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한국의 음주기인 사망수준의 변화 : 1995-2000
Trends of Alcohol Attributable Mortality in Korea: 1995-2000 원문보기

보건행정학회지 = Korean journal of health policy and administration, v.14 no.1 = no.36, 2004년, pp.24 - 43  

김광기 (인제대학교 음주연구소) ,  조나나 (인제대학교 보건대학원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Although alcohol misuse contributes substantially to mortality from diseases, injuries and adverse effects, a few attempts have been made to figure out size of adverse consequences attributable to alcohol in Korea. This study was conducted to describe trends of estimated deaths attributable to alcoh...


참고문헌 (28)

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