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[국내논문] 실내용 서비스 로봇을 위한 거리 센서 기반의 통합 자율 주행 시스템 개발
Development of Range Sensor Based Integrated Navigation System for Indoor Service Robots 원문보기

제어·자동화·시스템공학 논문지 = Journal of control, automation and systems engineering, v.10 no.9, 2004년, pp.785 - 798  

김건희 (KIST 지능로봇연구센터) ,  김문상 (KIST 지능로봇연구센터) ,  정우진 (KIST 지능로봇연구센터)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper introduces the development of a range sensor based integrated navigation system for a multi-functional indoor service robot, called PSR (Public Service Robot System). The proposed navigation system includes hardware integration for sensors and actuators, the development of crucial navigat...


참고문헌 (20)

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  11. G. Kim, W. Chung, M. Kim, and C. Lee, 'Implementation of Multi-Functional Service Robots Using Tripodal Schematic Control Architecture,' Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp. 4005-4010, 2004 

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  13. D. Lee, W. Chung, and M. Kim, 'A Reliable Position Estimation Method of the Service Robot by Map Matching,' Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp. 2830-2835, 2003 

  14. D. Lee, W. Chung, and M. Kim, 'Integrated Localization of the Service Robot PSR,' Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp. 4017-4022, 2004 

  15. D. Lee, W. Chung, and M. Kim, 'Autonomous map building and smart localization of the service robot PSR,' Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and systems, pp. 454-459, 2003 

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