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Experimental Investigation on the Drag Reduction for an Axi-symmetric Body by Micro-bubble and Polymer Solution 원문보기

Journal of ship and ocean technology, v.8 no.1, 2004년, pp.1 - 9  

Yoon, Hyun-Se (Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering) ,  Park, Young-Ha (Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering) ,  Van, Suak-Ho (Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering) ,  Kim, Hyung-Tae (Chungnam National University) ,  Kim, Wu-Joan (Mokpo National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Experiments on friction drag reduction by injecting polymer (Polyethylene oxide) solution or micro-bubbles were carried out in the cavitation tunnel of KRISO. Two different drag reduction mechanisms were applied to a slender axi-symmetric body to measure the total drag reduction. And then the amount...


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문제 정의

  • The aim of the present work is to verify the effectiveness of the micro-bubble and the polymer solution on the reduction of frictional drag, and to obtain the key information on the controlling parameters through experiments. Drag reduction of the axi-symmetric body was investigated by varying the amount of additives and the polymer concentrations in the cavitation tunnel of KRISO.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (8)

  1. ITTC, Proceedings of the 8th ITTC, Madrid, Spain, published by Canal de Experiencias Hidrodinamicas, El Pardo, Madrid, 1957 

  2. Jang, J.H. and H. Kim. 1999. On the Reduction of a Ship Resistance by Attaching an Air Cavity to Its Flat Bottom. J. of Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 36, 2,1-8 

  3. Kim, D.S, H.T. Kim and W.J. Kim. 2003. Experimental Results of Friction-Drag Reduction by Injection of Microbubbles. Proc. of the Annual Spring Meeting of Society of Naval Architecture of Korea, Chochiwon, Korea 

  4. Kim, D.S., W.J. Kim and H.T. Kim. 2002. Experimental Study of Friction Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow with Polymer and Microbubble Injection. Proc. of the 2nd National Congress on Fluids Engineering, 483-486 

  5. Kim, H.T., D.S. Kim and W.J. Kim. 2003. Experimental Results of Friction-Drag Reduction by Injection of PEO Solution: Report (I). Proc. of the Annual Spring Meeting of Society of Naval Architecture of Korea, Chochiwon, Korea 

  6. Kodama, Y., A. Kakugawa, T. Takahashi, S. Nagaya and K. Sugiyama. 2002. Microbubbles: Drag Reduction Mechanism and Applicability to Ships. 24th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Fukuoka, Japan 

  7. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Seawater Drag Reduction, Newport, Rhode Island, 1998 

  8. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Smart Control of Turbulence, 2002 and also proceedings of the 1st and the 2nd Symposia, 1999 and 2001 

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