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${\\cdot}$${\\cdot}$대형 중고 승용차량에 대한 차 대 차 충돌시험을 통한 차체변형 및 인체상해 특성에 관한 연구
A Study on Human Injury Characteristics and Vehicle Body Deformation with Car to Car Crash Test for Crash Compatability 원문보기

한국자동차공학회논문집 = Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, v.13 no.6, 2005년, pp.135 - 141  

임종훈 (보험개발원 자동차기술연구소) ,  박인송 (보험개발원 자동차기술연구소) ,  허승진 (국민대학교 자동차공학 전문대학원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Currently many safety assessment tests are conducted by crashing a vehicle against a rigid or deformable barrier. It is quite rational to evaluate crash performance of a vehicle in a barrier test in terms of vehicle stiffness and strength. However, there has been a lot of debate on whether barrier t...


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문제 정의

  • 따라서 본 논문에서는 자차의 충돌안전 뿐만 아 니라, 상호 충돌 안전성을 확보하고, 고속충돌사고 에서 차체구조 안전성 이 확보된 차량의 설계제작을 유도하기 위하여 서로 다른 기하학적 구조를 가진 경승용차와 대형 승용차, 동일한 차체구조를 가진 소형승용차의 차 대 차 충돌시험을 실시하였다. 차 체 변형 특성 및 인체상해 특성 분석을 위해 각각 대형 승용차량과 경 승용차량의 차 대 차 충돌실험을 48.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (13)

  1. I. S. Park, 'A Study on the Vehicle Safety at a High Speed Crash and the Vehicle Damageability and Repairability at a Low Speed Crash,' Kookmin University, Ph. D. Dissertation, pp.30-32, 1999 

  2. Y. Kitagawa and C. Pal, 'Evaluation of Vehicle Body Stiffness and Strength for Car to Car Compatability,' SAE 2001-01-3098, 2001 

  3. S. Takizawa, E. Higuchi, T. Iwabe and T. Sugimoto, 'Experimental Evaluation of Test Procedures for Frontal Collision Compatability,' SAE 2004-01-1162, 2004 

  4. J. H. Lim, I. S. Park and S. J. Heo, 'A Study on Characteristics of Damageability and Repairability with Similar Platform Type at Low Speed 40% Offset Crash Test,' Transactions of KSAE, Vol.13, No.2, pp.108-113, 2005 

  5. J. W. Saunders III, S. Kuppa and A. Prased, 'NHTSA's Frontal Offset Research Program,' SAE 2004-01-1169, 2004 

  6. K. Mizuno, K. Wani and H. Yonezawa, 'Vehicle Crash worthiness in Full and Offset Frontal Impact Tests,' JSAE Review, Vol.24, Issue.2, pp.173-181, 2003 

  7. B. O'Neill and Y. Kyrychenko, 'Crash Incom Patabilities between Cars and Light Trucks Issues and Potential Countermeasures,' SAE 2004-01-1166, 2004 

  8. B. J. Kim, M. S. Kim and S. J. Heo, 'Optimization of a F -125 Aluminum Body Considering Static Stiffness, Vibration and Crashworthiness Constraints,' Spring Conference Proceedings, Vol.11, KSAE, pp.1064-1 066, 2003 

  9. H. S. Kim and H. J. Yim, 'Structure Borne Durability Design of a Vehicle Body curtS ture,' Transactions of KSAE, Vol.12, No.3, pp.109-110, 2004 

  10. K. Mizuno, K. Tateishi, H. Yonezaw a and H. Minda, 'Evaluation of Passenger Compartment Strength Car-to-Car Frontal Crashes,' SAE 2003-01-0909, 2003 

  11. S. Fujii, T. Sunakawa and A. Abe 'Aggressivity Reducing Structure for Large Vehicles in Frontal Car to Car Crash,' SAE 200401-1163, 2004 

  12. M. K. Verma and R. Nagappala, 'Significant Factors in Height of Force Measurements for Vehicle Collision Compatibility, SAE 200401-1165, 2004 

  13. D. Haenchen and T. Schwarz, 'Feasible Steps towards Improved Crash Compatability,' SAE 2004-01-1167, 2004 

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