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[국내논문] 가정위탁서비스의 보호형태별 특성과 위탁아동의 적응에 관한 요인
The Characteristics of Family Foster Care Types and Factors of the Adjustability for the Foster Children 원문보기

대한가정학회지 = Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, v.41 no.5, 2003년, pp.131 - 148  

양심영 (숭의여자대학 가족복지학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study investigated family foster care characteristics according to types of foster parents-surrogate, kin, general parents and predicting factors of foster children's adjustability to new environment. Participants were 618 cases of foster parents in 17 areas of the country through stratified sa...


참고문헌 (63)

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  5. 나승혜 (2001). 가정위탁보호 위탁부모의 복지욕구에 관한 연구. 서울시립대학교 도시과학대학원 석사학위논문 

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