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한국 서해 경기만 조간대 퇴적층의 후기 플라이스토세 부정합
Late Pleistocene Unconformity in Tidal-Flat Deposit of Gyeonggi Bay, Western Coast of Korea 원문보기

한국지구과학회지 = Journal of the Korean Earth Science Society, v.24 no.8, 2003년, pp.657 - 667  

정회수 (한국해양연구원 해저환경자원연구본부) ,  유해수 (한국해양연구원 해저환경자원연구본부) ,  서정모 (군산대학교 해양학과) ,  팽우현 (한국해양연구원 해저환경자원연구본부) ,  임동일 (한국해양연구원 해저환경자원연구본부)

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현세-후기 플라이스토세의 부정합적 경계면을 조사하기 위하여 한국 서해 경기만 조간대에서 심부시추와 탄성파 탐사를 실시하였다. 분석된 모든 시추 퇴적물에서 현세 퇴적층(Unit I) 하부에 놓이는 최대 4m두께의 산화되고, 반고화된 특징을 보이는 황갈색의 산화대층(oxidized-sedimentary layer)이 발견되었다. 이 세립질의 산화대층에서 나타나는 황갈색의 퇴적물 색, 높은 N 값과 낮은 함수율의 준고화된 상태, 동토구조, 스멕타이트 광물의 부재 그리고 높은 퇴적물 화학적 풍화지수(Ba/Sr 비) 등의 다양한 특성은 퇴적물의 대기중 노출과 풍화의 중요한 증거로 제시된다. 탄소동위원소 연대와 함께 이러한 여러 증거들을 고려할 때, Unit II의 상부 산화대층은 초기 현세까지 계속되는 저해수면 동안 대기중에 노출되어 풍화 및 산화작용으로 인하여 퇴적물의 특성이 변질되어 형성된 것으로 해석된다. 따라서 산화대층의 상부 경계면은 현세와 선현세(후기 플라이스토세) 퇴적층을 구분하는 부정합면으로 제시되며, 탄성파 자료에서 나타나는 강한 반사면(prominent near-surface reflector)과 잘 일치한다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Deep-drilled core sampling and high-resolution seismic survey were carried out to identify a Holocene-late Pleistocene boundary in Gyeonggi Bay, western coast of Korea. Analysis of core sections revealed the existence of an oxidized and semi-consolidated sediment layer, Iying immediately below a Hol...


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제안 방법

  • In this study, we characterize a Holocene-late Pleistocene boundary in coastal deposits off the western coast of Korea and establish the relationship between the seismic reflection boundary and the lithologic paleo-surface on the basis of seismic profiles and deep-drilled core samples.
  • One of the most important stratigraphic findings in this study is the identification of the preHolocene oxidized-sedimentary layer, which occurs as the uppermost part of Unit II and is separated from the overlying Holocene unit (Unit I) by a sharp erosional boundary. This oxidized-sedimentary layer, up to 4 m in a maximum thickness, is moderate yellow (5Y 7/6) to dark yellowish orange (10YR 6/6) in color and mottled in appearance, showing a significant degree of weathering (Fig.

대상 데이터

  • High-resolution sub-bottom profiles (X-SIAR Digital Sub-Bottom Profiler; Edgetech, Milford, MA) were collected by the Samsung Institute of Construction Technology, Korea, and used to interpret the shallow subsurface stratigraphy of the study area. After testing six possible bandwidths of the towfish SB-0512 in the study area, the 1-6 kHz bandwidth was found to provide the best resolution and acceptable penetration.
  • The present study was carried out in the typical macrotidal flats of Gyeonggi Bay, one of the major tidal embayments along the west coast of Korea (Fig. 1). At Inchon harbor, tides are predominantly semidiurnal with mean annual tidal range of about 6.
  • Lee, for providing d잔a from the boring cores and seismic profiles. This study was supported by EEZ project (PM20300) from MOST, Korea.


  • 514 A). Semi-quantitative calculations were made according to the standard peak area method of Biscaye (1965). For elemental composition analysis, powdered sediment samples were digested with a mixed solution of HF-HNO3-HCIO4 in an airtight Teflon bomb and then leached with dilute HC1 solution (Kitano and Fujiyoshi 1980).
  • Sediments for grain size analyses were subsampled at each lithologic boundary or at intervals of less than 50 cm within thick homogeneous layers. Standard sieving and pipetting methods were used for the grain size analyses and the textural parameters were calculated using graphic methods (Ingram, 1971). Relative water content (%) were measured at 10- to 50-cm intervals using ovendrying method and engineering N-values, defined as the sum of the number of blows required to drive the sampler through the 6-in, (152.
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참고문헌 (38)

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