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전력용 백업퓨우즈 차단특성 모델링
Empirical Modeling on the Breaking Characteristics of Power Current Limited Fuse 원문보기

전기학회논문지. The transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers. C/ C, 전기물성·응용부문, v.54 no.9, 2005년, pp.391 - 396  

이세현 (대전기능대학 전기계측제어) ,  이병성 (한국전기공사) ,  한상옥 (충남대학교 공대 전기공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper the modeling of interrupting characteristics of a high voltage current limiting fuse to be used in a power distribution system is introduced. In order to reduce the level of energy which can be absorbed by equipment during fault current flow, a high voltage current limiting fuse can ge...


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제안 방법

  • It can limit the prospective current to less than a quarter cycle after the fault and then clear the fault totally within less than a half cycle. To develop the CL fuse, research investigating the characteristics of fuse operation before testing has been done with computer simulation.

대상 데이터

  • The X/R ratio and the making angle are included in the simulation of the arcing period. Reference is made to the items in the interrupting performance tests in the IEEE Standard C37.41 "Design tests for high voltage fuses" and the Standard KS C 4612 "Current limiting fuses" to simulate the faults which can be generated m the field with 15.5[kV], 50[kA] for the fuse rating 20[A].
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (5)

  1. Sei-Hyun Lee, Sang-Ok Han, 'The Effects of Design Parameter to Interrupt Optimally for High Voltage CL Fuse', KIEE, Vol. 48-3, pp.185-191, 1999 

  2. R.Wilkins, T.Saengsuwan, L.O'Shields, 'Short-circuit tests on current-limiting fuses: modeling of the test circuit', Proc. IEE, Vol. 140, No.1, pp. 30-36, 1993 

  3. V.N.Narancic and G. Fecteau., 'Arc Energy and Critical Tests for HV Current Limiting Fuses', Int. Conf. on Electric Fuse and Their Applications, pp. 236-251, 1984 

  4. O.Bottauscio et al., 'Influence of short circuit power factor on the cut off current of low voltage fuses', Int. Conf. on Electric Fuses and their Applications, pp. 201-205, 1991 

  5. Ki-Dong Song, Byeong-Yoon Lee, Kyong-Yop Park, Jung-Hoo Park, 'Analysis Of Dielectric Recovery Characteristics for SF/sub 6/-Blast AFCe' , KIEE, Vol. 51-6, pp.273-284, 2002 

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