquid metal reactor consists of several hundreds hexagon cylinders very closely spaced each other. In this paper, the numerical approach by FAMD code was carried out to investigate characteristics of the fluid added mass and damping for couples of array cases.


  • , the interpolation function for the velocity variable is approximated by a quadratic function based on all eight nodal points and the interpolation func­ tion for the pressure variable is approximated by a linear function based on the four nodal points at vertices. As the FAMD pre-processor to generate the analysis input data such as nodal coordinates, element connectives, fluid boundary conditions, and so on, the commercial FEM code, ANSYS was used.
  • (15). To avoid this phenomenon, the mixed interpolation method (Zienkiewicz and Taylor, 1991) is used in this paper. The interpolation function for the velocity variable is approximated by a quadratic function based on all eight nodal points and the interpola­ tion function for the pressure variable is ap­ proximated by a linear function based on the four nodal points at vertices as shown in Fig.
  • Figure 3 shows the two-dimensional finite ele­ ment model of the fluid field fbr the concentric cylindrical shell. To generate the nodal coordina­ tes, element connectivity, fluid boundary condi­ tions, and so on, the commercial finite element code, ANSYS 5.6 was used.
  • To verify the FAMD code, the results are com­ pared with those of the theoretical solutions by Fritz for the inviscid fluid case. The fluid added mass matrix for the unit length of concentric cylindrical shell can be obtained using the simple formula as
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (11)

  1. ANSYS User's Manual for Revision 5.6, Volume I, II, III 

  2. Chen, S. S., Wambsganss, M. W. and Jendrzejczyk, J. A., 1976, 'Added Mass and Damping of a Vibrating Rod in Confined Viscous Fluid,' Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 98, pp. 325-329 

  3. Fritz, R. J., 1972, ' The Effect of Liquids on the Dynamic Motions of Immersed Solids,' Journal of Engineering for Industry, Transactions of the ASME, pp. 167-173 

  4. Intercomparison of Liquid metal Fast Reactor Seismic Analysis Codes, Volume 3 : Comparison of Observed Effects with Computer from Seismic Disturbances, IAEA-TECDOC-882 

  5. Koo, G. H., Lee, J. H., Lee, H. Y. and Yoo, B., 1999, 'Stability of Laminated Rubber Bearing and its Application to Seismic Isolation,' KSME International Journal, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 595-604 

  6. Koo, G. H. and Lee, J. H., 2001, 'Effect of Fluid Added Mass on Vibration Characteristics and Seismic Responses of Immersed Concentric Cylinders,' Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 25-33 

  7. Mulcahy, T. M., 1980, 'Fluid Forces on Rods Vibrating in Finite Length Annular Regions,' Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 47, pp. 234-240 

  8. Newton, R. E., Chenault, D. W. and Smith, D. A., 1974, 'Finite Element Solution for Added Mass and Damping,' Proceedings of the Int. Sym. on Finite Methods in Flow Problems, Swansea 

  9. Su, T. C., 1983, 'The Effect of Viscosity on the Forced Vibrations of Fluid-Filled Elastic Shell,' Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 50, pp. 517-524 

  10. Yang, C. I. and Moran, T. J., 1980, 'Calculations of Added Mass and Damping Coefficients for Hexagonal Cylinders in a Confined Viscous Fluid,' Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 102, pp. 152-157 

  11. Zienkiewicz and Tayor, 1991, The Finite Element Method, Fourth Edition, Volume 2, Solid and Fluid Mechanics, Dynamics and Non-linearity, McGRAW-HILL 

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